Lord of the House

Vol 4 Chapter 36: fallacy

When Zhao Shuhan gave lectures, although there was discussion, it was still within the scope of prison studies.

Zhao Shuhan has been the longest prostitution in prison studies, and he has incorporated the ideal of Lin Bing's prison management into it, which is already different from many concepts in the world. Although some people raised cross-examination on the spot, Zhao Shu was able to explain the truth in simple terms, even if others could not fully accept his point of view, there was no messing around.

Lin Bie stood in the audience and listened to Zhao Shuhan's lecture. He thought that there are many advanced concepts in later generations that cannot be forcibly instilled in the world. Too advanced pulling the seedlings and encouraging them is not only unprofitable, but harmful. Only by integrating and transforming can we have greater influence. This is true of miscellaneous learning, and the same is true of craftsmanship. It is necessary to find a wedge point that can connect with the current level of handicraft production technology.

Zhao Shuhan was going to give lectures in the bamboo hall for three days, and today was the first day. When it was about to rest at noon, the people who came to smash the place couldn't hold back, but as Zhao Shuhan expected, they pointed their spears directly at Lin Fu.

Among the seven or eight Xixi scholars who came with Chen Mingzhe, a young man with a slightly shorter stature and protruding front teeth walked to the lecture hall of the Catalpa Tree High Platform when Zhao Shuhan was about to finish his morning lecture, turned around and shouted at Lin Fu. Said: "Master Zhao's knowledge of governing prisons, Xiaosheng has already experienced it, but if you have any questions, I want to ask Master Lin..." These words turned the eyes of more than a hundred people listening to the lecture in Xuantang to Lin Fu.

Zhang Yubo leaned over and whispered to Lin Fu that this person was Chen Xiyan, an apprentice of Xixi Academy, and he was second in the Jiangdong Township Examination in the second year of Chongguan. He questioned the unfairness of the examination by the chief examiner of the township examination at that time because of his lack of words. After gaining fame, he was unable to participate in the examinations, and he has never been able to enter the official position. He hoped that Chen Xiyan could restore his fame and smooth his career path.

Lin Bie hugged his chest and looked at the toothy young man in front of the stage, and said, "But please tell me." He shattered Chen Xiyan's hope of worshipping the prime minister, and he also shattered the dreams of the students of Xixi Society with one hand, and it was natural to hate him.

"Master Lin wants to start a school in Hekou as a small official, and his ambition is so high that Xixi students like me can't match it," the toothy young man sneered and said eloquently, "Master Lin lectures, prints books, and writes books in Hekou. It is really dazzling that the boys teach miscellaneous arts and craftsmanship, and they implement various strategies. I am impressed by the mastery of Zhao's knowledge of prison management, but I occasionally get a book "Basics of Miscellaneous Learning" taught by Hekou to the boys, and it is Mr. Lin. I lead the editor, and if I have any doubts, I want to ask Master Lin in person..."

Lin Bie stood with his chest folded, without saying a word, asking him to finish the words together.

Seeing Lin Bie's attitude so arrogant, the young man with toothy teeth secretly resented, and took out a small booklet from his arms. It was Lin Bie's "Basics of Miscellaneous Learning" that was taught to boys at Hekou Xingyi School. He opened it and said: " There is a saying in the book: Between two points, the straight line is short... The students were puzzled and asked Master Lin to tell him how to assert that the straight line between two points is the shortest?" He stared at Lin Bing and added another sentence, "Sage's words: asserting without reasoning is for perverted reasoning..."

"The straight line between two points is the shortest" is a theorem that junior high school students will learn in later generations. This is also widely recognized by the craftsmen of the world. Lin Fu compiled it into "Basics of Miscellaneous Learning", but the knowledge of mathematics, physics and chemistry in his stomach was also Most of the high school graduation level is returned to the teacher, so how can you prove this theorem in a way that the world can understand? This toothy young man also said quite seriously, "Jumping without reasoning is for perverted reasoning", this is to characterize Zaxue, and wants to fundamentally obliterate his efforts to promote Zaxue in Hekou.

"Hekou Yoshixue is a trivial matter, but you have to give me a big hat with the sage Yan," Lin Fu snorted coldly, put down his hands, looked at the toothy young man with a sharp edge, and said, "My house is my house. There are several vicious dogs raised in China, known by the world as Black Mountain dogs. I have a question that I would like to ask you in turn: I throw a meat and bone in front of me, do you think the Black Mountain dog will go around in circles to grab the meat and bones or just run straight? Meat and bones in the past?"

"Of course I ran straight over to grab the meat and bones..." said the toothy youth.

"'The straight line between two points is the shortest' is a superficial truth that even my Black Mountain dog understands. What doubts do you have?" Lin Bie said disdainfully.

"..." The toothy young man thought that Lin Bie would be so eloquent and ridiculed that he was inferior to a beast, his face was blushing, listening to the laughter in the hall, and Yingying's laughter from the next girl's room, how could he have the courage to Dare to stand in front of the stage, throw his sleeves into the crowd, and walk outside the Xuantang.

"The clown jumping on the beam of his own humiliation," Lin Bie laughed at Zhang Yubo and the others who were smiling happily, and without seeing the reaction of Chen Mingzhe and others, he greeted Zhao Shuhan and said, "Master Zhao's lecture is really wonderful, Hekou The dishes are still the best in Xiaofanlou, so let's go there to celebrate Master Zhao," and bowed to Ma Weihan, Gao Zongting and others, "Mr. Ma and Mr. Gao, please come and have a glass of water and wine together..."

Secretly stabbing knives against each other, on the surface, they still want to be kind. As the curtain seat of Jiangning Governor Wang Xueshan, Ma Weihan and Gao Zongting bowed to Lin Fuzuo together and said: "It is better to be respectful than to obey orders, and it is just right to greet Lord Lin and Lord Zhao during the banquet. Please ask."

"My knowledge is really limited, and it's really inconvenient to show it off; Master Zhao's knowledge is wonderful." Lin Bie said with a smile, he knew that people like Ma Weihan wouldn't hold back and do such a meaningless provocation.

"How can I teach you how wonderful your last stroke of sunshine is..." Zhao Shuhan laughed and walked out of the hall with Lin Fu and the others.

Ma Weihan also has to admit that Lin Fucai is very quick-witted. The Xixi Society is famous for its argumentative interpretation of scriptures. Give the counterattack a waste of money.

Gao Zongting was silent. He clearly knew that Lin Fu was far more important to the situation in Jiangdong than those scholars who only played tricks.

Chen Mingzhe is the son of the Chen clan, the chief clan of Pingjiang Prefecture. The Chen family is greatly threatened by the East China Sea bandits. Lin Fu's openly opposing attitude to the She family and the East China Sea bandits is beneficial to the Chen family; if Chen Mingzhe knows the general situation, Even if the party's grudges and grievances cannot be completely put down, they should be tolerated temporarily, and there should be no door-to-door provocative actions.

It's no wonder that Chen Xiyan will do everything possible to get Chen Mingzhe back. With his ignorant temperament, if he stays in Yanjing, he will be taken care of by today's sages, and he will also be bullied by the Chu Party.


Lin Fu and the others walked out of the hall, and the female guests from the women's room also came out of the compartment one after another, standing aside with their eyebrows lowered, waiting for Lin Fu and the others to go over first.

Lin Fu saw that Su Mei and Chen Qingqing also came out hand in hand, and said with a bow: "Miss Su and Miss Chen also came to Zhutang today. I don't think Lin Fu is disrespectful, and dare to invite them to the Xiaofan Building to meet..."

"Lord Lin was really eloquent just now. If I dared not to go, I still don't know what Mr. Lin would say behind my back to arrange me." Chen Qingqing readily agreed.

Although the Lehu woman is a lowly family, she also has the opportunity to sit at the same table with the man. Lin Fu made an open appointment, which was not rude, and Su Mei just smiled, which was considered an agreement.

Xixi scholars watched Lin Fu ask Su Mei to leave first, and encouraged Chen Mingzhe to go to Xiaofanlou for dinner together.


The Xiaofan Building cannot be compared with the Fanlou in the city, and the elegant and quiet courtyards are limited in size.

Perhaps it was the Fanlou's intentional arrangement. Lin Fu sent someone to book a few tables in advance, but he arranged it in the same courtyard with Chen Mingzhe and other Xixi scholars.

In the center of the courtyard is a clear pond six or seven steps square, decorated with lake stones, and dozens of koi swimming in the middle.

Lin Fu ignored Chen Mingzhe and others who came into the chamber after them, and invited Gao Zongting, Ma Weihan, Zhao Qinmin, Zhang Yubo, Liu Xilin, Zhao Shuhan, Ge Siyu, Gu Siyuan and others, as well as the two daughters Su Mei and Chen Qingqing to enter the chamber. The small pavilions in the courtyard were seated in private rooms; everyone's entourage stayed outside to eat or guard, and Lin Fu only let Xiaoman come in to serve.

Chen Mingzhe and the others walked into the private room of the small pavilion on the opposite side, separated by the fish pond in the middle of the yard. The carved doors and windows of the private room were open, and they could clearly see the expressions on each other's faces.

Fan Ding, the owner of the fan tower, smiled like an old fox and stood at the door of the elegant room with a slightly fat body and served personally. com waited for Lin Fu to confirm the menu and drinks at noon, as if to completely forget Lin Fu's resentment that Lin Fu had kidnapped his son, Fan Zhimei, to redeem Xiaoman.

Maybe Zhao Shuhan, the guest of honor at Lin Fu's banquet today, is not a role in Jiangning City, let alone Lin Fu, but how many people in Jiangning City do not know that Ma Weiting and Gao Zongting are important characters who can speak on behalf of Wang Xueshan and Li Zhuo?

Lin Fu is a real local snake in Hekou. Now Xiaofanlou is on his site, and Fanding also knows how to restrain himself. The most important thing is that Gu Wuchen has gained a firm foothold in Jiangdong at this time. "An outsider who has nothing beyond the halo.

Chengdongwei, Moling County, and Dongyang Township Yong all became powerful forces controlled by Gu Wuchen; the **** battle in Jiyang not only made Gu Wuchen's reputation soaring, but Gu Wuchen even recruited people directly from Jiyang Minyong to supplement the heavy casualties. It can be said that It is to directly turn this part of the chariots into private soldiers of the Gu family.

These are far more real and domineering than the title or official position of the inspector, and only by mastering these can the Gu family be regarded as a wealthy family in Jiangning's power structure.

Previously, Zhao Qinmin betrayed Wang Xueshan and went to Gu Wuchen, and Wang Xueshan had the intention of slashing Zhao Qinmin to eat meat. Now Wang Xueshan's confidant Ma Weihan and Zhao Qinmin are talking sideways and cordially, like a close old friend who has never happened at all. Fan Ding knows all this. The changes are all because Gu Wuchen has a strong arm that makes others envious and jealous.

Fan Ding narrowed his eyes and looked at Lin Fu. If other families wanted to suppress Gu Wuchen, or did not want to bully Gu Wuchen in the end, even if they didn't want to hurt the peace and use thunder, it was necessary to remove such a number one person from Gu Wuchen's side.


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