Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 28: assistance

Wukou Village came to contact Wu Tian, ​​the remnant of the Jinzhong soldiers and the former deputy lieutenant of Zhenwei of the Jinzhong Qin Wang Division.

Jinhai was only more than 200 miles away from Gyeonggi, and the remnants of Jinzhong soldiers were forced to be trapped in Jinhai villages. It is quite eye-catching that Lin Fu leads the army alone as a low-ranking civil servant of the superintendent of the provincial capital. Some people in the DPRK even use this as an excuse to attack Gu Wuchen in order to promote his confidant and treat King Qin of Gyeonggi like a child's play. Naturally, the target is also aimed at the Chu Party.

Before the Jiangdong Zuo Army marched north to Yannan, Wu Tian had also heard of Lin Fu.

In addition to this time Lin Fu led the Jiangdong left army alone, in the **** battle of Jiyang, Yang Pu and Lin Fu led the elites to move out of the city and fought according to the city, fighting against Donghai bandits with several times their own strength. Although Yang Zhaoqi was quite disgusted with the behavior of the Chu Party's control of the state and the exclusion of dissidents during his lifetime, he appreciated the performance of the Chu Party Gu Wuchen, Yang Pu, Lin Fu and others in the **** battle of Jiyang, so Wu Tian, ​​Yang Yihang and other Jinzhong admirals The military attache of the government also knew the existence of Lin Fu for a long time.

The Cangnan Victory, due to the lack of communication between the Hejian Mansion and the Zhuzhai, did not trust the Jiangdong Zuojun scouts who came to contact them. Until the people who inquired about the news came back from Yanjing, it was only seven or eight days late to know the news of the Cangnan Victory that shook the capital.

Lin Bie's young age was beyond Wu Tian's expectations. His lips, moustache and beard were not well groomed, and they were a little messy. His face was thin and swarthy, his lines were strong and strong, and his eyes were piercingly bright. He looked older than his actual age. Some, but in front of Wu Tian, ​​who is 29 years old this year, Lin Fu is still young.

Lin Bieyu doesn't have the weak temperament of a scholar, his face has a frosty color, he wears a green armor robe, ties around his waist, and he wears two kinds of knives, long and short. A person who is not frustrated and can be trusted, also makes people believe that only such a person can fight such beautiful battles as the Bloody Battle of Jiyang and the Great Victory of Cangnan.

Wu Tian originally approached Jiangdong Zuojun with a try-and-see attitude, and led him to climb the big boat. When he first saw Lin Bie, he was a little impressed. In the final analysis, Lin Fu's image is quite Wu Tian's imagination of famous and wise generals; with the **** battle of Jiyang and the victory of Cangnan to set off, at least in the Zhenfu army, it is those senior generals who usually have higher eyes than the top. Also look up to Lin Bie.

"Jinzhong Admiral's Mansion, Jinzhong Qin Wang Shizhong's Deputy Commander of Dangkou Battalion, and Zhenwei Deputy Lieutenant have seen Lord Lin!" Wu Tian saluted, although he was a military attache of the sixth rank, this dynasty has always respected the culture and suppressed the martial arts, and was the capital of the seventh rank. The supervisor was even taller than Colonel Zhenwei and Colonel Zhaowu, not to mention that Lin Fu was the commander-in-chief of the 3,000 generals of the Jiangdong Left Army. Wu Tian was only a general of the remnants of Jinzhong, so it was normal to take the initiative to salute Lin Fu.

"Xiaowei Wu, please take a seat quickly, we don't need to be polite, I hope every day that you can come over, this is Cao Zi'ang, commander of the second battalion of the Jiangdong Left Army, this is Sun Shangwang, the clerk in the middle account, he is Hejian The people of Fucang County..." Lin Fu warmly greeted Wu Tian to sit down. He didn't know much about the situation of the soldiers in the Jinzhong, but according to the rules, only those who built the 600 Soldiers Battalion had great meritorious or elite troops. The official battalion name is more often a combination of the two. Lin Fu thought that the remnants of Jinzhong in Wukou Village should be an elite group.

It is impossible for the local Shangwuzhai to accommodate the defeated and disorderly soldiers. Those who can avoid entering the Wuzhai are usually the remnants of a relatively complete organization. Later, they may be accommodated and rectified to strengthen the defensive capability of the Wuzhai.

Not only the remnants of the Jinzhong soldiers in the Wukou Village, but also the Jinzhong soldiers who were able to break out of the encirclement with a relatively complete formation in the Gaoyang Battle, and who held fast to the village to this day, could not be considered weak.

Lin Fu was extremely urgent about Wu Tian's arrival.

Due to the lack of trust in the past, Lin Fu did not know the situation of the several docks still in Qingxian and Jinhai. It is not clear whether there is close contact between Ya and several stockades.

Even if Lin Fu wanted to join forces to restrain the Hexiong Qi clan, or to contain more captives in Jinhai, to relieve the pressure on Jinan Prefecture and Gyeonggi, he could not accomplish these intentions without trust.

How could Lin Fu not be happy when Wukou Village took the initiative to send someone to contact him.

Lin Fu took the initiative to introduce the situation of Jiangdong's left army to Wu Tian, ​​in order to win the trust of the remnants of Jinzhong soldiers. If there is a shortage, I will move the armored soldiers on the shore to the north, which can cover the transport of some of them from the ship to Wukou Village..."

"Wu Tiandai, the 700 remnants of the Vukou defeated generals, thank you for your kindness..." Wu Tian was busy salute. One of the reasons why he was able to come here was that the supplies in Vukou Village had begun to be in short supply. The daily rations were limited and could not be supported for a few days. .

It was only at this time that Wu Tian learned that the Jiangdong Left Army had wiped out nearly 1,000 captives and won nearly 1,000 heads after the victory in Cangnan. Since the pair followed Yang Zhaoqi, even though Gao Yang suffered this heavy setback, their hearts remained the same. The proud Wu Tian said, his heart was greatly impacted.

If it is said that there is a lucky element in one victory, Jiangdong Zuojun has won two thousand-level victory with 3,000 newly recruited soldiers.

The easiest way to convince soldiers and military attachés is to show their actual achievements. Compared with scholars, warriors are more rude and less polite, but rudeness also has the advantage of being rude.

Wu Tianjian also explained to Lin Fu the situation that Jinhai and Qingxian were still defending the villages. Senior generals at the level of Admiral, Senator, and Guard of Jinzhong Qin Wang were almost swept away in the Battle of Gaoyang and captured. There should be a lot of them, but at this time there is no news about the generals and traitors - this situation is also very likely to happen, Wu Tian and others are also worried that this will affect the future of the Jinzhong soldiers. After all, no one in the court will know. Speaking for them, the remnants of the Central Jin soldiers-the total number of the remnants of the Central Jin soldiers in Jinhai and Qingxian are about 3,000. There are almost 2,000 people, and the three villages are not far from each other.

After Wu Tian returned to Wukou Village, Wei Zhonglong still doubted Lin Fu's intentions, but he could not refuse to accept the food and grass funding from Jiangdong Zuo Army. For those low-level military attachés and ordinary Jin soldiers who did not know the behind-the-scenes of the court battles and only pinned the hatred of Gao Yang's fiasco on Hao Zongcheng and the Donghu people, and the Jiangdong Zuo Army, who twice wiped out the captives and boldly marched into Yannan are extremely welcome.

Wukou Village was originally a fortress. Usually, only three or four hundred people from the Zhou clan lived there. After the autumn harvest, the food was still sufficient. However, after the war, there were more than 3,000 villagers, officers and soldiers who avoided entering Wukou Village. Although the villagers who took refuge also brought in some food, the key point was that the Jinzhong soldiers brought in by Yang Yihang, Wu Tian, ​​and Wei Zhonglong consumed the most of the stored food, which made the stored food in Wukou Village quickly fall into an unsupportable predicament.

Eddy River has nothing to do with Eddy River, the main tributary of the middle and upper reaches of Huai River. Eddy River is a river of Hengyuan in the south of Jinhai County. Its mouth is only more than 200 steps wide. During the period of Hai Cao, the eddy water connected to the Wei River was the most important channel to the sea in the northern part of Hejian Fu. The grains transported by sea ship were moved to the river boats in the Jinhai Sea to enter the Eddy River, the Weihe River, and then enter the counties of Gyeonggi. This last section of the waterway is only the last two hundred miles.

Wukou Village is located on the mouth of the sea on the north bank of the vortex. From the stone-built seawall, the Wukou Village is comparable to a small town. You can see the grand scene of the beginning of Haicao more than a hundred years ago. It is a pity that Haicao rose. It was abolished in a very short time, and the vortex river channel has been abandoned for a long time without control, and the navigation capacity is very limited, but the vortex village is still an important transit point for the coastal prefectures and counties in northern Shandong and Yannan to enter Gyeonggi by sea.

It's just that the war made the prosperity of Wukouzhai Town disappear for a while.

Through the cover of the two wings, and through the darkness of dawn, Lin Fu transported thousands of stone rice noodles and tens of thousands of kilograms of pigs, sheep, cattle and horses to Wukou Village by mule, camel, and wheelbarrow. Meat, as well as a large number of medicinal materials, arrows and other supplies.

All beautiful words are false and false, and real material assistance is the most real and most reliable. A large amount of materials were transported into Wukou Village, and even Wei Zhonglong, who had the most serious resistance to Lin Fu, did not say anything.

Yannan fell into the fall, except for the stronghold of the dock, the villages and towns were looted several times for the Donglu, and the Wukou Village could get very little supply from the outside. After Yang Yihang, Wu Zhong, and Wei Zhonglong entered the Wukou Village, they took over everything in the village without hesitation, and strictly controlled the food and grass. The ordinary villagers initially gave half a catty of rations a day, but now it has been reduced to one porridge a day. s level. In order not to starve and get half a catty of rations from the soldiers to eat a full meal, some women in the stockade often take off their pants without shame and give it a go~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to the soldiers below. Wei Zhonglong is also vying for one eye and one eye closed for all kinds of dirty things. Who knows the way out after this war?

It was not during the war, when there was a grain shortage in Yannan, Gyeonggi, the price of rice was as high as 20 to 30 cents a pound, and the price of meat was even more astonishingly expensive. Jiangdong Zuojun replenished Wukou Village with nearly 10,000 taels of materials at one time. Wu Tian contacted him in the past, but he didn't mention the collection at all. How could Wei Zhonglong refuse to be thousands of miles away? At least the Jiangdong Zuo Army expressed full sincerity about the coalition. As for what to do after the war, it can only be said after the war. They agreed with Yang Yihang and Wu Tian and invited Lin Fu to enter the village for a talk.

At the same time, Changlu, Qingqi and other villages also sent representatives to Wukou to see Lin Fu.

In Wukou Village, it was like winning a big victory and celebrating a big festival. Ordinary soldiers and people even regarded Lin Fu's arrival as a savior.

Watching Manzhai feed the bloated, scrawny villagers and soldiers—the soldiers are better. After all, to ensure the soldiers’ combat stamina, their rations are much higher than that of ordinary villagers, but they are also very limited—Lin Fu also has some ideas in his heart. I can't bear it. Not to mention the inland docks, the Wukou Village is only two miles away from the seawall. Especially in the middle and late stages, the blockade of the Jinhai Sea by the navy horses is not serious. Delivering supplies, it's just that the officials of the Manchu Dynasty seem to have deliberately not seen that there are still remnants of Jinzhong soldiers standing here.

Hao Zongcheng, Hao Zongcheng, when he walked into the vortex village, Lin Fu was talking about this name. Before meeting, he made another big enemy. Lin Fu was also very impressed with his ability to make an enemy and cause trouble.


PS: The first chapter is updated so early today, it is very likely that there will be three more updates. Brothers, please vote for more! My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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