Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 54: liquidation and rebellion

The prefectures and counties that have not been captured are also strong and clear, and the city is defended, fearing that spies will sneak in, and at this time, they will no longer accommodate refugees.

Some people are timid and afraid of death, afraid that if they are caught by the defenders of Yangxin, they will be severely punished, but what's the point of running away? Most will starve to death, freeze to death on the road. That's how, nearly half of the people who were forced to attack Yangxin by the captive soldiers scattered, but more than half of the people didn't escape, or they escaped and returned, leaving it at their own discretion and discretion.

The number of people who were captured was too large, and they were all directly concentrated in the Zhulongpo camp outside the city.

Lin Bie, surrounded by the crowd, first went to Zhulongpo camp to inspect the people who were detained in the camp.

This prisoner is located in the northeast corner of Zhulongpo, which is also the attacking camp in the north of Yangxin City. Except for the moat wall and a few simple shelters, there are no other structures. Six or seven thousand people are detained here. In the camp where they were squatting or sitting, the cold wind was blowing, and they just huddled together to keep warm, cold and hungry, shivering and resigned to their fate.

When the camp was opened, a large number of armoured soldiers went in to drive out and push down the captured civilians and put them on guard, clearing an open space. Lin Bie, Yuan Jianhai, Yuan Yan, Zhang Jinxian, Cheng Weiyuan and others walked in. The guards were also very nervous. , I don't know how many random soldiers are among the people, and the screening work has not yet started.

"They are so pitiful." Yuan Yan looked at the prisoners who were squatting on the ground and dared not stand up in the camp. Seeing their trembling and terrified expressions, she remembered her panic when she escaped from Jinan City. It's like a nightmare that you can never get rid of.

"Little county master, not everyone deserves sympathy, these are all pariahs who should be killed, even if Lord Lin chops off their heads, it would not be a pity. Battle gear, how can the captives attack Yangxin, and where will the defenders of Yangxin have so many casualties?" Zuo Tanggui became active again, and he seriously educated Yuan Yan, the head of the small county. At this time, even if he said something wrong, at least he didn't need to revenge against Lin Fu like Ye Youren did and rushed to the top of the city to defend the city. Thinking of this colleague who cut off Lin Fu's head with a knife at the top of the city to straighten his military law, Zuo Tanggui felt both fear and hatred for Lin Fu.

Yuan Yan ignored Zuo Tanggui's words and looked at Lin Fu.

Lin Bie didn't say anything, looked back at Yuan Yan and smiled.

These civilians were at fault for helping the captives to attack Yangxin and aggravating the casualties of the defenders of Yangxin. For ordinary people, they have to pay taxes on their fields to live, and they are oppressed and exploited by officials and gentry, and they have not received half of the benefits of the imperial court. How can they expect them to die for the Dayue Dynasty?

This is not a question of liquidation after the war. The key point is that there were as many as 300,000 to 400,000 people looted this time. If these civilians were to be severely liquidated, or even put to death, it would only encourage the 30,000 to 400,000 people who were looted. Dingkou followed Donglu firmly.

Lin Fu didn't know what decision the court would make in the end, but some officials were weak in resisting, and they were very skilled in liquidating ordinary people. He knew this situation very well. More crucially, it involves the issue of land. If one person is liquidated, one can get rid of one person's land. Not to mention those court officials who are self-righteous, the local squires will also be very active in the liquidation. , more active and more harmful than these small people, but they also have a better way to exonerate themselves.

"I know that most of you are under coercion. If someone puts a knife on my neck, I will do something against my will," Lin Fu asked the guards in front of him to move away. He directly shouted to the people in Manzhai to the captives, "No one will willingly deliver food to the captives and thieves to beat their fellow villagers and their relatives. I know the pain in your heart, and neither the imperial court nor the government will hold you accountable. The thief is about to leave. You can stay here for a while and wait for your return home. If you don’t have enough clothes to carry it, you must report it to the guard. Although Yang Xin has no extra clothes, he can still peel off some of the dead body. I hope Don't mind or be a taboo. Although the food won't be very good, I will give it to you here to ensure that you will not starve to death... Now there is a problem, I know that some rebel soldiers and some captive soldiers take off their armor. They are also the executioners who murder your relatives and your fellow villagers, and they are also the executioners who force you to murder your own relatives and your fellow villagers. If you find suspicious strangers around you, you should take the initiative to tell the guards, if Those who prove that they are captives and rebels, and who report them, are not only innocent, but also meritorious..."

The prisoners who were held down by a large number of armored bullets were in shock. They didn't know whether it was better to believe Lin Bie's words or keep silent. Some people were even worried about what to do if the captured soldiers came back.

Lin Fu said to Zhao Qingshan, who was in charge of the garrison of Zhu Longpo: "The captured civilian husbands are not allowed to register on the roster, and they are not allowed to question their township. , you can drive them to do some handyman, help tidy up the camp, clear the battlefield, and transport materials, which can be regarded as an opportunity for them to make meritorious crimes, and they must not be rude, and it is absolutely necessary to prohibit the following people from abusing prisoners! People who participate in the interrogation are considered to be tortured prisoners, and they must be severely punished, and must not be tolerated. You must remember to me: the elite teachers of a hundred battles are forged with iron-like discipline, not cruelty."

After leaving the camp where the prisoners were imprisoned, Lin Fu went to inspect Zhu Longpo's camp.

In fact, there was no need for Lin Fu's instructions. The Jinzhong Army and Shaowu Army both camped at Zhulongpo with the Jiangdong Zuo Army, and also set up another healing camp on Zhulongpo.

The casualties of defending the city were heavy, but relatively speaking, Min Yong, who had no combat experience, and Yuanyangxin defenders had a larger proportion of casualties, accounting for more than three-quarters of the more than 3,000 casualties in defending the city. On the one hand, Min Yong and Yuanyangxin defenders lacked courage, and on the other hand, lacked combat experience; the old soldiers could better protect themselves on the battlefield and cooperate with their colleagues to kill the enemy.

However, Shao Wu's army, who went out of the city to counterattack last night, was red-eyed. In the end, their formation could not be guaranteed, and there were some undue casualties in the pursuit of the almost defenseless troops. When they escaped into Yangxin, Shao Wu's army had more than 1,000 people, and they would strengthen it to make up to 1,200 people. At this time, only 600 people could continue to fight with weapons. The reduction ratio of the Jinzhong Army was much better than that of the Shaowu Army. Three hundred people entered the city, and so far there are still nearly 200 people who have maintained combat capability. The reduction of Jiangdong Zuo Army is almost the same.

The reinforcements led by Zhou Pu and Zhao Qingshan last night were mainly to participate in the slaughter battle, and there were almost no casualties.

Lin Fu had inspected the wound healing camp and instructed the soldiers in the army to use enough medicine for the wounded, keep up with their nutrition, and try to save everyone as much as possible. These wounded people are not only fighting heroic killers, but healing their wounds is also a valuable asset. Even those who are seriously disabled and can no longer return to the team, Lin Bie will not abandon them.

It is necessary to give the generals the honor of fighting bravely, to give them a sense of belonging, and not let them feel that fighting bravely may also be abandoned. Although Jiyun Club has to pay more to do this, it must be done.

Things after the war seem to always be more complicated than before the war. Lin Mengde, Cao Zi'ang and Sun Shangwang are all in Jinhai Wukou. Zhou Pu, Zhao Qingshan and Ning Zechen are not good at trivial matters of greater political/political significance. , Lin Bie could only bite the bullet.

Lin Fu had inspected the treatment camp, and Zhao Qingshan sent someone to report the news, saying that his speech just now had an effect, and the civilian husband began to report the hidden rebels and captives.

Dispelling concerns and appeasing people's hearts is a technical task, Lin Fu sighed secretly. They still don't know the situation on Jinhai's side, otherwise, if they transfer Lin Mengde over, they will be more relaxed.


The prisoners were all detained outside the city. Last night, in the Guyuan battlefield northwest of Yangxin City, nearly 1,200 prisoners were captured and surrendered. In addition to the previous captures, nearly 1,400 surrenderers were detained in several places in the city. The main one is the county jail.

Last night, there were 567 prisoners who were directly killed in the Guyuan battlefield. In addition to the previous and last night's results in the city, this defense battle still achieved a record of killing more than 1,000 prisoners, even if they were not killed or killed. The captured rebel soldiers, Yang Xin defending the city battle, can also be called brilliant.

Lin Bie was surrounded by the crowd and came to the courtyard in front of the county prison.

He squinted at the cold and dark county prison gate, and Geng Quanshan, Chen Dingbang and other Shao Wu army generals all looked at him. Lin Bie stood on the field for a while, and instructed: "Bring out all the military officers above the military commander of the subordinate army!"

"Lord Lin, do you still remember me, the youngest is Shengtianxi, the commander of the Zhaowu School of the Admiralty's Mansion in Liangzhe? In the Admiralty's Mansion in Jinan, the youngest even toasted Master Lin." When he came to the yard, he saw that Lin Fu and the others had been waiting in the yard for a long time. He wanted to pounce on Lin Fu's feet to plead for mercy, but he held the guard firmly in place, so he lay on the ground and kowtowed to Lin Fu. He kept kowtowing, his forehead pounding on the icy ground and the blood kept coming, and he repented with snot and tears, "It's Zhao Jinlong, that bastard, who wants to take refuge in the East Captive, let the squire hold a knife stand between me and Zhou Xiaowei and Sun. The school captain's neck gave up the Jinan South Gate. I wouldn't betray Jinan City. I wanted to kill myself on the spot. It was Zhao Jinlong's **** who tied me with hemp rope. I couldn't even die. I heard that Sun Xiaowei is dead Well, that **** Zhou Zhizhong was later confused by Zhao Jinlong, and he also surrendered to the east, but I was not willing to surrender. I lead troops to attack the city, not really want to attack the city, I was born from Dayue, and died Da Yue's ghost, even if he dies, he has to do something meaningful to Da Yue. I lead the army to attack and actually want to enter the city to join the Lord Lin. After your order, Lord Lin, did I hesitate more than half of the time when I killed the captured soldiers? Lin My lord, you have to decide for the little one! I am not willing to surrender the captive thief! I am not willing to surrender the thief! Master Lin is the master of the little one~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The little one is willing to be a cow for the Lord Lin from now on. Be a horse!"

Sheng Tianxi's tears and snot came down together. He knew that the only person who could decide his fate was not someone else, but Lin Fu in front of him. Lin Fu only had to swipe his pen to change his forced surrender last night into taking the initiative to lead troops anyway, to kill the prisoners and fight them. If you have meritorious deeds in defending the city, you will naturally be able to avoid the death penalty, and maybe you will be able to keep your official position.

"You stand up first, I know what you have done," Lin Bie squatted down, patted Sheng Tianxi on the shoulder, looked at his tearful face kindly, and asked, "The soldiers who defected to Zhejiang Are all the captured military attaches here? Are there any left?"

Sheng Tianxi was only expected to save the dog's life, and eager to show his merit in front of Lin Fu, he immediately pointed out three military attaches hidden among ordinary soldiers, and one of them was the deputy battalion commander of the Linqing guards.

In the end, most of the soldiers who defected were sentenced to be convicted, and perhaps even their sons and nephews were sentenced to be convicted. Military attachés and generals have to spend a lot of time trying to save their lives, and senior generals still need to see if there is anyone in the court to speak for them.

The three traitorous military attachés were immediately pulled out of the prison.

Lin Fu squinted at the more than forty military attachés who rebelled and squinted at the sky for a while, before slowly saying, "There is a lack of military merit, and someone from Lin wants to take advantage of your head, I'm sorry everyone! He waved his hand and ordered the rebels and generals to be taken out for execution.


PS: The first shift, ask for a red ticket, the red ticket will be more powerful, maybe it will be the third shift today! My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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