Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 12: Bait and Trap

After the discussion was over, it was already dawn, but the snowstorm outside had not stopped yet. The generals returned to the camp to rest, and the guards prepared a bedroom for Lin Bie in the residence temporarily requisitioned as the command post. Lin Bie took off his armor, and His clothes were leaning against the bed, and he didn't even take off his riding boots.

Liu An'er finally couldn't hold back, and in the first ten days of December, he sent troops to besiege Haozhou, and the siege did not last for seven days, so he returned to Sizhou. The situation appears to be in a stalemate again.

In addition to Tang Chao, Lin Fu also had a private letter written to him by Lin Jingzhong. The letter mentioned an important piece of information that the price of salt in Hongzepu dropped suddenly after mid-November.

Liu An'er raised a flag to rebel and surrounded Huai, Hao, Yang, and Yang. Jiangdong County imposed a severe blockade on Hongzepu. The most obvious feature of such a severe blockade is that the price of salt in Hongzepu has skyrocketed, even reaching a tael of silver. The level of half a catty of salt is fifty or sixty times higher than the normal salt price in Jiangning.

The sharp drop in the price of salt in Hongzepu indicates that a large amount of smuggled salt flowed into the Hongzepu area in mid-November, and due to the situation in the Hongzepu area, the smugglers could only cooperate directly with Liu Aner's department.

She Feihu and Qingfengxing forces should have closely monitored Li Zhuo, and it would be difficult to enter Hongpuze from Jiangning or Weiyang. Which side is the problem? Lin Bie couldn't figure it out.

No matter which side has a problem, Hong Zepu, who seems to have resumed the stalemate, seems to be hiding a bigger crisis.


"Has the grown-up slept yet?"

Lin Fu heard Cao Zi'ang's voice, and replied in the room, "I haven't slept yet..." He sat up, picked up the cloak on the table and walked out the door. Seeing Cao Zi'ang in the main room, he asked, "What's the matter? Why don't you go back to rest?"

"I slept in the car when I came here, but now I can't sleep," said Cao Zi'ang, "If you don't feel sleepy, I'll talk to you again..."

"That's right. I also slept in the car when I came over. I was worried about how to pass the time..." Lin Bie smiled, beckoning Cao Zi'ang to sit down in front of the brazier, picked up the slats to stir up the hot coals, and the guards again I brought some charcoal and put it next to the brazier.

"I think it's not necessarily a bad thing that the Yanbu of the Donglu is biting us and won't let go." Cao Ziang picked up a charred firewood and drew the terrain of Pingyuanfu on the muddy ground. During the battle at dusk, they caught a few. I know some details of the Donglu cavalry that fought with them. "They will probably mistakenly think that we are going to reinforce Dezhou, so we will do everything we can to make reinforcements to Dezhou..."

"You mean to use the left wing and the right wing of the four sentinel infantry to make an advance in Dezhou, attracting the Donglu from the Yan department and the Yangxin side, so that my main force can go north and enter Hejianfu?" Lin Fu asked.

"Yes," Cao Ziang nodded and said, "It's just that Zhao Qingshan and Ning Zechen are under a lot of pressure..."

"This is a big risk," Lin Fu said. "Once the weather improves, it will only take a little more than a day for Donglu's cavalry to travel 200 miles in the north of Dezhou. We can't confirm that Yan won't ask for reinforcements... "


After Yang Zhaoqi's division of the Jinzhong King of Qin was wiped out in Gaoyang, the Qin division of Datong, Xuanhua, Jibei and other border towns transferred to the Gyeonggi area and the Gyeonggi defenders added up to more than 100,000 people. Hao Zongcheng headed the Jibei Army and The Datong Army led by Chen Zhihu was all elite.

Under this situation, the Donglu cavalry, who broke into the pirates in six routes, has now formed the main force of the southern and northern lines. Nearly 40,000 cavalrymen on the northern line are led by the prince of the Donglu, Ye Ji Luorong, and are active in the area south of Gyeonggi. Mainly to monitor and suppress the defenders in the Gyeonggi area and the Qin Wang division of the three sides of Datong, Xuanhua and Jibei.

The other soldiers and horses that the Donglu invaded this time were all led by the Donglu king Khan Yejier, who gathered in the southern border of Xingzhou Prefecture, near the foot of Taihang Mountain, and advanced to Pingyuan Prefecture, Daming Prefecture, and Jinan Prefecture.

At most 60,000 cavalry were assembled on the southern line of the Donglu. In fact, Gao Yang fought against Yang Zhaoqi's troops. The number of casualties and casualties over the past two months should have exceeded 10,000—the maximum number of troops that can be mobilized on the southern line of the Eastern Captives should be no more than 50,000.

In addition to plundering goods and goods, the main purpose of Donglu's entry this time was to plunder the population, and to gather the plundered people and goods to the front line of the Taihang Mountain Mountain and follow the king's tent.

Whether it is the wounded or the plundered people and goods, they have all become a heavy burden on the main force of the southern line of the Eastern Captives. The mobility of the Eastern Captive Central Army's king tent is greatly affected, and it also prevents a large number of its cavalry from staying behind to guard. The king's tent, especially the most elite Wang tent's guards in Donghu, were stranded in the southern border of Xingzhou Prefecture and would not be dispatched easily.

This is also the main reason why the southern line of Donglu has been delayed until mid-December to complete the preparations for the attack on Dezhou. The deployment of Donglu's troops is stretched, and most of the cavalry that were released to loot the three prefectures in Yannan need to be gathered back before the formation can be formed. The military advantage over Pingyuan, Daming and Jinan.

In fact, the number of cavalry troops on the southern line of Donglu that could be freely mobilized to enter Pingyuan, Daming, and Jinan to fight was actually far less than 40,000. The main force of the southern line of Donglu must successfully implement the strategic goal of attacking Jinan. In addition to cutting off the screen wings of Dezhou and Linqing, it is also necessary to be alert to the northeastern part of Zhongzhou County and the kings of Zhulu Qin who can attack through the Kongdao of Taihang Mountain and gather in Jinzhong. division. These threats all came from the west of the main force on the southern line of the Dongluo, so the main force of the cavalry of the southern line of the Dongluo also shrunk to the west as much as possible, especially after Jinan Prefecture showed a strong will to resist, the Dongluo invaded Yangxin in the east of Jinan Prefecture The cavalry in the area also shrunk back to the north of Texas, and only a few outposts ranged to scout the defenders in the Yangxin area.

Lin Fu's intention was to cross Jishui and Wei River diagonally in the northeast direction after leaving Jinan House, and go directly to the east of Hejian House from Yangxin and other places in the empty area of ​​Donglu forces.

Even if the Donglu cavalry finds out their intention to penetrate Hejianfu, the Donglu cavalry will have to set out from the camp north of Texas to pursue them.


Cao Zi'ang suggested to directly use the four sentry horses to reinforce Dezhou, in order to attract Donglu's sentries in the Yangxin area, so that the main force could pass through the reconnaissance gap of Donglu's sentry, while Lin Fu was worried that Dezhou would be attacked. The Donglu cavalry in the north was also attracted.

Jiangdong Zuojun generals have good morale and excellent equipment. They are fighting in formation in the field. Eight hundred soldiers are not afraid of the impact of the elite soldiers of the three hundred Donglu kings. However, if there are more enemy cavalry, the situation will be very dangerous. .

"Using troops means taking risks, how can you be safe everywhere?" Cao Zi'ang said with a smile, "Although it is risky, it is worth a try. Zhao Qingshan and Ning Zechen may not have enough experience, so it's me and Zhou Pu. Lead the troops to the north to instigate, to contain the Yan Department..."

"Let me think about it..." Lin Bie used the charcoal on the ground to complete the terrain in the Pingyuan Mansion. Although Cao Zi'ang and Zhou Pu were not afraid of danger, Lin Bie regarded them as his right-hand man, how could he easily put his right-hand man in danger territory? Lin Bie frowned and stared at the lines on the ground that indicated various terrains.

At this time, Sun Shangwang, a scholar of Hejianfu who joined the army in Jinan, walked in and saw Lin Fu and Cao Zian sitting in the brazier.

Sun Shangwang was thirty-seven years old at the time, a native of Cang County, Hejian Prefecture. After he was admitted as a scholar, he repeatedly failed in the county's township exam.

Sun Shangwang usually likes to read military books, and he has some eyesight. When he sees the Donglu invaders, he judges that Xingzhou is more vulnerable to the attack of the Donglu cavalry, so he wants to return to his hometown in Cang County, Hejian Fu, to avoid the disaster. However, the Donglu cavalry broke up halfway, and was forced to take refuge in Jinan.

Sun Shangwang had a friend who served as a staff member in the Jinan prefect. After he fled to the Jinan prefecture, he took this relationship and entered the Jinan prefect's house as a guest, but was always worried about the safety of his relatives in his hometown in Cangxian County. Although none of the prefectures and counties to the east of Jinan Prefecture were lost, the Eastern cavalry was interspersed, and the postal routes were cut off. Sun Shangwang did not even know whether Cangxian County was lost in Jinan Prefecture.

When the news that Lin Fu wanted to lead the Jiangdong Zuo Army northward to Yannan spread among the yamen in Jinan Prefecture, Sun Shangwang expected that Lin Fu would avoid the real situation and go to Hejianfu, so he took more than a dozen rivers stranded in Jinan Prefecture with him. A fellow countryman came to join the army and planned to return to Cang County to find his family.

The scouts sent by Jinan Prefecture had limited reconnaissance capabilities. Lin Fu envoy Wu Qi sent out a sentry to find out the basic situation in Hejian Prefecture. Including Cang County, the nine counties of Hejian Prefecture to the north of Cang County were all lost. However, there are still 20 or 30 strong fortresses in the Hejian Prefecture that have not fallen due to the strong resistance of the local soldiers and local tyrants. The martial arts of Cang County can also be seen from here.

Lin Fu saw Sun Shangwang come in, his eyes lit up, and he greeted him to sit over and said: "Sun Xiucai is here just in time, you said that your mother-in-law lives in Xiaobotou Village in the southeast of Cang County, and the general outpost sent someone to sneak into Cang County a few days ago, Xiaobotou The village has not yet fallen. Maybe your family will take refuge in Xiaobotou Village... Now there are many docks in Hejian that are still waiting for help, but they are all on their own, and they are easily reluctant to trust outsiders. I can't get their trust, can I ask Sun Xiucai to take a risk?"

"My lord, please instruct me~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sun Shangwang always thinks about the distinction between superiors and inferiors. Don't think that Lin Fu is the commander of the Jiangdong Left Army. Although he is a superintendent of the seventh rank, he has great power, but he is not an ordinary seventh rank. Sun Shangwang did not dare to go overboard and sat around the brazier with Lin Fu and Cao Ziang to talk.

"Sit down and talk," Lin Fu greeted. Although Sun Shangwang has repeatedly failed his scientific examinations, his bumpy and hard life has made him far more experienced and knowledgeable than those who only read the books of the sages, but he is too formal. , Lin Bie grabbed his cuff and forced him to sit down, and said with a smile, "Don't you think it's hard to stand up, it's hard for me and Zi to raise their heads to talk to you..."

"Your Excellency has raised Shangwang." Sun Shangwang blushed and sat down.

"My Jiangdong Zuo army marches north to Yannan, and I can't do it without a foothold," Lin Fu said, "I want to send someone to **** Sun Xiucai to Xiaobotouzhai, Cangnan, to contact the villagers and convince the villagers to allow Jiangdong Zuojun to pass through Xiaobotouzhai. Temporary stay..."

Cao Ziang stood and walked to the table to look at the topographic map. Xiaobotouzhai is located in the southeast of Cangxian County and the southeast of Yangxin. It is close to the Bohai Bay. It is a fishing village on the Bohai Sea.

Cao Ziang looked at the terrain of Xiaobotouzhai and turned around to ask Lin Bie, "Are you going to set up traps here to lure and destroy a group of Donglu cavalry?"

"Yes," Lin Fu stood up, pointed to the location of Xiaobotouzhai on the map, and said, "As long as Sun Xiucai contacts smoothly, we will have the opportunity to deceive that Yanbu here. This bait is not suitable for you and Zhou Pu. Come on, you all go to Xiaobotou Village first, I personally lead the first battalion to act as the left and right wing, make reinforcements in Dezhou, and then slant in the direction of Xiaobotou to lure Yan Bu to chase..."


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