Lord of the House

Vol 4 Chapter 32: Fengyue Longzangpu

Longzangpu in the south of the city is the head of the twenty-four cities in Jiangning. There are row upon row of private manor houses. The docks and ports stretch for dozens of miles. When the lights are on, the inner and outer rivers in this bifurcated Longzangpu are like a bright galaxy.

On the other side of the branch is the garrison's Jianrui battalion.

It is said in private that after Anji County was attacked by Donghai bandits, Li Zhuo summoned She Feihu to reprimand him, and then directly transferred Jianrui Camp to Punan.

Jiangning Mansion also tightened the supervision of ships and business travel entering and leaving Longzangpu, and even sent a team of horse infantry to change shifts to watch the main hall of Qingfenghang to monitor the entry and exit.

After all, the East China Sea bandits backed by the extravagant family wantonly attacked the prefectures and counties along the Taihu Lake, seriously infringing on the local forces in Jiangdong County. The Jiangning government and the prefecture have many conflicts, but they have the same local interests. It is quite polite not to directly put She Feihu in soft custody.

The Tangkou of the Xihehui and the house of the Sun family are on the west side of the fork, and the piers on the outside are crowded with boats. After returning from the estuary, he was a little drunk, and was dispelled by the cold night wind. Sun Jingxuan gathered up his robes and walked to the pier. Qiu Cao will be shipped. Be careful in everything. After walking around without looking at it, Sun Jingxuan did not feel relieved to return to the house to rest.

Passing through the small courtyard of her daughter Wen Wan, listening to the charming laughter inside, she knew that the two daughters of the second child's family were also having fun here.

"Daddy is back..." Sun Wenwan listened to the movement in the passage, stuck her head out to look, saw her father standing in front of the moon gate thinking something, and asked, "How did you eat today? I thought you would be drunk. come back."

"Lin Fu and Yang Pu are mostly invited by the Dongyang Township Party. Why do you have any intention to drink?" Sun Jingxuan said, "We will use fifty of our ships for Xisha Island. I will wait for your second uncle to come back and discuss it."

"Do you want so many ships?" Sun Wenwan asked in surprise, "Could it be that the people he stayed on Xisha Island would not come back? Did he really carry it with the She family?" On Xisha Island, the Lin family also has 20 or 30 ships for Lin Fu to use for disaster relief on Xisha Island. At this time, they borrowed another 50 ships from here, even if the Dongyang, "Jiyun 1" and "Jiyun 2" three ships The ship stayed on the island to prepare for the battle, and Lin Funeng's transportation capacity on Xisha Island would also reach as much as 15,000 stone. Such a large-scale delivery of materials to Xisha Island may have exceeded the boundary of disaster relief and disaster preparedness.

"Who knows? But the hatred between the two sides is deep," Sun Jingxuan shook his head and sighed, without thinking deeply, he just said, "It was said that Du Rong wanted to use the Shu family to kill Lin Bie in Anji, but died under Lin Bie's knife instead. , Qingfeng travel was in chaos, and it has not recovered to this day. The Shu family village was destroyed by Lin Fu, and more than 30 people, men, women and children, were arrested and handed over to Huzhou Prefecture. The county people hated the Shu family colluding with pirates to break the city. The prisoners threw bricks and stones at the county residents and smashed them to death when they paraded through the streets. At the beginning of August, Xisha Island was attacked, which should be the counterattack of the luxury family. Man, your Uncle Fu also lost an arm. After the **** battle in Jiyang, Ninghaizhen said that more than 4,000 people were killed, and the Donghai bandits killed more than 1,000 people. This part of the Donghai bandits should be extravagant families. The power accumulated by the islands."

Sun Wenwan sighed with emotion. Lin Bie entered Jiangning last winter. At Chaotianyi, he and Du Rong swore that they could not stand apart. Others only listened to it as a wild talk and a joke. Who would have thought that Du Rongzhen would die under the knife of Lin Bie in less than a year. .

"Dad, are you going to borrow a boat to lend him someone?" Sun Wenwan asked.

"It can't be counted as a loan. Jiyun Club and Xihe Association hire boats and hire people, and business is always going to be done," Sun Jingxuan said. It's been rotten long ago. If the waterway is cut off, the more than 2,000 members of the Xihe Association will drag their families and their mouths to drink the northwest wind?"

"Yes," Sun Wenwan said. "If I decide this Jiangdong County, I will let Lin Fu go to Dangzhou County, Chongzhou..."

"When I was drinking, there were people complaining about it. In the battle of Jiyang, Lin Fu was given such a big credit that the imperial court rewarded him by one level. It would be too stingy. But even if he was promoted by one level, the minister of Xuanfu would still be stingy. I won’t agree to Lin Fu going to Chongzhou to be the magistrate, it would be nice if it’s your little girl’s turn to decide the world’s affairs.” Sun Jingxuan laughed, feeling that things were going to be difficult in his heart, Xihe would look like a lot of people, but he could control Xihe. There are really not many court officials who will take it seriously.

"Lin Bie is doing this on Xisha Island, will Chongzhou have any opinions?" Sun Wenwan asked with concern.

"The local attitude is worth pondering," Sun Jingxuan said with a smile, "When the East China Sea bandits did not cause a disaster, Chongzhou hated Lin Bie for meddling in Xisha Island; listening to the congregation who returned from Chongzhou, Chongzhou County was worried that Lin Fu would leave Xisha Island at this time. Get out. However, Jiangning Qingliu Shilin still scolds Gu Wuchen and Lin Fu most of the time..."

"Probably compared to the outsider Lin Fu, the threat of East China Sea bandits is more serious." Sun Wenwan said softly.

"Uncle is back?" Lin Jingzhong's fiancee and Sun Jingtang's daughter, Sun Wenpei, took the younger sister's hand and walked out of the room, bowed to Sun Jingxuan, and said to Sun Wenwan, "I've told you, don't forget the day after tomorrow. Well, I'll go back first."

"What happened the day after tomorrow?" Sun Jingxuan asked.

"The day after tomorrow, Mr. Zhao of the Ministry of Punishment will teach prison lessons at Hekou," Sun Wenpei said. "The day after tomorrow, the Hekou will open a grass market, and the autumn water will be shipped. The weather in the north is cold, so I'm going to buy a thick cotton robe for your uncle. what."

"Thank you first." Sun Jingxuan said with a smile, he had put his mind on Qiu Cao these days, but he didn't care about Zhao Shuhan's lecture on prison studies at Hekou.

Although Xihehui only carried 40,000 stone grains in autumn, but it was very different from 40,000 stone in summer.

First of all, the total amount of Xia Cao to be tested this year is only 300,000 stone. Even if the Hongze Pu Cao Road is blocked and there are few boats, the Weiyang waterway is still smooth. The southeast wind prevails in summer and autumn and the water level is high, so it is very convenient. This year, the total amount of autumn water in the southeastern counties has reached 2.5 million stone. The wind in autumn and winter is unfavorable, the water level is low and shallow, the Hongzepu waterway is blocked, and the waterways from Jiangxi and the two lakes will be crowded to pass the Weiyang waterway, which will cause many problems.

In previous years, the boats have been dispatched by this time. This year, there are particularly many things in the prefectures and counties along the Yangtze River, and the autumn and water affairs have been delayed again and again. Sun Jingxuan was worried that the delay would continue. The weather was very cold and the rivers to the north of the Huai River were frozen. That was a big problem. It was very likely that if the road was blocked in the middle of the road, it would take three or four months to wait until the next spring to thaw before continuing to move forward. A large number of people are stranded on the way to eat, drink and lasa. The river freezes. If the grain-loading boat is crushed by the river ice, the Chengyang Gang will also compensate the boat with grain.

For the autumn water affairs, Sun Jingtang personally went to Huai'an Mansion to look north to see the water conditions, and he had to be fully prepared for many things.


"This Shuziduan is really chasing Dong Yuan..." She Feihu's handsome face looked particularly gloomy under the candlelight, and the sound of water from Longzangpu came leisurely from the window, which made people feel disturbed.

Qin Zitan sat down and said nothing. Jiang Ning Fengyi has compared the **** battle of Jiyang with Dong Yuan's Shou Xianxia battle, and compared Lin Fu with Dong Yuan of that year; of course, Dong Yuan is not much affected by Qingliu Shilin welcome; but they are all rivals of luxury.

Now Jiangning is very vigilant about their side, Li Zhuo transferred Jianrui Camp to be stationed near them, just to monitor them, so that their activities were greatly restricted. Especially after Du Rong's death, Qingfenghang was quite chaotic. They didn't have a replacement candidate who could replace Du Rong, who was very familiar with the situation in Jiangdong and had extensive contacts, so they had to think about what action they would make in Jiangning. Unlikely.

She Feihu is like a tiger trapped in a cage. Naturally, his mood is not smooth, and his temper also becomes irritable and restless.

"What's the fuss about? It's good to let the boss suffer some setbacks. How can there be a reason to eat one bite and become fat?" Song Jia lazily sat on the brocade couch wearing neon clothes, "Donghai soldiers in the Shengsi Islands are just an alliance The alliance is far from enough. No matter how close the alliance is, it will only be a mob. This time it looks like it has suffered a big loss. In fact, it has weakened the power of other families. I think the boss will arrest all the East China Sea soldiers this time as long as he is determined. In my own hands, there are many more opportunities than before, maybe it is a blessing in disguise..."

"The young lady's statement is also reasonable. If the attack on Jiyang this time is Jin'an elite soldiers, Lin Fu will not have the opportunity to become famous," Qin Zitan said, "On the other hand, Jiyang In the **** battle, Jin'an lost more than 300 old soldiers, although it was a heartache, but the other ten East Sea bandits also lost more than 700 people, just enough to replenish more Jin'an elite soldiers. With the development of the supplementary model, the core forces of the East Sea Bandits will be completely controlled by the She family, and then the peripheral forces can be directly incorporated. I think that the Young Master should suggest to Jin An, urging the eldest son to rest and rehabilitate, and still need constant harassment The three prefectures of Pingjiang, Jiahang, and Mingzhou will be rehabilitated with war training, and will consume the strength of other forces, and recruit people from Jinan to supplement them."

"Consume and replenish, consume and replenish..." She Feihu gently chewed Qin Zitan's suggestion, and his face softened. After the She family split the earth and sealed the marquis, in order to reduce the court's vigilance and recuperate, in Jin'an only more than 10,000 elite soldiers were kept, and nearly 100,000 soldiers were cut off. The She family did not lack reserve soldiers.

"I think you two brothers are too impatient," Song Jiayan said with a smile, "To completely disrupt the situation in Jiangdong County at this time will only make Liu An'er and other forces wait for the opportunity to expand and grow. It's hard to say whether they will obey the words of the She family..."

"Could it be that the loss of Jiyang can make you say good things?" She Feihu retorted with a rare smile.

"It's not a good thing either," Qin Zitan said naturally, not to mention Du Rong's death as a spoiler, "Judging from the information collected so far, Lin Fu has no intention of withdrawing from Xisha Island. The attitude has also quietly changed, which is not good for us. The only good news is that Gu Wuchen has no intention of letting Lin Bie participate in military affairs at the moment..."

"This is indeed good news," She Feihu also had to admit, "Probably because the stubby is too sharp, Gu Wuchen is worried that it will be difficult to control in the future."

At present, Dongyang Township, which has a full staff of 4,000 people, is under the control of Gu Wuchen, and has shown a rather positive situation in the northern area of ​​Dongyang, which puts Liu An'er's troops under considerable pressure on the deployment of Shiliang County; Yongdu is handed over to Lin Fu for direct command, which is likely to directly change the situation in the Hongzepu area.

"You men are all so shrewd, and always want to overwhelm others," Song Jia said disdainfully while sitting next to her.

She Feihu ignored his wife's mockery and looked down at the map on the desk. It would be a headache for Lin Fu not to remove his staff from Xisha Island. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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