Lord of the House

Vol 4 Chapter 35: words of the mantra

The car stopped at Zhutang Xiyuan, Lin Fu and Xiaoman got off the carriage, took down the silver makeup knife that Song Jia was carrying, and said to the beautiful woman in the car: "Zhutang is a place for lectures, carrying a knife is ominous, and inside There is a quiet room specially reserved for female relatives to observe and separate from the lobby, please don’t be restrained by the young lady and Miss She. If possible, please ask the young lady to send a message to the She family on behalf of Lin…”

Song Jia didn't get angry because Lin Fu was coerced over, and sat quietly listening to what Lin Fu had to say to the She family.

"It has been said since ancient times: Those who can eliminate the harm of the people and return to the people are for democracy. Although extravagant families have different aspirations, they are cruel and unkind. They invade the world and kill the people's livelihood for their own selfish desires, and want to make the world return to their hearts. The extravagant family is powerful, and has a strange plan to abandon the land and go to the sea. At first glance, there is an unstoppable trend, but Lin Tie is not talented, and his strength is as weak as a man's arm, madly wanting to stop the car... The young lady took this word with you. It can be given to a luxury home.”

Song Jia lifted the curtain of the car and looked at the back of Lin Bing leaving; She Mingyue turned her face to look out, she breathed a sigh of relief, and said disdainfully: "What is he saying, he wants to swear with our She family. stand?"

The coachman and the maid who were unloading the weapons came with him wrapped in a veil. They stood beside the carriage, their faces bloodless. Song Jia reprimanded in a low voice, "Whoever dares to talk nonsense when you go back, carefully cut off your tongue!" The coachman and the maid were in a hurry Nodding, not daring to violate the young lady's intention a little bit, the young lady and the young lady forced the pig herd to ride in the same car, and the young master knew about the matter, and he might lose his temper with their servants.

Song Jia sighed in her heart, thinking that Lin Bie's deployment on Xisha Island was really going to fight against the luxury family to the end. She thought that even if she used Mingyue's marriage to recruit him, it probably wouldn't work, right? She seemed to have put her mind down, Xianbai put her hands on her knees, and smiled with her sister-in-law, She Mingyue: "A man who dares to talk big is always cuter than a docile one..." He raised his head and looked at the curtain in front of him. , with the words "Women's Room" written, thinking that the power of Hekou is still small, and the elite soldiers are only three or five hundred, which is not a large scale. Lin Fu is also attached to Gu Wuchen, but the faint air is revealed, but few people can match it. , I don't know how Daddy will evaluate Lin Fu when he sees him?


Sun Wenwan and Wen Pei were surprised that Lin Fu suddenly got into the carriage parked on the street and walked behind the carriage. Just outside the moon gate, they heard Lin Fu say what he said to Song Jia and She Mingyue who were in the carriage. , I was stunned for a while, and when Lin Bie and Xiaoman dressed as a handsome boy came out of the room, he took a half step back and saluted.

Lin Fu saw that sisters Sun Wenwan and Sun Wenpei were standing outside the moon gate, nodded and left without saying anything.

Sun Wenwan looked at the back of Lin Fu's departure, and mulled over the words that Lin Fu said to the aunt of the She family: weak as a man's arm, madly wanting to stop the car, and an inexplicable feeling in her heart.

Sun Wenwan pondered the behavior of Lin Fu's entry into Jiangning in the past year, and it is no exaggeration to say that he is always a madman trying to block the car with a man's arm. Dou, which time did you not use the weak to bully the strong, and use the man's arm to block the car? Like others, he regards him as a madman who is a high-ranking Bo, who is willing to gamble and take risks in order to gain the favor of the Chu Party, but he never thinks that he has a great wish to "eliminate the harm of the people and return to the people".

Now he is desperate to send all the resources in his hand to Xisha Island, and he also wants to block the East China Sea pirates who are supported by one of the princes and families behind him!

Sun Wenwan's face became a little hot when she thought of persuading her father to get out of the battle with the foundation of the Xihe Society during the Battle of Hekou They will fight with blood in Jiyang to repel the East China Sea bandits. When the chaos in Jiangdong occurs, how can the Xihe Society be immune to itself?

Sun Wenwan was both ashamed and regretful in her heart, like a little girl who did something wrong, watching Lin Bie leave, she couldn't do anything.

"Hey, Mr. Lin shouldn't suspect that we are deliberately following over there to eavesdrop?" Sun Wenpei saw Wanniang thinking, and thought she was worried about this, "He is also true, there are still female relatives in the carriage, why did he get into the carriage? Doesn't it seem like the gentleman is doing it in someone else's carriage?"

"Perhaps he never bothered to be a decent gentleman..." Sun Wenwan said quietly after regaining her senses.

Although the Bamboo Hall had a special women's room, both Sun Wenwan and Wen Pei disguised themselves as men. They didn't want to sit in the women's room separate from the lobby to listen to the lecture, so they went around the lotus pond with ruined flowers and leaves to the lobby.


Lin Fu didn't go to the lecture hall. There was still some time. He took Xiaoman to Dongmin first.

He made Zhutang Dongyuan a special occasion for collecting and arranging materials, books, and compiling "Artisan Classics" and "Jianzuo Classics". When he saw Lin Fu walking in, he grabbed him and said, "Many scholars have come to the Xixi Society, and Chen Mingzhe, who has been ordered to return to his hometown to get married, is also among them. I'm afraid he is here to destroy the place..."

"If they dare to make a fool of themselves, I'll kick them out, and I'm afraid they won't do it if they want to fight with their sleeves?" Lin Bie rolled up the sleeves and smiled, "If it's about learning, what's there to worry about Shu Han? of?"

Changsun Geng, Zhao Qinmin, Gu Siyuan, Zhang Yubo, Liu Xilin and others all gathered here and laughed.

Zhao Shuhan wasn't too worried, he just said with a smile: "There is a specialization in the art industry, and the sage also said that 'three people must have my teacher', who dares to boast that the middle school is all-encompassing? Besides, they are less likely to target me. You are very likely to have a headache, and it should be your headache.”

Lin Fu smiled and said, "Then there's nothing to worry about. I don't like to argue with others. If I don't keep my mouth shut, even if the Xixi Society comes out, what can I do?"

At this time, a young servant in green came in and talked to Zhao Qinmin. Lin Fu saw that Zhao Qinmin's face became ugly and asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhao Qinmin said embarrassedly, "Ma Weihan and Gao Zongting also came together..."

Ma Weihan was the chairperson of Wang Xueshan, the governor of Jiangning Prefecture, and Zhao Qinmin once served with him as a master. It would be embarrassing to meet him here. After Gu Wuchen became the inspector and stabilized his position in Jiangdong, the threat to Zhao Qinmin's life was eliminated. No matter how stupid Wang Xueshan was, it was impossible for him to make a move that angered Gu Wuchen at this time.

Both Ma Weihan and Gao Zongting were born, but like Lin Fu, no one would treat them as insignificant pawns. On many occasions, Ma Weihan and Gao Zongting represented Wang Xueshan and Li Zhuo behind them. . Maybe Chen Mingzhe came on behalf of Yu Xinyuan or Chen Xiyan, but Chen Mingzhe himself is the famous champion of the world, and he is implicitly the leader of the younger generation of Xixi Society.

Lin Fu said, "Master Zhao is giving the lecture today, so let's not take the host away. Si Yuan can go out with Master Zhao..." Even if he sympathizes with Gao Zongting, he can't be too close to him on this occasion, lest it be passed on wrong signal to others.

Gu Siyuan bowed to Lin Fu, Zhao Qinmin, Zhang Yubo and others, and walked out with Zhao Shuhan.

Lin Bie glanced at the back of Gu Siyuan's departure, and then pulled Ge Siyu aside to ask about shipbuilding affairs.

No matter how cold their attitude is, Ma Weihan and Gao Zongting will send someone to entertain them when they come over. Zhao Shuhan was the person who gave lectures today and of course he had to come forward. Lin Fu asked Gu Siyuan to socialize together, which was also a gesture, acknowledging Gu Siyuan's status as the young master in the Gu Department, and letting him represent Hekou. After returning from Jiyang, Gu Siyuan will become much more pragmatic, and his whole person's posture will become much more peaceful, with few condescending and aggressive words and deeds; in another day, he is unlikely to attend today's occasions, maybe he is right in his heart. Miscellaneous Craftsmanship is still an attitude of disapproval.

Lin Fu also knows that the estrangement between each other is difficult to eliminate, especially since he has his unwavering goal. As far as Gu Wuchen's goal at this time is concerned, he is still thinking of the phase of a very high-ranking official, unable to jump out of the cage of party struggle, nor has the courage to use young officials from other factions.

Seeing Lin Fu's arrangement, Zhao Qinmin just smiled and said nothing.

Gu Wuchen focused his attention on Dongyang Township Yong at this time, but Lin Bie was not allowed to intervene in Dongyang Township's affairs, so it was inconvenient to prevent him from exporting a lot of resources to Xisha Island. In any case, those refugees have settled down on Xisha Island, and the strength of Xisha Island's rural camps has been strengthened, which is always beneficial to the situation on the east front~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After all, local compilation and training of rural bravery is something that Gu Wuchen single-handedly promotes, so Gu Wuchen Nor did he urge Lin Fu to transfer his staff back from Xisha Island.

Zhao Qinmin has been in Hekou for so many days, and he can't see how much strength Lin Fu has hidden, and the same is true of Gu Wuchen when he wants to come. No one dares to let go of his subordinates who have shown such sharpness in the battles of Hekou and Jiyang.

The servant came in and reported that Zhao Shuhan, Gu Siyuan accompanied Ma Weihan, Gao Zongting and others to Xiyuan directly, and Lin Fu also went through the corridor with Zhao Qinmin and others to enter the lecture hall.

Zhao Zuigui'er led the craftsmen to build the bamboo hall. The bamboo hall covers an area of ​​more than two acres and is surrounded by a long corridor. Although it is divided into east and west gardens, it is actually a single bamboo building, which is very spectacular. The place where the lectures took place was a sixteen-foot-square hall. Except for the four walls and the beams on the roof, there was no support for such a large room. It was obvious that Zhao Zuigui'er used bamboo skillfully.

The Xuantang had gathered more than a hundred people who came to listen to the lecture, traders, pawns, scholars, and officials. They were very mixed. Lin Fu and the others were about to come over. Can Miss Mei show her singing later?" But it was Su Mei who came over from that aisle to the girls' room.

Lin Fu felt like he was staring at him, turned his head, Chen Mingzhe and other seven or eight Xixi scholars were gathered in the corner of Xuantang to look at him. In addition to Chen Mingzhe, there are two other people, Lin Fu, who also knew each other. They were both successful candidates in the township examination last year, but they went to Yanjing to participate in the meeting and failed.

Although their eyes were not good, Lin Bie also clasped his fists and smiled, telling them: Come to smash the place, just come.


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