Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 67: Difficult to do

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

Lin Fu estimated that Yue Lengqiu should have submitted to the table after he learned about Li Zhuo's submission to the north to supervise Jizhen's army, and then submitted to the table to send his troops to the south to exterminate Liu Thief - if you talk about political speculation, there are really few in the world. As for Yue Lengqiu, Li Zhuo probably didn't expect Yue Lengqiu to take advantage of him again, right?

Maybe Li Zhuo didn't care about the split within the Chu Party at all.

Whether it was Li Zhuo going north or Yue Lengqiu going south, it was a major military event that Lin Fu was not qualified to interfere in. He couldn't see the trend of the situation in the DPRK and China for a while. Although he was extremely reluctant to see the situation of Yue Lengqiu going south, At this time, he can only stay out of the way and do what he can do in front of him.

Zhang Wendeng, the ambassador of Jinhai Metropolitan Water Transport Sicang, did not negotiate smoothly with Deng and Lai Haishang, so he came to Haitang to ask Lin Fu and Tang Haoxin for help. Lin Fu sighed and returned to Wukou Village with Tang Haoxin to see representatives of Deng and Laihaishang. The imperial court simply did not have the ability to organize a huge shipping team under the Ministry of Personnel or the Jinhai Metropolitan Water Transport Department in a short period of time, and could only rely on the small and medium-sized maritime merchants in the prefectures and counties on the west coast of the Bohai Bay.

Lin Mengde, Sun Shangwang, and the Zhou brothers, the original owners of Wukou Village, were all in the village.

The Wukou Village has been requisitioned from the original owner, the Zhou family, and will be gradually transformed into a warehouse in Jinhai; more than 200 members of the Zhou family have moved out. In addition to allocating 200 mu of fertile land and 5,000 taels of official silver to the Zhou family to rebuild the dock on the south bank of the vortex river, the two brothers of the Zhou family were both awarded the seven-grade sanctuary, and they were awarded the Jinhai County Prime Minister and Jinhai Du Caoyun. Sicang deputy prime minister and other real positions, and six other Zhou clan disciples were awarded the civil and military ranks ranging from the ninth to the eighth rank.

Although the Zhou family is not rich enough, it is enough to become the first family in Jinhai.

Lin Fu accompanied Tang Haoxin to come back from the outside, and the forty or fifty people who were discussing in the hall of the Ducang all stood up to greet him.

Lin Fu saw that Sun Fengyi and others from Cangnan's Sun family were also in the hall, and nodded, asking Tang Haoxin to take the seat, he sat next to Tang Haoxin, Zhang Wendeng sat on Tang Haoxin's left hand, and everyone else was standing Down the hall.

Tang Haoxin held the case in his old-fashioned hands, leaned over and looked at the maritime representatives in Deng, Lai and other places with a smile, and asked with a smile, "I heard the noise here, it's been a long time, what else is going on? Can't decide?"

Following Tang Haoxin's tone, Zhang Wendeng said solemnly: "The imperial court has made up its mind this time: No matter how much food is in short supply in Deng and Lai, if you go to buy food, the price of food will not be higher than a thousand dollars. The DPRK has already sent The imperial envoy has gone to Deng and Lai, and in Deng and Lai, any grain store or merchant who dares to exceed the price limit or hoard grain for sale will lose their heads. No matter how abundant Jinhai grain is, at least five Months ago, the price of grain purchased and stored by the Ministry of Housing and the warehouse in Jinhai will not be lower than 1,500 yuan per stone, and I am here to assure you that the Ministry of Housing and the warehouse of Jinhai will definitely not be short of a copper from you!"

Lin Fu didn't say a word, and the representatives of Deng and Lai Haishang who were standing in the hall didn't say anything, they just refused to make a statement. They are not purely Deng and Lai people, most of them are small and medium-sized merchants who fled to Deng, Lai and other places to avoid military disasters in the coastal counties of Hejian Prefecture. The Jiangdong Zuo Army won many victories in Hejian Prefecture, and they used the seized materials to trade with them. They gathered together and transported the materials to Jinhai. One was to do business with the Jiangdong Zuo Army, and the other was to support them. Jiangdong Zuojun fought in Hejianfu, and in less than two months, they established a relationship of trust and mutual dependence.

These days, there is no pure maritime power. Most of the maritime merchants who can go to sea to engage in trade have some relationship with local clans and government forces, forming a complex interest group with each other, providing them with necessary protection for overseas trade, and ensuring that they will not Excessive oppression and abuse by other forces.

In this catastrophe, at least the maritime interest groups in the coastal counties of Hejian Prefecture have been devastated. The Sun family and the Zhou family are new local forces, but their prestige and power are still insufficient. Here, the Zhou brothers, Sun Fengyi and others are not qualified to speak out.

Lin Bie waited for a while and saw that no one had spoken, which made Tang Haoxin's face unsightly, so he directly called Sun Fengyi's name and said, "Before we came in, we heard the noise here, but now it's silent again. Mr. Sun, tell me, what are you all worried about?"

Sun Fengyi stood up reluctantly and said, "Everyone is still willing to hand over the grain to the Jinhai Metropolitan Water Transport Department, but everyone hopes to see Jinhai Okura take out real money and trade it. We will unload it in Jinhai. A shipment of grain, I hope I can get the silver of a shipment of grain to buy grain in Jinhai. Each family has limited financial resources. Even if Mr. Lin guarantees the warehouse of Jinhai, we will pay the cost of the first batch of grain. Yes, two or three batches will not be able to support it, after all, we can't use white strips to go to the board and buy grain..."

Lin Fu shook his head slightly. Thousands of years later, the government is still a bad debt that is difficult to recover, let alone a businessman who has almost no political status in this world?

In Yuan Shi's eyes, everything in the world is not the private property of his Yuan family, and there may be any contractual spirit. Maybe one day the Ministry of Household will directly relinquish the account, and it is not unimaginable. Those officials and gentlemen directly regarded the merchants as fat sheep that could be exploited and extorted at will.

In addition to those tough backstage merchants, how many are willing to deal with the government?

Lin Bie looked at Tang Haoxin and Zhang Wendeng, and asked, "Are you waiting for Lin Ducao to come back?"

Zhang Wendeng's face was gloomy and uncertain, he looked at Tang Haoxin and asked Tang Haoxin to make up his mind.

Zhang Wendeng was originally the head of the Ministry of Households, and was directly changed to Jinhai Warehouse Supervisor. As the main assistant of the Jinhai Metropolitan Water Transport Department, he was responsible for building granaries and storing grain in Jinhai. Although Jinhai Warehouse is under the name of Jinhai Metropolitan Water Transport Division, it is directly under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Households. When it comes to building warehouses and storing grain, Zhang Wendeng didn't need to ask Lin Xuwen for instructions. Besides, Tang Haoxin was still in Jinhai, and Tang Haoxin nodded, so he could make up his mind.

This time, to open the sea water, the household department managed to squeeze out 500,000 taels of silver, but there are too many places to use the money. Only the nearly 60,000 stone grain reserves and 2,000 ordinary mules and horses of Jiangdong Zuojun and Guoshui Village were put down, and 120,000 taels of silver were spent. Opening rivers, building roads, repairing ports, organizing inland river boats and carts of mules and horses, as well as building military fortresses and walls to protect granaries outside the Jinhai warehouse, all required a lot of money, and all these silver coins were directly taken away by Lin Xuwen. Sun Shangwang was also entrusted with the repairing of the port on the side of the vortex.

It is 180,000 taels left to Zhang Wendeng. Zhang Wendeng will use the money to transform the Wukou Village into a super-large granary and organize a team of 600 warehousers. If the cash is traded, the cash in Zhang Wendeng's hand is only enough to store and store 100,000 shi of grain.

In addition to the grain storage in Jinhai, Beijing Central also decided to relocate about 60,000 frontier troops in Jizhen and Xuanzhen to coastal naval fortresses such as Ninghe, Changli and Jinhai, so that the Jinhai Metropolitan Water Transport Department will organize maritime merchants to direct the necessary The food is transported to Ninghe and Changli and sold to the border troops, which can minimize the pressure on Gyeonggi's food supply.

There are not many businessmen in the world who are willing to do business with the government, let alone with the border army whose reputation is so bad. Even if the grain is to be shipped to the border army, Jinhaicang has to pay cash for the grain first. They are unwilling to trade directly with the frontier army.

Tang Haoxin saw that Deng and Lai Haishang's attitudes were quite the same, and he knew the reason. He also couldn't figure out Lin Fu's mind or what Lin Fu was thinking. He would not simply regard Lin Fu as a Son-in-law Gu Wuchen's close disciples are treated as juniors. Lin Fu was awarded a title for military merit, and the Jiangdong Zuo Army has formed its own system.

Tang Haoxin is of course not a fool. He watched the silence in the hall, and pressed his voice to discuss with Lin Fu: "I know what happened to the household when I left the capital. I have to use money everywhere, and I can squeeze it here. It is already the limit to spend 500,000 taels of silver. As Wen Deng said, Deng and Lai Haishang still fully trust Jiangdong Zuojun, is Jiangdong Zuojun coming forward to be this tooth man?"

Yaren and later generations of intermediaries and guarantors are similar in nature.

"It's not that I don't want to take responsibility," Lin Fu said with a wry smile. "It's easy to say a few words, but don't talk about them. I'm also worried that the Ministry of Household and Border Army will default on their debts. The first grain storage in Jinhai Warehouse was 300,000 stone. In addition, the food for the frontier army is 60,000 stone, and the amount of silver is 540,000 taels. How dare I open my mouth to make this guarantee for the Ministry of Household and the frontier army? Besides, the Jiangdong Zuo Army is originally a village camp. It's all unknown, I use the name of Jiangdong Zuojun as a guarantee, will Deng and Laihai Chamber of Commerce trust them? They don't worry that one day, Jiangdong Zuojun will be abolished and no longer exist?"

Tang Haoxin knew that Lin Fu wanted to take this opportunity to solve the status of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, and he couldn't blame Lin Fu. Among all the Qin Wang divisions, the Jiangdong Zuo Army had the most outstanding military exploits, but it was precisely a newly recruited township battalion without a formal establishment. Due to the outstanding military merits of the Jiangdong Left Army, it is impossible for the Ministry of War to disband the Jiangdong Left Army directly after the war, but it is very delicate how much the Jiangdong Left Army can retain in the end.

Tang Haoxin nodded and said, "I know the problem you mentioned, and I will immediately send someone to Beijing to fight for an official name for the Jiangdong Zuo Army. Right now, it is your responsibility to solve this urgent need for the Ministry of Households... …”

Lin Fu pondered for a moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and let Zhang Wendeng come over to discuss secretly, pressing his voice and said: "As Sun Fengyi said, even if Jiangdong Zuojun is willing to come out as a guarantee, Denglai Maritime can go inside first. They paid for the first batch of grain purchases, but they couldn’t afford the second and third batches of grain purchases, and the Ministry of Household couldn’t squeeze out any extra money at this time—since they trusted Jiangdong Zuo Army, It would be better for the Jiangdong Zuo Army to directly purchase grain from them and then resell it to the Jinhaicang and the various frontier forces. I still have a sum of money that I can hold first, and I can also pull a sum of money from the Lin family for emergencies, as long as the Ministry of Household guarantees If you can return the money to me in the future! On the side of the frontier army, I have to deal with cash, otherwise, if the generals change, I will not pay attention to anyone crying."

Although Tang Haoxin is old, he is a sensible person. Lin Fu seems to have to take a lot of risks, but in this way, Deng and Laihai Shang will no longer have direct contact with Jinhai Cang, Jinhai Metropolitan Water Transport Division and the various frontier troops. The relationship will be closely gathered around the Jiangdong Zuo Army, forming a situation of loss and prosperity with the Jiangdong Zuo Army.

The most important neck and neck of this temporarily formed sea-cao system was held by Lin Bie alone. In addition, Lin Xuwen directly controlled the government of Jinhai Metropolitan Water Transport Department. It could be said that the newly formed sea-cao system was in the hands of the Lin family.

At that time, don't say that the Ministry of Household does not dare to rely on Jiangdong's left army's account, and the court does not even dare to easily remove Lin Xuwen from the seat of the Du Caoyun Division.

Tang Hao confidently thought that Lin Xuwen patted his **** and went to Changlu, and left the whirlpool affairs to Zhang Wendeng. Maybe Lin Bie deliberately facilitated this situation behind his back, and secretly said: This disciple of Wuchen is really amazing, I don't know if he is right Wu Chen is still a bit loyal, but the fact that the Lin family and Wu Chen have become inexorable is the fact that even if you close your eyes... My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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