Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 39: House seemingly endless rain

(Belated first update, ask for a red ticket!)

On the 20th of January, it was already early spring in the south of the Yangtze River, but the Yanji Plain in the north was still covered in snow and frozen for thousands of miles. In the past few days, the weather has been slightly warmer, and the wilderness outside the city is showing bits and pieces of dark brown. The earth outside the city of Yangxin winds across the Zhulong River like a plain white belt, which is more clearly exposed in front of us.

Yangxin City's moat source was drawn from the Zhulong River. At this time, it was naturally frozen so hard that it couldn't be broken with a sledgehammer, so it couldn't provide any more barrier to Yangxin City.

Go downstream along the winding Zhulong River until more than 80 miles away, it is Zhulong Bay.

The news of Jinan's fall has spread to Yangxin. More and more Donglu cavalry appeared outside Yangxin City. The road to withdraw from Yangxin has been completely blocked. Even if they want to escape, there is no way to escape. But it was only after Yangxin was captured that he was willing to withdraw.

County Wei Cheng Weiyuan was so worried that he scratched a lot of hair.

Had it not been discovered early, the county magistrate, Zhang Zhijing, would have committed suicide by hanging in the house. Although he was rescued, he refused to come back to the city, saying that he would sit in the house and wait for his death. The magistrate Zhang Jinxian did not know where he got the iron armor, saying that he wanted to live and die together with Yangxin City. When the iron armor of fifty or sixty pounds wore a stick of incense on his body, he was so tired that he was sweating like blood and couldn't breathe. He cheered the guards in front of the city gate tower: "Looking at the warmer weather, in ten days, the Zhulong River will thaw, and by then, the thieves will have to retreat if they don't retreat. After three months, it's not bad. The last ten days..."

Cheng Weiyuan knew that Zhang Jinxian was talking empty words to boost morale. Generally speaking, it would take another month for the Zhulong River to thaw. Although the weather has warmed up a little, the wind is still like a knife cutting on the face. It is not a thawed spring breeze.

When the river thaws, the thieves will retreat, but how can Yangxin survive until that time? Jinan City, which had 40,000 elite soldiers stationed there, was captured in just 12 days. Except for more than 100 sword archers who were barely enough to capture robbers, the other defenders were recruited from the city and from refugees. Brave, the number is less than two thousand.

The small town of Yangxin, with a population of less than 3,000 people, took in nearly 30,000 refugees who were unable to flee south in time after the East invaders invaded. After more than two months of consumption, the food in the city has been exhausted... Just ten more days of defense. Can only eat human flesh.

"Da da da", dozens of prisoners rode their horses to the frozen moat, and saw them dismount in the moat, poking the ice surface with long knives, as if they were testing the ice. thickness.

The magistrate Zhang Jinxian hurriedly shouted: "Archers, archers..." Dozens of archers rushed forward without any order, and shot at the dozens of captives from the crenels of the city wall.

It's just that the arrows shot out scattered, there was no accurate head, and there was no way to speak. Only two soldiers could not escape and hit the thigh. I saw the captive soldiers retreat a hundred or ten paces, and then took off their shields from their horses to cover up and approached the moat.

"What do they want to do?" Zhang Jinxian asked county magistrate Cheng Weiyuan in confusion, sticking his head out from the crenel of the city wall to see what the shield-wielding captive soldiers were coming back for.

"Be careful!" Cheng Weiyuan saw the captive soldier slightly point the shield, revealing the big bow behind him, the arrow was cold and cold, and he hurriedly pulled Zhang Jinxian back, the magistrate.

Zhang Jinxian was wearing iron armor, but not wearing a heavy helmet that made him breathless. He pulled Cheng Weiyuan back and fell a somersault. His head hit the brick floor, and he got a big bag. Tears were about to flow out of pain. Complaining that Cheng Weiyuan was not stable, he saw that the three defenders around him were all shot down by arrows.

The prisoners found that the defenders of Yangxin were weak, so they took shields to cover the people who were good at archery and approached the moat.

After dozens of people were shot and killed in this way, no one of the defenders dared to approach the crenel.

County magistrate Cheng Weiyuan and magistrate Zhang Jinxian sat on the gate of the city regardless of their manners. They looked at each other and could see the despair in each other's eyes. They heard another rush of horses' hooves galloping down the city, but they didn't have the heart to stand up. wait and see.

On the contrary, the courageous defenders leaned against the wall and looked out, shouting, "The thieves will kill each other! Master Zhang, Master Cheng, the captive soldiers will kill each other!"

Cheng Weiyuan got up and wanted to kick the sergeant, secretly thinking that he would dare to entertain me at this juncture? When I got up, I saw a cavalry soldier like a giant brown dragon stabbed straight in from the northern field like a sharp knife, killing the outposts of the slack prisoners outside the city, and hurriedly fled to the outside. The embroidered brocade characters make people see clearly:

"Jiangdong Qin Wang Shizuo Jun, Jiangdong Inspector General Secretary Lin!"

The top dozens of horses are surrounded by a blue-armored and red-helmed general, who is it if it's not Lin Bie?

The sergeant was illiterate and did not recognize the banner of the Jiangdong Left Army. He thought that the cavalry that came over were all Donglu soldiers, so he shouted that the soldiers were killing each other.

"Master Zhang, Master Zhang, our savior is here, and Lord Jiangdong Junlin is here to save us!" Cheng Weiyuan was so excited that tears filled his eyes, his voice changed, and he wanted to lift Zhang Jinxian from the ground, but Zhang Jinxian was wearing armor. With two hundred pounds, he didn't pull it, and almost rolled down the Ascension Road.

Zhang Jinxian hurriedly got up from the ground, almost crushing his waist with the iron armor, and hurriedly ordered to the left and right: "Help me up, where are the rescuers?" From the crenel of the city wall, I saw that the cavalry of the Jiangdong Left Army was quickly dispersing the outposts of the captured soldiers outside the city. The defeat was also full of tears, and he hurriedly ordered to open the city gate to welcome the rescued soldiers...


Lin Fu entered the city exhausted physically and mentally, and when he saw Cheng Weiyuan, the chief of Yangxin County, he got off his horse to refresh himself a little, and said to Cheng Weiyuan, "Lord Cheng, it's been a long time!"

Lin Fu's physical and mental exhaustion is not exhausted from the long ride. He received another bad news on the way: just five days ago, when Jinan's offensive and defensive battle was at its most intense, Chen Hansan, the commander of the anti-theft camp stationed in Huai'an, was sold for smuggling salt. When the Hongze thief was exposed, he defected and defected to Liu An'er. He joined forces with Liu An'er's troops to surround and wipe out the Huai army, the governor of Hao Prefecture. After being captured, Zuo Shangrong, the admiral of Jiang Zuo, refused to surrender and was killed.

The house leak happens to rain overnight, and it is appropriate to describe the turbulent Da Yue Dynasty at this time. Da Yue Dynasty is like a broken house. The loopholes are getting bigger and bigger, and it seems that it is difficult to repair.

Regarding the matter of Jiangdong, Lin Fu was also beyond his reach. Jiangning and Li Zhuo were in charge, and Dongyang Xiangyong also had the strength to fight. He could only look ahead and continue to rush to help Yangxin according to the original plan. It only took two days and one night. Time, ran for more than 300 miles in the ice and snow, and entered Yangxin City before the main force of the captives arrived.

Cheng Weiyuan, like a drowning man, rushed the water to a deserted island. He had a feeling of escaping from death. He grabbed Lin Bie's armour tightly, and was so excited that he didn't know what to say. After a while, he thought of introducing him behind The magistrate of Zhang Jinxian.

Lin Fu looked at Zhang Jinxian, the magistrate of Yangxin County, who was thin, but wearing iron armor, with messy buns and a big blood bag on his forehead. Zuo Jun will take over?"

"There are reinforcements behind?" Zhang Jinxian asked.

"It's just us," Lin Fu said. "Nine hundred and eighty-seven people, including me, nine hundred and eighty-eight people, are in a hurry, and dozens of people left behind and returned to Jinhai. , there are dozens of people who sent me to report to Bohai, Bincheng and other counties, I am afraid that they will not be able to enter the city..."

"Just less than a thousand people?" Zhang Jinxian showed a disappointed look. The 40,000 defenders were unable to defend Jinan. What was the use of Yangxin's more than a thousand people.

"One thousand people is enough," Lin Fu laughed, "I led Jiangdong Zuojun to come here, not to die, please Lord Zhang believe me once, I will take over the city defense now, and the main force of the Donglu will be at the latest for one day. We're coming soon, we don't have much time to prepare..." Of course, Zhou Pu would also lead the main force of his infantry to come from the sea, but Lin Fu would not transfer them outside of Yangxin City and stay on the outside to contain them and attack them. Enemy cavalry can reduce the pressure of Yangxin defending the city.

Although Zhulong Bay, the estuary of the Zhulong River, is 80 miles away, and the weather warms up a little, sea boats can break the ice and advance to Jinshuikou, the main tributary of the lower Zhulong River, which is less than 40 miles away from Yangxin and Bincheng.

Forty li is the distance where the infantry is interspersed at night and there is still room to fight. This distance is just right to contain the enemy cavalry...

Besides, the small city of Yangxin is different from Jinan. The surrounding area of ​​the city wall of Yangxin is only 1,300 paces. Even if there are millions of heroes in the east, they will not be able to spread out in front of Yangxin City.

As long as the city wall is not smashed by heavy equipment, Lin Bing has more than a thousand elites, and the original defenders and the people in the city cooperate bravely to fight until the spring flowers bloom.

Lin Su led the Jiangdong Zuo Army to successively create the miracles of Cangnan Victory and Xiaobotouzhai Victory, which was the confidence and morale guarantee of Yangxin City's persistence to this day.

Lin Fu said so, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com gave Zhang Jinxian some confidence. He didn't blame Lin Fu for taking over the city defense as soon as he came over. After all, Lin Fu and Jiangdong Zuojun were Yang Xin's last support. Lord guard the city. In addition, if Lord Lin has any orders, Zhang Jinxian also obeys!"

"Master Zhang, you're welcome," Lin Fu breathed a sigh of relief. Zhang Jinxian didn't let go. He was going to be tough. He wouldn't let Jiangdong Zuojun take the risk of Jinan. The host and guest army can live in harmony. He is very good at defending the city. Confident, he asked Zhang Jinxian, "How much food is left in the city now? How many people are there in the city? How many days can you support?" He knew that Yang Xin had been trapped for nearly two months, and there were a lot of refugees pouring into the city. He came to the city. Seeing the hunger on the faces of the defenders, he was worried that there would be insufficient food in the city.

"It can barely last three or four days!" Zhang Jinxian said.

"Okay, that's enough," Lin Fu said, and then said to Cheng Weiyuan, "All the big households in the city who may have food reserves, please make a list for Mr. Cheng. I will send a hundred elite soldiers to Mr. Cheng to collect grain. The grain is for the defense of the city. The most important thing is that all the stored food needs to be centralized and strictly guarded, and the army, the people, and the strong labor are supplied... We came here with light armor, and each person carried 20 catties of dry food, and now each person has a lot left. The horses are slaughtered and stored first, the horses are not fed, and if they see any horses that have lost fat, they will be slaughtered..."

"These thousand horses are foreign horses!" Zhou Tong, deputy lieutenant of Zhenwei's office in the Jinzhong Admiral's House who came with Lin Bie to aid Yangxin, said with heartache.

"Keeping Yangxin is more important than anything else!" Lin Fu said, there is no extra food to feed the horses, and the horses will starve after a few days of starvation. It is better to slaughter the horses before they lose fat and save more horse meat. Who knows Yang How long will Xincheng hold? My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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