Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 3: Yue Lengqiu, Governor of East Fujian

Although Jinan City is the capital of Shandong, in terms of the prosperity of the town and the distribution of commodities, it is not as good as the meeting of Hejin (the Yellow River intersects with the three rivers of Caoluwei River and Tonghe River), the channel of Caoliang transmission, the north-south throat of Linqing City, and even Linqing City. It is slightly inferior to the cities of Jining and Dezhou on Caolu, and it cannot be compared with the big commercial cities such as Jiangning, Weiyang, and Lin'an in the south.

Surrounded by more than a hundred cavalry, Lin Bie arrived at the outer city of Jinan, and looked at the earth-brown outer city wall built with rammed earth. There is no moat in the outer city, and the height of the city is only more than ten feet high. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, Jinan has not experienced any major wars, and it is inevitable to slack off in the repair of the city and the repair of combat equipment.

When Lin Fu entered Kuocheng, he could already feel the depression and loneliness of the future war in the city. Refugees from the north continued to flood into the city, and the patrolmen at the city gate and on the street were far more than the usual number of guards. The identity check of et al was also extra careful.

Although as far as the imperial court is concerned, there is still some confusion about the direction of movement of the main force of the Eastern captives, and it is more inclined to think that the main force of the Eastern captives will move westward into Jinzhong, but as one aspect that the main force of the Eastern captives may invade, Shandong has already been under great pressure.

If the Eastern invaders came to Shandong, they would definitely attack Jinan.

In terms of the situation in Shandong, Jinan is the most important. It is adjacent to the Yellow River in the north and Mount Tai in the south. The three cities are land and water cities. If you come from the west, Jinan has no ambitions in Linzi, and if you come from the north, Jinan has no questions in Huaisi. The Dongshan Commandery and the King of Lu are both stationed in Jinan. If the Dongluo captures Jinan, the whole of Shandong will become a piece of scattered sand, which will not prevent its cavalry from plundering the east and the west in the prefectures and counties in Shandong; otherwise, the Donglu cavalry will enter Shandong and Jinan will be like thorns on their backs.

Shandong Xuanfu envoy was Yue Lengqiu Jinshi in the same year. With this relationship, more than 10,000 East Minqin Wang divisions were able to enter the highland in the southwest corner of Kuocheng. After Li Zhuo left Dongmin, the imperial court dispatched elite troops from Dongmin to support the northern line, but it also left a lot of elite troops for Dongmin. Lin Fu rushed to the camp of Dongmin soldiers, seeing that the weather in the military camp was better than that of the local town army in Shanji. He knew that Yue Lengqiu had transferred Dongmin elites out.

"Yue Lengqiu has dispatched all the elite soldiers, so you're not afraid that the She family will take advantage of the emptiness of Dongmin's defenses and start fighting again?" Lin Mengde asked in a suppressed voice.

Lin Fu came over to meet Yue Zhiqiu, and in addition to having Ao Canghai lead a cavalry of 180 soldiers to follow the guards, he also brought Ao Canghai and Lin Mengde alone.

"The She family has been fighting in Dongmin for ten years, and they have chosen to negotiate peace because they are unable to do what they can. It only takes a year for the soldiers to return to their fields and recuperate. If they suddenly lose their trust and start the army, the damage to the She family's own prestige and the morale of the army will be very great. There will be a lot of controversy among the eight Dongmin families who can’t afford to fight. In addition, even if the She family hurriedly raises troops, the possibility of rushing out of Dongmin by land is still very small,” Lin Fu squinted his eyes and looked at Yishenghui against the sun. He said, "Yue Lengqiu is also a person who knows military affairs and the situation. If he can escape from Dongmin, he is somewhat confident..."

Lin Fu and the others stopped far away outside the camp gate. The guards took his famous post and posted it. After a while, a school captain in his early thirties who was wearing a military uniform greeted him. Among the three of Lin Fu, Ao Canghai, and Lin Mengde, Lin Fu was the youngest and was quite recognizable. The captain of the school saluted Lin Fu with a fist: "Yuezhi, the commander of the Yaying School of the Governor's Office of Dongmin, has seen Lord Lin, and you can follow him. I'm going to see Yue Shuai..."

"General Yue, you're welcome..." Lin Fu clenched his fists in return. He didn't know that Yue Lengqiu's personal commander, Yue Zhi, was also surnamed Yue, most of whom were Yue Lengqiu's nephew. , slender eyes but very energetic, wearing armor, not much talk, but his demeanor reveals some scholar's style.

Lin Fu sent Ao Canghai, Lin Mengde and the cavalry guards to rest in the camp with the people sent by Yue Zhi. He went to the tent alone to visit Yue Lengqiu.

After the defeat of the officers and soldiers Chen Tangyi, the northern defense lines of Heishan and Jinzhou collapsed, and the Donglu cavalry directly threatened Gyeonggi.

At that time, with Yue Lengqiu's credit for stabilizing the Yanbei line of defense and the power of the Chu Party in the center, Yue Lengqiu could have served as the governor of Jixuan and was in charge of the eastern theater of the Yanbei line of defense.

At that time, the situation in East Fujian had stabilized, and Yanbei became the focus of the court's defense. Yue Lengqiu was willing to go to East Fujian to pick up Li Zhuo's Yahui, and did not want to stay on the more important northern line. He probably saw the Yanbei line of defense. fragile and do not want to take responsibility for it.

Exactly like this, the Donglu broke into the pirates this time, not only did Yue Lengqiu not have to be involved, but the Chu party could easily shirk responsibility, and could take the opportunity to suppress the noble forces in charge of the Yanbei defense line.

Lin Fu guessed like this, and had no good impression of Yue Lengqiu. Maybe he had some skills, but he was more keen on political speculation.

"Hahaha, it's really a talent to be known as Jiyang Jianbi. Wuchen is such a student, he deserves it..." Yue Lengqiu was convening the generals in the tent to discuss matters, and saw Yue Zhi leading Lin Bie into the tent. Come, greet him warmly, and introduce the generals of Dongmin to him. Yue Lengqiu brought over 12,000 troops and horses with a guard officer and five deputy generals. All the generals in the account were generals above the battalion commander and above, and the lowest was the Zhaowu commander.

Although Lin Fu had been promoted by one rank on the march, he was now a rank seven Xuandelang casual officer and a senior rank seven superintendent officer, but he still looked bleak in the tent of the Governor of Dongmin, where the generals gathered. Except for Yue Lengqiu who greeted eagerly, the other generals of the East Fujian Army were quite indifferent.

Lin Fu didn't mind either, clasped his fists and saluted, Yue Lengqiu gave him a seat and he sat down, waiting for Yue Lengqiu to talk to him.

"I know that you are familiar with military affairs. I'm waiting to discuss the disaster of the Donglu, and you don't need to see outsiders." Yue Lengqiu called Lin Bie to sit down beside him, and said, "Listen to our discussion, do you have any opinions? Please enlighten me, don't have any reservations."

"Don't dare, Lin Fu's knowledge is very shallow." Lin Fu said, no matter what, Yue Lengqiu spoke with such a down attitude as a second-rank Fengjiang official, Lin Fu still felt it was very useful, but he was still vigilant in his heart. Although he is of the same origin as the Chu Party, he is a guest general after all, and it will be very annoying to arbitrarily intervene in the East Fujian Army for no reason. Before he entered the camp, he heard a voice of controversy.

Lin Fu thought to himself: Yue Lengqiu only entered Dongmin in late April to become the governor-general. In less than seven months, I am afraid that he has not yet subdued all the valiant officers in the Dongmin army with outstanding military exploits. Although Yue Lengqiu was the governor-general, he had nothing to do with the generals fighting against him.

Obviously, Li Zhuo's original commander treated the court so coldly to the old commander Li Zhuo, and then dismantled the East Fujian Army to pieces and held grudges, so it was not so easy to surrender.

Sure enough, Yue Lengqiu judged that the main force of the eastern captives would move westward into Jinzhong, and thought that the East Minqin Wang division should immediately leave Jinan, and go westward via Liaocheng, via the northeast of Zhongzhou, to aid Jinzhong. The generals of the Eastern Minqin King Division headed by Lu Jingyan, the chief guard of Shaowu Town, believed that the main force of the Eastern captives would go south to Shandong, and they should assist the local defenders of Shandong to prepare captives...

"Lin Dujian is good at military affairs, where do you think the main force of the Eastern captives will go to the side?" Yue Lengqiu narrowed his eyes, not annoyed that the generals refuted his face in front of outsiders, and asked Lin Bie's opinion warmly.

Lin Bie's back twitched with chills, knowing that Yue Lengqiu would never be as amiable as he looked on the surface.

Most of Yue Lengqiu also judged that the main force of the Eastern Captives would go south to Shandong, but he was unwilling to take the risk of defending Shandong for the Lu people, so he wanted to immediately move westward to Jinzhong, so as to miss the main force of Eastern Captive cavalry. Even if Shandong falls in the future, he doesn't need to take responsibility. After all, he is actively "advancing", and maybe he will pick up some records after entering Jinzhong to make a facade.

The East Fujian generals have been promoted one after another after ten years of war in East Fujian and accumulated military exploits. Even if they are no longer under the command of Li Zhuo, their determination and arrogance will not fade away easily, and they regard themselves as elite. Going south to Shandong, he wanted to help defend Shandong to gain more military exploits.

Under the surface of the discord among the generals of the East Fujian Army, there is a fundamental difference between Yue Lengqiu's opportunistic avoidance of war and the generals Ruizhi's main battle.

Lin Fu pretended to ponder for a while, and only said: "My knowledge is really superficial. I see that there is a possibility that the eastern captives will go west or go south. I can't judge which is more likely. I am stationed at Crouching Tiger. It has been nearly half a month since the mountain, and I have not been in contact with Jiangdong Commander for the past three to five days. I dare to ask Yue Shuai, what is the latest instruction from the court to the various Qin Wangshi?"

"There is a lot of controversy in the DPRK and China, and I only told the Master Lu Qin to actively seek out the enemy to fight..." Yue Lengqiu couldn't see Lin Fu's attitude, thinking that he is really not a simple person~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can't Take it easy.

Lin Bie cursed secretly in his stomach, thief mother.

The main battle in the DPRK, the main and the two factions secretly clashed endlessly, and the inclination of the main force of the eastern captives was unclear, and the divisions of the Luqin kings were also made to form their own battles. In Mingli, the army was told to actively search for the enemy to fight, but it was slow to send the envoy governor Zhu Luqin Wang division to command the enemy to fight in a unified way. Since there is no need to take any responsibility, especially after Yang Zhaoqi died in the battle, how many people would still fight hard against the Donglu cavalry? In fact, the center is still the mind of negotiating peace, but such a delay will only make the situation in Shandong completely corrupt. Even if you have the heart to negotiate peace, you must have the capital to negotiate peace. How can you negotiate peace with the enemy without fighting or winning a battle?

What a bunch of temple rotten wood!

The officials in the court were so unbearable, and they judged that Yue Lengqiu was just an opportunistic politician. Lin Bing's heart was already extremely cold, and sitting there respectfully was like a piece of dead wood.

At this moment, a messenger came in from the tent camp to report the matter, and Lu Wangfu sent someone to invite Yue Lengqiu, Lu Jingyan and others to discuss matters in the yamen of the admiral's residence.

Wang Fan was not allowed to interfere in local military and political affairs, but there was no official higher than Yue Lengqiu in the Shandong Commandery. By carrying King Lu out, he showed respect for Yue Lengqiu, a guest general. Besides, King Lu is a distant cousin of the current sage. If King Lu is brought out, he can also restrain the guest soldiers morally. However, the discussion still needs to go to the Admiral's Mansion, and the main personnel are the officials of the Shandong Prefecture.

In addition, the Shandong Commander also knew that Lin Fu was coming to the city, and the people who came also invited Lin Fu to go to the yamen of the Admiral's Mansion to discuss matters.

Lin Fu's official position is not high, but after all, he is the representative of Jiangdong Qin Wang's division in Jinan, and his subordinates actually control more than 3,000 soldiers and horses, so he is qualified to participate in this level of meeting.


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