Lord of the House

Vol 4 Chapter 40: zealous

The situation changed suddenly, the eastern captives broke the border, the king was in a hurry, and the diligent king of the world.

After nightfall, the Jiangning Donghua Gate was not closed. From time to time, fast horses with tokens came in and out. Inside and outside the urn city, the number of officers and soldiers on duty was twice as many as usual.

The night sky in Jiangning was hoarded with dark clouds, so thick that it was about to fall down. The cold wind whistled past the corner of the city wall, and there was a whimpering sound, which vaguely sounded like a ghost crying and a wolf howling, which made people panic. The old man in the city looked at the dark clouds in the sky and wondered in his heart that the weather was only in the first ten days of October. Could it be the first snow of the year? Naive has changed.

After all, the news of Donglu Pobian and Yanjing sending Qin Wang’s edict could not be blocked. For most of the day, rumors had spread from the Hekou side, and even the deployment of Qin Wang’s army from the Admiral’s Mansion, the garrison’s mansion, and the Observatory’s Envoy Division also spread.

Sun Jingxuan rode a fast horse to the mouth of the river, only to find that there was an extra team of Dongcheng Wei Ma infantry guards at the south gate of the fence, and the situation suddenly became tense. Sun Jingxuan dismounted from the horse, handed over the tooth card, led the horse into the fence with Hu Cong, and hesitated before walking to the cottage: What if Lin Fu made a request that Xihe would be unable to bear?

Sun Jingxuan patted his head, expelled the distracting thoughts from his mind, and walked towards the thatched cottage.

The lights in the cottage were brightly lit. There were many guards on duty in the courtyard. The doors and windows of the main hall were open. When Sun Jingxuan walked into the courtyard, he saw everyone gathered in the cottage to discuss matters.

"Sun Huishou is here," Lin Fu watched Sun Jingxuan walk into the yard and came out to greet him, "Yanjing is in an emergency, I must have heard of Sun Huishou?"

"Master Lin wants to go north with the army to King Qin?" Sun Jingxuan asked.

Rumors were spreading, and the situation was stirring. Sun Jingxuan couldn't tell which news was true and which was false. They all said that the Ministry of Justice would also send troops to serve the king.

"My new official rank has just been taken down, and I haven't even done the ink pad on the letter. The inspector dispatches the army to prepare the military governor, and accompany the army to the north to the Qin King," Lin Fu said with a smile, "Please come here, Sun Huishou, if you have something to ask for."

"Lord Lin, please tell me?" Sun Jingxuan said.

The superintendent is a senior 7th grade affairs officer, and Lin Fuyi Xuan suggested that it would be unethical for him to assume the position of the 7th grade superintendent. When King Lin Fuqin returns, it is a matter of course that he will be promoted to another level with the credit of King Qin of the Army.

Dujian is a military supervisor, but in this dynasty, it is not unusual for the supervisor to lead troops directly.

Sun Jingxuan thought that Gu Wuchen would give Lin Fu a temporary promotion, and that Lin Fu should be the main one to send troops here. However, King Qin's army is led by Cheng Yuqian, the servant of Jiangning's army. Sun Jingxuan still didn't know where Gu Wuchen sent troops to Lin Fu to lead the King of Qin to the north.

"It is inconvenient to disclose the specific deployment to Sun Huishou," Lin Fu said. "It is impossible to bring supplies from Jiangning. The Lin family will send some people, and they also want to borrow boats and people from Xihehui to purchase supplies along the way..."

"It's easy to say, how many ships and people does Lord Lin need?" Sun Jingxuan asked.

From Jiangning to Yanjing, there are many waterways connected, and there are many ports along the way. It is not difficult to just purchase supplies. Besides, Yanjing is in a hurry, and it is difficult to predict when Qiu Cao will be delayed. As long as ships are dispatched and there are not many manpower, it is not a big problem.

"I'm going to leave the Hekou soon. Mr. Zhao is in charge of this matter. Please Sun Huishou discuss this matter with Mr. Zhao." Lin Su walked into the thatched cottage with Sun Jingxuan's hand. Zhao Qinmin, Gu Siyuan, Liu Xilin and others were all in the thatched cottage. Even the head of the river mouth, Cao Ziang, changed into a military uniform and waited for orders inside.

Sun Jingxuan was shocked. He knew that Cao Zi'ang was the leader of the first group of refugees who moved to Hekou. Cao Ziang's crepe-like appearance, wearing leather armor looks a bit nondescript at first glance, but Sun Jingxuan realized from this detail that Lin Fu was going to send troops to the north from Hekou Minyong, otherwise Cao Ziang would not be able to change into military uniform.

Sun Jingxuan saw that everyone in the thatched cottage looked solemn, and he was even more certain that Lin Fu's trip to the north was no trivial matter.

Lin Bie was training people's bravery in Hekou, and asked all young men in Hekou to undergo military rotation training for about half a month in turn. This is not an unknown secret. It's just that the first batch of rotation training has not yet been completed. What kind of combat power can ordinary people cultivate after half a month of military rotation training? Besides, it was rumored that the Commissioner of the Inspectorate was going to draw 3,000 troops this time. Even if all the young and middle-aged men from the Hekou were pulled out, there would only be about 3,000 people. Sun Jingxuan felt that Lin Fu's trip north had already cast a shadow over it. .

Lin Fu welcomed Sun Jingxuan into the thatched cottage. He didn't delay for long, and he and Ao Canghai took a few guards overnight on a Wu Peng sailboat and headed to Xisha Island.

In order to mobilize the limited elite force, Lin Fu transferred Zhao Hu to Xisha Island to strengthen the defense there.

The most ugly secret on the prison island is the use of private salt. Right now, we can only temporarily stop the transportation of private salt to the prison island. Zhao Hu will also lead some soldiers to Xisha Island after many traces have been eliminated. Lin Fu recommended Changsun Geng to act as the prison officer temporarily, and the remaining military soldiers were temporarily controlled by Changsun Geng.


Guarding the General's Mansion, the lights are brightly lit, and an embroidered map of the situation in Yanji hangs on the side wall of the Ming Hall. Li Zhuo stood in front of the map with his hands behind his back, looking at the night outside the window, and sighed: "The Donglu is lightly dressed, and there is no attack on the city. Equipment, Yanjing will not lose easily; in addition, Donglu should not have too strong confidence to attack the capital..."

"If the Donglu intends to rogue in Hebei, Shandong and other places, the army of King Qin will have to fight hard. Lin Fu leads 3,000 people bravely to the north with the army to King Qin, which is really daring... This time, he should not be killed. Is it miserable?" Gao Zongting said.

"Without the majesty and courage of a horse leather corpse, what is a hero?" Li Zhuo laughed, not at all worried about the fate of Lin Fu's trip to the north. Gu Wuchen had no choice but to use Lin Fu as a general, but he also practiced a heart of stone. If Lin Fu died in the north this time, he would not feel much regret. Those outstanding figures who shine in the long river of history, in addition to talent, also need a bit of luck. Li Zhuo looked up at the situation map of Yanji, and then looked at the topographic map of Jianghuai on the bookcase, and sighed softly. , "After the winter, Liu Thief in Hongzepu will have a change, I'm worried that Zuo Shangrong can't handle it..."

"It's not for the sake of punishment, others are so disregarding the overall situation and restraining the commander, Haozhou should also be defeated..." Gao Zongting said angrily.

"This is not the time to speak angry, you think Changhuai Town is smashed, and there is a chance for me to lead the troops?" Li Zhuo asked.

"Why not?" Gao Zongting asked.

"It won't happen," Li Zhuo shook his head sadly, "if the direction of Haozhou fails, the people of Jiangning will not dare to make Jiangning fail, for fear that they will condone Liu Thief to enter Huai Shang. Expose the shortcomings of the northern defense line of Yanshan. After the siege is cleared, the DPRK and the Central Committee will discuss moving the capital. Relocating the capital is a major event for the country, and it will not act rashly, but it does not mean that the sage will not be in the heart of the capital..."

"The commander-in-chief thought that the Holy High Council would send henchmen to/operate in Jiangdong?" Gao Zongting asked.

"There will always be some preparations," Li Zhuo said. "If Haozhou loses, it will be time to set up the governor of Jianghuai, thinking that the Chu Party will allow me to take the seat of governor of Jianghuai? Maybe I will become a stumbling block again by then. , I don't know where to kick it."

"..." Gao Zongting only felt desolate.

"I can't control the future. Even if I resign and go back, I can't find a happy place in the whole country," Li Zhuo said with a smile on his face, "Lin If Bie Ruo can return without envy, then the Eastern Front can rely on him. Even if Haozhou suffers a defeat, the situation in Jiangdong will not be corrupted. In the battle of Jiyang, Duanzhen squeezed out half a year of precious time for the critical situation in Jiangdong. The two front lines can't cope... This time, the second child of the She family will not be stable in Jiangning. You need to keep an eye on Jianruiying. If there is something wrong, you want them to detain people directly. The She family is not ready, better than us Don't even dare to turn your face directly."


Knowing that Donghu's 100,000 iron cavalry invaded from the Xuanhua side wall, interspersed the mountain pass to attack Yanjing, and the emperor ordered the world to send troops to the king, She Feihu was shaking with excitement.

Even under the strict surveillance of Jiangning, She Feihu resolutely made the dark lines inside and outside Jiangning City operate to collect and transmit information. There are not a few people in Jiangdong who hate extravagant families, but there are also officials who buy extravagant families and plan to wait for the extravagant family to reach Jiangdong to have a good background. There are not many deployments of She Feihu wanting to get the king of Jiangdong. Disaster.

Jiang Dong only dispatched 10,000 miscellaneous soldiers from various places to go north to Qin Wang. She Feihu was greatly disappointed. He said to Qin Zitan, who was sitting at the bottom: "Send someone to Sizhou to tell Liu An'er~www.wuxiaspot.com~ if he can't If he delays it any longer, if he doesn't seize this opportunity, there will be no chance for him to seize it."

"Liu An'er can't be dragged on any longer," Qin Zitan said. "He has accommodated hundreds of thousands of refugees in Sizhou and other counties, and there should be not much left to store food. The price of salt in the state is extremely high to the level of a pound of salt and a tael of silver. As long as we pass the information accurately and timely, Liu An'er will know how to do it..."

"Well," She Feihu felt that Qin Zitan was right, he slapped the table viciously and said, "Lin Fu is really arrogant, he is so daring that he leads 3,000 people and dares to go north to the King of Qin, and also To lead the army by land independently. From Jiangning to Yanjing, there are more than 2,000 miles of post road, and I want to see how he leads 3,000 people to cover the distance of 2,000 miles in one month!”

"The appointment, the appointment, in fact, this is Lin Fu playing a big trick, as long as he is not slower than Cheng Yuqian, he is not out of date," She Zitan said, "Donglu entering the bandits this time, I am afraid that he will not retreat within a month. , Cheng Yuqian leads the various troops and horses of King Jiangdong Qin, and he will not dare to rush forward lightly, then Lin Fu will never be missed..."

"It's really hateful," She Feihu listened to Qin Zitan's analysis, and felt more and more that Lin Fu was very cunning, and asked Qin Zitan, "Do you think he will take all his hands from Xisha Island? "

"It's hard to say," Qin Zitan said uncertainly. "Send someone to send a letter to the eldest son. After Wang Qin's departure, he will send troops to test the truth of Xisha Island..." He looked at the young man sitting beside him. Madam Song Jia glanced at her and felt strange in her heart: The young lady and the young lady went to Hekou to listen to Zhao Shuhan's lecture on prison studies, why did they come back so thoughtful?


PS: For the third update, ask for a red ticket! My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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