Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 9: strike camp

On December 11, the ninth year of Chongguan, the Eastern Minqin Wang Division divided his troops into two groups in Jinan. Yue Lengqiu, the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Minqin Wang Division, and the governor-general of the Ministry of War, led 6,000 elite soldiers to move westward. After forcing nearly a hundred miles in one day, they crossed the Yellow River and entered Guangping Prefecture. Entering Jinzhong through the southern mountains of Taihang Mountains; Zhaowu guarding Jiaqingche, captain of Lu Jingyan, led 7,000 elite soldiers to stay in the locality and defend Jinan.

On the 15th, the main force of the eastern prisoners assembled in Fucheng, Zhaoxian, Ningjin and other places in Xingzhou Prefecture moved southward, approaching Pingyuan Prefecture. On the 16th, more than 10,000 Donglu cavalry interspersed between Dezhou and Linqing. Attacked Wucheng at night, pulled out overnight, cut off the connection between Dezhou and the west, and began to implement the encirclement of Dezhou.

On the 16th, Lin Fu led Jiangdong's left army to the north from Baying from Sanyuzhuang in the west of Jinan City.

In the afternoon, the cloudy clouds were like lead, and the blackness was heavy on the city. In the open field, except for those refugees with thin clothes and stunned expressions, there are no living creatures. Occasionally, an old crow stood on a branch and let out a hoarse sound, cutting through the desolate and lonely cloudy sky.

At this moment, snow particles have already fallen, and the first section of the road from Jinan is difficult.

Lin Bing squinted at the Yellow River embankment to the north, and the beads on both sides of his cheeks blew on his ears and hurt. Although the coming blizzard was extremely unfavorable for the march, the eastern cavalry had already poured into the Plains House in large numbers, and they had to pass diagonally from the southwest of the Plains House, and the blizzard became a favorable cover.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Behind him, there was a strange noise from the city head of Beikuo, Jinan. Lin Fu looked back, and the defenders stood behind the parapet at the head of the city and made a majestic and rhythmic sound of swords hitting their shields to give them their farewell. The Jinan defenders knew that the Jiangdong Zuo Army was different from Yue Lengqiu. The Jiangdong Zuo Army was taking a dangerous and difficult road when advancing north. Even if it avoided the main force of the Eastern captives, as long as it detoured to the territory of Yannan, it could be effectively alleviated. The pressure on Jinan Prefecture.

The ranks of the Jiangdong Left Army also responded to the majesty of the city head by attacking the shield with a knife or swinging a spear while moving forward.

It was far away, and it was difficult to see the faces of the people at the top of the city. Lu Jingyan was used to wearing a crimson armor. It was especially obvious when he stood at the top of the city, like a statue of a bottle, and he could feel that he was watching this side. Regardless of whether Lu Jingyan saw it or not, Lin Fu reached out and raised the edge of his helmet as a tribute.

"The five tigers in East Fujian, Lu Jingyan is the most stubborn, and he can't rub the sand into the eyes of a bachelor. If it was Dong Yuan or Chen Zhihu, most of them would move to Jinzhong with Yue Lengqiu to avoid strong enemies," Ao Canghai reined in the reins and made Ma Er hesitated beside Lin Fu, squinting to look at the city head, "Now the five tigers are scattered, and no one is under Li Zhuo's tent..."

This is probably also Li Zhuo's temperament, and the East Fujian army was easily torn apart. Lin Fu sighed slightly, and he would say that he was sick and stayed in Dongmin, and the center could not help him. Lin Fu didn't think much about it, he lightly clamped the horse's belly, and drove the horse along with the army.


On the vast plain between the Yellow River and the Wei River, a blizzard roared, and the snow particles slammed on the lids, and a team of about 300 cavalrymen came meandering. Brown armor, short clothes with narrow sleeves, a bow and a sword on the back, most of his face was hidden in his pocket to avoid the wind and snow, but it was a group of Donglu cavalry that roamed to the territory of Linyi County, the hinterland of Pingyuan Prefecture.

With the Donghu military system, three hundred cavalry as one battalion, with the assistant leader as the command, five battalions as the brigade, and the sergeant as the commander. This team of cavalry about 300 people, it is the formation of Donghu first battalion, but the leading officer is a member of the Donghu army.

"Leading Yanshen," a Donghu knight drove his horse to the front, pulled the hood covering his face away, and said to the leader of the team, "Which of the tortoise eggs in Jinan Prefecture dares to come out in this horrible weather? Let's go back..."

"That's true, the sentries entering Jinan Prefecture have suffered quite a lot of damage these days, so that it is difficult for a small team of sentries to penetrate into Jinan Prefecture for reconnaissance. The troops gathered in Jinan Prefecture by the Southern Dynasty may be stronger than the defenders in Yannan. There may be a tough battle to be fought." The leading general untied his collar, revealing a bearded face, a thin face, narrow eyes, a scar on his left cheek, only twenty-three or four years old, inhaling the icy air, exhaling Bai Tengtang got angry, took off his handbag, bent down and took off the leather wine bag hanging on one side of the saddle, took a sip of strong wine to keep out the cold, "Before attacking Jinan, we must first pull out Dezhou and Linqing, and cut off their screen wings; Officials in Shandong should also know the shielding effect of Dezhou and Linqing on Jinan, and they are likely to send reinforcements. You also participated in the battle to encircle and destroy Yang Zhaoqi’s troops. The soldiers of the Southern Dynasty are not all soft-boiled goods, so you can’t be careless…”

The knights who came later were not very old, about twenty-two or three years old. As a true warrior, he was only the deputy of Yan Shenling. He didn't care about Yan Jing's words. Just staring at the south with disdain.

Since Xuanhua broke the border, 100,000 troops have invaded in six routes. Except for the battle of Gaoyang to encircle and wipe out the Southern Dynasties Admiral Yang Zhaoqi, it was a tough battle. In the past two months, 32 cities have been destroyed and seven cities have been surrendered.

Even if the sentry reconnaissance in Jinan Prefecture is slightly frustrated, it does not prove that the soldiers of the Southern Dynasty are not soft-hearted. look. If it wasn't for that Yan blocking, he would have wanted to directly capture Linyi County with three hundred cavalry.

Na Yan rode on the horse and hung the wine bag. He knew what his deputy was thinking, and he didn't care. He just squinted and looked ahead with the wind behind his back, but he couldn't see too far in the blizzard. Knowing that the front is the territory of Jihe County. I heard from the captured people of the Southern Dynasty that after passing Jihe County, the weather is better, and you can see the majestic Mount Tai in the south. Unfortunately, the sky is gray in the distance, and it is not bad to be able to see a place a mile or two away.

Before breaking the border and entering the pirates, the generals in the army, including the Great Khan, did not expect that the invasion would be so smooth, nor did they expect to have the opportunity to enter Shandong. The military reconnaissance of the Southern Dynasties in advance was not enough, and they knew about the officers and generals of the Southern Dynasties in Shandong. It's not enough, we can only send sentries to infiltrate reconnaissance during wartime.

It's just that in the past ten days, as long as the sentry cavalry has crossed the Ji River, it will be resolutely blocked in the wild. This is a rare phenomenon since breaking the border and invading Yannan. attract attention. Even if further information could not be obtained, there were speculations that the Southern Dynasty was likely to gather elite troops in Jinan Prefecture and waited for them to rush over to fight the big battle.

In order to ensure that the attack on Dezhou would not be disturbed by the Jinan defenders of the Southern Dynasty, the Great Khan even transferred the cavalry all the way to the east of Shandong to strengthen the frontal attack.

The population of the Southern Dynasties was abundant. In the sixteen counties, the population of each county was several times or ten times that of Donghu. The casual death of 108,000 middle-aged men would not hurt at all. This time, the males were drawn three out of ten. It can be said that the elites of Donghu are gathered here.

No matter how smooth the fight in front is, as long as one suffers a severe setback, it is a loss that the clan cannot bear, and everything must be done carelessly.

The main force gathered troops and horses in the north, and the king's tent was also moved to the front line, ready to storm Dezhou. Nayan asked to personally lead 300 cavalry to the south to reconnaissance, and also prevent Jinan Prefecture from forcibly sending troops to assist Dezhou in bad weather.

Although the cavalry led by Na Yan was no different from the ordinary Donghu cavalry, those familiar with the situation of Donghu knew that they were the elites of the guards at the King's House.

A dozen or so knights appeared in front as if they had suddenly emerged from a blizzard, and ran towards them. Only then did I hear the sound of horses' hooves, which were covered by the blizzard and sucked into the snow, rolling like hidden thunder.

The dozen or so cavalry that came running were all dressed as clan soldiers. Nayan waved his hand and didn't say anything. Natuzhen led the dozens of cavalry from left and right, took the bow in his hand, and shouted loudly in barbaric language to prevent him. The person who came was pretending to be a soldier of the Southern Dynasty.

Hearing that the dozen or so cavalry responded in savage language, and there were dominoes thrown to verify their identity, Na Yan knew that it was the sentry cavalry that entered Jinan Prefecture first, but seeing their appearance as if they were running for their lives, also made everyone not. Relaxed vigilance, it took a while to see forty or fifty cavalry pursuers.

The group of chasing soldiers saw more than a dozen sentry horses meet here, and they fled back without stopping their horses from a distance.

On both sides of the Jishui, the terrain was flat, and Nayan was not afraid of being ambushed, and immediately ordered more than 300 elite cavalry under his command to change horses to prepare for the pursuit.

After fleeing back, the leader of the more than ten sentinels was a small flag, and Natuzhen scolded and brought this small flag to meet Nayan: "It's really shameful for him/mother, when did the real warrior ever get rid of a real rabbit?"

The little flag's dark face turned purple, and he dismounted to salute Na Yan.

"Who is the other party, how many people did you bring here, and how much did you lose?" Na Yan was quite embarrassed to see the dozen or so sentry cavalry fleeing back. Most of them were injured and must have been blocked by the Jinan defenders.

"Reporting to General, I led a team to Jishui before noon, and I encountered an enemy ten miles away. The opponent should be the defender of Jihe County, mixed on foot and cavalry, about 400 people..." Xiaoqi replied.

"Bullshit, how dare the Jihe County defenders come out of the city?" Na Tuzhen raised his whip to send out a small flag, "Do you have suffered a defeat, and Hu boasting about the enemy's army can alleviate your sins?"

"..." Na Yan took a wink to stop the picture from being rude. The sentries that have entered Jinan Prefecture have been frustrated repeatedly in the past few days. The more than 400 cavalry should be the army sent by Jinan City. This small flag is also wrong. It's normal, he didn't need to lie, he just said, "You guys get ready to lead the team in front and lead us to kill you to avenge you..."

Nayan took out the map and unfolded it on the saddle, and asked Xiaoqi to specify the location of the attack. That place is 24 or 5 miles away from Jihe County, and it is only more than ten miles away from here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If the other side has infantry, he will not be able to walk fast. They sent dozens of sentries to the south to spread out a fan-shaped reconnaissance, and then returned to the dozens of sentries to change their horses to lead the team in front, and chased directly to the attack site.

After chasing for ten miles, they had to rush back to report from the sentry in front. This group of soldiers from the Southern Dynasty did not flee to Jihe County, but fled along the road on the north bank of Jishui to Jiyin County, which is farther northeast.

"It must be a small group of elite soldiers sent by Jinan City who are chasing him/mother. If they seize the opportunity, everything in Jinan City will be clear!" The picture really saw that there was a fight to be fought, and his blood was boiling.

"It's a little wrong. If the opponent is just a mix of 400 people on foot and cavalry, it is impossible to allocate enough troops to stop my patrol to the inside for reconnaissance. I'm afraid the opponent has more than 400 people..." Na Yan carefully analyzed the patrol belt. The information that came back revealed a lot of strangeness.

"I'm afraid of him/mother," said Na Tuzhen cursingly, "Even if the other side hides ten times as many soldiers and horses in this cold and icy field, and we have three hundred elite troops, it's enough to cut them down and cut off their corpses. Egg/son come."

"...The other party may go to the reinforcements of Dezhou," Na Yan smiled, took out the arrow to the guard, and ordered, "When encountering the sentry in the south of Linyi County, order it to converge to the southeast, and it can be eaten in the wild. Reinforce the troops this way to ease the pressure of attacking Dezhou..." Even if the opponent's troops are far more than 400 people, he still wants to pursue him. If he can bite the opponent in the field and prevent the opponent from escaping into Jiyin County, he can get More cavalry from the back line slowly gnawed away the southern soldiers in the field.


PS: The recent chapters are not so easy to write, and there are a lot of private matters, so the update owes some brothers, hope for understanding.

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