Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 55: Yellow river burst

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

Lin Fu ordered that all the rebellious military attachés be dragged out for execution.

"Ah!" Zhang Jinxian, the magistrate of Yangxin County, was startled when he saw it, and hurriedly discouraged him, "Killing the generals before they are sentenced will be detrimental to the reputation of the adults! It will be left to the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Metropolitan Police to deal with them. If you can’t keep it, why rush it?” He did not plead for these rebellious military attachés, but Lin Fu killed and surrendered prisoners without authorization, and let the officials of the Supreme Court know that he would be impeached and charged, which would have a great impact on Lin Fu’s future. unfavorable. Zhang Jinxian persuaded Lin Fu to take back his life, and escorted more than forty generals back to the generals and left them to the court for disposal.

Lin Fu narrowed his eyes, sighed lightly, and said, "Captain Lu is still in the coffin city, I can't let him die without resting his eyes, the bones of Shao Wu's generals and thousands of dead souls in Jinan, Linqing and other places are still not there yet. It's cold!" Lin Fu dismissed Zhang Jinxian's thoughts of dissuade him, "The day I carried the coffin into the city, I swore that I would never be at odds with the traitor in my lifetime. If I don't do it today, I might give them great powers escaped with my life..."

Geng Quanshan, Chen Dingbang and other Shaowu generals knelt down together to kowtow to Lin Bing, and said, "Thank you for your accomplishment, the captain and the thousands of Shaowu souls who have died have no regrets! Zhao Jinlong and Zhou Zhizhong escaped their lives today, and they will surely do so in the future. Bad news!"

"Get up, all of you. This is what I should do. You recruit fifty executioners from Shaowu's army for me to execute them."

He explained to Zhang Jinxian, "As for the Ministry of War and the Metropolitan Police to investigate this matter in the future, I will undertake it together. Yang Xin has just been relieved of the siege, and the war is still going on. After the rest of our department, we will start to pursue the captured soldiers. The soldiers are manic and restless, their mentality is unstable in the prison in the city, and they want to create chaos.

At this time, Lin Fu asked Yuan Jianhai again, "General Zhen Guo think it's better to put them back in the prison, or to kill them cleanly?"

"Kill it properly!" Yuan Jianhai's hatred of the Zhejiang soldiers who escaped from the battle was not inferior to Geng Quanshan, Chen Dingbang and others.

When Jinan fell, hundreds of people from Prince Lu's mansion did not escape, including Yuan Jianhai's wives and concubines. Although he has weak feelings for his wives and concubines, he is so embarrassed and desolate. These are all thanks to the Zhejiang soldiers. Naturally, Yuan Jianhai does not want them to survive. , so that future generations dare not betray again.

Besides, the war is not over yet. Lin Bie leads his troops to leave. Yuan Jianhai will stay in Yangxin for a while. He is really afraid that these soldiers will cause chaos in the middle. It would be better to remove it, of course.

"Since this is the case, the threat of the captive soldiers has not been eliminated. I am afraid that the surrendered soldiers will cause chaos in the city. Yangxin County invites Mr. Lin to kill the surrendered generals, so as to be a good example and to reassure the people!" Zhang Jinxian resolutely handed over his hands and said that he wanted to kill arbitrarily. The responsibilities of the descendants will be shouldered together.

"Take it to Beicheng, and invite the people of the city to observe the punishment! Those who eat the food of the people, wear the clothes of the people, abandon the soil and surrender, this is the end!" Lin Fu waved his hand, and decided that Shengtianxi would be frightened. The fate of the descending general who was crying and crying.

The soldiers of the armor did not care about the stench, and they escorted all these rebellious military attachés to Beicheng like wolves. The mud there was soaked with blood, and he didn't care about the blood of more than 40 people.

For the convenience of the war, in order to collect the bricks, stones, beams and woods used for defending the city, the houses behind the Yangxin County Government Office were almost demolished, forming a large open space. However, from the perspective of future generations, Lin Bun took the open space slightly larger than the standard playground of later generations. After all, Yangxin City was still too small.

During the war, Yangxin took in nearly 30,000 refugees from all over the world. During the war, he was starving. He had two extra meals in a row, and he had meat again. He regained some strength. Overwhelmed by the fear of being slaughtered, the people all over the city were excited and crowded with joy to Beicheng to observe the execution.

Lin Fu and others had a simple meal in the county government office, and rushed to Beicheng to supervise the execution at noon.

When going to the north gate tower, Lin Fu still asked Yuan Jianhai and Yuan Yan, the head of the small county, to go first. After all, Yuan Jianhai and Yuan Yan represented the clan and Lu Wangfu. After he, Zhang Jinxian, the magistrate of Yangxin County, and Cheng Weiyuan, the county magistrate, followed Yuan Jianhai, they boarded the palace. When they went to the top of the city, the people all over the city gave out deafening cheers, and some even chanted "King Lu, thousand years old". In the sunshine of early spring, Yuan Yan's face is young and beautiful, she looks like a fairy standing on the north gate tower, and the people in the city stretch their necks to cheer, of course, there are cheers dedicated to "Lin Dujian" and "Zhang Zhixian". ".

Yuan Jianhai felt naturally good, as if the city was guarded by him, standing on the tower overlooking the people of the city and all the people under his Yuan clan's rule.

Lin Fu calmly followed behind Yuan Jianhai, Yangxin City was finally defended, and it was impossible for the Dongluo to bite the bullet and go eastward. The Lu Wangfu was a male clan, and Yuan Jianhai was the only one who survived. Especially in the case of Yuan Jianhai's resistance to meritorious deeds, the court, whether rewarding merits or offering consolation, would not deprive or demote the title of King Lu's mansion. I am afraid that Yuan Jianhai will be 80% sure of inheriting the title of King Lu.

Yuan Jianhai and Zhang Jinxian, on behalf of the clan and local officials respectively, said some words of comfort to the people and some relief measures. Naturally, they praised the Jiangdong Zuo Army's behavior of handing over all the seized materials to the local relief people. Lin Fu briefly mentioned the matter of rewarding the people's bravery and military merit, and on behalf of the military, he declared the death penalty for the military attache for treason and surrendered, and asked Yuan Yan, the chief of the small county, to take refuge in the city tower to avoid seeing the **** scene during the execution.


Yangxin had organized more than 2,000 defenders before the war. Although more than half of the casualties were over half, there were still more than 1,000 people who still maintained a certain combat strength. After this battle, they also improved a lot. No problem. In the afternoon, Lin Fu saw that the order in the city was almost restored, so he withdrew his command shed from the North City Tower, officially announcing the end of Yangxin's defense of the city. Lin Fu himself also moved to Zhu Longpo's camp temporarily, and no longer interfered with local affairs in Yangxin. After all, Yangxin's local system is still complete, and magistrate Zhang Jinxian and county magistrate Cheng Weiyuan also showed better ability than their colleagues.

Jiangdong Zuo Army, Jinzhong Army, and Shaowu Army also moved to Zhulongpo. In addition to injuries, nearly 2,000 Jiangdong Zuo Army, 200 Jinzhong Army and 400 Shaowu Army were assembled in Zhulongpo camp.

In the afternoon, the troops continued to rest and recuperate, and Lin Fu convened nearly 200 military attachés, including the sentry generals, commanders, and flag heads of the Jiangdong Zuo Army to hold a summary meeting. Regardless of the good experience or the bad experience, it must be summed up in a timely manner after the war, and Zhou Tong, Geng Quanshan, Chen Dingbang and other generals are also invited to come and observe.

The retreat of the captives has already settled, and apart from following and harassing in the back road, there is no battle to fight. Jiangdong Zuojun is still a very young army, and Lin Bie has many things to consider. In addition to following and chasing the captive soldiers, he also had to think about how to make the Jiangdong Zuo Army face the various problems in the future. Compared with fighting on the battlefield, the cold arrows and dark spears inside and outside the court will be more dangerous, but no matter how ferocious the wind and waves inside and outside the court are, to cast the Jiangdong Zuo Army into an elite and strong soldier and hold it in your hands is like being in a stormy sea. A firm reef can rely on.

By dusk, the battlefield cleaning was basically over. Yangxin defended the city with a total of 977 heads of captive soldiers. The rebels only cut off the heads of military attachés, and received 86 heads in total. Killing the rebels is definitely possible. Of the more than 3,000 people counted, more than 1,300 people were captured and surrendered, and more than 6,700 people were captured and assisted by civilians, and a steady stream of civilians returned to surrender. More than 20,000 stones of corn, grains and other grains, 90,000 fodder, timber, and carts were seized. Nearly half of the grain and grass were burned, otherwise the seizure would be more abundant. The captured horses are far less than the Jinhai Victory, with only more than 500 horses, and the capture of the armor is far better than the Jinhai Victory.

Mo Jiben and Zhao Jinlong's troops were reorganized and surrendered. Donglu was embarrassed to take off the excellent soldiers and armor from the two generals and then drive them to Yangxin to attack the city and die. In this battle, the defenders killed and captured prisoners. There were almost 5,000 rebel soldiers, especially the bodies of the rebel soldiers were abandoned around Yangxin City. When they were defeated, the rebels threw away their armour in order to escape.

There are more than 6,000 pieces of spears, swords and shields, more than 3,000 pieces of leather armor, combined armor, and group armor, and more than 1,000 pieces of bows and crossbows.

In addition to these, they also collected more than 90,000 taels of gold and silver goods.


At night, Zhang Jinxian, the magistrate of Yangxin County, and Cheng Weiyuan, the county magistrate, went to Zhu Longfu's camp to see Lin Fu with the seized list.

Lin Bie looked at the seizure list under the oil lamp, took a pen and crossed out the capture of the captives from the merits, and said to Zhang Jinxian and Cheng Weiyuan: "The weather is about to get warmer, and the captives are retreating, but it does not mean that the captives will be captured. The soldiers will not come again next time. The defense line in the north of Yanshan is really worrying, and the local area has to prepare for force. Of course, this is also a local matter, so it is inconvenient for me to intervene. I will save the spear, sword, shield and armor for Yangxin. One thousand pieces, mules and horses are urgently needed for local reconstruction after the war, and these five hundred horses are also reserved for Yangxin.”

"I would like to thank Lord Lin on behalf of the people of Yangxin for being kind and righteous..." Zhang Jinxian said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lord Lin is all thinking about the place, which makes the old man admire. "

"No more polite words," Lin Fu said. "Now there are more than 30,000 captives and refugees gathered in Yangxin, nearly half of them young and strong. The war is not completely over, and these people are still alive for a while. They can't be disbanded. They can't be left to starve to death, and local governments don't need to feed them in vain. They can provide food for work, repair cities, and repair roads. This time, more than 90,000 taels of gold and silver and some food and grass were seized. In addition to what is needed, it should be possible to make the city walls of Yangxin covered with masonry and increase the height by one zhang, and build four urn cities outside the four gates... If the captured soldiers enter the bandits again in the next year, Yangxin's defense will be easier. As long as the army and the people are single-minded, the eastern captives will not invade the fortified city easily for the purpose of plundering.”

Without these goods and materials, it would be impossible for them to fortify, heighten the city wall, build the urn city, and reorganize the military equipment. Zhang Jinxian and Cheng Weiyuan didn't know what else to say of gratitude, they just nodded while listening.

At this time, the chief sentinel Wu Qi opened the door and came in. He saw Lin Bie in the room with Zhang Jinxian and Cheng Weiyuan, and hurriedly said: "The Yellow River has burst its embankment, and when the outpost entered the southwest corner of Jihe County, he found a flood of flooded with the broken embankment. After retreating to Jihe, the soldiers did not stop, but retreated in the direction of Dezhou together with the prisoners stationed in Jihe. Although there is no further information, it can be preliminarily determined that the main force of the southern line of the prisoners has withdrawn from Jinan, and decided to block the southern side of the Yellow River. Chase. It's still unclear where the **** breach is. I'll send scouts around the south bank to scout..."

"These beasts!"

Although Lin Fu had long expected that the captive soldiers would defeat the Yellow River, but when it happened, he was still trembling with anger and wanted to break the pen in his hand. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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