Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 29: Replenish

Thousands of stone grains of rice and tens of thousands of catties of meat are undoubtedly extremely precious to the Wukou villages who have been trapped for two months, but they do not constitute logistical pressure on the Jiangdong Zuo Army.

This is the biggest advantage of sea transportation for logistical support.

The Dongyang has a capacity of thousands of stones. After the northern river is frozen in winter, the sea boat travels from south to north, and the speed of the carriage is comparable to that of a mule and horse. However, a cart pulled by a driver and two mules and horses can carry ten goods. Shi, it also means that the Dongyang ship, which requires at least 16 boatmen, transports 1,000 shi of grain by sea, and needs 100 carts, 200 horses, and 100 coachmen by land.

Compared with the loading capacity of a five-masted ship, it requires five hundred carts, one thousand mules and horses, and five hundred coachmen. Such a huge convoy of mules and horses travels by land, which will directly block the post road. The queues drawn from the front and back are almost 11 or 2 miles long. If there is a problem in any link, the entire convoy will stop.

The shipping costs between the two can be said to be worlds apart.

The Cangnan Victory and the Xiaobotouzhai Victory had a large number of horses seriously injured or killed on both sides. In addition, the fire in Xiaobotouzhai was just suffocation. There were more than 2,000 horses in total, and the income of horse meat alone was as high as Five to sixty thousand pounds.

In Yannan, the rivers will not begin to thaw until the middle and late two months of February. At this time, it is still the freezing and snowy season, and the preservation of horse meat is not a problem. However, Jiangdong Zuojun himself is unable to digest such a large amount of horse meat anyway. To dispose of such a large amount of horse meat before the weather warms up, it is undoubtedly not the smartest way to get it directly to Dengzhou and dump it at a low price.

Lin Fu's envoy Lin Mengde sent people from the labor camp to Dengzhou and other places to find businessmen to negotiate barter, exchange three catties of rice for one catty of horse meat, and even agreed to the Dengzhou business on credit, and the credit was counted as four A pound of rice is exchanged for a pound of horse meat. As long as there are soldiers in hand, Lin Fudao is not worried that Shandong businessmen will not pay back the debts.

Horse meat is still fresh in Shandong, and cattle and horses are banned from slaughtering. Even dead cattle and horses are twice as expensive as pork and mutton. It is extremely cheap to exchange three catties of rice for one catty of meat. However, the level of urban consumption is limited, and the big city of Dengzhou only has more than 20,000 mouthfuls. No matter how cheap horse meat is, it can only digest tens of thousands of catties. It is still necessary for merchants to transport horse meat to coastal prefectures and counties south of Dengzhou for sale.

In addition, more than 2,000 furs are not a small number.

Lin Fu will not waste the few large ships in his hand on the sea, and he wants the merchants in Dengzhou and other places to organize the transportation by sea, but he promises to transport all damaged or attacked ships by sea this time. , as long as Jiangdong Zuojun sent people on board to supervise, whether it is a ship or a cargo, compensation will be made according to the price.

There are additional guarantees from the Jiangdong Zuo Army, especially Dengzhou has a large number of businessmen and shipowners who fled from Hejianfu. After Jiangdong Zuojun won a great victory in Cangnan, some of them also had the courage to go to sea and return to Hejianfu.

On the one hand, it is doing business, and on the other hand, it is also supporting the Jiangdong Zuo Army.

In the past few days, there have been more than 40 ships from Dengzhou and other places on the islands off the coast of Tianjin.

Although there are very few large ships of more than a thousand stone among them, most of them are single-masted or two-masted sailboats with a capacity of two to five hundred stone, but they are better than the total load, which is about ten thousand stone. Three or four thousand stone rice noodles and other important materials were transported to the Jiangdong Zuo Army.

The Jiangdong Zuo Army kept 100,000 catties of slaughtered horse meat with the ships for military use.

The horse meat business is the second priority. As long as the sea route is not cut off, Lin Fu can continuously obtain strong logistical support from the prefectures and counties in northeastern Shandong through them. logistical support.

All of this is supported by the prestige won by Jiangdong Zuojun's two victories in Cangnan, otherwise, the so-called extra guarantees are not worth the bullshit.


In addition to Wukou, Changlu, Qingqi and other villages are even more short of materials, but Changlu and Qingqi are farther from the seawall, and more than 4,000 cavalrymen from the Hexiong Qi tribe are closely monitoring Wukou, Changlu, Qingqi and other villages. , the distance of more than ten miles, riding a fast detour through is full of danger, not to mention the delivery of materials.

"We can first transport the materials into Wukou Village, and you can send cavalry to transport the materials. One person, two horses or three horses. There will be no big problem in emptying a horse and a camel to transport a hundred and ten kilograms of heavy objects. Let's wait for the days to pass..." Lin Fu said.

Lin Fu, Lin Mengde and Sun Shangwang entered Wukou Village and met with the remnants of the Jinzhong army generals.

Lin Fu didn't mention the matter of the coalition troops. It was the most urgent thing to solve the problem of food shortage in the villages.

Ma Yigong was only thirty-five or sixteen years old. When he led his troops to break through the siege, there were still nearly 300 people who were stationed in Changlu Village, gathered the defeated troops, and had nearly 800 subordinates. He listened to Lin Fu's suggestion to use horse food, touched his nose and said, "There are only six horses left in Changlu Village. If we can't raise food, these six horses can't be kept. Zhou Tong and the others are still I walked by on my feet..."

"Horses are not a problem," Lin Fu said, "Wukou, Changlu, Qingqi, for each stockade, I will lend you fifty horses from outside the mouth and a hundred ordinary mules and horses. For other stockades, you only need to send people to Wukou. Kouzhai, I have lent 20 horses and 40 ordinary mules and horses. If you go back first, I will let you bring some mules and horses back. First, kill the mules and horses to fill the stomach, but no matter how difficult it is, the horses outside the mouth can be used. Save it for last..."

Ma Yigong and the others laughed embarrassedly. Out-of-mouth horses are the most scarce supplies anywhere, and the price is more than seven or eight times that of ordinary horses. In Lin Fu's words, he meant to give ordinary horses directly to them, but they were too embarrassed to take the horses outside their mouths.

As long as they have enough food and strength, they still want to fight the prisoners.

"Let's do this, you all go back and gather all the people who transport the grain to Wukou Village, let them have a full meal, and don't lose your strength on the way. After you are ready, I will send the three battalions to intersperse. Go to the three villages of Wukou, Changlu, and Qingqi, and drive out the cavalry of the Hexiong Qi tribe, and then send out the personnel to transport food from Wukou Village," Lin Fu said, "In order to ensure safety, each village only It is necessary to send troops to move within one mile of the stockade, so that the Hexiong Qi clan cannot fully besiege my soldiers... Do you think this arrangement will work?"

Lin Fu didn't mention the matter of the coalition, but with this arrangement, it has actually formed a coalition.

Naturally, Ma Yigong of Changlu and Zhou Tong of Qingqi would not have any objections, nor would Yang Yihang, Wu Tian, ​​and Wei Zhonglong. After all, it was the Jiangdong Left Army who rushed in to be the main force, and also solved the problem of supplying their remnants of Jinzhong soldiers. In fact, they don't want to be so useless and only move around a mile around the stockade.

Gao Yang's fiasco caused the generals in Jin Zhong to harbor hatred, fire, and resentment to the sky. Although some of them rejected the Jiangdong Zuo Army, they definitely did not reject filling their stomachs to fight against the Eastern Captives.

Ordinary generals don't care much about the way out for the remnants of Jinzhong's soldiers, but Yang Yihang, Ma Yigong, Zhou Tongtong and others have to consider this issue. These middle-level generals may even be held responsible for Gao Yang's fiasco. Only by accumulating merit can we Win the initiative.

Wei Zhonglong, who had the deepest conflict between Lin Fu and Jiangdong Zuojun, muttered for a long time before blushing and asked stammeringly, "Does Jiangdong Zuojun have any extra ordnance?"

Yang Yihang and the others were originally the remnants that stood out from the heavy siege, and they gathered the defeated soldiers, old soldiers with combat experience, but the soldiers and armored bows and crossbows were severely lacking.

"There aren't many armors. If you can come up with some others, what do you need?" Lin Fu asked.

"As long as you can have it," Yang Yihang said honestly, "There are 672 soldiers in the Jinzhong, 1,000 soldiers in the villages, and a quarter of the people still have no weapons..."

"..." Lin Fu didn't expect to be so embarrassed. When they entered the village, the generals Yang Yihang brought to greet him were still fully armed, and he didn't want to lose face in front of them. He discussed with Lin Mengde for a while and gave Yang Yihang replied and said, "That's good~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In addition to the previous horses, we don't have many armors, crossbows, and Mo Dao. I will give you two hundred step bows, and I will give you another ten thousand arrows. Yu, the other spears, swords and shields will be supplemented for you, what do you think?"

"..." Yang Yihang and the others were stunned for a long time before asking, "This is true..."

"Nothing is true or false," Lin Bie said with a smile, "After nightfall, I will send someone directly to deliver it to you..."

Not to mention Yang Yihang, Wei Zhonglong, Wu Tian, ​​Ma Yigong, Zhou Tongtong, Changlu, Qingqi and other generals were also surprised by Lin Fu's generosity. They knew that Lin Fu could capture a large number of war horses in the great victory of Cangnan. , but Lin Fu took four or five hundred horses to support them, not surprising, but they didn't know that Lin Fu bought military capital worth three or four million taels in Jinan with 50,000 taels of silver. For a great victory of the nature of total annihilation, the military resources are fully replenished, especially light weapons such as spears, swords and shields, and the reserves are large.

A bow with a shooting distance of more than 100 to 120 steps has high requirements on the shooter. There are not many soldiers in the Jiangdong Zuo Army who can use a bow. At this shooting distance, Lin Bie is equipped with a crossbow. to strengthen. Among the remnants of the Jinzhong army, there were enough old soldiers who could use the bow, so Lin Fu naturally used it to strengthen Yang Yihang's army.

Ma Yigong discussed with Zhou Tong for a while, and asked directly: "Can Changlu and Qingqi villages send some people to Wukou for installation? Jiangdong Zuojun entered the west of Wukou, and they can stay directly in Wukou. Support the flank of the Jiangdong Left Army..."

"Okay!" Lin Fu agreed without hesitation. He was afraid that Yang Yihang, Ma Yigong, and Zhou Tong would be afraid of fighting, and he was not afraid that they would ask for ordnance.


PS: The second update is coming.

Now I have something to go out, and the third is more likely to be late! My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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