Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 50: secret door

(Second update, it's a bit late, but the number of words is more, ask for a red ticket)

On the 7th day of the second lunar month, when the sky was bright, Zhao Jinlong, the rebel general who surrendered the captives, led his troops to attack the Xicheng and Beicheng in four directions. Cars, moat bridge cars, cloud ladders, and nest cars rushed to the foot of the city.

The ladder was used to build a wall, and dozens of people were attached to it. There were dozens of ladders in the north city, and there were five or six hundred people who attacked the gate tower of the north city once attached to the wall. Retreat is death, and the sword of the supervising team will not be soft because you are your own. Standing still is death, and the wood and rolling stones leaked from the city head are like flash floods. Rush up, if you can stand firm, you might not die; at this juncture, you can only bite the bullet and climb the ladder to rush up.

The archers who were good at shooting among the captured soldiers, under the cover of shield players, forced the foot of the city to shoot at the defenders at the entrance of the crenel. The captive soldiers have spent a lot of time building several nest cars in the past few days. The nest cart is a tall tree that lifts a pendant tower into the air, level with the city head, or even higher than the city head.

The wood and rolling stones at the top of the city were all brought up by the craftsmen after demolishing the house and making a little modification, but it was endless. The auxiliary soldiers picked up the rolling stones, lifted the wooden beams, and smashed them hard at the captives or rebels standing on the ladders and on the heels of the ladders. The elite soldiers at the top of the city are all ready to fight. Some of them are special shield players, holding shields to cover the auxiliary soldiers and other soldiers. .

As required, the bowman is also provided with three additional bowstrings, which together with the one on the crossbow make a total of four strings. In the past few days, there are many archers and crossbowmen who have used all four bowstrings. However, hemp, horsehair and other items are not in short supply in the city, and the supply of bowstrings is sufficient, but the supply of arrows is somewhat in short supply. I don’t know how many thousands of arrows have been shot in the past few days. Many archers have red and swollen arms. Only four small furnaces can melt iron to make arrows. is not enough.

Lin Bie had to give up the covering arrow rain suppression, and allocated limited arrows to archers and crossbowmen with good archery skills, interfering with the auxiliary soldiers who shot cold arrows at the city head.

Clear division of labor, instead of rushing up to pick up rolling stones and smashing them down, or chaotically taking swords and spears to kill the rushing captives and rebels, defending the city and killing the enemy will be more efficient. Even if the captives and rebels rush to the front of the city for a while, there is nothing to panic, just use the flying contradictory car to cover the elite armored soldiers to counter-charge, and they can be defeated and driven down the front of the city.

There were no large trebuchets to smash the city wall, and the topography of the city was extremely unfavorable to the siege side after all. The captive soldiers are not elite, and the morale of the rebel soldiers is low. It is extremely difficult to gain a firm foothold in the city by means of cloud ladders and ants.

No matter how many troops Mo Ji's headquarters lost at the north gate of Yangxin City, the north gate, which was damaged by the city gate and the inner guard wall, was still the weak point of Yangxin City.

To capture the North City Gate, the elite defenders who were concentrated in the North City Gate must be scattered everywhere. Zhao Jinlong not only made his troops to strengthen the competition for the West City and the North City, but also asked Mo Jiben to attack the South City and the North City. East City. In order to strengthen the attack power of Mo Ji's headquarters, Na Hexiongqi also sent a small number of elites to attack the city with Mo Ji's headquarters. Even if it doesn't work, it is necessary to increase the pressure on Yangxin South City and East City, so that Lin Fu can't concentrate all the elites in the North City. This is the only limited method at present.

Lin Bie pressed his saber in his hand, like a rock, standing in front of the North City Tower, staring at the bottom of the city tower, hundreds of rebels surrounded by dozens of cave cars, moat bridge cars, rushing cars, and vans heading for the north city gate aggressively. .

Lin Fu personally guarded the North City, Ao Canghai guarded the West City, Ning Zechen guarded the South City, and the first battalion sentry Liu Zhenzhi guarded the East City. Unfavorable to the enemy's deployment, it is still intact. After the west city gate and the protective gate wall were both destroyed, Lin Fu ordered the west city gate to be blocked with wooden fences and bricks, leaving the obvious weakness of the north city gate to attract enemy soldiers to attack, and then use continuous fierce counterattacks. It also weakens the siege will of the enemy soldiers. Zhou Tong, Geng Quanshan, and Chen Dingbang took turns to organize counterattacks under the city.

The captives and rebels knew Lin Bing's intentions, so they had to attack from the north gate. Compared with other places, the north gate was still Yangxin's biggest and most obvious weak point, and it was also the easiest weak point to break through. It seems to be the only bridge leading to Yangxin City. Even if you know that there will be a crazy interception by the defenders on the other side of the bridge, you can only fill in the life crazily, filling it up to the point where the defenders can't support it. moment.

Lin Bing squinted at the sky, it was still early, and he signaled to Zhou Tong and others under the city, at least repeatedly fighting until dusk before some enemy soldiers could be brought in.

Seeing no hope of capturing Yangxin City, the captive king Ye Jiduodi and the captive general Na He Youqi would not be able to hold the elite captive soldiers in their hands. The captured soldier Zhu Long was standing in the camp and the fortress, and he did not move. There would not be enough strength to fight back.

Cheng Weiyuan and Zhang Jinxian are both on the Beicheng Tower. It has only been ten days since Yangxin City was completely sealed off. They never imagined that the attack and defense of a small city like Yangxin would be so fierce. There were nearly 20,000 rebel soldiers and nearly 10,000 accompanying soldiers and civilians, and they surrounded Yang Xin.

If the Donglu invaded Jinan and then divided their troops eastward, almost all of their eastward troops would have gathered under Yangxin City. Cheng Weiyuan thought.

In such a small city, perhaps before the Jiangdong Zuo Army entered, there was a thousand soldiers who could attack if they had enough determination. At this time, it finally attracted so many prisoners and rebels to attack.

Cheng Weiyuan couldn't imagine how long the defenders would be able to hold on after the city gate was knocked open by the enemy soldiers if it weren't for the existence of Jiangdong Zuojun. But now, the North City Gate that was smashed open has become a graveyard for captives and rebels, and the blood that seeped into the mud has solidified and turned black. After filling in the corpse, he pulled the corpse out with a long hook, and now it is about to fill in the corpse.


Although Zhao Jinlong didn't sympathize with the deployment of Xingbao himself to surrender to Donghu, he was still shocked by the tragic siege of the city. No matter how intensively their attacks were arranged, the young man in blue armor and red helmet still remained unshakable on the wall. Although they built a barrier with cave cars and vans in the north city gate hole, they couldn't push it any further.

Even if we continue to transport dirt and fill in the moat, even if we remove the obstacles on the inside of the north gate, we will have to exhaust the elites of the Jiangdong Zuo Army before we can be sure to completely capture Yangxin—the biggest problem at the moment is I don't know where the limits of Jiangdong's left army are.

From the army's description of the siege in the past few days, the Jiangdong Zuo Army killed and injured a large number of the Xinfu Han army's left troops and horses, all using tactics and traps, and their own casualties were still very limited. Zhao Jinlong also had no way of knowing where the limits of Jiangdong Zuo's army were. He didn't know how long it would take for the Dong Zuo army to fight.

It is best to get the Donghu elite to dismount to support the battle.

Ye Jiduodi did not directly deny Zhao Jinlong's request, but if Zhao Jinlong's troops established a foothold in the city, Donghu elites on his side immediately participated in the siege battle.

Zhao Jinlong forced Sheng Tianxi to personally enter the cave of the city gate to command the trenches to clear the trenches and open the passage to the city.

No one knows how strong the defenders in the city are in fighting back. Now they are just barely able to stand firm in the city gate cave. It is very likely that they will give a counterattack to the defenders in the city, and the soldiers in the city gate hole will not be able to survive. Shengtian is greedy for life and fears death, but Zhao Jinlong relies on the support of the Donghu people, and he cannot allow him to bargain. He could only bite the bullet, with forty or fifty cronies, and under the cover of the cave car, he rushed to the cave in the city gate.

The weather was cold, and baskets of soil were brought in, filled into the gate trenches, and watered again, and it was soon frozen, making it difficult for the defenders to dig it out. Sheng Tianxi stood impatiently in the gate of the city, and regardless of whether it would offend the public anger or not, let people throw their corpses into the gate trench together. A corpse is worth two baskets of soil. It is much faster to fill the trenches when all the corpses are used, and the blood that keeps seeping out from the corpse is just enough to keep the corpse firmly frozen in the pit.

Seeing that the gate guard was getting shallower, Sheng Tianxi pondered what to do next: when the gate guard was filled to the point where people could pass through, he would immediately organize a large number of elite troops to rush in, so that the defenders could not resist. The chance of impact, let alone give the defenders enough time to re-dig the moat, or directly seal the north gate.

Seeing that the gate guard trench was almost filled, Sheng Tianxi used the cave house car to cover and retreated to the fortress. He was afraid that the impact strength of the returning Zhejiang soldiers would not be enough to resist the counter-charge of the defenders, let alone. Grasp a firm foothold in the North City Gate and attack the North City Tower from behind, hoping that Hexiongqi can send hundreds of Dong Hu Jianrui to him as the main force of the charge.

As long as the North City Gate Tower is captured, Yangxin City will be half captured.

That He Xiongqi also felt that Jiangdong Zuo Army was almost at the end of the fight from the number and intensity of counterattacks by the defenders in the city. After all, they had been attacking day and night for six days and six nights, and Lin Fu had limited troops. With such a strong defense of the city, the Jiangdong Zuo Army would be exhausted even if it was an iron army.

Na Hexiongqi transferred Sanbaidong Hu Jianrui and Sheng Tianxi into the city gate hole, waiting to rush into the city together after filling in the guard gate trench, and find a foothold inside the north gate, and they will use the energy source. Constantly sending troops to rush in from the north gate. He wanted Sheng Tianxi to keep his eyes open, not to fall into the trap that Lin Bie dug in the city.

Zhao Jinlong felt that Yang Xin was about to attack, and he believed that his feeling was very clear from the pressure of the defenders back on the siege troops. Don't say that they have taken a firm footing in the Beichengmen Cave, that is, in the city's head, the number of times they grab the pawns from the ladder to the city's head is more and more. longer and longer.

This is the performance of Jiangdong's left army has reached the end of the force.

The defenders who directly confronted Chengtou could not show weakness. Taking a step back meant worrying about their lives, which meant that they had to take back the lost Chengtou with double human lives.

"The Holy General led his troops to advance from the North City Gate, and will inevitably attract a large number of the defenders on the North City Tower to block them. At this time, the city head has become the weak point of the defenders." Zhao Jinlong crouched on the ground and drew a schematic diagram with a thin tree branch. , for Sun Zhongwu and Zhou Zhizhong to see, "The moment the sage leader leads his troops into the city gate, both of you must lead the team in person. From here, here, take the cloud ladder to the city wall, and I will personally lead the team to support the sage general. Only by exerting tremendous force on both sides of the city and the city at the same time, can the defenders who are resisting until now burst out at once - I thought it would take three days to fight, but it seems that Yangxin can be taken down tonight!"

Sun Zhongwu and Zhou Zhizhong did not want to go to the city head, but they were afraid that Duke Zhao Jinlong would avenge his personal revenge, so they used Donglu's military law to cut off their heads first.

Na Hexiongqi asked Mo Jiben to transfer all the remaining elite troops that could be fought over to strengthen the offensive of Beicheng, and made the deputy capital Gugeta lead two thousand soldiers and armored Donghu elites out of the camp to the northwest corner of Yangxin City. open space on standby. No matter which one of Shengtianxi, Sun Zhongwu, and Zhou Zhizhong can gain a firm foothold in Yangxin City, Donghu elites must quickly keep up with them and capture Yangxin in one fell swoop, so as to avoid the continued shortage of these newly-affiliated Han troops and give Lin Fu the organization. The counterattack came back...

A white moon floated on the horizon, and the sky was getting darker, but it could be seen that today was a moonlit night, and He Xiongqi felt that God was finally going to help him, and this night was just right for an overnight siege.

Ye Jiduodi wants to go back to the camp to change the dressing to treat the leg injury, but he will also stare at the battlefield here in Zhulongfu camp.

On the northwest corner of Yangxin City, and also in the southeast of Zhulongpo, there is a small valley, which is the largest stretch between Yangxin City and Zhulongpo, with a depth of 1,300 steps. In the distance, there is still a thousand paces in this valley, which can be used as a starting position to support the battle on both sides of Xicheng and Beicheng.

Mo Jiben used trenches and walls of ice and dirt to enclose the north gate and west gate of Yangxin, leaving only a narrow passage for troops. not here.

When the sky was about to get dark, everyone felt that Yangxin City could be captured tonight. On this valley, there were 2,000 captive soldiers who dismounted to fight, 2,000 people from the left side of the Xinfu Han army, that is, Mo Ji's headquarters, The 3,000 troops of Sun Zhongwu and Zhou Zhi on the right side of the Han army were all focused on the North City Gate, waiting for Shengtianxi to lead his troops into the North City. entered the city to attack the defenders.

"Ah! Hi!" There was a dull roar from the North City Gate, and the messengers rushed over: "We're attacking! The holy ginseng leads people to attack!"

That He Xiongqi grabbed the hand of Zhao Jinlong's commander, and said in a deep voice, "Wait a minute!" He needed to make sure that there were no more traps in the city, that Shengtianxi was standing firm in the city, and that Shengtianxi had to be confirmed. If he can resist the first wave of Jiangdong Zuojun's counterattack, he can suppress such a bargaining chip together.

Na Hexiongqi saw that the defenders at the head of the northern city wall quickly moved down the city wall~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It must be to strengthen the counterattack against Shengtianxi Department, and the messenger rushed over again on horseback: "The leader of the holy ginseng occupies a place in the city. Standing at the wall, ask for immediate support! The defenders quickly gathered from the four cities to the north city, and the counterattack was extremely powerful!"

He Xiongqi's hands trembled slightly, and he was finally about to win a round. He ordered: "King Khan has an order: If you capture the enemy's leader Lin Binder alive, you will be promoted to three ranks below the leader, and those above the leader will be rewarded. Hundred gold! Let's go!" The seven thousand soldiers and horses assembled here immediately rushed towards the north gate of Yangxin City, and when they approached the north wall of Yangxin City three hundred paces, the two soldiers and horses separated, holding dozens of cloud ladders, like ants They were attached to the northern city wall like a group, and in a short period of time, more than 7,000 troops were filled in the more than 1,000-step valley between the northwest corner of Yangxin City and Zhulongpo.

"Bang, bang..." He Xiongqi seemed to hear two strange noises and looked at the northwest corner of Yangxin City alertly, but among the shocking howls from their side, these two strange noises were more like It was an auditory hallucination. Just when He Xiongqi wanted to eliminate this strange noise from his mind, two holes were suddenly broken in the heel of the northwest corner of Yangxin City, and the sharp spear that came out first was like a poisonous thorn He plunged into He Xiongqi's heart violently.

"Secret door!" Zhao Jinlong and Mo Jiben both shouted in shock! They did all kinds of calculations, but they never counted that Lin Fu secretly dug two secret doors in the rammed earth city wall in the northwest corner of Yangxin City and waited for this moment to finally get through.

The nearly 7,000 troops here are fully deployed, most of them are rushing towards the north gate, and some are rushing to the top of the city on the ladder, which is about to be attached to the wall. The eyes of countless people are either staring at the north gate or at the gate. The secret door was opening at their waists, and they did not have a chance to adjust their formation or gather their troops. Hundreds of soldiers poured out from the two secret doors like tigers and wolves... My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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