Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 62: forest interests

(The first one, ask for a red ticket)

Hejian Fucheng Hejian County is nearly two hundred miles southwest of Jinhai's vortex mouth.

The post road is slippery on a rainy night, but it is much better to walk on the soft ground when the permafrost melts after the weather turns warm.

Surrounded by guards, Lin Bie rode fast on a horse. He has practiced his riding skills hard for the past two years, and now he is still very good at riding skills. The reflective light, which was slightly brighter than the surrounding fields, identified the road surface, and fell off the horse several times along the way, bruising his nose and face. Arriving in Hejian County when the sky was bright, his clothes and armor were soaked in mud and water like a beggar.

The situation of the guards is not necessarily much better than that of Lin Bie. They have no place to change horses on the way. Several horses lie directly in the nest and can't stand upright when they arrive at the place. I don't know how many days it will take to recover.

Hejian County is where the Fucheng is located, and it is also the largest city in Hejianfu. There is one city and one pool, and there are also Kuocheng outside the inner city. Lin Fulema stopped outside the Kuo City, and both the Kuo City and the inner city were dug and collapsed several times, revealing a huge ugly gap.

This is not what the Donglu digs and collapses during the siege. According to what the refugees said, the Donglu invaded Hejian County from the west city gate. The city gate was smashed open by the captured soldiers, and the defenders in the city collapsed. After the capture of Hejian County, Donglu drove Ding Zhuang from the city to dig down several sections of the city wall. Not only in Hejian County, but almost all the cities that had been conquered by the captives suffered such damage.

In addition to the complete destruction of the city wall, there are traces of arson everywhere in the city. Almost everything that can be set on fire has been set on fire. push down.

It is very difficult for Hejian County to restore the old view within a year or two, and the key is that it does not have such a large financial support.

At most, the imperial court allocated tens of thousands of taels of silver to the Hejian House for emergency relief, and now there is still a silver coin missing, and it will cost more than 100,000 taels to restore Hejian County to its old state. Falling together, no county can hold the whole city.

The Yanji Plain itself is one of the most important grain-producing areas in the Central Plains. The Yannan three prefectures are located in the heart of Gyeonggi, and they have been destroyed so thoroughly. In addition, the canal road has been cut off. It is no longer a serious injury to vitality. It was a rope around the Yuan Dynasty's neck that was instantly tightened by three points, and it was difficult to even breathe.

Lin Fu felt more and more that the crisis induced by the special decree of the governor would be extremely serious. If the DPRK and the Central Committee had no other preparations at all, and completely relied on the grains from Jiangdong and other counties to arrive in Beijing before mid-April, Gyeonggi would really be in April. Completely run out of food in the middle and late stages. Gyeonggi was in chaos because the grain could not be delivered in time. Even if there were various excuses and difficulties, those who were implicated would be held accountable.

"What's so urgent?" Lin Xuwen got the report, and brought a few squires back in a hurry. Seeing the dirty appearance of Lin Fu and the guards, he was shocked, "Look at your appearance, it's raining to drive at night. Good riding has to suffer."

"Look at this first," Lin Fu asked the guards to disperse, preventing passers-by from getting close to hearing his conversation with Lin Xuwen, and handing the copy of the special decree to Lin Xuwen, he asked, "Have you seen this before? copy?"

"...I didn't see that this kind of special order sent to other counties, whether to copy or not to send it to the Hejian House, depends on the meaning of the Secretary of the General Administration. I haven't had time to send someone to take care of it," Lin Xuwen said. When I received the copy, I didn’t feel anything at first, but the more I thought about it, the less it tasted, and said in surprise, “It’s impossible for the grain to arrive in Gyeonggi before the first ten days of April!” Lin Xuwen has been working in the Ministry of Industry for a long time, and he is considered a rare technical type. Officials, they are quite clear about the special nature of the Yellow River and Cao Canal channels.

The broken sections of the Yellow River in Linqing and Jinan are already suspended above the ground. In the spring season when the water potential of the Yellow River gradually increases, it is not easy to block the breaches. It is necessary to temporarily intercept and divert the flow in the upstream, and then the downstream can organize manpower to repair the levee. In addition, the flooding of the Yellow River with mud and water will inevitably destroy and silt the canal channel in the floodplain area, and then repair and dredging the canal channel. Without spending a lot of effort and tossing for more than half a year, these tasks cannot be completed at all. The key point is that Jinan Mansion and Pingyuan Mansion have been devastated in a mess. Hundreds of officials have been captured or killed, and almost all of them have been taken away. How can they organize the manpower?

Lin Fu told Lin Xuwen that there was a food shortage in Gyeonggi and that Yue Lengqiu might have concealed the disaster situation. Lin Xuwen took a deep breath and sighed: "The DPRK divides the party in the center, the party in the party, and the faction in the party. The normal state in the officialdom. Mr. Tang is very old, and Mr. Gu has a short time to return to the officialdom. He is not qualified to form his own line. Therefore, the Chu party is very supportive and kind to Mr. Gu. At this time, the situation is completely different. different..."

"According to you, everything is due to Jiangdong Zuojun's military exploits being too conspicuous?" Lin Bie asked with a wry smile.

"...A layman like me also knows the truth of 'the soldiers are not more expensive, but the essence', how could Yue Lengqiu not know?" Lin Xuwen sighed, "Besides, Dongyang Xiangyong and Jiangdong Zuojun have the same origin, and they are in Jiangdong. Your performance is also quite good, Master Gu has two strong armies as the backing, how can you not make people jealous?"

"It's so **** fast for this family to be demolished!" Lin Fu spit out a swear word, without the gentleness of a scholar, "I didn't expect it to be so fast."

Lin Xuwen's face turned red, the Lin family's defense and vigilance against Lin Fu didn't really exist if Lin Fu pretended not to be able to see it, he pretended not to have thought of this, and continued on to the main topic: "This time, Jiangdong Zuojun made a great contribution, Even if Mr. Gu won't get a substantial promotion, he should have a bachelor's degree or a second-rank rank award. It doesn't seem to be beneficial, but he does have the qualifications to enter the dynasty and be included in the phase... In addition, I When you came out of Yanjing, there were ministers in the court who openly discussed the matter of moving the capital in the hall. Although this kind of discussion was severely reprimanded by the sage, can it still stop people from thinking about it?"

What expression could Lin Bie have other than sighing?

Jiang Ning is naturally the first choice for moving the capital to stay in Beijing. Gu Wuchen doesn't seem to have the actual qualifications to become a member at this time, but if he really wants to move the capital to Jiangning, Gu Wuchen, who has established a firm foothold in Jiangning and Jiangdong, has become a real real power faction. Characters, this kind of confrontation between real power and influence, is not described by nominal official functions.

Gu Wuchen may not have the intention to replace Yue Lengqiu in the Chu Party, but he cannot guarantee that Yue Lengqiu will not be wary. At least within the Chu Party, Yue Lengqiu had a closer relationship with Zhang Xie, the second Xiang Xiang. They were not only fellow villagers, but also Jinshi and No. 1 in the same year.

Seriously speaking, the influence of Gu Wuchen's clan, which can also be said to be Dongyang clan, is actually not small. Gu Wuchen is already a powerful figure in Jiangdong County, and Lin Xuwen is also a fourth-grade Youdu Censor and supervising the military equipment of Hejianfu. This time, he was appointed as the prefect of the prefecture, and he held the military and political power of the Hejian government. Lin Tingli held Dongyang Xiangyong, and Lin Fu held the Jiangdong Zuo Army. The key is that the Jiangdong Zuo Army won a high reputation this time.

Gu Wuchen's rapid promotion before, others would question his ability and qualifications to some extent. Now that Jiangdong Zuojun's military exploits have made a note, such doubts about Gu Wuchen will naturally disappear. If the current situation is further corrupted, maybe there will be people in the government and the public and in the clan who hope that Gu Wuchen will come out to preside over the political situation - this is the basis of appearance.

Lin Xuwen squinted at Lin Fu, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Old Seventeen, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

"Brother, please tell me, what else can't be said between our brothers?" Lin Fu said.

"It's not that Yang Zhishan, the head of the Ministry of War, has nothing to do with Chen Xinbo, do you know that?" Lin Xuwen said.

"It's not clear." Lin Bie shook his head and said.

"Yang Zhishan and Chen Xinbo's protege, Sitian Supervisor Jiang Yue, are from the same hometown. Jiang Yue is a freak in the Western Qin Party. He only knows how to study astronomy, calendar, and farming. He doesn't care about other things, and he has little contact with colleagues. If Jiang Yue was not Chen Xinbo's nephew-in-law, others would not regard him as an official of the Chen clan—" Lin Xuwen said, "After Yang Zhishan returned to Beijing, he sent me a letter, mentioning that Jiang Yue invited him abruptly. What do you think is the hidden meaning of drinking?"

If Gu Wuchen is stripped away, even if the Lin family has no one to occupy a high position in the court, they have become the first-class power family in the Dayue Dynasty, and at least they have the qualifications to be sold in the brutal party struggle.

At the moment, no one can affect Lin Fu's control over the Jiangdong Zuo Army. Liu Zhi, the deputy envoy of the Guanjun Rong, is simply a decoration. Liu Zhi himself knows this clearly, so he is very stable and never interferes in the military affairs of the Jiangdong Zuo Army— -Lin Xuwen knew that Lin Fu did not directly win over the remnants of the Central Jin Army due to various concerns, but Lin Fu's influence on the remnants of the Central Jin Army had reached the level that the remnants of the Central Jin Army were willing to be transferred by command. Yong's control is not comparable to Gu Wuchen.

Obviously, the Lin family left Gu Wuchen, and the foundation was still solid, but when Gu Wuchen left the Lin family, it became an empty shelf.

Lin Fu took a long breath and asked Lin Xuwen, "Did Big Brother reply to Yang Zhishan?"

"Can I not discuss such a big matter with you?" Lin Xuwen said, "If it wasn't for Yue Lengqiu's trick, I wouldn't even want to mention it..."

"You and my brother have nothing to say~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Fuyu said earnestly, "The Dayue Dynasty is now a ship full of holes, whether it is the Chu Party, the Western Qin Party, the Wu Party Whether the party, you or me, are all on this boat. Just outside this boat, Donglu and Shejia are two evil fish, one big and one small, who want to swallow the whole boat. Brother, what do you think we should do? The Lin family always asks you to call the shots, eldest brother! "

Lin Fu said this, of course Lin Xuwen was happy, but he knew very well that the imperial court or the Chu party could easily remove him from the position of the censor of the Youdu and the governor of the Hejian government, and replace him with someone else. Come and do it, don't worry about any sequelae, but if you want to strip Lin Fu's command of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, you must seriously consider whether you can bear all kinds of losses, and even consider the possible backlash.

In the same way, Lin Xuwen wanted to really gain a firm foothold in the position of the censor of Youdu and the governor of the Hejian government and the prefect. At this time, the most important thing was not to rely on the Chu party, but to rely on Lin Fu and the station The Jiangdong Zuojun of Jinhai Wukou and Lin Bie gained a great reputation in Hejianfu.

In addition to the previous material support, Lin Fu's reputation in Hejian Prefecture made Lin Xuwen's preparation of troops, famine, food, recovery of lost cities, and resettlement of refugees in Hejian Prefecture extremely smooth, and the local gentry forces also cooperated quite well. At least Lin Xuwen mobilized and used the township soldiers, so he didn't feel any hindrance. If Lin Bie had not won three great victories in Hejian Mansion, how could the township soldiers be handed over to the locality?

"If you say that, my heart will be enlightened," Lin Xuwen said. "The most important thing right now is how to get over this difficulty! Do I want to make a statement and take back the success of the governor?" The position is the official fourth-grade Youdu Yushi Censor, and all kinds of information can be reported to the center at any time. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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