Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 68: marine insurance

(The third and 4,000 words, come here with great force, brothers, great vote!)

The expedient solution was to agree to use the Jiangdong Zuo Army as an intermediary to resell the grain to Jinhai Warehouse and the Zhubian Army, and Lin Su came forward to organize Deng, Lai, and Hejianfu maritime merchants to transport Shandong grain to Jinhai for storage.

With Lin Bing's method and the prestige of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, it is naturally easy to form a maritime power group with the Jiangdong Zuo Army as the core, and even bring the entire Haicao system into the control of the Lin family.

Naturally, there are people in the DPRK who do not want such a situation. In fact, even Zhang Xie and Tang Haoxin, the souls of the Chu Party, do not want to see Lin Fu or the Lin family's power over-expanded, but Gyeonggi's grain reserves can only support two more In two months, the Ministry of Household simply did not have the ability to organize a team of sea-going ships with sufficient transport capacity in two months.

Tang Haoxin's submission was sent to Beijing overnight on the 29th, and Beijing Zhong replied that it arrived in Jinhai on the evening of March 2.

The Ministry of War officially compiled the Jiangdong Zuoying Army as the Jiangdong Zuoying Township Army, with a full staff of 3,000 members, and made Lin Fu, as the Jiangdong inspector and chief inspector, also supervise the Jiangdong Zuoying Township Army, and designated Chongzhou County as the source of salaries for the Zuoying Township Army. Land, with Dingtian Zhengfu of Chongzhou County as the capital of Zuoying Township to support the army.

Taking the letter from the Ministry of War, Lin Fu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Jiangdong Zuojun has a formal name, although it is still the name of township camp and township soldier, but it is assigned to the official salary source, and the treatment seems to be higher than that of the government army.

"It didn't reduce our number of troops, but only one county was drawn from the source of salaries, which is too shabby..." Cao Zian took a look at the letter from the Ministry of War, put it in front of the table, and asked Lin Mengde , "How many are there about Dingtian Zhengfu in a county in Chongzhou?"

The Jiangdong Left Army was stationed on the south bank of the Wushui River. A letter from the Ministry of War sent Lin Mengde, Cao Zi'ang and others to Lin Fu's tent. aroma.

Lin Meng frowned slightly. Seeing Cao Zi'ang asking him about Dingtian Zhengfu in Chongzhou County, he thought about it for a moment and said, "I can't remember the exact number. There are only 18,000 to 20,000 shi, and the amount of silver will not exceed 10,000 taels."

"It's just better than nothing..." Zhao Qingshan said.

Zhao Qingshan didn't feel anything when he was in the township camp. At that time, Lin Zonghai, Lin Xuzong and others controlled the payment of money and wages. These generals with foreign surnames could not get involved, but they basically knew that the standard of Lin's investment in the township camp was the same as that of the town government. The fact that the army is on par, also makes the Shanglinli Township Battalion quite capable of fighting, which is not comparable to the ordinary township soldiers.

Compared with Lin Fuzhijun, the Lin family's investment in the village camp can only be said to be insignificant; Lin Fuzhijun can be described as a prodigal. According to Lin Fu's standard of governing the army, even if the Jiangdong Zuoying returned to the station and could not fight, it would cost 100,000 taels of silver to maintain it.

Jiangdong Zuoying Township Army hurriedly made an army in Jiangning. The Jiangning Ministry of Industry allocated 60,000 taels of silver, 30,000 taels of silver for Anjia, and 30,000 taels for use. In fact, the cumulative expenditure exceeded 120,000 taels. The purchase of soldiers and armors in hand costs 50,000 taels of silver and 20,000 taels of silver for wound medicine. In addition, there is one of the biggest expenses that has not been allocated yet, which is the pension money for casualties. According to Lin Fu's standard of "giving land to his relatives who died in battle or maimed", the Jiangdong Zuo Army killed or maimed nearly 900 people in battle, and had to buy 9,000 mu of fertile land or 60,000 taels of silver for pension, plus A total of 100,000 taels of silver is enough to be rewarded with meritorious silver.

That is to say, the Jiangdong Left Army will spend about five months from rushing into the army to the post-war pension, and the total expenditure will reach 250,000 taels of silver.

Of course, the Zuoying Township Army used warfare to support the war, and gained a lot.

Including the wounded who can be cured and returned to the team, the actual strength of the Jiangdong Zuoying has reached 4,500. At this time, there are 800 people in the fleet guard battalion, 600 people in the cavalry battalion, and 1,800 people in the third battalion. Jiyun Wuwei and Xiangying stationed in Xisha Island have not been counted.

The acquisition of a large number of high-quality armors from the defeated soldiers and the capture of the four victories in the four battles made Jiangdong Zuoying generals' armor and bow installation level much higher than that of the Zhenfu Army, and there were 2,000 sets of high-quality armors. It has been accumulated and more than 800 horses outside the mouth are preserved.

The battlefield directly seized nearly 100,000 silver in gold and silver belongings to Jiangdong Zuoying.

A large amount of horse meat, furs, and materials seized from the battlefield were traded with Deng and Laihai merchants, and the accumulated grain and grass, as well as a large number of mules and horses, were resold to the Jinhai Metropolitan Water Transport Division, worth more than 80,000 taels of silver.

In addition, more than 1,200 foreign horses are arriving in Chongzhou, Jiangning, Weiyang and other places for trading, and they can probably get 700,000 to 80,000 taels of silver.

Not counting the value of large quantities of high-quality armor, the Jiangdong Zuo Army can almost reach the balance of payments, spending 250,000 taels of silver, and capturing 2.56 million taels of silver on the battlefield.

War is so snobbish and cruel, the loser will enter a vicious circle, the situation will get worse and worse, the winner will enter a virtuous circle, and the situation will become more and more clear.

Of course, the 50,000 taels of military reward silver and the 200,000 taels of silver obtained from dealing with Hao Zongcheng for the head of the barbarian were not included in the above.

Since Lin Fu allocated nearly 100,000 taels of silver to the north from Jiangning, and the pension silver and reward silver have not yet been distributed, the Jiangdong Zuoying Township Army still has nearly 400,000 taels of cash in Jinhai.

If Tang Haoxin knew that Lin Bie held nearly 400,000 taels of cash in Jinhai's hands, his tongue would be so frightened that he would stick out a piece of his tongue. In such an emergency, the Ministry of Household could only squeeze out 500,000 yuan. Two silver coins.


At this moment, the guards reported to Sun Shangwang, Sun Fengyi and others to ask for a meeting. Lin Fu took Lin Mengde, Cao Zi'ang and others out of the tent to greet them. official.

Lin Fu was casual, and invited Sun Fengyi, Sun Shangwang, and several maritime representatives from Deng, Lai, and Hejian to the camp to discuss matters.

Eight large candles about the thickness of the baby's arms illuminate the tent as bright as day. Lin Bie sits in the main seat, behind him is a screen painted with a white-fronted tiger rushing against the rocks, and in front of him is a long table of pear flowers and wood, with texts on it. Letters, pictures, military seals and other items, Lin Mengde, Cao Zi'ang and other generals of the Jiangdong Left Army, Sun Shangwang, Sun Fengyi and representatives of Haishang sat opposite Lin Fu.

Lin Fu looked at the candlelight and thought for a while, then sorted out his thoughts a little bit, tapped the table with his fingers lightly, and said, "The Ministry of Household has agreed that Jiangdong Zuojun will be the middleman to bring food to everyone. It was resold to Jinhai Okura and the various frontier troops, and the Ministry of War also officially sent a letter to organize our division as Jiangdong Zuoying Township Army, and allocated Dingtian Zhengfu in Chongzhou County as a source of pay, so everyone does not have to worry about Jiangdong Zuoying's debts. You can't find a place to collect debts..."

"Your Excellency is joking," Sun Fengyi said with a smile, "We are eager to show off the money that Your Excellency owes us, so that we can show it off to outsiders. How can there be any reason to worry?"

Lin Fu smiled and said: "There is a problem with the company, and the husband is responsible. Although Jiangdong Zuoying is reluctantly carried out to be this middleman, there is no reason for Jiangdong Zuoying to profit from it. You are responsible for sailing to the designated place to deliver Grain, I will send staff to follow to help contact, the grain payment will be settled on my side, the corn will be divided, and each stone will be calculated at 1,500 yuan at the end, and I will not lose a single cent of you!"

"How can this be possible?" Sun Fengyi said in surprise, "How can this make us feel at ease?"

"Mr. Sun listen to me first," Lin Bie said with a smile, "all the merchants, ships and personnel involved in the transportation of grains only need to register and check with us, and let us send personnel to accompany us, and we will pay 20% in advance. The deposit is to ease the financial pressure of each family. When the grain is put into the warehouse in Jinhai, the cost will be calculated according to the purchase price and the money for work and food, and our office will immediately pay a considerable amount of money and the deposit for the next trip. The profit part, We are temporarily detaining... This is also a matter of no choice. The money I can transfer is very limited. I can only be cheeky and ask everyone to trust me once. There is a moment of delay for everyone to make up the remaining silver."

Lin Bie clenched his fists towards Sun Fengyi and others.

"Your Excellency is really polite. We don't trust Your Excellency, so who else can we trust?" Sun Fengyi looked around and asked, "Are you just listening to Your Excellency's arrangement?"

The representatives of Zhuhai merchants calculated in their hearts that even if they didn't get the full amount of money, they could at least get back the capital and part of the deposit each time, and Lin Fu would not deduct their food prices. Sincerity is far from the frontier army and the household department. Besides, when they go to sea to do business and travel between the north and south, they must take shelter, take refuge in, or befriend a powerful person in order to avoid excessive bullying. Lin Fu led the Jiangdong left army to make great achievements at the age of the weak crown, and rose between Jianghuai and Yanlu. He is actually the most powerful new figure in the Chu party, with a bright future.

Sun Fengyi made a statement first, and everyone else agreed, and the matter was finalized.

Lin Fu also said: "The sea is dangerous and the waves are dangerous, and the other side is the land of Liaodong. The goods and ships are related to your wealth. If you are overturned by the wind and waves, or looted by pirates, the rich and rich will become impoverished in an instant. This is feared by everyone. The fundamental reason why the sea is like a dangerous road..."

Zhuhai merchants told Lin Fu the central things, and they all told the various difficulties and high risks of the sea merchants going to sea; Lin Fu patiently listened to their complaints.

No matter how advanced shipbuilding technology is, it cannot be denied that sailing at sea is one of the most risky industries at present. There are frequent pirates and unpredictable hurricanes and waves. Even though there are a large number of landless and poor peasants willing to go to sea to fight for their lives and wealth, merchants are not very motivated to invest in sea ships.

Even if there are businessmen who want to go to sea for profit, most of them are not willing to put all their wealth on a large sea ship. Although the ability of large ships to resist wind and waves is higher and the loading capacity is larger, once there is a problem, it means bankruptcy. Powerful businessmen are more willing to build multiple small and medium-sized ships to spread risks. Although small and medium-sized seagoing ships have low wind and wave resistance and limited loading capacity, they can only sail along the coastline and travel slowly, but multiple seagoing ships can spread the risk. Even if a ship capsizes or is hijacked, profits from other sea-going ships can make up for the losses.

This is also an important reason why it is difficult to see large sea ships in the Bohai Bay, where the sea prohibition policy is not strict and pirates are not very rampant.

To change this status quo, it is actually very simple, that is, someone must stand up and spread the risks of HNA for all ship owners or maritime merchants.

Lin Bie listened to everyone's complaints and said, "I have been taking a boat to Jinwei Island every day for the past few days. I feel that the wind and waves are dangerous during this short sea journey. No wonder everyone is walking on thin ice when they go out to sea. When you go out to sea, everyone is fighting for wealth and wealth, which is why I don’t deduct everyone’s food prices, it’s not easy to save a little money.”

"Only adults can understand our hard work." All the sea merchants said, most of them have witnessed the few large-scale ships of Jiyun Club, so it is not to flatter Lin Bie.

"I thought of a compromise solution, and I said it to discuss with everyone," Lin Fu said, "I also have Jiyun Club to do business, and everyone knows it. For example, when we transport grain from Dengzhou to Jinhai, If the shipowner is willing to discount the goods and ships~www.wuxiaspot.com~ According to the firmness of the ship and its ability to resist wind and waves, the deposit will be paid to Jiyun Social at a rate of six or three per hundred, and the grain will be transported from Dengzhou to In Jinhai, if the wind and waves cause the sinking or the cargo is hijacked by pirates, you can obtain full compensation for the ship and cargo from Jiyun Club afterwards; The profit... In order to ensure that Jiyun Club has sufficient compensation capacity in Jinhai, I will deposit 20,000 taels of cash in Jinwei Island as the principal. Of course, if you think this business can be done, you can also invest the principal Come in and participate in a share, and the future profits and losses will naturally be shared.”

"This..." Sun Fengyi asked suspiciously, "Your Excellency wants to do business with us."

"Business is second," Lin Bie said with a smile. "It's mainly about the hardships and dangers of sailing. I can also experience a thing or two, gather everyone's strength, and are willing to pay for insurance before going to sea, although they make less money after a trip, But you don't have to worry about the wind and waves or pirates on the way, you will go bankrupt... Do you think this is the truth?"

Lin Fu probably remembers that the marine insurance industry appeared very early in the West, but he has carefully observed the current situation of maritime business in the Dayuet Dynasty.

It didn't appear, it didn't mean that Lin Bing couldn't give birth.

The advantages of doing this are that, in addition to promoting the enthusiasm of merchants and townspeople in coastal prefectures and counties to invest in marine ships, in the name of Jiyun Club or Jiangdong Zuoying, a commercial organization similar to the marine insurance industry is established. The benefits of sharing losses and sharing risks” will rely more on this model of sharing risks. Naturally, a closer maritime power group will be formed with Jiangdong Zuoying as the core, and it will become a supporter of Jiyun Club and Jiangdong Zuoying. important force. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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