Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 51: To withdraw or not to withdraw

(The first one, ask for a red ticket!)

Lin Fu stood at the head of the city, looking at Geng Quanshan and Chen Dingbang, who led the 800 Shaowu soldiers who rushed out of the secret door.

The terrain around Yangxin City determined that the prisoners would concentrate a large number of troops in the Zhulongpo Valley on the northwest corner at the critical moment when they were about to attack the city. Not only is there a relatively steep trail connecting with Zhulongpo, it is more convenient to control and grasp the siege situation of the west city and the north city, and they think that the west city gate and the north city gate are surrounded by trenches and frozen earth walls, which is relatively different from other places. The wider, flatter valleys were safe from the defenders.

There are more than 1,300 steps around Yangxin City. Except for the four city gates that are covered with masonry, the rest of the city wall sections are made of rammed earth. From the moment the captured soldiers besieged the city, Lin Fu had people dug two secret gates six feet high and four steps wide at the northwest corner of the city wall, and used wooden beams to support the top and side walls. In order to prevent the captive soldiers from finding out and sending troops to achieve unexpected results, the secret door was dug from the inside out, leaving the outermost one-foot-plus wall of earth that was dug through at the last moment.

Lin Fu knew that the defenders only had one chance to use the secret door to go out of the city to fight back, so he used it when the captive soldiers mistakenly thought that the Beicheng would be destroyed and attacked the city with all their strength.

Indeed, the elite soldiers of Shaowu's army were drawn from the city wall and the counter-attack interception force, and more than one-third of the elite troops were drawn from the defensive force. There were no elite old soldiers to be the backbone of the city defense, and the morale of the civilian and brave auxiliary soldiers was available, but the combat experience Insufficient, the casualties are several times higher than before, and the Beicheng Tower is under great pressure. Without the strengthening of Shao Wu's army, if the captives and rebels outside the city continued to maintain such a strong offensive, Beicheng would indeed not be able to sustain it for long.

This was the last moment to decide the outcome. There were almost 7,000 captives and rebels in Guyuan, northwest of Yangxin. They went to the north gate and the base of the city wall where they climbed the ladder. It was like a ferocious tiger. The food made the most ferocious attack, completely ignoring the protection of the weak waist; the 800 Shaowu soldiers led by Geng Quanshan and Chen Dingbang attacked from the secret door, as if a sharp knife was stabbed directly in the waist.

At such a close distance, the two armies would engage in a battle in about ten or twenty breaths, so that the captives and rebels that were deployed from Guyuan to Yangxin North City had no chance to adjust or shrink at all, and the formation was directly from the side. Threats are crushed...

The transmission of the formation collapse is very fast, just like a stone thrown into the water, the water waves will quickly ripple away: the city heels are supporting the ladder to the top of the wall and the rebels who want to climb up to attack the city are the first to find that they are going out through the secret door. At first, I wanted to send people to intercept it, but in such a short period of time, it was impossible to organize many people and strong protection. A dozen or twenty people were all short swords and thin shields, and they were killed in three or two blows. When the people on the guard ladder at the foot of the cloud ladder saw the defenders who couldn't stop the attack, they fled, and the people who climbed the ladder jumped down in a panic, and they didn't even want to use a large shield to block the rolling wood from the city. I wish my parents had two more legs for running.

Although there is moonlight in the four fields, it can only be seen up close, not far away. Once people panic, they will only flee. The rebel Mo Ji's headquarters had long lacked the morale to attack the city, and his troops were among 7,000 people, and they dispersed when they heard the wind. The rebel Zhao Jinlong's troops were on both sides. If he hadn't borrowed prisoners to supervise the battle, he would not have had a strong will to save the battle, especially Sun Zhongwu and Zhou Zhizhong. How many armored soldiers saw that the front was broken, so the cavalry and more than a hundred cronies fled back, and the two thousand Donghu elites, who were led by Gugeta to dismount and wear armor, were caught between Mo Ji's headquarters and Zhao Jinlong's two groups of rebels. During this time, the formation of the two flanks collapsed, especially when the soldiers on the south side were pressed by the armored soldiers from the conflict to flee to the north slope, and directly attacked the formation of the captive soldiers. He wanted to organize troops to suppress the defeat on the south side, but God didn't give him a little time, so he could only flee back surrounded by guards.

In the northwest corner of Yangxin City and in the southeast of Zhulongpo, Guyuan is said to be small, with a depth of 1,340 to 400 paces wide, but it is not too big.

Zhulongpo is not steep as a whole, but it suddenly cuts off in the southeast. The **** here is easy to walk down, but difficult to climb up. In addition to the cold and ice on the road, the **** is extremely steep and slippery, and people are panicking. Ten people climb the steep slope, almost four or five people will slip, and if one slips, they will fall behind A bunch of people rushed down and made a mess.

On the two wings, to guard against counterattacks by the defenders at the north gate and west gate, the fences and permafrost walls built became obstacles, leaving only a narrow passage for sending troops. In normal times, the channel for sending troops is enough to get in and out, but when it collapses, everyone rushes to build the back and flee north.

A more important reason is that the Donghu Du team is guarding the passage of troops.

The supervising team could not see the situation that the defenders in the city were attacking from the secret door for a while. When they saw the rout soldiers rolling in, their first reaction was not to let the rout soldiers scatter the troops inside the encirclement, forcing them to continue to attack the city and pick up big swords. With a knife in hand, the soldiers are slashed. Where do you think that there will be more and more defeated soldiers, and they will fight directly with the supervising team.

After all, the supervising team has few people. Who knows how many defenders have fought back in the city. Besides, the supervising team has been forced to die in the past few days. The captive soldiers behind the battle even thought they were rebels and turned back. They had to organize troops to block it, and the narrow channel for sending troops was even more chaotic...

When the defenders in the city sent troops to counterattack from the secret door, He Xiongqi, Zhao Jinlong, and Mo Jiben were watching the entire battle situation from the innermost highland of Guyuan, so they were able to retreat to Zhulongpo in time to see this chaotic situation. tears.

Ye Jiduodi also came over with a cane, and organized elite soldiers to go down the **** to counter-charge.

"It's too late! The battlefield is too narrow, the attacking defenders are crushing the defeated soldiers, and Lin Bie is at the head of the city to direct the attack direction. No matter how many people are organized, they will be scattered first!" Na Hexiongqi persuaded Ye Ji. Duodi could not send troops and could only guide the routed troops to evacuate from the two flanks. As long as the elite soldiers were kept on the **** to peep, they could suppress the defenders' long-distance pursuit of the routed troops and not cause the entire front to collapse.

Ye Jiduo hated the ground with a horse whip. At the top of the slope, they could clearly see that there were less than 1,000 soldiers fighting back out of the city, but the more than 7,000 soldiers and horses in the valley below the **** were all scattered. Just like the crops, the wind blows to the east, and it falls to the east, and the wind blows to the west, and it falls to the west. The defenders who gave the city counterattack pressed and harvested their lives, and even killed each other in order to escape. There was almost no one. The passage allows them to organize a counterattack on Zhulongpo. All they can do is to hold the main camp and divert the troops from the flanks to reduce casualties as much as possible.

The 2,000 elites that Donghu got off his horse and put on his armor were also scattered by the routed soldiers. The defenders who attacked had a group of skirmishers staring at Donghu when he got off his horse and put on his armor. In the two dark secret doors, shadows seemed to be still hiding. With two elites, probably to prevent them from organizing elite troops from Zhulongpo to fight back.

"Report!" The sentinel cavalry dragged a long-caved horse and galloped back from the side, "Eighteen miles away, a large number of enemy infantry and cavalry were found, the number of which is unknown, and the outpost has already engaged with them. Rui, if there is no reinforcements, it will take up to two hours to approach Yangxin..."

"Get out!" Na Hexiongqi suggested to Ye Jiduodi with difficulty, the troops and horses under the city were completely defeated, and the troops and horses in the fortresses of Xicheng and Beicheng were also completely scattered, and the troops and horses of Nancheng and Dongcheng were not waiting. The order here is that the defenders in the city will take the initiative to retreat as soon as they attack. At this time, sending troops to suppress them is afraid that there will be a mutiny. In two hours, it is too late to stop the spread of chaos. It is not clear how many soldiers and horses Lin Fu has transferred from other places, but they can still master the elites who can fight back. , or avoid entering the camp for help. The defensive capabilities of the camp cannot be compared with that of Yangxin City at all.

"What about the two thousand Donghu men under the slope?" Ye Jiduo shouted at He Xiongqi. He knew that there was not much time left for him to make a decision. Either he would resolutely send troops to intercept the reinforcements of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, or he would resolutely retreat. Withdraw, or wait for the Jiangdong left army to cooperate and fight in one city, they will not occupy the advantage of the battle at all.

The night was dim, and there were hundreds of campfires burning along the **** ridge and the city head to strengthen the lighting, and the brightness was only barely able to see the general momentum of the entire battlefield.

They didn't know how many reinforcements of the Jiangdong Left Army came from the east, and they didn't know how many troops they had to send to intercept it to be effective. The number of troops is second, the key is the night battle.

If it weren't for a siege battle, very few generals would be willing to organize a night battle when they could not control the troops or their ability to control the troops was greatly weakened~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A little attention may lead to a chain rout of their own, and the previous battles showed that, Jiangdong Zuojun's ability to fight at night or march at night is stronger than them.

But just retreating like this, Ye Jiduo was not reconciled. He brought nearly 20,000 Donghu elites and newly surrendered Han troops, and more than 10,000 civilians. In the end, he retreated with only 3,000 or 4,000 people. This is because he has never encountered a big shame or defeat in his life!

Why did no one think that Jiangdong Zuojun would be digging secret doors!

Ye Jiduo was so angry that he vomited blood. They were prepared for the Jiangdong Zuo Army to counterattack from the city, so they organized manpower to build fortifications outside the city gate, but no one thought that the Jiangdong Zuo Army would dig two pieces directly from the heel of the city wall of the northwest city. A secret door.

These are the two secret doors that have been exposed. Who knows if there are other secret doors in the entire city wall of more than 1,300 steps in Yangxin City? The anti-counterattack and anti-charge systems they built before have all failed! If you still want to continue to attack the city, then build a moat to enclose the entire Yangxin City. Then you need to build a moat of more than 4,000 steps. Is there enough time?

Even if the reinforcements of the Jiangdong Zuo Army were repelled, the Yangxin City could not be attacked by force. The two Han armies could no longer have the morale and will to fight. They did not crippling or breaking the defense system of the Jiangdong Zuo Army , Do you want to use the flesh and blood of the Donghu man to fill the head of Xincheng in Pingyang?

Ye Jiduo made a difficult decision: "Xiongqi, after I leave a thousand people for you to break up, the blood of the Donghu man can't be wasted in the wilderness of the Southerners. If you can save more, save more... …”

Zhao Jinlong and Mo Jiben also did not care about gathering the defeated troops of the headquarters, and with dozens of cronies, followed Ye Jiduo back to the main camp, preparing to retreat westward. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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