Lord of the House

Vol 4 Chapter 41: Qin Wang Kitakami

After leaving Jiangning, after nightfall, the cloudy sky suddenly began to fall snow.

The first snow field in Jiangning was much earlier than in previous years. Lin Bie was wearing green armor, standing on the bow of the boat, feeling the coolness of the snow on his face. This trip north will be extremely difficult.

The Upeng boat sailed down the river. In order to catch up with the schedule, he brought eight boatmen on the road, and groups of four took turns to operate the scull to speed up the trip. In five days, we have to bring a thousand minions back to Jiangning to join us, and the time is extremely tight. Arriving at Xisha Island, and then returning to Jiangning from Xisha Island, there would be more than 900 miles to go, and Lin Fu was racing against every second.

Downstream and downwind, the speed of the boat is like an arrow, very fast, enough to reach Xisha Island in one day. When returning, the current was against the current. At this time, the northwest wind prevailed, and the wind direction was extremely unfavorable for boats. When returning, they had to take the post road to force the march.

"It's time for your lord to rest," Ao Canghai said with a smile as he got out of the cabin, "This time we're heading north, all the fat we have raised throughout the autumn will be lost."

Lin Fu smiled, took the big cotton robe handed over by Ao Canghai, got into the cabin, wrapped the big cotton robe around him, and lay down to rest in his clothes. At this time, it was useless to worry about it.

He fell asleep in a daze, and when he woke up, the sky was already bright, and in the dimly lit cabin, Ao Canghai was wrapped in a cotton robe and snoring. Lifting the hatch door curtain and looking at the low bank where the autumn grass was blown by the north wind outside, Lin Su asked the guard on duty at the hatch: "Where is this?"

"Just after Jiyang..." the guard replied.

"It's so fast." Lin Fu sat up, got out of the cabin, stood on the deck, and looked at Jiyang City on the side, shining in the morning sun, the old trees on the shore were sparse, and occasionally river birds flew across the sky , It looks like it has only been ten or twenty miles past Jiyang, and it is already less than a hundred miles away from Xisha Island.

Landing at the Southwest Beach on Xisha Island before noon, Lin Mengde received a summons and led a dozen horses to wait at the Southwest Beach.

"When I received the summons, I immediately sent people to the sea, which is three hours earlier than you came here. The people from Changshan Island will not be able to arrive until after tomorrow night at the earliest, and I can't catch up with the time..."

"Then wait until nightfall tomorrow before hitting the road." Lin Fu said.

"There are five hundred miles to go back to Jiangning. If you go upstream, the waterway must be too late..." Lin Mengde said.

"Three days of forced marching by land is enough," Lin Fu said. "The people from Changshan Island can't meet in time, so they will meet on the northbound road..."

"Walk five hundred miles in three days!" Lin Meng asked in shock.

"The standard of Wuwei's forcible march is to have all the armor and equipment and wear a seven-day eclipse and travel a hundred miles at night. From the north bank to the Chaotian Post in Gutang County, there are post roads along the road, and there are buildings for rest and food at a distance of dozens of miles. It's not a harsh standard." Lin Bie said.

It was Jiyun Wuwei, who marched for 500 miles in three days and nights. Lin Mengde was not too worried, but Minyong forcibly rushed into Jiangning, and then the King of Qin, who went north non-stop, was lightly dressed, and his strength was unimaginable. , he had a huge question mark in his heart.

It's just that Lin Fu has always been able to do what people can't. He is so confident that Lin Mengde doesn't argue with him, thinking: Lin Fu can successfully bring Min Yong to Yanjing this time without breaking the heart of the army. If the human body is not worn down, it is almost a strong soldier.

"This trip to the north is difficult and difficult. The difficulty of marching is second, and the supply with the army is the first priority," Lin Fu said. "There is no more suitable person except Uncle Mengde to take on this responsibility."

"Well..." Lin Mengde also knew that the difficulties encountered by assembling 3,000 people to complete such a high-intensity march were extraordinary. The key point was that Xisha Island could not be abandoned, and the King of Qin who went north must be supplied from Xihehui and Lin's warehouse. The coordination of various affairs is not something that ordinary people can undertake. Lin Mengde is also doing his part. "When you go north this time, who are you going to take away and who are you going to keep?"

"The intelligence scouts going north are especially important. I have to take the secret guards that Wu Qi belongs to, and I want them to spy on the intelligence along the way first. After I go north, the East China Sea bandits will come to Xisha Island to spy on the truth, and maybe there will be a tough battle to fight. Zhao Hu will follow. Will come to Xisha Island, Jiyun Wuwei and the main force of Xisha Island Township Camp will stay. Over the river mouth, Cao Zi'ang will go north with me, here, Zhou Pu, you will all go north with me, Ning Zechen will not leave, I want to ask him In addition, Mr. Fu and Master Loach stayed, and Qin Chengzu also stayed on Changshan Island to support this side..."


After eating a few dry and cold steamed buns and dried meat to satisfy their hunger, Lin Fu, Lin Mengde and others rode diagonally across Xisha Island and rushed to the Guanyintan station in the north, where they joined Fu Qinghe, Zhou Pu, Hu Zhiyong, Ning Zechen and others. confluence.

Compared with three months ago, a rock dam with a width of more than 100 steps was built along the Guanyin Beach. In the future, the Guanyin Beach Port will be built around this rock dam. The river is gradually receding and the shoal is exposed. Here, two temporary gravel roads are being organized to extend to the shoal. The final preparations are made for the construction of horizontal embankments after the winter. Many stones from the southwest of Taihu Lake have been piled up on the shoal. .

In addition, the two enclosing buildings with thick walls and connecting passages that restrain Guanyin Beach have also been rush-built, Xisha Island Township Yingzhai is built around the enclosing buildings, and two beacon fire mounds have been built in Southeast Beach.

After Lin Fu went north, he would stay at Guanyin Beach with nearly 600 soldiers from Wuwei, Wuzu and Xisha Island Township Yong. The Xisha Island township camp is full of 300 people. Most of them have gone through the **** battle on the island. For three months, Zhou Pu led the military guards to stationed on Xisha Island and carried out strict training for these villagers. Even if they lacked combat experience, their combat effectiveness is absolutely Better than ordinary pirates.

Going inward from Guanyin Beach, six high and thick outer walls surrounding the houses have been built within a thousand steps. When pirates attack the island, the refugees can evacuate or hide in the surrounding houses.

Lin Fu looked at the sky. Although there was no snow in Chongzhou, the sky was cloudy and the wind was bitter. This year's winter is extremely cold. It will be very difficult to survive this winter on the island.

Lin Fu convened Fu Qinghe, Zhou Pu, Hu Zhiyong, Ning Zechen and others on the island to discuss the details of the recruitment. Without waiting for Lin Fu to ask Ning Zechen's wishes, Ning Zechen offered to go north with the army.

In addition to the village camp Sanbai Jianyong for the official out-of-production combat preparation, Lin Fu also made Fu Qinghe, Zhou Pu, Hu Zhiyong and others to train people in Xisha Island in an estuary manner.

There are more than 24,000 people left in Xisha Island after two disasters, and the proportion of young and middle-aged male and female laborers is close to 70%.

Compared with the estuary, the expansion of factories and docks, and the construction of houses require a lot of young and young labor. The construction scale of Guanyin Beach in the early stage is limited, so many young and young laborers cannot work at full capacity, which means that the people on the Guanyin Beach are brave. The training cycle can be longer, and the scale of a rotation training organization can be larger.

Lin Bie organized Min Yong rotation training in Hekou, recruiting more than 200 people each time, and the rotation training was carried out for half a month. It was implemented from the beginning of June. As of now, there are less than 1,000 Min Yong people who have undergone rotation training.

The logistics supply is sufficient. Fu Qinghe, Zhou Pu and the others organized the Minyong training in Guanyintan, with a scale of 1,000 people at a time, and the cycle lasted for a month, and the training was more adequate. In addition, most of the people living on Xisha Island have moved from impoverished places in the northwest. Their folk customs are sturdy, and their fighting potential is actually stronger than that of Hekou people.

In addition to the village camp on Xisha Island, Guanyin Beach can recruit as many as 2,000 people. Considering that the East China Sea bandits are always the most serious and urgent threat to Xisha Island, it is impossible for Lin Bie to reduce the defense potential of Xisha Island in the short term. All emptied.


Five days later, on the 14th day of the tenth month, King Qin's army of Jiangdong agreed on the day to go north.

Chaotianyi Ferry, the boats are spread across, the masts are as dense as the forest shoots in autumn and winter, and under the cold and dark clouds, some people are suppressing the tragic emotions to be vented.

Li Zhuo, Wang Tian, ​​Gu Wuchen, Wang Xueshan, and the main officials of the Jiangning Ministries and Schools all gathered at Chaotian Station for the farewell tour of the master of Qin Wang. Zhang Yubo looked up to the east. There were only a few lonely sails on the river, and there was no flying dust on the road.

In the past few days, the northwest wind has prevailed, which is extremely unfavorable for ships to come to Jiangning against the current. The day before yesterday, there was news from the land route that Lin Fu was going to lead the people to join Jiangning by land.

The wind was unfavorable and the current was against the current, so it would be impossible to make it to Jiangning by boat; it was almost imaginary that more than a thousand people had to forcibly walk nearly 500 miles overland in three days.

Zhang Yubo looked around, so many officials from Jiangning gathered here, not so much to say goodbye to King Qin, but to wait to see the good show of Lin Fu or Gu Wuchen, the inspector.

She Feihu folded his sleeves and stood on the shore near the water, squinting at the cold and white water swaying toward the sky. The She family did not turn against the imperial court, and according to the etiquette, he naturally wanted to pay tribute to King Qin. However, Jiangning officials had to draw a clear line with the She family on the surface. She Feihu was alone with no one except those who traveled with him.

"How long do you think Lin Fu will delay to arrive?" She Feihu asked Qin Zitan.

Qin Zitan looked at the sky, the sky was dark, and it was noon, and he only said, "Probably Cheng Yuqian will lead the main force first, can't he be held accountable for his failure at this time?"

Within three days, he led more than a thousand people to Jiangning, a task that no one could accomplish~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If Li Zhuo used this to blame Lin Fu for being out of date, I am afraid that everyone would feel wronged for Lin Fu. I think Li Zhuo is too demanding.

Of course, Lin Fu's failure to date is a blow to Lin Fu himself and Gu Wuchen's prestige.

"Isn't it still early, why don't you have any patience?" Song Jia and She Mingyue were inconvenient to show their faces, and they couldn't miss the scene of their farewell to Master Qin. They had been sitting in the carriage, raising the curtains of the carriage and looking out.

She Feihu glanced back and saw that there were more than 2,000 newly recruited minions in the open space beside the post, and there were more than 200 mule and horse carts prepared by the river mouth. In addition, there were forty Wu Peng boats carrying supplies. Supplies are on the go. Gu Xi really put in a lot of effort to lead the three thousand people to the north by land.

In addition to the more than 600 people who were recruited directly from Hekou, the queue was still neat, and the other nearly 1,400 people recruited from Chaotiandangbei refugees had not been pressed by the Dongcheng horse infantry on the periphery, and they would not have been able to stand in the queue. tidy. She Feihu thought that it was impossible for Lin Fu to take all the defense forces of Xisha Island away, so it is not difficult to imagine what state the more than a thousand people recruited from Xisha Island could be in.

Three days of forced marching for 500 miles, in addition to walking on the post road, it also has extremely high requirements for first-class soldiers. She Feihu did not believe that Lin Fu would come to Jiangning as scheduled.

When She Feihu was thoughtful, two horses came galloping from a distance, the bell on the horse's neck made a special noise, it was a message and a post, and before it came to the front, the post handed the token to the surrounding guards, and the people were on the horse. The news was loudly announced on the back: "Report to the commander, the inspector, the commander of the military and the military, and the commander of the military, Lin Fu, led more than a thousand people and brave people to rest at Shilipu to prepare the army. After about an hour, the army will arrive at the station and report to the commander and the adults. Please go north to the King of Qin..."


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