Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 10: Xihe Shock

Chapter 10

A clump of green grass sprouts suddenly appeared in the soil on both sides of the vortex river. Lin Bie had no intention of lingering on the new greenery of the northern land. After saying goodbye to Lin Mengde and Tang Haoxin in a hurry, he went to camp on the south bank. rush.

Sun Wenbing's injury was not serious, Lin Fu and Lin Meng had to rush back, and the army Lang Zhongzheng was diagnosing and treating him.

"He suffered an arrow wound on his shoulder. The wound was not deep. It was only treated briefly on the way here. There was a lot of blood loss and the wound was festering. I will goug out the rotten flesh and apply medicine for him to avoid future troubles," Sui Jun said. Lang Zhong introduced Sun Wenbing's injury to Lin Fu, "Besides, it was due to excessive physical strength that caused fainting."

Lin Bing frowned slightly, looking at Sun Wenbing, who was lying on the wooden canopy bed, who was unaware of personnel, and couldn't know what happened in Shandong from him. He asked Cao Zi'ang, "Who escorted Sun Wenbing back, what happened in Shandong?"

"There were also two squires who came back with them, wading their horses through the water, walking more than 500 miles a day and a night, and when they reached Cangnan, the horses all ran to their deaths, and the Cangnan Sun family sent people to **** them They came here. The two squires are in the next room, one was seriously injured and unconscious, and the other was in a slightly better condition, still awake, and was asking Langzhong to treat them, and he didn't have time to ask questions..."

"Please watch here and make sure no accidents happen." Lin Bie's hand lightly pressed on the shoulder of the army officer, and solemnly told Cao Zi'ang to take him and Lin Mengde next door to meet with Sun Wenbing who came over Two squires.


Except for the arrow wound on his shoulder, Sun Wenbing was not seriously injured, but the two squires who rushed back to Jinhai with Sun Wenbing seemed to have escaped from the **** battle. Another short black-faced young man propped himself up and sat on the edge of the bed, seemingly refusing Lang Zhong to heal him.

The short black-faced young man saw Lin Fu and others coming in, turned over and got out of bed, knelt on the edge of the bed, and said, "Please save my daddy, save Xihehui's children..."

"What's the matter, stand up and say," Lin Bie stretched out his hand to help the young man and asked him to stand up and speak, but the tentacles felt that the flesh under the clothes was soft, not like the firm skin of a martial arts man. Seeing that his appearance was somewhat familiar, he asked in surprise, "Who are you?"

"Ah, it's Miss Sun," Lin Mengde, who entered the room behind Lin Fu, recognized Sun Wenwan and cried out in surprise, "What happened to the Xihe Club? Why do you all look like this?"

"Steward Lin, it's me," Sun Wenwan no longer had the strength to support her body, but was paralyzed in Lin Bing's arms, "My father and more than a thousand children of Xihehui were treated as rebels, and they were arrested and imprisoned by the Shandong County Secretary. , this is a huge injustice, I beg the Lord to do justice for the Xihe Society, and I can't let my father and the children of the Xihe Society die in Shandong in vain - Wen Wan is willing to be a slave and a maid for the Lord!"

At this time, Lin Fu naturally recognized Sun Wenwan. She deliberately applied a layer of charcoal powder on her face, which looked dark and had some small bumps, covering her beautiful face, and suddenly thought it was a short young man with ordinary appearance. Well, I don't know what happened to Xihehui, so he carefully carried her to the bed and said, "Don't say these crazy words, what happened? Sun Huishou and the children of Xihehui are not escorting the grain to Shandong. Jimo, how can you wrongly accuse Shandong Commander of being a rebel?"

Sun Wenwan was breathing rapidly, her chest heaving violently, and it was difficult to speak. Lin Bie saw that there was blood oozing out from the outside of her chest, and when she came in, she saw that she refused Langzhong to treat her. He thought that the injury might be in a place where girls can't be seen by outsiders, and said to Sun Wenwan, "Langzhong saves the dead and heals the wound. Do the sages, don't avoid the suspicion of men and women, and don't miss the treatment!"

"Wenwan's life and death matter is a small matter. The lives of thousands of children of the Xihe Society and Zhuhe Gang are a big deal. I hope you have mercy on her. If Wenwan dies, she will be a slave and a maid for the adults in the next life..." Sun Wenwan said weakly, rejecting Lang Zhong. Heal her.

Lin Fu frowned slightly and said, "Your second brother has made great contributions to Jiangdong Zuoying, so you won't give me a slave or a maid. Is it possible that I will still do nothing about the Xihehui?" He turned around and told Suizhong Langzhong, "You come to heal her first, save her life, and delay the questioning for a moment..."

"It's better for you to treat Miss Sun with your own hands." Lin Mengde said from behind.

Sun Wenwan closed her eyes at this time and no longer objected, but said weakly: "Wenwan is willing to be a slave and a maid for the lord, whatever the lord tells you to do!"

Lin Bie didn't know whether to laugh or cry, this dead girl was still stubborn about these things when she died, and helplessly ordered the comatose Husui to move carefully to another house, clear this house, and let him find two more The nimble woman came to help.


Lin Fu untied Sun Wenwan's **** clothes. She put charcoal powder on her face, and she looked as black as an ordinary young man, but the skin under her neck was extremely white. Against the red blood stains, it seemed like the first snow under the new sun in winter. A piece of white cloth was wrapped tightly around the chest, so that the pair of huge tender / **** did not look obvious under the armor.

Sun Wenwan gritted her teeth and did not faint. She just closed her eyes and did not look at Lin Bie. Lin Bing's fingers touched her skin, and she restrained herself.

Lin Bie saw that her right chest was cut open, and the seeping blood almost dyed the white cloth wrapped around her chest. Under this situation, Lin Bie couldn't have any fragrant/beautiful thoughts. He took scissors and carefully cut the white cloth wrapped around his chest. He found that Sun Wenwan's development was quite good, as if two large jade cups were buckled upside down. stand up. He wiped off the blood on the milk with a clean cloth soaked in warm water, found a deep wound on the inside of his left chest, cleaned it carefully, and wrapped it with medicine.

At this time, the two women took off Sun Wenwan's trousers. The thighs/inner sides, which were originally extremely white, were frayed in many places, and the blood was red. It looked distressing, and they were carefully treated with medicine.

Sun Wenwan needs to wear loose clothes to help her wound heal. She is the tallest among women, so Lin Fu asked Sun Wenwan to bring his clothes and trousers to put on, and watched the woman serving her feed her. After drinking the ginseng soup, she asked her about the details of what happened to Xihe.


The charcoal powder that covered Sun Wenwan's face was washed away, revealing her beautiful and beautiful face. She lay on the bed, her cheeks pale from blood loss, and her eyes were not very bright, but she had a stronger personality than before. Even a bit stubborn, she is more likely to make people feel pity at this time.

Because Sun Wenwan was wearing Lin Fu's clothes, which were very loose and exposed a lot of skin, Lin Mengde and Cao Zi'ang both avoided suspicion and sat sideways, while Lin Fu casually sat in front of Sun Wenwan's sickbed and asked her details. Did not wake up.

"It's not that my Xihehui family has falsely accused Shandong County as a rebel," Sun Wenwan said weakly, trying her last will not to let herself pass out, "In mid-February, Jiangdong received a special order to supervise food, Xihehui and Jiangning. The other 16 river gangs immediately set out to ship 360,000 stone canals of grain to the north, and the river gangs in Weiyang, Pingjiang, Hailing and other prefectures were a little later. When they reached Suyu, they learned that the Yellow River had burst its banks and Pingyuan Prefecture The Cao Canal road in the territory is no longer passable. All the boats stopped to the south of Suyu to wait for news. Until the end of February, the imperial court directly sent officials to Suyu to supervise the grain. Except for some grain, it continued to go north to help Jinan Prefecture, Pingyuan Prefecture and other prefectures and counties. In addition, about 600,000 stone grains of grain from the Xihehui and other river boats were required to be shipped from the mouth of the Huaihe River to Jimo, Shandong, and other boats were parked in the river south of Suyu on standby…”

Lin Bie is clear about this situation.

The rupture of the Yellow River and the damage to the Pingyuanfu river can not be solved in a day or two. It is not surprising that it took a year and a half. Therefore, they urgently built a warehouse in Jinhai and transported Shandong Caoliang to Denglai. The area is concentrated, and then the grains are transported from Denglai to the Jinhai storage warehouse. There are many hills in the eastern part of Shandong, and the grain production is limited. It can only meet the storage needs of Jinhai in a short period of time. A larger amount of grain must be replenished from other places. The Ministry of Household's idea was that since there were a large number of boats filled with grain in the Suyu area and could not go northward, it would be better to let these boats go directly to the sea from the mouth of the Huaihe River, along the coastal route with slightly flatter storms, to transport the grain to the Shandong Peninsula. Jimo at the southern end is on standby.

From Jiaozhou Bay, where Jimo County is located on the south bank of the Shandong Peninsula, to Laizhou Bay on the north bank, the narrowest land route is only more than 200 miles. Besides, there is a Jiaolai River running through the Shandong Peninsula between the two places. As long as Jimo can gather enough grain, it will be much more convenient to transport the grain to the Laizhou Bay area in the north.

"Could it be that all the river gangs go to sea by boat?" Lin Fu asked suspiciously, "It was in early March that the Ministry of Household dispatched staff to Suyu to supervise grain. How could it be delayed until today and no further news came back?"

Inland river boats sailing at sea, even if they sail close to the coastline, the risk is still great. It is natural that the Ministry of Household's decision will be given to the He Gang*, but there is no news that there will be no news, and the conflict will intensify to the level of rebellion.

"There are difficulties in the world, and every husband is responsible. The children of the Xihe Society and the Zhuhe Gang are not the ones who are afraid of difficulties and retreat. Even if there is a certain risk in going to sea rashly, my father decided to go to sea after discussing with the leaders of the Zhuhe Gang. Several boats sank, but in the end, nearly 600,000 stone grains of grain were successfully delivered to Jimo." Sun Wenwan clutched her chest and wanted to cough without disturbing the wound, but she desperately held back and told Lin Fu of the ins and outs of Xihe's shocking change. Listen, "After everyone arrived in Jimo, the grain supervisor and the grain superintendent officials sent by the Shandong County Division met, and then changed the order, asking the Xihe Society and other river gangs to directly sail the boats into the Jiaolai River and transport the grain to the Jiaolai River. Denglai and other places on the north bank of Shandong…”

"Ah," Lin Mengde sighed on the side, knowing what the problem was, and said, "I went to Shandong to hold cargo the year before last, and I know that the situation of Jiaolai River is worse than that of Guoshui River. The silt is shallow and the water from the upper reaches is insufficient. Most of the boats in the Xihehui have a capacity of 200 or 400 stone, and the Jiaolai River will be blocked in all likelihood.”

"Steward Lin is absolutely right. We arrived in Jimo on March 11, and on the 12th the Shandong Commander's order came down. Neither the Xihe Society nor the Zhuhe Gang knew the water conditions of the Jiaolai River, so my father was discussing with the Zhuhe Gang. It is more secure to send someone to send a boat to test the deep water conditions first, so as not to miss the important issue of grain transportation. The Zhuhe Gang also specially sent Daddy to tell this to the grain supervisory officials of the Shandong County Division and the Ministry of Housing. The grain supervisory officials thought it was my father who took the lead. The officials who made things difficult for the officials reprimanded my father in Jimo. If someone hadn't interceded, my father would have been arrested and imprisoned in Jimo. The food inspector was hurried and blamed us for deliberately delaying. The other river gangs gathered the boats with a capacity of less than 200 stone and entered the Jiaolai River rashly. As soon as they entered the hinterland of the Shandong Peninsula and the territory of Changyi County, the bottom of the boats hit the ooze on the riverbed. The inability to advance or retreat also caused all the ships behind to be blocked. The officials of Shandong County and the Ministry of Household Food Superintendent thought that we were deliberately making things difficult. More than a dozen boatmen were arrested and tied to the shore and beheaded to the public... These people died so tragically that there was an uproar among the river gangs. It was very chaotic, it was difficult to control, and the public was furious. First, more than a dozen grain supervisors were thrown into the river, and dozens of military soldiers were also injured. My father tried to persuade both sides, and asked everyone to look at Yanjing. On the overall situation of grain shortage, the disputes were temporarily put aside, and the children of the Zhuhe Gang were persuaded to disperse, let go of the grain supervisors and the transport soldiers, and waited for another official from the court to come to coordinate and deal with many things. I don’t think the Shandong County Secretary will transfer 10,000 people from various places that night. Gather more troops, surround the children of the Xihe Society and the Zhuhe Gang, and destroy them as rebels..." My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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