Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 34: Climbing Wangtai Mountain

(Yesterday, the red ticket broke 6,000, and a 6,000-word chapter was sent, one chapter worth two chapters)

The enemy's armored cavalry rushed in, the bow and crossbow were weak, and the two capital teams interspersed to intercept. Both men and horses are armored, and they are the most sturdy horses outside the mouth. Even people and horses are covered with armor, about six or seven hundred pounds, as if moving hills collided. Although the flying contradictory car has a certain blocking effect, it can't be defeated by armor. The riders collided with death force, the eight flying contradictory carts were overturned and cracked, and the sixteen soldiers in charge of the conflict with the carts vomited blood and vomited endlessly due to the huge force transmitted by them. The sword and shield confronted him, but the momentum of the enemy's armor and cavalry remained unabated, and even people and horses collided, and the people flew out of the collision. The lethality of the Mo Dao and the stabbing spear to the captive soldiers and armored cavalry has also been greatly reduced. Although the Mo Dao hand is bravely advancing with the strong armor, no matter how strong the manpower is, it is not as strong as the people and horses. Armor's sword and shield fighters and spearmen fell one after another while swinging the enemy cavalry's long sword.

The intercepted two capital teams were completely crushed and scattered, with heavy casualties, and they only killed more than ten captive soldiers, armored cavalry and cavalry.

Cao Zi'ang, who was standing on the trolley of the central army's main formation, observed and controlled the entire battle situation, seeing that the cavalry of the captives was so strong that it was difficult to resist. At the risk of killing the gongs, all the front-line teams were scattered.

The captive soldiers galloped over and joined Timur's light cavalry. Since the light cavalry was widely dispersed, it was worthy of being caught in a melee. Fortunately, the armored cavalry came to help and relieved the pressure on the side and rear, but the armored cavalry and the light cavalry were mixed together, and they lost their impact. .

Timur became murderous and refused to retreat. Seeing that there was no pressure on the side and rear, and the enemy formation in front was much weaker, he asked Jiaqi to attack the Jiangdong army with him and defeat the Jiangdong soldiers on this road, and they would be able to Take the initiative on the battlefield.

Cao Zi'ang could see clearly in this formation. After the enemy armored cavalry lost the most threatening impact, he ordered someone to beat the drum, and the scattered armored soldiers suddenly gathered again after hearing the sound of the drum. Not enough flying contradictory chariots, they used heavy shields to carry the enemy cavalry and leaned over to attack, attacked with spears, slashed with Modao, and swept away with long-thorned bamboo spears, trying to entangle the enemy cavalry as much as possible. The dashing cavalry quickly regrouped on the flanks, ready to re-enter the battle.

This is one of the advantages of narrowing the establishment down to five pawns.

On a chaotic battlefield, it would be much more difficult to regroup the 15 people who had been scattered, even if they were well trained. Even if the formation is torn apart by the enemy cavalry, with five pawns as a group, it is not easy to form a crushing collapse. If the flag head of the fifteen pawns is seriously wounded or killed in battle, it is even more impossible for the scattered fifteen pawns to regroup during the war, and it will even form a rout that is extremely destructive to their own formation. With five pawns as a group, the Mo Dao Shou led by them was seriously injured or killed in battle, and the other four pawns could also be organized into other battle groups of the team under the command of Qitou.

In the same way, the five-pawn formation requires three or four times as much an experienced combat backbone as the fifteen-pawn formation. It is of course that cohesion, combat effectiveness and resistance are stronger, which is also a manifestation of Lin Bing's meticulous management and training.

Lin Bie also resolutely gave up the traditional array training in his daily training. With an array of about 3,000 soldiers, it is very difficult to train neatly and beautifully without three or five months, but the actual combat performance is quite poor.

Taking the 60 soldiers of the capital team as a unit, the difficulty of formation training is greatly reduced, and there are no complicated array movements. The key is to spend more time to practice tactical movements such as conflict, offense and defense, gathering and dispersing in a group cooperative nature.

This kind of training and formation formation was the tactics used by cavalry in the early stage.

The Donglu cavalry were still accustomed to pulling back and forth to loosen the cavalry, and then focused on the superiority and conflict to cut the cavalry, eventually forming a crushing rout, and finally releasing the cavalry to harvest the unresisting rout. The traditional infantry and strong soldiers are almost formed by battalions. There will be a set when fighting against cavalry volleys and conflicts. However, after the formation is loose, the combat effectiveness will be weakened rapidly, so as long as the cavalry has enough patience, it can be calm. are looking for fighters that are organic to them.

However, Timur found that the Jiangdong soldiers in front of him were very difficult to fight, and the formation of the formation was quite flexible. The traditional infantry formation against cavalry is four or five times larger, and it is not afraid of cavalry cutting into it.

However, in these formations, the chief general and the battalion commander will have higher requirements for the command and control of the capital team during wartime. In response to this, Lin Bie set up a sentry between the battalion and the capital team, and set up commanders and deputy commanders to further improve the command system and strengthen the structural strength of the infantry formation.

Cao Ziang placed the commander in the center, and kept an eye on the signal of the beacon fire from Wukou Village. Zhou Pu and Ning Zechen each led a team of elite soldiers to cover up from the two wings.

Timur saw that the Jiangdong soldiers regrouped faster than expected, and did not dare to entangle with Jiangdong Zuojun any more, so he could only take the opportunity to relieve the pressure to take the cavalry to the direction of Wang Dengtai Mountain, and rushed back and forth to kill three or four. Back to get rid of the entanglement. Just looking back, there were still three or five hundred cavalry at the rear entangled with the awl-shaped armor of the two capitals who were suddenly inserted from the two wings.

The Jiangdong Zuo Army's armor and **** formation seems to be advancing from the two wings to the front, and then from the rear to fill the two wings. The central formation controls the rhythm and advances slowly. The method conveys tactical orders directly to the capital team without error.

Wang Dengtaishan was in sight, and Timur could also clearly hear the sound of fighting from the other two directions. His body was sweating like puddles, maybe the scars left by the whip wound were stretched.

After Ye Jinayan was wiped out in Cangnan, Timur followed Na Hexiongqi and led his troops from Dezhou on December 29th. On the second day of the first month, they counterattacked to Cangnan. On the fourth day of the first lunar month, they were confused and pursued the enemy southward. After staying on the fifth day of the first month, more than a thousand cavalry were wiped out. On the seventh day of the first month, he returned to Cangnan to pursue Jinhai. It was the ninth day of the first month. He didn't heal, but it was because he had saved his feelings during the execution and didn't hurt his bones. He asked to fight, and He Xiongqi might have fought. Today is the eighth day. Although there have been five small-scale contact battles with the war, it is profound. I felt that the traditional Donghu cavalry light armor, riding bows and short swords were completely suppressed by the Jiangdong Zuojun, who were increasingly vigorous and determined to fight, and could not exert their advantages of superb riding skills and bow and arrow skills...

Timur was worried about how to get rid of the entanglement and get out of contact with the Jiangdong Zuo army. Na Hexiongqi personally led a cavalry from the left flank, braved the rain of arrows, and scattered a group of Jiangdong soldiers on the left flank. Timur was overjoyed, thinking that Hexiongqi had defeated the other Jiangdong soldiers and came back to support him, so he would drive the left and right to rush to the right, and try to overwhelm the Jiangdong soldiers from both flanks with superior forces.

The guards beside He Xiongqi rushed to the horse and shouted: "Return to Dengwangtai Mountain..." Before he shouted a second time, four or five crossbow arrows flew from nowhere and shot him off the horse. Relying on the strength of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, they always kept a team of crossbow archers in the main formation of the Central Army, and they would fire crossbow arrows when the gong sounded and the soldiers in the front row suddenly dispersed. Timur forced Yezier Khan to read the military books of the Han people. In fact, he found a beautiful girl who could read to read it to him. He vaguely remembered that there was such a battle formation, but it was not as powerful as before.

Timur reined in his horse and rushed back. With the support of Hexiongqi, he didn't have to worry about biting his tail again. He galloped to the north foot of Wangdengtai Mountain, and Hexiongqi also drove the horse dripping with sweat. Across the distance, He Xiongqi hurriedly shouted: "The south wing is only temporarily free from the entanglement. The combat strength of the remnants of the Jinzhong soldiers is somewhat unexpected, far stronger than the previous reconnaissance. Lin Bie probably has more hands. Send two thousand troops, this battle cannot be fought hard, I can only send more than 100 dead soldiers in the northeast direction to delay desperately..."

"His/mother, the guards on the northern front are still eating his/mother's milk!" Timur scolded angrily, "Two thousand more soldiers, this battle is a shit!"

"I can't blame the poor reconnaissance on the northern front," said Na Hexiongqi, "We didn't estimate the Jiangdong Zuo Army's ability to supply the remnants of the Jinzhong soldiers. The formation of a salvo coverage scale should be the reinforcement of the Jiangdong Zuo Army after it arrived in Jinhai. King Khan said that the Southern Dynasties sectarian competition is very fierce, which is the norm, but we must also think of some special cases, this Lin Fu is special For example, so let us suffer a little. Now Jiangdong Bingsan Road is less than four miles apart, at most give us half a stick of incense time. Break through the encirclement to the northwest and join the Grand Prince, but in the northwest direction, Jiangdong Zuojun It is very likely that there will be an ambush, and you will lead your troops to the southwest to break out of the encirclement..."

"You lead the troops to go first, and I will come to the rear." Timur said loudly.

"Do you dare to obey my orders, believe it or not, I'll cut your head off right now?" Na Hexiongqi said angrily, "Don't get carried away by hatred, you have to remember that after rushing out, go back to the west of Qingxian County. Continue to delay the Jiangdong Zuo Army, do not let it rush into Taihang Shandong, at least keep an eye on it, the Grand Prince will send reinforcements after receiving a letter. Tell Yezierhan and the prince in detail. The Jiangdong left army only has 3,000 soldiers, so it is so sharp. If there are 30,000 soldiers, this battle will not be able to fight. Next time I break the border and enter the bandit, the others can not be guarded, Jiangdong soldiers Be sure to guard!"

"You **** give me back alive! Otherwise, I will suffer the iron whip of King Khan!" Timur roared.

"I'm sorry, Jiang Dongbing wants to keep me, and they have to have this ability..." He Xiongqi pretended to whip Timur with a horsewhip and urged him to leave quickly.

That Hexiongqi regretted being too indecisive. When Wukou Village saw that the Jiangdong Zuo Army had the intention of fighting, he should resolutely abandoned the baggage and ordered each division to break through alone, instead of retreating to Wangdengtai Mountain. . Now it seems that Lin Fu is grasping this weakness in his thinking. The Jiangdong Zuo Army and the remnants of the Jinzhong Army seem to be divided into three groups, but in fact, they came to Wang Dengtai Mountain in a planned way. And when they retreated to Wangdengtai Mountain, it was the cocoon that bound themselves to form a situation of encirclement and battle for the Jiangdong Zuo Army.

The Jiangdong Zuo Army is in full force, and its strength is superior to this side. Naturally, He Xiongqi will not fight with the Jiangdong Zuo Army in this situation. Besides, if the cavalry is forced into the inner circle, the battle will be abnormally passive. In this case A hasty battle is the stupidest choice. However, the camp was simple, and there was a precedent for Lin Tie to use fire in Xiaobotouzhai, so He Xiongqi did not dare to avoid entering the camp and insist on waiting for help, so he had to break out of the encirclement. Jiangdong has not yet formed a complete encirclement. The cavalry has a natural advantage in breaking through the encirclement. If the luggage and food are lost, it is a big deal to go to the prince for a day or two of hunger and ask for it. It would have been good to have thought this way for a long time, then He Xiongqi was useless to take the regret medicine now, so he could only lead his troops to return and rush to kill, and rescue as many rear cavalry as possible.

After Lin Fu's victory here, he gathered the remnants of the Central Jin army, and further formed a superior force, which would definitely be interspersed to the west; its threat to the north and south fronts was greater than any moment, and He Xiongqi thought about doing everything he could. It is possible to gather up troops and go to the west of Qingxian to intercept Jiangdong troops.


Yang Yihang and Ma Yi's power department attacked four miles away from Wang Dengtai Mountain, and entangled a team of captives. This team of captive cavalry only had more than 100 people, and they attacked the Jinzhong soldiers completely regardless of casualties. They tore back and forth twice in the rain of arrows. Although they killed 30 or 40 cavalry here, they also successfully broke into the formation. , causing confusion in the marching formation here.

The cavalry knives are short, and you have to slow down and lean over to cut and kill. While slashing, it also brings opportunities for the soldiers here to kill, but this time, the dozens of cavalry who rushed into the battle completely gave up the chance to cut and kill, only Peek into the gaps or the clashes where the rioters gather. Maybe he couldn't shake off the spear stab, so he slashed the first knife. These more than a hundred cavalry are completely here to stop the dead soldiers marching here.

In addition to the cavalry on the two wings and the foot soldiers of the Jidu team dispersing in time, the rushing array in the center was completely disturbed, and it took a stick of incense to entangle. The thirty or so cavalry also began to consider breaking out.

The Jinzhong soldiers naturally consisted of fifteen soldiers as a small team and sixty soldiers as a capital team. Yang Yihang, Ma Yigong, and Wei Zhonglong respectively mastered six to eight capital teams and pursued them in a cone-shaped rushing array. He also contacted the Jiangdong Zuo Army on both flanks at any time, and the enemy cavalry swept away in an array, and the ability to regroup was far worse than that of the Jiangdong Zuo Army.

Yang Yihang, Ma Yigong, and Wei Zhonglong were all experienced military officers. They kept spreading the queue, leaving enough space for the inner circle of generals to surround and kill conflicting enemy cavalry, and completely surrounded more than 30 cavalry. Yang Yihang and Ma Yigong continued to attack Wangdengtai Mountain at the rate of the formation that did not break up, leaving Wei Zhonglong to stay behind to surround and kill the enemy cavalry.

Yang Yihang and others led the attack, and they also sent people to contact the Jiangdong Left Army on both sides at any time. Knowing that the two Jiangdong Left Army delayed at most, they held more than 900 and more than 1,500 captives and killed the enemy with ease and force. They were all deeply ashamed. Claiming to be an old soldier in the Jin middle, he actually delayed nearly half of the troops with more than 100 cavalry. If three or five hundred cavalry came to attack them, they were afraid that they would have to fight a tough battle on the spot, and they would not reach the left of Jiangdong at all. A **** against a light cavalry level. The inferior armor of the Jiangdong Zuo Army is a factor, but it is not a decisive factor. When the soldiers and armor of the Central Jin Dynasty were complete, the fighting level of the Jiangdong Zuo Army was completely impossible.

Yang Yihang and Ma Yipower rushed to the foot of Wangdengtai Mountain, and Ao Canghai and Zhao Qingshan were leading their troops to fight against Hexiongqi's rear cavalry. That Hexiong Qi personally led not many cavalry, only more than 500 cavalry, but the tactics were more flexible. Even in the rain of arrows, they did not give them a chance to encircle at all. Qi Bian interspersed between Ao Canghai and Zhao Qingshan, and directly attacked Yang Yihang and Ma Yigong who had rushed over. Dozens of corpses were left behind, and they also interspersed with the collapsed formations of Yang Yihang and Ma Yigong's troops.

After fighting for most of the day, it was only in the afternoon. At this time, a stick of wolf smoke ignited in the direction of Wukou Village and went straight to Yunxiao. I don’t know what Jiangdong Zuojun added to the wolf smoke. The wolf smoke actually showed pink in the black and gray. Na Hexiongqi looked back and saw that the mixed cavalry was fighting with him at the foot of Wangdengtai Mountain. It seemed that he had received instructions from Langyan. The mixed cavalry was quickly divided. The scale of Baiqi, He Xiongqi instantly understood, that Langyan pointed out Timur's breakthrough direction and instructed them to pursue.

Timur broke out with injuries and illnesses. If he was entangled by the enemy, the injuries would be difficult to preserve, and Timur was not the one who could abandon his injuries and flee first. In order to avoid a hard fight between Timur and the Jiangdong Zuo Army, He Xiongqi had to bite the bullet and return to fight again, to entangle the two to give Timur more time to break through.

The infantry and pawns of the Jinzhong soldiers are not as good as those of the Jiangdong left army, but the cavalry, a more technical type of arm, is stronger than the cavalry of the Jiangdong left army. There are more than 300 people, and the horses are naturally the horses that Lin Fu gave them. They caught Hexiongqi by surprise when they first arrived, and they were full of fire. Seeing that Hexiongqi rushed back, they did not wait for Ao Canghai. Instructed, they led the cavalry to insert from the two flanks of the Qi Department of Nahexiong, and Ao Canghai watched the time, so that the armored soldiers were lined up in front with eight flying contradictory vehicles, covering the armored soldiers from between the two wings of Yang Yihang and Ma Yigong to Nahe. Xiong Qi rushed forward.

He Xiongqi's troops were immediately killed and scattered. Hexiongqi rushed out surrounded by dozens of cavalry, and gathered scattered soldiers at the periphery, only to find that more than 100 people had been knocked off their horses during this oversight. That Hexiongqi was much calmer than Timur. Seeing that he could not save the wounded, let alone retrieving the body, he led his troops on horses and fled to the northwest. Seeing that there were no chasing troops behind him, he turned to the southwest again. Go to the direction of Timur and his troops to break out of the encirclement.

When He Xiongqi went, Ao Canghai, Zhao Qingshan, Yang Yihang, and Ma Yigong didn't care about him here. Langyan in Wukou Village directly instructed that the main force to break out of the siege was in the southwest direction. They led their troops to bypass Wangdengtai Mountain and turned in the southwest direction. , and also branched out to climb Wang Shanshan and set up watch posts to monitor the movements of the enemy and foe in the southwest.

Wang Dengtai Mountain was surrounded by stray horses, and the Hexiong Qi tribe was in a hurry to break through the siege, so naturally they could not maintain a marching array of one person, two horses or three horses. It is also difficult for a person who is skilled in archery to take good care of two or three horses in the deadly rush of a large army. The extra horses were left to be scattered in the wild and captured by the Jiangdong Left Army.

Na Hexiongqi rushed to five miles southwest of Wangdengtai Mountain, and Timur really entangled Cao Zian's troops again, and the cavalry from other troops of Jiangdong Left Army and the remnants of Jinzhong soldiers rushed here to strengthen the troops here. Cavalry combat capability. That He Xiongqi had to bite the bullet and rush again. After making a clearance for Timur, he broke through again in two ways.

After repeating this, he hit it until it was dark with almost no feeling. Looking at the bright moon in the sky and the snow in the four fields, He Xiongqi also felt that the sky was not helping him, so the night was using the opponent to pursue him. He felt exhausted~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The warhorse under his crotch was sweating like puddles, and he was afraid that he would be useless if he ran again. He thought that Timur should be able to escape when it was dark, although he guessed that Lin Fu would set up an ambush in the northwest direction. , but the gap in the northwest direction is very large, and it may not necessarily hit the ambush.

There is no way. Although Jiangdong soldiers are infantry, they control the trend of the battlefield. The infantry pursues in a straight line and rarely wastes physical strength. This is the advantage brought by controlling the battlefield. It can also be seen that Lin Bing is very efficient in commanding behind the scenes. He let go of the guards and cover the cavalry, and only hangs their main forces who carry injuries and move relatively slowly. Na Hexiongqi led the cover cavalry to rush to the left and right, and at the end of the day, he did not know how many times he would run than the Jiangdong soldiers.

In this case, He Xiongqi had to bite the bullet and break through to the northwest. He sent two teams of cavalry to search in front, and he followed behind with the main force, breaking through to the northwest.

In the middle of the night, except for a small number of scouts from the Jiangdong Zuo Army, He Xiongqi did not encounter any strong resistance, but there was a sense of despair in his heart.

It is impossible for Lin Bie to be arrogant enough to encircle them all. There must be a focus on intercepting and pursuing operations. There is no intercepting force here, which means that Timur, who is rushing to the southwest, will be the focus of Jiangdong's left army. At this time, the distance from Wang Dengtai Mountain was already a hundred miles away, and the distance from Timur's department was even further. He Xiongqi looked at the people on the left and right. There were almost no perfect people. Looking back at the idea of ​​Timur's department, I only hope Timur can have more luck and can pull more people out.

That Hexiongqi sent dozens of cavalry who still had the energy to go south to gather the defeated soldiers. He led the seven or eight hundred cavalry that followed him to break through the encirclement and continued to the northwest. Prince Ye Jiluorong should send reinforcements, thinking that he would follow him first. Let the reinforcements from the northern line meet. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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