Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 37: remuneration

Timur was so angry that his internal organs vomited blood, but he had a rag stuffed in his mouth, and his body was **** like a zongzi with soaked hemp rope. Bound them to use him and his beloved armour as a weapon of war to carefully appreciate and play with them.

The east was white with fish belly, Lin Mengde, Yang Yihang, Cao Ziang led the cavalry and the auxiliary soldiers of Gongyiying to continue to search the battlefield. The infantry of the Jiangdong Zuo Army and the remnants of the Jinzhong soldiers all assembled at the foot of Wang Dengtai Mountain.

Lin Fu envoy Wei Zhonglong and Wu Tian each led a group to Changlu and Qingqi villages to strengthen the defense of these two villages. To prevent the counterattack of the cavalry that will come at any time.

He wanted Ma Yigong and Zhou Tong to go back to Wukou Village with them temporarily, how to fight next, whether to go westward, how many troops to bring westward, and how to defend Jinhai, all of which had to be carefully planned.

It was already bright in the sky when I returned to Wukou Village. Many officials such as Qingxian County Magistrate, Jinhai County Chancellor, and Master Chief who did not show up when Lin Shui led the Jiangdong Zuo Army to Jinhai gathered in Wukou Village at this time. , I don't know where they came from, seeing Lin Fu, Lin Xuwen, Liu Zhi, Yang Zhishan and the others returning with the army, weeping bitterly, they almost came up to hug Lin Xuwen's thigh, and they all told themselves Heinous, heinous sin.

The three palaces of Yannan were destroyed by the captives and cavalry in such a state, and they could not fully blame these officials for their ineffective resistance. Compared with those officials and generals who surrendered to the city, these officials and gentry are not sure how much better they are. Most of them retreated to the docks, and they were also part of the resistance behind the enemy.

The key point is that Lin Xuwen wants to control the place in the name of the censor of Youdu and supervising the military preparations of the Hejian Mansion, and he can only rely on these officials for the time being. If they want to shed the guilt of weak resistance, they can only hug Lin Xuwen's thigh at this time.

With Lin Xuwen in front of him, Lin Fu let go and didn't ask about local affairs. The remnants of the Jinzhong soldiers entered the Wukou Village to camp, and Lin Fu sent the Jiangdong Zuo Army to rest in the narrow area between the Wukou Village and the Haitang. He greeted Liu Zhi and Yang Zhishan, and dispatched many military affairs. He got into a tent and went to sleep.

When Lin Fu woke up, there were piles of bonfires lit outside the tent. He looked up at the sky, there were no stars and moon, it was dark, and he didn't know if it was going to rain or snow. The guard on duty told him: " They all sent people over to say that when the adults wake up, they will enter the stockade to discuss things..."

"What do you have to eat, help me with some? I forgot to eat and then went to bed, my stomach is starving..." Lin Bie commanded while holding his stomach. He ate something to fill his stomach, put on his clothes and armor, and went to the wound first. After visiting the wounded soldiers in the hospital camp, they rushed to Wukou Village with dozens of personal guards. Lin Mengde rushed over from behind, and Lin Fu took him to Wukou Village with him.

At nightfall, a large number of captive soldiers reappeared in the northwest of Qingqi Village, and the battlefield search was terminated in advance, and they were all withdrawn to Wukou Village. The cavalry suffered a great loss, and did not dare to enter the area between the three villages on a large scale.

Most of the soldiers and civilians in Wuzhai in Qingqi and Jinhai counties were evacuated to Changlu, Qingqi, and Wukou three villages. Those who did not evacuate cannot be taken into account for the time being. Wu Tian and Wei Zhonglong each have six hundred Jin Zhong soldiers. A similar number of township soldiers were stationed in Changlu and Qingqi villages, and other soldiers and horses, as well as wounded and sick, were evacuated to Wukou Village.

Not counting the remnants of the Jiangdong Zuo Army and the Jinzhong Army, there were 2,000 township soldiers assembled in Wukou Village.

The number of villagers who evacuated to Wukou Village was as high as 20,000, and the number of people scattered to other villages was about 30,000. During the war, they still stayed in the country and struggled to survive. Perhaps many of them fled to other places. But before the war, the total population of Qingxian and Jinhai counties was as high as 220,000.

Wukou Village naturally couldn't hold so many people. Lin Xuwen was now the highest local governor of Hejianfu. When Lin Fu was sleeping, Lin Xuwen borrowed a seaboat to transport people to the seaboard for resettlement. The transport capacity of the 5,000-stone ship is fully reflected. Both the deck and the bilge are used, and the two ships can transport more than 4,000 people at a time. Nearly 9,000 people were transported to Shanghai in two trips. At this time, the third group of people was being organized to board the ship.

Lin Bie looked at the gloomy night sky. Fortunately, they had planned to build a temporary logistics base on the island before, and set up a group of simple shelters to store military supplies, which would allow people to shelter from the snow and rain. Otherwise, the cold weather will bring rain and snow on the island, and a large number of them will not freeze to death? Fortunately, Lin Fu had brought a batch of rice grains and military supplies from Dengzhou in advance. The Donglu could not block the sea route, but they did not worry about running out of grain, but they had to organize a ship to transport grains in Dengzhou immediately.

On the way, Lin Fu asked about some relief.

Lin Xuwen previously worked in the Ministry of Industry and was considered a technocrat. He was much more skilled than ordinary officials. He organized the officials in Jinhai and Qingxian, and arranged everything in an orderly manner. Even if there are still deficiencies, Lin Fu doesn't talk much, just instructs Lin Mengde, what supplies Lin Xuwen needs, and here to support as much as possible. Helping Lin Xuwen gain a firm foothold in Hejian Mansion, it is impossible for Lin Xuwen to be short of them in the future.

The Zhou family in Wukou Village cleared the house for Lin Xuwen to use, and Lin Xuwen moved his carriage from the boat to Wukou Village.

Lin Xuwen went to Hejian Fu in the name of Youdu Xian's censor and supervising the military preparations of Hejian Fu. He was in charge of the military and political affairs of Hejian Fu during the war. He brought a group of civil and military officials below the eighth rank to report blankly. First of all, the villagers of Wukou Village, Qingqi Village, and Changlu Village who have made great efforts in resisting all gave low-level rank and file officers such as Zhengshi Lang, Chao Feng Lang, Rulin Lang, and Deng Shi Lang, and the village generals also gave them The low-level military positions such as Xiao Qiwei, Xiao Qi Deputy Lieutenant, Yu Qi Wei, Yu Qi Deputy Lieutenant, etc., built the framework of Hejian Fu Xiang Yong.

The Jiangdong Zuo Army and the remnants of the Jinzhong Army were only guest troops entering the Hejian Prefecture. The Zhenfu Army in the Hejian Prefecture had been completely crippled. Not even a military attache was seen. grab.

The mess that followed was enough for Lin Xuwen to be devastated. Lin Fu went to see Lin Xuwen's black eye bags growing out. Although the victory of Jinhai made people excited, people are not iron-clad. Since Lin Xuwen left Beijing, he has not slept well. Lin Fu returned to Wukou Village before noon and went to sleep in the tent. Lin Xuwen didn't even blink a few times until now.

Lin Xuwen saw Lin Fu coming, stood up with the desk, walked to the atrium, and dragged him to the corner of the yard to discuss things: "Is there something I want to discuss with you?"

"Brother said, what is there to discuss?" Lin Fu said.

When Lin Meng saw that Lin Xuwen had something to do, he went to the yard to tell him. He was afraid that there was something shameful, so he walked into the lobby first and waited.

"No, no, I have to discuss this matter with you," Lin Xuwen said, "Sun Shangwang is a talented person. I am very busy here, and I need a talented person who is familiar with local affairs to help me. I want to treat Sun Shangwang with you. I will ask him. If he stays to help me, I will not lose him. As long as you nod and agree, I will immediately grant him Chao Fenglang..."

Chao Fenglang is from the eighth rank. Although Sun Shangwang has a reputation as a scholar, he has not entered the official position before, even if he calculates his military merit, it is very reluctant to be promoted directly to Chao Fenglang. Although Lin Xuwen had a batch of blank confessions, most of them were from the ninth grade and from the ninth grade, and it was considered a generous shot to squeeze out one from the eighth grade.

"If Wukou sets up an inspection department and makes Sun Shangwang the inspector, I can leave him to your eldest brother..."

"This is easy to do, I promise you," Lin Xuwen said, "Right now, all the affairs of the Hejian Mansion are concentrated in Wukou, and the inspection department is set up, and Sun Shangwang is the inspector. The business is done..."

Even if Haicao only prospered for a short time and then fell into disuse, the vortex port is still one of the main transit points from the sea to Gyeonggi in the eastern coastal areas.

The Lin family was prosperous in Shanglin because of the market, and Lin Xuwen knew the importance of the whirlpool. Besides, the benefits of Lin Bing also have the benefits of the Lin family. How could Lin Xuwen not even wink at this?

Lin Xuwen agreed, and took Lin Bing's arm in. Sun Shangwang had already borrowed Lin Xuwen to be responsible for the resettlement of the villagers. He was busy in the lobby. When he saw Lin Fu and Lin Xuwen coming in hand in hand, he was busy standing up to salute, but he did not know that they had already sold it to Lin Xuwen and Lin Fu.

Lin Xuwen still lacks a talented person who can take care of the military affairs of the countryside for him. According to his wishes, he wants to choose one person from Yang Yihang, Ma Yigong, and Zhou Tongtong to be entrusted with the important task, but the problem of the remnants of the Jinzhong soldiers is very complicated. He couldn't use them rashly, so he refrained from talking about it for the time being.

Of course, in Lin Xuwen's heart, it would be better if Lin Fu could leave Zhao Qingshan to him. Zhao Qingshan is a child of Shanglinli, and he was born in a village camp in Shanglinli. He is more reliable than anyone else. However, Zhao Qingshan is now the main general of Jiangdong Zuo Army.


Walking into the inner house, more than ten Liu Zhi, Yang Zhishan, Ma Yigong, Zhou Tong, Yang Yihang, and representatives of local officials and gentry from Jinhai and Qingxian County were already sitting here waiting. Seeing Lin Xuwen, Lin Xu, and Lin Mengde come in, they all stood up to greet them.

Yang Zhishan said: "Congratulations to Lin Dujian for another victory in Jinhai. We have already checked the military merits for the first time. The Jiangdong Zuo Army and the Jinzhong Army suffered less than 1,500 casualties and 1,367 owl heads. It was indeed a great victory. In addition, 3,327 horses were seized, thousands of pieces of armour were seized, and the goods and goods were worth more than 3,000 taels of gold, more than 67,000 taels of silver, and 70,000 catties of copper..."

"The Jiangdong Zuo Army made the greatest contribution in this battle," Liu Zhi said. "How to distribute the military merits and seizures is still up to Director Lin to decide..."

"Everyone has broken Lin Fu," Lin Fu bowed his hands and sat down with Lin Xuwen and others to discuss matters. Lin Fu didn't go to look over the detailed accounts, he sat down, asked Liu Zhi and Lin Xuwen on his side, and said, "Lin Duxi, Liu Guanjun can What are you discussing?"

"Wait for you to come over and decide..." Lin Xuwen said, he has the highest position here, but from this moment on, he represents Hejian Prefecture, Lin Fu represents Jiangdong Zuojun, Ma Yigong and the others represent Jinzhong soldiers, but Ma Yigong They all follow Lin bound horses, and the military exploits and captures were actually captured by Jiangdong Zuojun and Jinzhong soldiers. Of course, Lin Xuwen would not use an official position to oppress others. Besides, he and Lin Fu are brothers of the same clan, so he leaves the decision to Lin Fu, so he doesn't worry about anything, and he can block other people's excuses.

"Since you are all so embarrassing for me," Lin Fujiu said with a smile, "I will tell you my opinion. If there is anything wrong, you have to correct it for me..."

"Lin, please do your best, I have no reason to wait..." Ma Yigong spoke on behalf of Jin Zhongbing.

Ma Yigong and others were convinced by Lin Fu's tone and demeanor, and Liu Zhi was somewhat unhappy in his heart, but he had just accepted a good knife, so he was naturally much more tolerant to Lin Fu, and his face With a smile on his face, he watched how Lin Fu distributed military merit and captured it. Not to mention other things, just more than 3,000 horses outside the mouth is a huge sum of money.

"The confiscated goods were also looted by captive soldiers from the three prefectures in Yannan. There is no private reason for this. My opinion is to return them all to the local treasury for the reconstruction of Hejian Prefecture and refugee relief," Lin Fu said. Said, "Xiaowei Ma, are you optimistic?"

"We all listened to Lord Lin's orders," Ma Yigong said. "We were able to survive in Jinhai and Qingxian County, and we all depended on local support. This is what it should be..."

After the war, millions of people in Hejian Prefecture rebuild their homes, and the imperial court will allocate some money. However, due to the financial constraints in the DPRK, the money that can be allocated is very limited. The key is to local self-financing. The entire Hejian Mansion was crippled and looted, and there was very little space for self-funding.

Lin Fu and Ma Yigong made such a statement, Lin Xuwen and the local officials stood up to give a salute on behalf of the locality, and said, "On behalf of the Hejian Prefecture, I would like to thank Lin Dujian and Ma Xiaowei for being very righteous~www.wuxiaspot.com~ show compassion to the locality... "

"Lin Dujian is being polite," Lin Fu smiled and said again, "I think it's good for military exploits, armour and horses to be captured. Jiangdong Zuojun, Jinzhongjun, and Hejianfu are all divided into three points. …”

Apart from the seizure of military assets and goods, military merit does not seem to be of direct benefit to the local area, but for the local gentry, the court will naturally award civil and military officials and even lords as awards for defending against foreigners who have made military merit.

Some businessmen, although they have a wealth of wealth, have a low status. They are most concerned about this. They usually put pressure on the government more than one end. With the status of a casual official, when they meet their parents, they can be on an equal footing, and they are happy to spend any amount of money. If the general merit is distributed to the locality, Lin Xuwen can completely exchange it for money.

Although Lin Xuwen has the name of the highest local official, he has a very difficult foothold in Hejian Mansion because he wants no one and no money. Lin Xuwen can gain a firm foothold in the Hejian Mansion, and the Lin family can infiltrate the forces. Besides, Lin Xuwen promised Sun Shangwang to serve as the inspector of the Wukou Inspection Department, and all the resources reserved for the Hejian Mansion will be given priority to the construction of the vortex mouth.

Ma Yigong, Zhou Tong and others could not figure out what Lin Fu was up to. It is said that it is appropriate to have one of the three points in the military merits of the Jinzhong soldiers, but the other two points should belong to the Jiangdong Zuo army. Half of the army's credit and the seizures were distributed to the localities, and they were very frightened, and hurriedly said: "I am really ashamed, I dare not take so much credit..." The generals' merits and seizures were distributed to the localities without complaint, but they refused to talk to Jiangdong. The left army takes the same credit.

Lin Fu was about to patiently persuade Ma Yigong and the others to accept such an arrangement. At this time, Cao Ziang rushed in from outside the door, regardless of the scale, looking anxious and looking like something was going wrong!


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