Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 35: Climbing rock under the moon

(The update of 9,000 words has been completed today, red ticket, brother, do more!)

Lin Bie drove directly to the top of Wang Dengtai, overlooking the boundless land under the moon, the southwest of the black shadows, people howling, horses neighing, Jin Ge colliding, and the whistling wind sounded like arrows flying in the air.

Lin Xuwen, Yang Zhishan, and Liu Zhi rode their horses behind a little bit. When they reached the halfway up the mountain, the road was rough and they could only dismount and fall behind Lin Bing. Although the three of them have higher rank than Lin Fu, no one can deny that Lin Fu is the master of the battlefield in the area of ​​dozens of miles. The soldiers on the left and right, including the hundreds of remnants of the soldiers in the post-Jin Dynasty led by Wu Tian from Wukou Village, also obeyed Lin Fu's orders.

Lin Xuwen was not good at horseback riding, so he stumbled to the mountainside surrounded by guards on both sides, climbed off his horse, and climbed along the rugged terrain to the top of the mountain.

Wang Dengtai Mountain is a dirt mountain, and it is not high, only 11 or 20 feet. In the eyes of people who are used to seeing magnificent mountains, Wang Dengtai Mountain can only be regarded as a small dirt bag. The mountain is full of soil, but at the top of the mountain there is a huge stone platform like a big house flying out of thin air, forming a huge stone platform standing on the top of the mountain.

The local chronicles record that Emperor Qin visited this place to climb the stone to watch the sea, and the stone was named after the king, and the mountain was named after it, making it a scenic spot in Jinhai.

Lin Xuwen was still a long way from the top of the mountain. He looked up and saw Lin Bing standing on the boulder on the top of the mountain watching the battle, as if he was in the middle of the moon. With a cold luster, this moment showed the spirit of swallowing mountains and rivers.

Lin Xuwen was slightly startled, thinking the name of this Tushan in his heart: Wang Deng, Wang Deng, is it a prophecy? He shook his head and smiled wryly, driving this diabolical thought out of his mind. Although he has not left the capital to go back to Shanglin in the past two years, he knows everything that happens in Shanglin. Before his death, his father was not without arrangements, and he also dictated a secret letter to him. The letter said that if Lin Fu greedily stretched out his hand to invade the family property, he must not be a man of great ambition, and he was asked to rush back to Jiangning in the name of filial piety no matter what; Get along, you can't get along in harmony, and you have to avoid infighting that hurts the Lin family.

No matter what the world is, clan is the root.

Lin Xuwen thought that when his father died, Lin Fu had not yet emerged, and his father had such an assertion that his father's vision really surpassed himself too much, but when his father was dying, he really didn't care about Qi Yiniang and Lin Fu who couldn't tell the truth. relation?

"What is the eldest son thinking?"

Lin Xuwen looked back and saw that Lin Mengde was following, smiled, and said, "I'm thinking that this battle has completely opened up the situation in the Hejian Mansion..." Although Lin Mengde said that he was older, he was Peers of the same age have been as close as Lin Fu and Lin Jingzhong since childhood, but after adulthood, people identify many external factors such as identity, status, fame, etc. In addition, Lin Xuwen has been an official in the capital for a long time, and the relationship has become estranged. coming. It was at this time that Lin Xuwen was also a high-ranking fourth-rank right-duty censor, and Lin Mengde had just been awarded the title of ninth-rank scholar, and the identities of the two were very different.

Lin Mengde smiled and said, "It should be interspersed with the west of Baoding Mansion. I can't stay and serve the eldest son..."

"Repel the Donglu, and you will have the opportunity to gather and drink." Lin Xuwen also said proudly.

In this battle, the Hexiong Qi tribe was defeated and crippled. The Jiangdong left army united with Jinhaizhai soldiers, with a scale of more than 5,000. With the power of the three victories in Cangnan and Jinhai, the Qi penetrated Changhong, and even if they did not go west to the Taihang Mountains, they could contain them. The cavalry of 8,000 to 10,000 cavalrymen - Donglu did not dare to use 4,000 or 5,000 cavalry to suppress this side.

If the DPRK decides to use Lin Fu as the main commander and continue to strengthen the troops of the Hejian Mansion by sea, it will be able to contain more captives.

Although Lin Xuwen didn't know the specific way to govern the army, he still had his own insights on strategy.

This time, the Donglu invaders are fighting on two fronts, north and south. The troops are already stretched thin. They have formed enough threats to their flanks in Hejian Mansion. What other options do the Dongluo have other than shrinking and retreating? This battle can be said to have completely brought the whole situation to life.

For Lin Xuwen, the great contribution of participating in retreating the enemy can be said to be salutary, and the timing is just right. If he comes a day later, Lin Fu will give him some of the credit, and he is embarrassed.

Liu Zhi and Yang Zhishan stood still and waited for Lin Xuwen and Lin Mengde to rush over, and then climbed the top of the mountain together.

The guards who came first have already cleared the top of the mountain. Except for dozens of elite soldiers who are still sitting on horseback and waiting at any time, there are two elite soldiers from the two capitals forming a battle around Wang Deng stage. It is not because the nearby captives have been completely cleared. Go out and let your guard down.

"Lin Du is really strict in supervising the army," Liu Zhi gasped when he climbed to the top of the mountain, looked down at the mountain with his hands on his hips, and said, "A certain family lived in Jibei soldiers with Master Hao for a while, and Jiangdong Zuojun's military appearance will be full of glory. Over the Jibei soldiers..."

"Master Liu is too famous. The Jibei soldiers are called the strongest soldiers in the world. How can Jiangdong Zuojun overpower the Jibei soldiers?" Lin Fu smiled, his eyes narrowed and long and narrow, and he couldn't see his expression in the moonlight. Liu Zhi perfunctory sentence.

At this time, the scout came to report: "The southwest bit a big fish. It is a deputy commander of the Donglu. Commander Cao hopes that all the troops that can be drawn will be drawn here..."

"I know, go and report to Cao Zi'ang: We want to eat this big fish!" Lin Fu said, "In the past ten years, our army has not yet captured the victory of a general above the rank of deputy commander of the Dongzhu, and I want Cao Ziang Encourage the soldiers of the whole army, cooperate well with the friendly forces, and fight this beautiful battle." Seeing Wu Zhong leading the horse, he said to him, "Xiaowei Wu, come with me. Before the battle, I was with Ma, Zhou, Colonel Yang has an agreement that special auxiliary soldiers will be responsible for cleaning up the battlefield, but there are still many Jinzhong soldiers who leave the team privately to slash heads and search for enemy corpses... Now the front battlefield needs full support from soldiers. I hope that Colonel Wu will lead a team of law enforcement soldiers to go there, harvest the heads privately, search the enemy's corpses and dismantle our army. After the war, not only will they not count the merits, but they will also ask the military law immediately. Reinforcements from the East will come at any time, and we should gather all our forces. It's all about pressing down to the southwest and wiping out all the enemies in the southwest as much as possible... It should be your military exploits, it should be your capture, I will never hide a single cent from you. back."

Wu Tian’s face was full of shame. The fifth battalion of the Jiangdong Left Army kept a complete and orderly pursuit array from morning to night. Almost no soldiers stopped to seize the first-level battle exploits or search the enemy’s corpse. If the inspector finds out, they will be punished severely on the spot.

In contrast, although the remnants of the Jinzhong soldiers were veterans with rich combat experience, their military discipline was much poorer. , scrambling to search for the enemy's corpses to find goods, and it becomes more and more difficult to control after dark. Before the captives can rush to kill, their formation will disperse first, which also makes the follow-up pursuit ability rapidly weakened...

Wu Tian assembled more than 200 people as a law enforcement team, roaring: "The horse whip and the knife are drawn out, those guys will disgrace the face of the Jinzhong soldiers. If the horse whip is useless, just chop with the knife..." More than 200 people rode down Wang Dengtai Mountain.

At this time, Liu Zhi, Yang Zhishan, and Lin Xuwen all knew that it was the remnants of the Jinzhong soldiers who were fighting with the Jiangdong Left Army.

Regardless of what Liu Zhi, Yang Zhishan, and Lin Xuwen were thinking, Lin Fu didn't say much when he watched Wu Tian lead the crowd down the mountain to supervise the battle.

In later generations, military merit assessments were mainly based on the degree of completion of tactical or strategic intentions to comprehensively calculate military merits, which were much more scientific and reasonable, and had fewer drawbacks, but the current military merit assessments were simple and crude. Only the head is important in everything, and only the head is recognized in everything. For ordinary soldiers, the head skill is even more important. One head award can cover almost one mu of land, and three heads can be promoted to at least one level.

After an old soldier killed an enemy, he didn't want to continue killing the enemy, but the first thing he thought of was to cut off the enemy's head to prevent others from taking it away.

This crude and simple calculation method of military merit weakens and damages one's own combat capability, and sometimes it is fatal. Many veterans patronize and cut off the head, but they do not care to continue chasing and killing enemy soldiers, or even attacking enemy soldiers who counterattack. kill.

It is easy for melee arms to grab the head, but it is difficult for the bow and crossbow arms to grab the head, and the enthusiasm for combat will be dampened. There are still some soldiers, UU reading www. uukanshu.com is not effective in combat, but is very good at grabbing the head, which directly destroys the cohesion of the army.

Jiangdong Zuojun is a soldier of 3,000 new recruits. Compared with the old soldiers, there are many shortcomings, but they are also new soldiers. They have no bad habits and are more malleable. Lin Fu fully implements his method of governing the army without any resistance. , from Jiangning to Jinan, the military discipline is far better than the Zhenfu army.

The remnants of the Jinzhong soldiers can't be said to be not elite. Maybe the soldiers are singled out. Seven or eight of the new soldiers of the Jiangdong Zuo Army can't beat the old soldiers of the Jinzhong soldiers, but the marching battle is definitely not a simple problem of one-on-one. Up to now, the Jiangdong Left Army can still maintain a complete chasing formation. They stubbornly grabbed a captive cavalry in the southwest of Wangdengtai Mountain. The infantry formation of the remnants of the Jinzhong soldiers was almost completely dragged behind, with only a small number of cavalry. Under the personal leadership of Yang Yihang, Ma Yigong, Wei Zhonglong and other brave generals, they interspersed in the front row and worked hard to cooperate, and played a huge role in the retreat of the sluggish captives.

Wu Tian was also full of shame. Since joining forces, they thought in their hearts that Lin Fu made good use of tactics, and with some luck, they only achieved great victories twice. Looking at the new soldiers of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, they are not as good as the Jinzhong veterans with their bows, the Jinzhong veterans with horses, and the Jinzhong veterans with swords. great. For a while, he couldn't figure out where the problem was, as if Lin Fu had a magical hand to bless Jiangdong Zuojun.

Wu Tian felt ashamed and led the execution team down, driving the Jinzhong soldiers who were robbing the head and the merits to gather under the moon and quickly move to the southwest, thinking that this battle could capture or kill a vice-captain from the east, something like this. Only when the military exploits are equally distributed to the remnants of the Jinzhong soldiers can they gain the initiative not to be held accountable for Gao Yang's fiasco. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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