Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 13: lost city

On the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month, the fifth day of the siege of Dezhou City.

At dusk, in the field in the northeast of Yangxin County, the sky is gloomy, and the cold wind blows the snow in the field, making it impossible to tell which is the snowflakes falling from the sky and which is the snow that is blown by the wind from the ground. Particles, people walk in the snow, they have to close their eyes.

Nayan's face was hidden in the sack, and her eyes were staring into the distance. There were more than a dozen peripheral scouts staying under their eyelids, standing on the snow crest in the distance, wearing black armor in the wind. Statues that seem to stand still in the snow.

It was not until the day before yesterday that they patiently set up an ambush to capture four survivors. Under torture, they learned that the Southern Dynasty soldiers in front of them belonged to the left army of Jiangdong Qin Wang's division and were led by a governor named Lin Fu.

Since Ye Ji Khan took the throne, he vigorously promoted the Han system and Sinology within the Donghu, and Nayan also knew the official system of the Southern Dynasty.

In Donghu, the 3,000 top soldiers who lead the independent army need to be middle and senior generals above the deputy capital. Even if there are many soldiers in the Southern Dynasty, the 3,000 soldiers who lead the independent army will be led by the district seven-rank superintendent. Pawn, it seems very inappropriate for the rules of the Southern Dynasty. Moreover, they have sent sentries to reconnaissance in the past few days to make it clear that the strength of this Southern Dynasty army is between 800 and 1,000, far less than 3,000.

In addition, the captured prisoners also confessed that the three thousand soldiers of the Jiangdong Zuo Army were all recruits for more than two months, and they were directly brought to Jinan Prefecture without training.

Tuzhen, who had become irritable in the past few days, directly stabbed the prisoner to death. No one would believe such nonsense. How could a new soldier who had only been recruited for more than two months and had not received any training last for a few days in such a bad situation? Dealing with cavalry in a blizzard?

The prisoners spoke of the Jiangdong Zuojun so unbearably, it was an insult to the king's army. Could it be that the pride of Bulun Mountain and the guards of the king's tent have been bitten by the weak new soldiers like rabbits these past few days?

The others could bear it, but Na Tuzhen couldn't bear the prisoners who fell into his hands and let him slaughter him. He mocked him like this, killing three prisoners in a row, until the last prisoner said that the Jiangdong Zuo Army was secretly set up in Jiangning by the center of the Yue Dynasty. Elite troops, that Tuzhen spared his life.

Nayan glanced back and saw that Tuzhen rode over with the reins, and said, "In Dezhou, the situation will come to an end today and tomorrow..."

"What can I do when I get the result, I'll give Aziger a joke when I go back," Natu was really angrily chewing the withered grass stalk he picked up from the snow, and spit out the chewed mushy grass stalk, "It's for Azige joked, this time must also pull out this nail; let them go back to Jinan, it is still a stabbing nail!" His left hand holding the reins was wounded, in the battle yesterday afternoon Three fingers were cut off, almost splitting half of his face.

Nayan also understands the anger in Natu's heart. From the 17th, they have been entangled with the Jiangdong Left Army for seven or eight days. During this time, the Jiangdong Left Army was suppressed extremely cowardly, and it also prevented them from going back to participate in the Texas Society War to gain military exploits.

Even though it can be said that the Jiangdong left army elites were successfully prevented from supporting Dezhou, Na Yan felt ashamed that he had played so badly in the past few days.

He also tried to lure the Jiangdong Left Army to the outskirts of Dezhou to encircle and destroy it with a combined superior force. However, the Jiangdong Left Army mostly used night marches, interspersed in the north and south in the snowstorm, and it was difficult for the cavalry to contain them on the snow at night. The blizzard and the dark night had an even greater impact on the cavalry than the infantry, especially when they had to be wary of the Southern Dynasty defenders in the cities of Jiyin and Yangfu.

That picture really squinted at the Jiangdong Zuojun scouts in the distance, and didn't say that he would lead someone to flank the past. He saw the heads of the tribesmen hanging on the side of the Jiangdong Zuojun scouts' saddles. 's anger. These grandchildren are more cunning than foxes. The key is that the main armoured soldiers behind these peripheral scouts are very mobile. Even in blizzard weather, the interspersed within a range of 20 to 30 miles is easy to understand. These peripheral scouts are likely to be released by them. bait. In the past few days, it has not only suffered a loss.

At this time, a team of cavalry appeared in the northeast direction, and dozens of cavalry were sent to guard here. After a while, the sentry sent here cooperated with a team of people who came over to confirm that it was their own. Nayan looked at the attire and size of the person who came, and thought to herself: Has the king sent someone here?

The cavalry team that came was headed by a black-faced young man with a straight posture, waving at Tuzhen from a distance, and shouting: "Tuzhen, I heard that you have successfully restrained and will support Dezhou. The eight hundred elites of the Southern Dynasties, the two gold medals I received are really incomparable to yours, I don’t know how many gold medals you will receive when you go back this time…”

That Tuzhen's face was so gloomy that it dripped with water, and he scolded viciously in a low voice, "What is this beast doing here?"

Azige came over on his horse, dismounted and saluted Nayan, and said, "This is the warrant given to you by the Great Khan Yeji. When will you be able to win and return to the king's account?"

Nayan knew that Azige was frivolous, and didn't care about his offensive words. He took apart the letter of the king's account that he brought with him, and said happily: "Okay, Dezhou has been captured, and Linqing will be defended. Will Sun Jichang also surrender to the king's tent and dedicate the city..."

"Fuck!" That Tuzhen scolded lightly. It was a good thing to win Dezhou and Linqing so easily, but it also became more and more incompetent on their side. The smile on Azige's face almost reached his ears. Now, how can I not let him hate it? Said, "Since Azige wants to show off his military exploits so much, then the military exploits in front of you will be given to you..."

"Azige, how many soldiers from the king's tent did you bring?" Na Yan was not angry with Azige. Although the king's tent asked him to return to pay the order, he didn't want to let go of the formidable enemy in front of him.

"The king's army only brought two hundred soldiers," Chen Jige said, "I know that the bone that Yan Canshen is staring at is difficult to chew. In addition, I brought three hundred more soldiers from the tribe, and all listened to the command of Yan Shen... …”


When he received the news of the fall of Dezhou and the surrender of Xiancheng, the garrison of Linqing, Lin Fu and his troops stationed in a peach forest less than ten miles away from Nayan.

The leaves have all withered, the branches are covered with snow, and occasionally there is a crackling sound that the branches can't bear the pressure of the snow and break.

Although Lin Fu didn't have much hope for Dezhou and Linqing, he was still disappointed when he saw such a result.

"Are we pretending to retreat south to lure Yanbu to intercept them, and then flee to Cangnan?" Ao Canghai asked.

"No, let's go directly to Cangnan!" Lin Fu said, "Dezhou has fallen, and the Donglu can draw more troops to guard the eastern front. We can't delay on the road for too long. Let's go directly to Cangnan, no matter what, hold back. Na Yan, who has been bent for so long, will not let us go easily... Take back all the scouts, there will be pursuers behind and interceptions in front, we have to overcome all difficulties and arrive at Cangnan before dawn tomorrow. Small Botou Village."

The scouts in front withdrew, bringing with them the latest enemy situation. Wu Qi pulled the reins and let the horses kick the snow under his crotch. He said, "There is a cavalry that rushed back from Dezhou to join the Nayan tribe, about four or five in number. Hundreds of people……"

"Then don't delay for a moment, the wounded will all mount, any baggage or injured horses that affect the speed of the march will be thrown away, and the rear of the palace will bury more bristle bristle in the snow..." Lin Fu ordered decisively.

There were more than a thousand Donglu cavalry gathered ten miles to the northeast, and Lin Fu couldn't rely on the three or five hundred defenders in Yangxin County to go out to help in the battle. They were already at a disadvantage in terms of strength. Be more violent and weaken the mobility advantage of the Donglu cavalry. He believes that Nayan will lead the cavalry to chase. The Donglu has already captured Dezhou and Linqing. The next step is to attack Jinan Prefecture. The Donglu will send some cavalry to monitor Jinan. The defender of Fu County in the east of Fu.


Na Yan chased after Taolin, and the horse dung left behind by the cavalry in the rear of the hall was hot in his heart. He took a knife to cut it open, and there was still steaming white steam in the snow.

Na Yan sat on the horse's back and looked at the rut marks, horseshoe marks and footstep marks that were blown and buried by the blizzard, but still clearly visible. This Jiangdong left army did not retreat south to Jinan Prefecture, nor did it avoid entering Yangxin. According to the city, they turned to the northeast and went to Cangnan. There were discarded baggage everywhere in the woods. Obviously, this Jiangdong left army fled in a hurry after knowing that Dezhou had fallen.

"Chase or not?" That picture was really hesitant. This was something that could never have happened to him seven or eight days ago.

Azig asked, "What's there to ask about? Don't you chase it?"

"Chase!" Na Yan made up his mind. He couldn't guess why the Jiangdong Zuo army fled to Cangnan in a hurry, but the Jiangdong Zuo army was very cunning. Cangnan went around in a big circle and then went back to Jinan, how could he figure it out so easily?

That Yan squinted and looked at the darkening sky and the increasing snowstorm, God is fair to everyone.

Leaving all the wounded behind, he did not believe that the four hundred king's tent soldiers and seven hundred cavalrymen could not eat this Jiangdong left army, so he restrained the reins and ordered everyone to dismount and lead the horses to chase in the wind and snow.

Although in the dark night, despite the blizzard, the outpost can still accurately identify the escape route of Jiangdong Zuojun. The chase was so tight, and the distance between the front and rear was only seven or eight miles away. Na Yan was not afraid of what tricks this Jiangdong left army could play. He only scattered the pursuit queue, and the outposts should be more vigilant and maintain physical strength as much as possible. After catching up, they will launch a deadly charge against the Jiangdong Left Army.

Although most of them will be exhausted when they catch up, Na Yan believes that the situation of Jiangdong Zuojun will be worse than them, as long as the enemy's situation is worse than his own, it will be enough.

Walking against the wind and snow, Na Yan didn't know how long he walked at night. In short, he was chasing with the traces of Jiangdong Zuojun, and Jiangdong Zuojun showed no signs of dispersing. When the sky was white, he could already hear it vaguely. To the sound of the waves, to the seaside?

"Damn, they're right in front!" That Tuzhen stood on horseback and pointed north.

Na Yan looked up and saw that in the distance less than a mile away, crowded with black heads, it was the Jiangdong Zuo Army fleeing north along the seawall.

That Tuzhen shouted that he wanted to pull a group of people to lead the horses to the seawall first, and Azige also rode on the horse with his subordinates, preparing to outflank from the wilderness under the seawall to the front of the Jiangdong Left Army.

On the left front of the seawall, there is a stockade with a jagged wall in the morning view, Nayan pointed there: "What stockade is that?"

"Xiaobotouzhai!" The guard beside Nayan opened the map ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to find out the name of the stockade.

"I'm afraid of him/mother," Na Tuzhen scolded fiercely, "If the Zhai soldiers dare to come out to help in the battle, I will pull out the Zhaizi together today. I've been depressed for so long, and I just found some thin-skinned and tender-meat girls to send you a message. /Let's vent..." The left and right king tent soldiers shouted.

A stockade of this size usually has one or two hundred stockade soldiers. It is not cost-effective to attack such stockades in ice and snow. After the Jiangdong Zuo Army was wiped out, he wanted to attack one or two stockades for everyone to vent/vent, vent/vent. He mounted his horse and pulled out a straight-ridged sword inlaid with gold wire, so that all his subordinates mounted on the horse and waved the front finger of the sword. Order to pursue.

That Yan Zong rode to the seawall, trying to find a high place to control the entire battle situation. When he saw that the two hundred King's tent soldiers led by Tuzhen were about to catch up with the Jiangdong Left Army, the closed gate of Xiaobotou Village suddenly opened, and the horse The head was moving, the sabers were cold, and the two wings were flying contradictory cars that were pushed by people behind them. It was not known how many armored cavalry soldiers rushed out to kill the generals. He sent a team of cavalry to monitor Xiaobotouzhai, which hardly resisted. After a while, it will be submerged by the other party, and the fragile flanks of the Azig Department who want to circumnavigate under the seawall are completely exposed and have no cover.

At this moment, that Yan only felt a sweetness in his throat, his eyes darkened, and he held the reins tightly so that he did not fall off the horse.


PS: In this chapter, "Xiaochen" has passed one million words, which is worth celebrating.

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