Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 61: The danger of special purpose

(It’s awesome, the third update is coming. Today’s update exceeds 10,000 characters. Brothers, the red ticket must be awesome!)

"What, all the grains in the counties need to arrive in Yanjing before the first ten days of April, otherwise all the officials will be dismissed for dereliction of duty and dereliction of duty?" Lin Fu took the copy of the special decree and was shocked after reading the contents above. , directly questioning the authenticity of the copy, "Will there be some mistakes in copying, how could the DPRK issue such a special decree?"

"I just saw what was written in the copy, and I suspected that there was an error in the copying, but the deadlines for the entry of Cao grain into Beijing are clearly stipulated in each county. Shandong is exempted from Cao, and grain should be provided for Jinan and Pingyuan Prefecture; A large number of boats were frozen in the Wei River section of Dezhou. Later, Dezhou was captured by the East Captives, and a large amount of grain was lost to the enemy. The deputy envoy was dismissed and investigated, and the county governor of Zhongzhou was granted a one-month delay in shipping grain to Beijing. Except for Shandong and Zhongzhou, Jiangdong Caoliang It is necessary to enter Beijing at the earliest. The time limit is set before the end of March. It is impossible to copy the time in many places. The two Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Huguang, Huaishang, Xiqin and Chuandong are all ten to 20 days later than Jiangdong. "..." Cao Zi'ang said, "There should be no mistakes in copying..."

"The imperial court so urgently needs to transfer food to the capital?" Lin Fu asked. He was taken aback by such a special order, and his mind was a little stiff.

"Yanjing has been trapped for more than four months. There are hundreds of thousands of troops fighting in Gyeonggi, and there are 300,000 to 500,000 refugees who have fled into the counties of Gyeonggi. Besides, a large amount of food and grass in Gyeonggi and Yannan have been looted by the invaders and Donglu, I am afraid that it is Yanjing. The food shortage has already begun..." Lin Mengde said.

"Food shortage..." Lin Fu took a deep breath.

In autumn and winter in previous years, although it was not the peak season for water transportation, the two counties of Shandong and Zhongzhou took advantage of the closest geographical location to Gyeonggi. After the autumn harvest every year, the first batch of water resources would be transported to the Gyeonggi area before the river was frozen. The food shortage in autumn and winter in Gyeonggi region and the shortage of military food in Zhubian towns.

In addition, before the river was frozen, a large number of grain merchants would transport grain into Beijing for profit.

At the beginning of October last year, the East invaders broke into the border. At that time, Shandong, Zhongzhou and even Xiqin counties just organized the transportation of grains after the autumn grains were put on the market, and a large number of grain ships were blocked in Dezhou and Linqing to watch the situation and dare not go north.

By mid-November, the Yanji Plain was extremely cold, frozen for thousands of miles, and many grain-carrying ships were directly frozen in the river, unable to advance or retreat. The ships sent by the Xihe Society to support the Jiangdong Zuo Army were also frozen in Dezhou, but Lin Fu decisively ordered Lin Mengde, Sun Wenbing and others to abandon their ships and retreat south to Jinan to join in to avoid unnecessary loss of personnel.

The main force on the southern line of the Donglu captured Dezhou, Linqing and other places. These ships and the grain that was supposed to be transported to Gyeonggi before the ice was frozen, naturally became the capture of the Donglu.

The Donglu invaded Yannan and devastated the three houses of Yannan into wasteland. The people of Yannan fled to the north except to the south. To the east was the sea, and to the west was blocked by the Taihang Mountains. Gyeonggi, including Yanjing, has a population of more than one million. In addition to the influx of refugees, although there are no accurate statistics, it is no exaggeration to say that there are one and a half million people waiting to be fed.

These two factors alone have caused serious food shortages in the Gyeonggi region after the beginning of spring.

Another more critical factor is the issue of military food in Xuanhua and Jibei towns.

The food and grass needed for the garrison garrison in the border town of Datong are mainly delivered from Jinzhong County, which does not pose any pressure on the food supply in the Gyeonggi area. The military food of the Xuanhua garrison has always been supplied by Gyeonggi.

Before the defeat of Chentangyi, the Jibei Army also occupied the western Liaoning land north of Linyu (Shanhaiguan). The garrison has been implemented in military camps, which is quite effective, and the food and grass needed by the military can basically be self-sufficient.

After the defeat of Chentangyi, the Jibei Army retreated to Linyu Pass, and lost a large area of ​​military colonies outside the pass. Almost all the military colonies were abolished. Every year, an additional million stone grains were needed from Gyeonggi. Since it had only been more than two years since the defeat of Chen Tangyi, Yanjing had not had enough time to solve the problem of the shortage of food and grass, so they caught up with the Donglu this time to send troops to invade the bandits.

It is not surprising to say that there is a grain shortage in the Gyeonggi region in the beginning of spring.

"The special purpose is to adjust grain from various counties so urgently. It should be that the Gyeonggi region has started to suffer from grain shortages." Cao Zi'ang said.

Lin Fu and the others could have predicted that the food supply in the Yanjing area would be tight after the war, and food prices would skyrocket.

As early as on the 16th, Lin Fu sent Ge Cunxin to lead the fleet back to Chongzhou. In addition to transporting the seized materials and the wounded back to Xisha Island, they also asked them to transport food by sea to Jinhai to make a profit. Food shortage.

"The extent of the grain shortage in the Gyeonggi region is probably only known to the officials of the Ministry of Households or Zhang Xie, the second minister in charge of the Ministry of Households," Lin Mengde said. It can last until early April.”

"But the Yellow River has dug several openings for the Donglu," Lin Fu said, "the waterway from Linqing to Dezhou has been destroyed, unless the river gang's watercraft can be equipped with wings, I don't know if the water from Jiangdong will be killed. It’s impossible to deliver it to Gyeonggi before the end of March—how could Zhang Xie give Gu Wuchen this problem?”

Seeing Cao Zi'ang and Lin Meng looking at him, Lin Fu said, "Are you trying to say that Yue Lengqiu is in it?"

"Besides him, no one can make trouble," Cao Zi'ang said. "I analyzed with Mengde, and I think he is the most suspicious. After all, apart from us, Yue Lengqiu knows the most. Telling Xiaoli about the disaster of the Yellow River burst in the official letter will completely make Zhang Xie and the household officials make mistakes!" Cao Zi'ang handed another copy to Lin Fu, "Look at this copy of the pond, It was an official document sent by the Ministry of Industry to Shandong Prefecture and Jinan Prefecture on the 12th to get local organizations to block the Yellow River breach. The Shandong prefecture has given it to a nest, and the cities of Jinan, Dezhou, and Linqing have just recovered. Even if officials are temporarily appointed, but if the local government is required to organize manpower to block the Yellow River breach at this time, how much human and material resources can be organized? The Ministry of Industry is afraid I really ignored the disaster of the Yellow River breach! The Ministry of Industry made a mistake in judging the disaster situation of the Yellow River breach. Besides Yue Lengqiu, who else could mislead? I am afraid that the Shandong Prefecture and Jinan Prefecture will not be able to take care of the Yellow River breach at this time. question."

"This beast! He even pits his colleagues from the Chu Party!" Lin Fu slapped the table with hatred.

Lin Fu is only a seventh-rank superintendent, and has no right to report. The past few times he sent messengers to Yanjing to report victory, but it was a big victory after all.

After returning from Yangxin, in fact, without waiting for Liu Zhi to mention it, Lin Fu had the idea of ​​selling the money for the first-level replacement army, and Yangxin Zhijie did not go over to the Ministry of War to play, and deliberately dragged it. Besides, the court envoy Liu Zhi was the deputy envoy of Jiangdong Zuojun Guanjun Rong, and the Jiangdong Zuojun was controlled by Hao Zongcheng in sequence. Lin Fu didn't have a good impression of Hao Zongcheng, and he only briefly mentioned to Liu Zhi that the Yellow River burst. Thinking about it, Liu Zhi didn't put his mind on it. Besides, if Liu Zhi wanted to report on the breaking of the Yellow River, he still had to go through Hao Zongcheng and the internal minister. The Ministry of Internal Affairs may not be happy to catch this mouse for the Ministry of Work and the Ministry of Household.

Lin Fu didn't pay attention to this matter. He thought that Yue Lengqiu would report to the imperial court when the Yellow River burst its **** for Donglu.

This is the responsibility of the governor of Yue Lengqiu's southern line. After all, it is impossible for Yue Lengqiu to hide such a big thing, and he has no courage to hide it.

Yue Lengqiu didn't have the guts to hide it and not report it, but he had the guts to tell Xiaoli.

After all, it was still early February when the **** burst, the weather was still cold, and there was still little water under the ice of the Yellow River. After the **** broke, the disaster did not seem serious. Even if Yue Lengqiu reported truthfully, the floodplain at that time was only ten or twenty miles wide. Compared with previous years, especially in the summer and autumn flood seasons, when the Yellow River burst its banks for hundreds of miles, it is indeed not serious.

Later, Yue Lengqiu led his army north to Xingzhou, and the breaking of the Yellow River became the responsibility of the Shandong Prefecture and Jinan Prefecture, which had nothing to do with Yue Lengqiu.

All counties in Jinan Prefecture were captured, and the bureaucracy was completely destroyed. It is almost impossible to report the specific disaster situation of the Yellow River through localities in a short period of time.

Even if the Donglu broke through small openings, the Jinan government had just been recovered, and the local area was in chaos. If Yue Lengqiu only cared about the military exploits and ignored the Yellow River breach, the local area would not be able to organize people to block the breach. As Cao Zi'ang had judged, at this time, no local officials even had time to pay attention to the issue of the rupture of the Yellow River, and Lin Fu was not surprised.

In mid-to-late February, the weather turns warmer, the water volume of the Yellow River gradually increases, and the ice layer melts to form floods. Even if Yue Lengqiu led his troops into Xingzhou Mansion, the floodplain was just south of Xingzhou Mansion, and Yue Lengqiu should have known about this situation.

At this time, the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Household still misestimated the disaster situation of the Yellow River rupture, which prompted the court to form a resolution to make all counties deliver water within a time limit and issue a strict order. Do not believe it to death.

For this kind of special decree, Lin Fu could only wait for the Secretary of General Affairs to copy it. Yue Lengqiu, as the governor of East Fujian and the governor of Qinwang Division of the southern line, might send someone to ask him for his opinion before drafting the decree. I will be the first to copy it to Yue Lengqiu to read.

It has been seven days since the special decree was issued on the 16th, and Yue Lengqiu has remained silent, leading his troops to head north. To say that he had no bad intentions, Lin Fu would not believe him after beating him to death.

What is Yue Lengqiu thinking~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Fu can roughly guess that Yue Lengqiu is guarding against Gu Wuchen's rapid rise to replace his position in the Chu Party and the court.

For his own selfish desires, he regards state affairs as child's play, and Lin Fu has never heard of Yue Lengqiu's treachery.

"What should I do now?" Lin Mengde asked.

Lin Bie frowned in pain. Since Yue Lengqiu deliberately concealed the disaster, he neglected to report the disaster in time. Gu Wuchen was in Jiangning, and it was impossible to know the seriousness of the Yellow River's **** burst. The special purpose for Jiangdong County Secretary and the pressure exerted on him, Jiangdong County Secretary and Gu Wuchen will naturally be directly passed on to the Xihehui and other river gangs who are responsible for transporting the water.

Caoliang could not be delivered to Gyeonggi in time. It was delayed until early April. Gyeonggi was completely out of food, causing food shortages and chaos. Even if there were various difficulties, Xihehui and other river gangs and Jinan Prefecture, which did not do well in disaster relief, would be introduced as surrogate ghosts to quell public anger. , this is almost certain, and even Gu Wuchen himself is unable to protect himself from being indicted.

"The special order is 800 li expedited, it should arrive in Jiangning three days ago, and the Zhuhe Gang will be ready before winter begins. It should be the same day or the next day when the special order is received," Lin Fu said. He said, "We don't have any good plan, so we are ready to run quickly. First, send someone to Jiangning to report to Gu Wuchen. Second, Uncle Mengde, you go to Beijing to see Tang Haoxin in person, and your whereabouts should be hidden. At this time, I am afraid that Zhang Xie will not You must be able to trust me! In addition, prepare a horse for me immediately, and I will go to see the eldest son!"

Tang Haoxin has a son, but no talent. Gu Wuchen is his son-in-law. There is absolutely no reason to betray Gu Wuchen, but Zhang Xie is hard to say. Maybe Zhang Xie is worried that Gu Wuchen is threatening his status. somersault.

Lin Xuwen took a thousand township soldiers to recover Hejian Fucheng, and the people have been gone for four days. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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