Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 10: first battle

After being bitten by the Donglu cavalry, Lin Bie led dozens of cavalry personal guards to join the fourth battalion led by Zhao Qingshan.

The Weihe, Jihe, and Yellow Rivers in the north of Jinan are all flat, and the fields that deviate from the main road are also frozen solid, and the impact on the march is far less than that of the blizzard at this time.

After leaving Jinan, the Jiangdong Left Army marched in the vast field in the order of left wing, right wing, left waiting, right waiting and middle army. Infantry, scattered on the four wings, the central army is the main force, a total of seven sentinel infantry and more than 1,600 workers and battalions walk along the road in the middle.

The troops are filled with elite scouts. In addition to communicating with each other, it is to prevent a small number of Donglu outposts from infiltrating the interior lines to discover the main force of Jiangdong Zuojun hidden in the middle.

For the march to the north, not only did we make full preparations in terms of materials, Lin Fu, Cao Zi'ang, Lin Mengde and others studied the marching method for a long time, the route was also carefully chosen, and various plans were drawn up for various situations that might be encountered. The military attachés were trained and the soldiers were fully mobilized.

In the early stage of Lin Fu, the Jiangdong Zuo Army resolutely blocked the Donglu sentry on the periphery of Jinan Prefecture. In addition to training troops and boosting the morale of the Jinan defenders, the main thing was to confuse the Donglu. The more resolute the Jinan House's will to resist, the less the Donglu cavalry dared to expand on a large scale, so as to reduce the resistance for them to slant and intersperse from the east of Pingyuan House. Lin Fu fought in Jinan Prefecture, not only did not raise the banner of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, but moved north from the camp, and did not intend to raise the banner of the Jiangdong Zuo Army before interspersed with Yannan.

Zhao Qingshan led the fourth battalion and two sentry infantrymen to prepare for battle.

Lin Fu got off his horse, and the snow particles hit his face, causing pain. He walked to Zhao Qingshan's side and watched dozens of eastern captives wandering diagonally in front of the formation. Farther away were the three hundred eastern captives standing in the blizzard like a mountain. The cold wind as fierce as a knife and the snow particles that fell like small stones did not make their spirits a little sluggish.

"This cavalry is a bit tougher than the sentries that entered the outskirts of Jinan Mansion for reconnaissance before. After testing for a while, they didn't make a move, making it difficult to see whether they were going to attack or waiting for the cavalry behind to converge..." Zhao Qingshan bit the corner of his mouth. Holding the dry grass stalk, watching Lin Bie come over, spit out the chewed grass roots, closed the big cloak to keep out the cold, and said to Lin Bie.

"Doing the retreating posture can lure them to take action," Lin Fu said. "I have ordered Ning Zechen to lead the fifth battalion to cover your left flank or attack the enemy cavalry from the left flank. After no more enemy cavalry appeared, The two of you must hold the enemy cavalry on the road so that it cannot penetrate into the interior..."

"That's enough..." Zhao Qingshan said.

Today, the three prefectures in the south of Yan have become the inside lines for the invaders to enter the east, but it does not mean that the three prefectures in the south of Yan have been completely controlled by the east.

Local tyrants, village soldiers, and officers and soldiers who were beaten but did not have time to escape, occupy these barriers and stand firm for assistance.

Township soldiers guarding their homeland and township lords guarding their homes have a much firmer and more tenacious will to fight than the township army in the city.

The purpose of Donglu's entry this time is to plunder. Naturally, they will not use too many casualties to storm these powerful barriers. They just cut off the connection between these barriers to ensure that they will not become a serious threat to their inside lines.

Similarly, Donglu's troops are not strong enough to block all the roads in and out of Yannan. They don't mind too much infiltration and reconnaissance of a small group of officers and soldiers in Yannan area, but Donglu will not let the main force of formed officers and soldiers interspersed in Yannan and directly threaten. to its inner line.

First of all, Lin Fu and the others had to hide their intention to penetrate into Yannan, and the second was to avoid the main force from being exposed to the eyes of the Donglu outpost as much as possible. This is also the fundamental reason why Lin Fu incorporated the Seven Sentinel Horse Infantry and the Gongyi Battalion into the Central Army, and also tried to avoid direct discovery by the Chinese Army to the enemy cavalry.

"If you can't resist, spread out to the right wing..." Lin Bie pressed Zhao Qingshan's shoulder without putting too much pressure on him.

"Have these two good things," Zhao Qingshan said, pressing his hand on the three-bow crossbow beside him, "I can hold it."

Lin Bie smiled, the cavalry attacked, and the three-bow crossbow had time to fire an arrow, but he was not worried that he could not beat the cavalry in front of him, but once the fourth battalion couldn't resist the pressure and retreated to the right wing, it was necessary to Let the main force of the Chinese army come out to meet the enemy. The cavalry cannot be completely wiped out. As long as a fish slips through the net and escapes, it will be difficult to cover up their intention to go to Yannan from Pingyuan. They can only lead the Jiangdong Zuo army to retreat south.

In Pingyuan Prefecture, it was too close to the main force of the Donglu cavalry. At a distance of one or two hundred miles, the enemy cavalry would be able to catch up with them in one day.

In addition to the scouts and auxiliary soldiers, Zhao Qingshan led a total of six groups of infantry with two sentries on the left flank.

Lin Fu got on his horse and sat on the horse's back to watch Zhao Qingshan command the battle.

Zhao Qingshan mounted the reins of the horse and galloped back and forth to supervise the battle, so that the infantry of the two capitals in front of them retreated, and made a gesture of crossing and retreating to the south, inducing the enemy cavalry to attack.

Lin Fu sat on the horse and squinted to the north. The enemy cavalry really couldn't let the fat beside his mouth run away. He walked slowly at first, and then started to speed up at four or five hundred steps. , in the blizzard as if a rain of arrows were shot in the storm.

When the enemy cavalry rushed to 300 paces, the two bed crossbows with the farthest range shot first.

Two crossbow arrows as thick as giant spears shot out flat, hitting the two riders head-on, and you could almost see the blood splashing from the arrows and the horse's chest. The two horses that were shot only neighed and struggled to the ground, splashing a puff of snow. One's thigh was nailed with the crossbow arrow and the horse's body, and it was pressed under the horse. The other person jumped up with agile movements, and then a rider stopped him by the waist and picked him up, and the two rode together. The moment the two horses in front were shot and fell to the ground, the cavalry at the back quickly and skillfully divided into two teams to avoid them, and the formation was not scattered.

Lin Fu looked at the superb horsemanship of the enemy cavalry, and took a deep breath. This is definitely the most elite fighting force of the Donglu. Zhao Qingshan and the fourth battalion may not be able to resist alone, so he quickly ordered the guards on the left and right: "Send a letter to Ning. Then the minister leads his troops to press on from the left wing!"

The two personal guards rode their horses, turned and got into the snow, and ran to the right wing to give orders.

"Don't be in a mess, you must fire the crossbow arrows in sequence. I will go to the right wing to cover you..." Lin Fu instructed Zhao Qingshan. He took off the crossbow from the saddle and rode to the right side with dozens of guards to strengthen the right wing of the fourth battalion. .

The three-bow crossbow is very slow to reload, and it is too late to shoot two arrows. After the first arrow is shot, it can only be dragged to the back to reload; the enemy cavalry charges to 200 paces, and at this time, the crossbow is placed between the high shield and the flying contradictory vehicle. Button machine hair string. I saw the dozens of cavalry in the front of the eastern prisoners where the accident happened. The soldiers pulled the horses and turned sideways at the moment when the crossbow arrows hit, and the people quickly folded and hid behind the saddles. The thigh of the captive cavalry.

Seeing that the enemy cavalry only sacrificed a dozen horses to resolve the first wave of crossbow arrows, Lin Fu looked grim. The dozen or so horses that were hit by the crossbow scattered to both wings, or fell to their death, or neighed in pain, but most of the cavalry on the horses were not injured. The formation was not much affected.

The enemy cavalry sprinted within a hundred paces, and the crossbow and the bow formed a dense rain of arrows here, but the enemy cavalry in the former could effectively hide the saddle to avoid arrows, and even send arrows back when the horse's head dodged. The arrows that came were both accurate and ruthless, they got in through the gaps in the high shield and shot several people.

In the blink of an eye, the most prominent Sandu team's armored soldiers were fighting with the cavalry enemy. Zhao Qingshan personally led a team of armored soldiers to raise shields, long lances, and mo swords from the left to attack the enemy's cavalry, in order to relieve the frontal infantry. Under the pressure, the armored soldiers on the right wing also rushed forward. Lin Bie led the guards to rely on the armored soldiers on the right wing, and shot the enemy cavalry with crossbow arrows...


Na Yan didn't know which army this Southern Dynasty soldier belonged to, and he hadn't seen the banner of this Southern Dynasty soldier until now, but he saw very early that this Southern Dynasty soldier was very different from the Southern Dynasty soldiers he had come into contact with in the past. different.

In the past, when encountering Southern Dynasty soldiers in the wild, especially the soldiers of the Southern Dynasty who were mainly infantry, they would form a tight and airtight formation to defend. , After the bow and crossbow, there may be elites among them.

In this way, even if the defensive formation of the Southern Dynasty soldiers was as tight as a tortoise shell, Yan would be willing to gnaw at it. As long as you have the patience to open a small hole, you can stab in like a sharp knife; even if you can't stab in, such a dense defensive formation is not conducive to counterattacks, and it is not a threat to the fast-moving peripheral cavalry.

The soldiers of the Southern Dynasty in front of him were based on the capital team of sixty pawns, each forming a defensive formation. Tear and grind the enemy formation, let alone surround more with less. Boldly charged from the front, the formations of the Southern Dynasties Bingdu on both flanks quickly rushed forward, even trying to form a siege to them.

There were five capital formations in the Southern Dynasty, which consisted solely of armoured soldiers, and two capital formations, which were mainly cavalry. In addition, in addition to more than a dozen strange vehicles called "flying contradictory vehicles" for the outpost rangers, the Jiapudu team also has many thorns / strange spears that stick out ten feet. The dense branches and forks He kept slashing with a knife, but UU reading www.uukanshu.com could easily be stabbed on his horse after riding. Even if he avoided the tip of the spear blade, he could easily be swept away by the fork/close branch and swept off the horse. They didn't simply use the flying contradictory chariots to form a defensive chariot formation. They even hid the flying contradictory chariots behind the high shields. When the cavalry rushed in, the high shields withdrew, and the flying contradictory chariots were pushed by several southern soldiers and rushed out. While stabbing the horse, it often made the cavalry on the horse's back unable to escape, directly hitting the row of spears that were flying, and the whole body was nailed to it...

It was a cold day and the wind and snow continued. Nayan slashed the spear from the left with his knife, reined in the reins, and shouted loudly to make Na Tuzhen gather his followers and follow him through. Although he had defeated a team of Nandu Jia soldiers from the front, this kind of tactics was too difficult for him. Na Yan Xin wanted to destroy all the Nan Dynasty soldiers of the Qidu team. Most of the damage is impossible, not to mention that he has long concluded that there are more than this group of Nandu soldiers appearing on the north bank of the Ji River.

The king's tent soldiers of the Yan Gang disengaged from the fourth battalion and interspersed on the south side of the avenue. Ning Zechen led the fifth battalion to arrive in time, emerged from the blizzard, and appeared to the right of the tent soldiers of the East Captive King of Nayanbu.

At dusk, the sky is dark, but when you get close, you can distinguish the armor on both sides, and the bows and crossbows are fired. The formation of the Yanbu Donglu King’s tent that has just been interspersed is just when the formation is scattered, and dozens of cavalry on the right side suddenly dodge. Before it was too late, they were shot and fell, and Nayan was shot in the arm. Seeing the rushing Nandu soldiers rushing to charge them without stopping, he hurriedly and Na Tuzhen led his men to get out of the gap, beat their horses for a few miles north, and then turned around to repel the chasing Nan Dynasty cavalry. When he stopped, Ma Zhi was injured by arrows. Nearly 80 people were not able to escape, and there were still 20 or 30 people who were seriously injured.


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