Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 38: Jinan fell

(Chapter 3 is here, I'm so hungry, my brothers voted hard!)

"Jinan is lost!" Lin Fu stared in shock at Cao Zi'ang who rushed in to report the news. He accidentally knocked over the candlestick on the table, and he didn't care to pick up the extinguished candlestick from the paved floor. Expect Cao Ziang to tell him that this is a joke. How could Jinan fall? Jinan gathered most of Shandong's town troops, and Lu Jingyan, a shrewd general from East Fujian, was defending.

Everyone in the hall was dumbfounded. They thought that winning the Jinhai victory would threaten the flank of the invaders and the Donglu, forcing them to retreat from Jinan in advance. How could they think that people are not as good as heaven, and Jinan City was actually when they won Jinan. At the same time as the great victory of the sea, the main force of the southern line of Donglu was captured?

Such a result is unacceptable to anyone.

Not to mention Lin Xuwen, Liu Zhi, and Yang Zhishan, even after Lin Bie's victory in Jinhai, there was an illusion of turning the tide. How could they think that their victory in Jinhai would not affect the overall situation at all, let alone turn the tide.

"It's not necessarily lost," Cao Ziang said bitterly, "the rebels of Linqing helped the Donglu besiege Jinan, attacked three sides, and left the southern gate alone. In the eleventh day, the invaders attacked the city and lost many troops, and they were unable to attack. Yesterday, the Eastern Captives began to organize their troops to gather at the South Gate, with the intention of attacking the South Gate. At noon yesterday, the Zhejiang soldiers who had defended Jinan's Nancheng without losing one soldier and one soldier were too timid to fight against the Eastern Captives, taking advantage of the fact that there was still a big gap in the siege. At that time, I suddenly abandoned the south gate and fled into the mountains, so that the captive soldiers captured the south gate without losing a single soldier. Guarding General Lu Jingyan and leading his troops to resist resolutely in Beicheng, the captured soldiers may not be able to capture Jinan..."

"Beasts! Eat the king's salary, eat the world's millet, cowardly like snakes and rats, and steal your life, how is it different from beasts!" Lin Fu patted the table, angrily and angrily, and directly patted the thin cypress table. It was cracked, and the chopsticks and chopsticks on the table were scattered all over the place.

Lin Bie's gaffe slapped the table, which also brought Lin Xuwen and others back to their senses.

Lin Xuwen said uncertainly: "When the scouts left Jinan to report the news, the inner city and the northern city were not lost. I heard that Zhaowu guarding General Lu was brave and good at fighting, and his subordinates were elites who have fought with Li Zhuo for many years. As long as they can retreat to the inner city, Jinan will probably be able to hold on to it..."

Only then did Lin Fu realize his gaffe. He was scolding Zhao Jinlong, the general of the Qin Wang soldiers who guarded Jinan in the Zhejiang and Zhejiang Associations. In fact, he also scolded all those timid soldiers who avoided the battle. How many generals of Zhejiang soldiers escaped from the south gate of Jinan.

Liu Zhi sat on the side with an embarrassed expression, as if he had scolded Lin Fu.

Ma Yigong, Zhou Tong, Yang Yihang and others were betrayed by the **** Hao Zongcheng in the first battle of Gaoyang, and they hated the Zhejiang soldiers who abandoned Jinan and fled. to kill.

The Zhejiang soldiers are afraid of the battle. If they withdraw early, it will be fine. They will not be expected to defend the city, nor will they be assigned the important task of defending the southern city. They should never have to fight at the most critical and fierce moment in the offensive and defensive process. Legs slip away. Zhao Jinlong wants to be in front of him, Lin Fu can really kill him with one knife!

When Lin Bie was in Jinan, he felt that the Zhejiang soldiers were unreliable, but none of the generals of the Dayue Dynasty were absurd, depraved, timid as mice, and disregarded the friendly army to such a degree that Zhao Jinlong thought that he could escape today, and the court would not look for him after the war. Does he settle accounts after the fall?

Hao Zongcheng has the support of the emperor behind him, and he can betray the Jinzhong army. The Jinzhong army is also completely disabled. It is difficult to find trouble for Hao Zongcheng for someone who has no support. But the generals in East Fujian are still there. Which of Li Zhuo, Chen Zhihu, Dong Yuan, and the generals who stayed in East Fujian will spare Zhao Jinlong?

Thinking about Chen Zhi, the commander of Jiangning Dongcheng, I really don't know how many generals and officials like Chen Zhi and Zhao Jinlong are incompetent, greedy, and timid as mice in the military system of the Dayue Dynasty. Zhao Jinlong was greedy for the help Jinan gave him to lead the Zhejiang soldiers to stay in Jinan, but he stabbed Jinan with the most vicious knife at the most critical moment. This knife is a hundred times more ferocious than the most ferocious enemy.

How many people in such a Viet Nam Dynasty can be trusted?

Lin Fu suppressed the anger in his heart and instructed Cao Zi'ang: "You call in the scout who reported the letter, and all the adults have to ask him for details..." But his voice was a little out of shape, showing the suppressed anger in his heart.

"A total of five scouts came from the north. On the way, they were blocked by enemy guards. Only one person was able to come. He said that Jinan's military situation was not able to be rescued." Cao Zi'ang said sadly.

There are still more than 500 miles in a straight line from Jinan to Jinhai, and the horses are galloping for more than a day and a night. Even ordinary people can’t bear it, not to mention the scouts are intercepted and injured on the road!

Lin Bie squeezed his fist and knuckles cracked, frowned, and asked Cao Zi'ang, "What kind of wind is outside?"

"There is no wind at this time," Cao Zi'ang said, "I have made the first battalion, the second battalion, and the third battalion ready to board the ship..."

"No," Lin Bie shook his head and said, "If there is no wind for a day, you will have to wait here for another day, there is no time. I will give you an hour, you will gather all the cavalry in the battalions and prepare to follow me first! You stay In the whirlpool, let Zhou Pu lead the infantry to take the boat, the best encounter on the road..."

"If General Lu can defend Jinan, the Jiangdong Zuo Army will not be able to enter the inner city to help defend it. If it is only to contain the captive soldiers on the periphery, the Jiangdong Zuo Army's troops will be too small to play a big role." Lin Xuwen Persuaded him that he couldn't watch Lin Bie lead the Jiangdong Zuojun, an elite that had finally grown up, to Jinan to die...

"I'm afraid Jinan can't be defended anymore," Lin Fu waved Cao Zi'ang to prepare directly, without asking Liu Zhi for the opinion of the deputy envoy Guan Junrong, and explained to Lin Xuwen, "If you can return to the inner city, after the South Gate falls, Lu Jingyan will The soldiers will be withdrawn to the inner city first, and they will not wait until the east city and the west city are successively lost, and they will still fight to the death with the captive soldiers in the north city... If the inner city can be supported by the elites of Dongmin, the problem will naturally not be the worst. The elites of Dongmin are all blocked from the city, and Jinan is really in danger of no redemption!"

Lin Xuwen sighed. The Zhejiang soldiers suddenly fled and the South Gate was captured. Naturally, Jinan would no longer trust the guest army, and would most likely refuse the East Fujian army to enter the inner city to help defend it. The captives invaded the city, and the Eastern Fujian Army was caught in the dilemma of being pinched both inside and outside only by virtue of the thin gate tower in the north city. It was extremely difficult to repel the enemy several times over. The army, the combat capability is really worrying.

Lin Xuwen persuaded again: "Since General Lu is more fortunate than others, it is useless for you to lead your troops to Jinan again."

"No, I'm not going to Jinan, I'm going to Yangxin," Lin Fu said, flipping open the map from the pile of official documents, pushing the other debris on the table directly to the ground, spreading the map, and pointing out the area around Yangxin He said, "Jinan is the gateway for the cavalry to enter Shandong from the east. Before the war, the main forces in Shandong were concentrated in Jinan. When Jinan fell, not only did Shandong lose its shielded gateway, but there were not many soldiers left to fight in Shandong. The thieves only need to send some cavalry to intersperse eastward, and the prefectures and counties in eastern Shandong will be difficult to resist. We must not only defend Yangxin, but also turn a sharp knife into the waist of the captive who wants to advance eastward to Linzi, so that they can be released. I dare not attack Linzi, let alone enter the area east of Linzi. I want to enter Yangxin before the day after tomorrow, and the eastern invaders should be able to send troops from Jinan to the east as soon as possible today... Yannan has already given If you are crippled, Shandong can't be crippled again!"

"I'll go with your lord to keep Yangxin!" Ma Yigong, Yang Yihang, and Zhou Tong asked for the battle.

Gao Yang was defeated, and the Admiral Yang Zhaoqi died in battle. Hao Zongcheng, who was almost wiped out by the Jinzhong soldiers, was promoted and made a fortune. He was entrusted with the command of the director of the world's diligent division. They have no confidence in the court, and naturally they have no loyalty. , they don't know who to fight for. Agreeing to join forces with the Jiangdong Left Army is also to get rid of their own predicament. After the Jinhai Victory, the accumulated military exploits at least prevented them from being held accountable after the war, and they were also depressed and no longer willing to lead troops to the imperial court to fight. Maybe he will continue to mix in the town army system, maybe he will degenerate from then on, no different from other generals, maybe he will run away at a critical moment, regardless of the life and death of allies.

What happened to the defenders of Jinan, Lin Fu's anger of leaving irritated their most sensitive and painful nerves. Lin Fu was not afraid of difficulties and sacrificed himself to go to Yangxin to save the danger, which also inspired their fighting spirit. Follow Lin Fu to keep Yangxin.

If Jinan were to fall, the 50,000-60,000-60,000 soldiers on the southern line of the Eastern Captives and the more than 10,000 surrendered rebels would all be active together without any restraint. However, Yangxin is a small town in the south of Hejian Prefecture. Defending a sinking reef between stormy waves~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ma Yigong, Yang Yihang, and Zhou Tong can think of the dangers of going to Yangxin, but they can't control these dangers.

"No," Lin Fu refused. "If Jinan falls, the situation will become more active for the invaders and captives. The captives will have more chess pieces, and the power to counter Jinhai may be even more ferocious," Lin Fu said. Said, "I hope that the Jinzhong Army can assist Lin Duxi in defending the three villages of Changlu, Qingqi, and Wukou, and I will also make Cao Ziang lead the third battalion to stay. Maybe you will fight harder!"

Ma Yigong thought for a moment, then said: "The cavalry has come back wantonly, we can only defend according to the stronghold, the cavalry is useless, we can gather 300 cavalry, let Zhou Tong bring along with Lord Lin... …”

"Okay! Just let Zhou Tong come with me." Lin Fu considered taking away three hundred cavalry to weaken the side. The key is that the cavalry of the Jiangdong Left Army is too weak. It was more than 300 miles from Hai to Yangxin, and the long-distance rush to help was a great test for the cavalry. Lin Fu also had to consider the situation that the cavalry in the front of the cavalry had already arrived in Yangxin. Without a cavalry to watch, it was really impossible.

After Lin Fu arranged everything, he thought about Liu Zhilai, the deputy envoy of Jiangdong Zuojunguan, and asked, "Master Liu, are you going to stay with me to stay in Yangxin, or stay to help Lin Dujian guard the three villages in Jinhai. ?"

Liu Zhi's face was gloomy and uncertain. Considering that the Wukou Village was safer, it was a big deal that the captives came back and fled to the island to live for a few days. After a while, he said, "I'm not good at horseback riding. The boat is spinning, it’s really unbearable, I’d better stay and help guard Jinhai, and there is also a battalion of the Jiangdong Zuo Army to stay…” He knew that going to Yangxin was also a decoration, and Lin Fu couldn’t let him intervene in military affairs. Why go to eat this danger? My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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