Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 4: Sons of the Song family

Jinan is one city and one pool, that is, an outer city and an inner city.

The inner city is not big, only 600 paces per square. The county government office, Jinan government, Licheng county government, Lu Wangfu, Confucian temple, Gongyuan and private residences of dignitaries and wealthy people are mostly in the inner city. The inner city is surrounded by a moat, and the four gates are not right. The south gate is east, the east gate is north, the north gate is west, and the west gate is south. All four gates are built with urns. However, the main body of the city wall is still rammed earth, only the gate section. Built with masonry and urn.

Lin Mengde went directly to the market with seven or eight cavalrymen. He wanted to collect some scarce supplies in Jinan City; Lin Fu, along with Yue Lengqiu and Lu Jingyan, entered the city from the west gate and went straight to the Admiral's Mansion in the southwest of the city. After leaving the office, Ao Canghai led a sentry cavalry to accompany him and waited in the side courtyard of the office of the Admiral.

The officials of the Shandong Prefecture and Jinan Prefecture, as well as representatives of the Lu Prince's Mansion, all gathered in the meeting hall of the Admiral's Mansion. the case first.

In Jinan Prefecture, in addition to them, the guest army also has a division of the two Zhejiang Qin Wang divisions stationed. After introducing so many officials one by one, Lin Fu could only remember a few key people such as the Shandong Xuanfu Envoy, the Inspectorate Envoy, and the Admiral, but Yuan Jianhai, the representative of Lu Wangfu, impressed him very deeply.

Yuan Jianhai is the younger brother of Lu Wang Yuan Jiancheng, the Hopeless King. Although he was named a general of Zhenguo, he did not have an independent government. He is only slightly older than Lin Fu. He is a distant cousin with the current sage.

Yuan Jianhai represented Lu Wangfu in today's discussions as a descendant of the clan. Lin Fu was surprised. As long as Yuan Jianhai had a short mustache on his lips, he would be a replica of Yongchang Hou Yuan Jinqiu, or Yuan Jin. Qiu Jiang's moustache shaved on his lips is a living copy of Yuan Jianhai. If Yuan Jinsheng's appearance is more mature, he will be 80 or 90% similar to Yuan Jianhai.

Although Yuan Jinqiu and Yuan Jinsheng are also children of the Yuan clan, they are almost seven or eight generations apart from King Lu's lineage, and they can still look so similar. Lin Fu can only maliciously speculate that their fathers might be. There are secrets that cannot be given to outsiders.

"Sir Lin, what are your plans for the Shandong Prefecture military to invite us here?"

Lin Fu was thinking wildly, and when he heard someone calling him from behind, he turned his head slightly and glanced at the young man dressed as a scholar sitting behind him and Lu Jingyan. This young man was a secretary in Yue Lengqiu's tent. When Lin Fu arrived at Yue Lengqiu's tent before noon, this young man was there, but no one had introduced him at that time, maybe he had been introduced, and he might have overlooked him inadvertently and could not remember his name.

"Song Bo, who is a humble post, barely serves as a secretary in front of Yue Shuai's tent..." The young man saw Lin Bie turning his head and his eyes were a little puzzled, so he sat up straight and introduced himself solemnly. My wife, when she first entered Jiangning, she was helped by Lord Lin, and the Song family has not officially thanked Lord Lin yet!"

Lin Fu's heart skipped a beat. He didn't expect that the inconspicuous young man in front of him was actually from the Song family in Dongmin, and the brother of Song Jia, the wife of She Feihu. Thinking of Song Jia Fengyan's amazing face, he thought to himself: No wonder Yue Lengqiu dared Without any scruples, he came from Dongmin and led his division north to the King of Qin. Maybe he secretly got the promise of the Song family.

The She family has been in chaos for ten years, and the other seven surnames have not gained any special benefits. Instead, they have sacrificed the lives of countless children for this war, and their power is even weaker than before the war. At present, the luxury family is regarded as a vassal, and the other seven surnames also have their own awards. It is not too surprising that their children hold some insignificant official positions in the local area or in the Dongmin Governor's Mansion and the divisions of the various counties. The She family has no ambitions, but it is really hard to guess what the other seven surnames are thinking. It is normal for them to be war-weary, but it is impossible for them to give up their vigilance against the imperial court all of a sudden.

The general of Shaowu Town, Lu Jingyan, was close to Song Bo and Lin Futao who were sitting behind him, and he turned a deaf ear. It won't be resolved easily.

"It turned out to be Brother Song, I'm sorry," Lin Fu turned around and gave a salute to answer Song Bo's question, "There are only more than 50,000 troops in the township in Shandong, and they are still stationed in various places. Worrying about going south, Shandong's military is seriously insufficient, maybe it is trying to use the guest army to defend Shandong..."

"Master Lin has a high opinion, and I have cleared my brother's doubts," Song Bo said. "Master Lin is very famous in Jiangdong, and my younger brother has heard of it in Dongmin. Master Lin will allow my younger brother to be a little brother in Jinan City?"

Lin Bie frowned slightly. He couldn't think of any need for Song Bo to meet him alone. He and the She family were already on the verge of fire. Could it be that Song Bo or the Song family would not be afraid that the news of meeting him in private would reach the She family's ears? in? Besides, he didn't know if there were any children of the Song family infiltrated by Kouri in the East China Sea.

"Let's see the situation..." Lin Fu said ambiguously, neither agreeing to meet Song Bo privately in Jinan nor directly rejecting it.

As expected by Lin Fu, the officials of the Shandong Prefecture and the various divisions said that they would spend 50,000 cash in the name of the Lu Wangfu to the Qinwang Kejun temporarily stationed in Jinanfu, such as Jiangdong, Dongmin, and Liangzhe. Condolences, and also promised that as long as their three-way diligent Wang Kejun was stationed in Jinan Prefecture, the Shandong Xuanfu Envoy Division would be responsible for food and salaries.

Lin Fu saw that Yue Lengqiu accepted it calmly, and when he talked about the matter of cooperation and defense, he was concerned about other things. Naturally, he would not take the risk of the world to refuse the 10,000 taels of comfort army silver.

In Lin Fu's opinion, the Qin Wang army in Shandong has no direct relationship with each other, and there is no direct connection with Shandong. Shandong wants to rely on the army to prepare the enemy, but it is a wrong idea. It is very likely that things will go bad, but he Self-awareness is a humble position, sitting there and not participating in discussions.

If it weren't for the fact that the fifth battalion of the Zuo Army of Jiangdong Qin Wang's division was under his command, Lin Fu would not have the right to sit in the Ming Hall of the Shandong Admiral's Mansion even if he was the supervisor of the seventh grade.

When the guest army crosses the border, it is necessary to report the basic situation of the army to the local admiral's office. Shandong also knows that the 3,000 soldiers of the fifth battalion of Jiangdong Qinwang's left army are actually recruited temporarily, so they do not pay much attention to Lin Fu. If it wasn't for Lin Fu who happened to be a guest in the Yue Leng Autumn tent before noon, the provincial governors in Shandong might not have specially sent someone to the Jing'er Lake camp to invite him over.

In any case, since Lin Fu came here on behalf of Jiang Dongqin's master, Wei Junyin couldn't divide each other too much, but they just chatted and discussed matters during the banquet, but they clearly left Lin Fu aside. After all, the officials who attended the provincial commanderies in Shandong were less likely to be involved in politics, councils or errands, and the military attachés were less likely to be high-ranking generals above the cavalry commander. It's too difficult for them.

However, it was not that no one in the meeting room noticed Lin Fu. The younger brother of King Lu and the general of the township, Yuan Jianhai, observed Lin Fu who was drinking tea in silence from time to time.

It's not that Lin Fu has no reputation in Shandong. When he first entered Jinan Prefecture, he sent troops to directly treat Zuojia as a bandit. He also occupied Zuoguan'erzhai as a camp, which caused quite a stir in Jinan Prefecture.

In addition to his ancestors being the servant of the transfer department, the Zuo family did not have any influence in Jinan mansion at this time. Zuo Guitang, the second child of the Zuo family, served as a steward **** in the palace of King Lu, and was quite trusted by Yuan Jiancheng, the king of Lu.

The Zuo family treated Lin Fu as a bandit, and Zuoguanerzhai occupied the past as a military camp. Zuo Guitang knelt in front of King Lu with snot and tears and asked him to do justice for the Zuo family.

The Guards of King Lu's Mansion only had a battalion of more than 600 people. Usually, it was good to play with dogs and eagles and bully men and women, but if they were pulled out directly, they might not be able to beat others. This issue.

The envoy of Xuanfu only promised to release the person after the fact, and evaded that the Zuo family had taken the lead first, and even if the lawsuit was brought to the center, the center would also first investigate the ineffectiveness of the royal family of Lu Wangfu.

This matter can't be delayed; in the final analysis, Lin Bing has the military power in his hands, so the local can only deal with it smoothly.

Yuan Jianhai read Zuo Guitang gave him a few beautiful girls. Since he bumped into Lin Fu face to face, he had to do something for the Zuo family. He slightly lifted the tea cup and moved towards Lin Fu, who was sitting diagonally opposite Said: "Lin Dujian has been silent until now, and he has no good opinion about everyone's discussions?"

Lin Fu knew that the local forces were always intertwined. He sent troops to suppress the Zuo family, and sent over twenty members of the Zuo family to the Shandong County Division to be sent down. Even if he left room, he did not have enough manpower and energy to investigate the background of the Zuo family. To be clear, at this time, seeing Prince Lu and the general of the township, Yuan Jianhai, suddenly talking to him, his tone did not sound particularly friendly. He put down the tea cup and smiled neither arrogantly nor humble. Said: "General Zhenguo loves him, and someone Lin is a humble person, and he really doesn't have any good opinions on the discussion of the adults..."

"Really?" Yuan Jianhai looked at Lin Fu with a cold expression, "When Lin Du first arrived in Jinan, he arbitrarily claimed to occupy Zuoguan'er Village, but it didn't make people feel that Lin Du's position was condescending? "

Lin Fu thought in his heart that he wanted justice for the Zuo family. When the Sejong family's children are expensive, they are more expensive, but Yanjing pays the most attention to their crime prevention. Lin Fu is not worried about Yuan Jianhai's ability to bite him, smiling. Said: "The Zuo family openly robbed me of the outpost of the Zuo army of Jiangdong Qin Wang's division. General Zhenguo felt that there was something wrong with the handling of Lin, please speak bluntly. The so-called 'if you have it, you can change it, if you don't have it', General Zhenguo's The admonition, someone Lin will remember it in his heart."

Yuan Jianhai's face was cold and blue, where did he think that Lin Fu's small seventh-rank superintendent would speak in such a strong tone, he was about to have a seizure with a sullen face, Yue Lengqiu took the words and asked, "What's the deal with Lin's superintendent? Improper, please ask General Zhenguo to speak out?" After all, Lin Fu is a powerful general of the Chu Party, so how can he be bullied by outsiders? Besides, Yue Lengqiu wanted to leave Shandong and return to Jinzhong, so he didn't mind having a bad relationship with Shandong. The worse the relationship, the more excuses he had to leave Shandong.

The officials of the Shandong Prefecture immediately realized that the Chu parties were supporting each other, and they were also guest generals. Yue Lengqiu had no reason not to protect Lin Bie. At present, the relationship between the enemy has become stalemate, which is very unfavorable to Shandong. Chen Xueyao, the envoy of Shandong Xuanfu, hurriedly came out to smooth things out: "General Zhenguo also appreciates Lin Dujian's young but rare decisiveness, and can lead his army to Jinan Prefecture. , it is the luck of Jinan Prefecture..."


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