Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 11: Elbow and axillary changes

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

"My father was afraid that things would get worse and it would get out of hand, so he ordered the thousands of children at the Xihe Meeting to suspend their weapons and serve as the garrison to arrest them." Having said this, the strong-tempered Sun Wenwan couldn't help shedding tears. I then arrested my father, the Xihe Society, and the children of the Zhuhe Gang gathered in Changyi, about 4,000 people as rebels. The truth is still there, and we have no special worries, thinking that as long as the imperial court investigates Clearly, it will give us justice. At that time, I hid outside Changyi City with a few members of the congregation, and sent someone to find my second brother. I thought that the matter could be accommodated by the Jiangdong County Secretary, and it might not be so bad. Days and nights, another accident happened. The officials who came forward to suppress the mutiny in Shandong Prefecture insisted that the Changyi mutiny be a premeditated rebellion spearheaded by the Xihe Society. The officers and soldiers not only tortured the arrested congregation, but also instigated some Hegang to stand up and make false accusations. My father. Several bosses of the Suyu Society were unwilling to give in to their tricks. They escaped from the prison while the guards were sparse in the middle of the night. I and the hidden congregation heard the news and gathered and learned some details. After that, a large number of officers and soldiers came to round them up, and everyone dared not to arrest them any longer. , rushed out of the siege together. I fled to Laizhou under the desperate cover of more than a dozen congregations. I only had time to say a few words to my second brother, and the officers and soldiers came after me. We had to ride a few fast horses to the north. Run away, come to see the adults to preside over justice..."

Hearing Sun Wenwan describe in detail the whole process of the Mutiny of the Changyi River Gang, Lin Bie's tough face was stretched ashen, with his sleeves behind him, he paced the room.

Cao Zi'ang and Lin Mengde frowned deeply. They didn't expect things to deteriorate to this level, and they never expected that the grain supervisors of Shandong Prefecture and the Ministry of Household would be so incompetent and mediocre: regardless of the water conditions, forced water The boat entered and caused a huge blockage, and put the blame on the Hegang, and even killed more than 70 people indiscriminately.

But that's not what it said. The Shandong Commander dispatched the garrison to suppress the Mutiny of the He Gang, and everyone was in the hands of the Shandong Commander. Whether the matter was black or white, the Shandong Commander had the final say.

"I hope your lord will save the lives of the children of my father, the Xihe Society and the Zhuhe Gang, they are really wronged! My father has been careful and cautious all his life, transporting bad food for the imperial court, he is sincere and fearful, and he does not dare to be slighted. What a different heart!" Sun Wenwan got up on the bed and knelt down towards Lin Bie, her head buried in her arms, her hair spread out, covering her head and face, revealing only a white neck stem, her body was filled with resentment , trembling with fear.

"Don't worry, I won't leave this matter alone..." Lin Bingshou pressed Sun Wenwan's weak shoulder to comfort her. At this time, he felt that this woman was extraordinarily weak. Silent for a long time.

Cao Zi'ang and Lin Mengde didn't speak either. This matter was too tricky. Jiangdong Zuoying was not qualified to exert influence on the Shandong Commandery and the Ministry of Households. I was afraid that they would have to ask Tang Haoxin to come forward. He was in a hurry to speak, for fear of interfering with Lin Bing's thoughts.

"Pass our military order," Lin Fu Huoran stood up and ordered, "In the name of the drill, Zhou Pu and Ning Zechen led their troops to immediately enter the shoal to the north of Jinhai Cang to form a strong defense, take over and block Jinhai Port, and be careful. The Jibei Army is attacking south; the ships immediately stop unloading, and the replenishment of food, water and ordnance must be completed according to operational standards before nightfall, and the battalions must complete preparations for boarding and assembly before nightfall..."

"Ah!" Cao Zi'ang and Lin Mengde never thought that Lin Fu had thought for a long time, but decided to lead the entire division of Jiangdong Zuoying to invade Shandong. Jiangdong Zuoying is assembled and mobilized in Jinhai, even if it is to block Jinhai Port, it can still be used in the name of drills, but the entire army has entered Shandong without announcing. What is the difference between rebellion and rebellion?

Sun Wenwan raised her head and looked at Lin Fu in a daze. She rushed over with her second brother, only hoping that Lin Fu would be able to show tolerance for Xihehui, but did not expect that Lin Fu would gather an army for Xihehui to force Shandong and use force directly with Shandong to beg for help. She was overwhelmed with emotion for a while, and she was so excited that she didn't know what to say. At this moment, she could only pin all her hopes on the man who had occasionally entered her dream, and listened to his arrangements.

Sun Wenwan was excited, her heart was racing, she gritted her teeth and persisted until now. Lin Bie tried her pulse, and seeing that her pulse was stable and there was nothing serious, he instructed the soldier who was waiting outside the door to boil the blood-boosting and qi-boosting soup.

"Did you ask Tang Shaobao to come forward and let things go?" Lin Mengde said.

"I'm afraid it's too late," Lin Fu shook his head, "We must make the whole army go south, so that the Shandong Commander does not dare to kill people! Only by saving everyone's life first can we turn around and sit down together. Room for reason!"

Lin Mengde was slightly startled, and Cao Zi'ang asked from the side, "Are you worried that Shandong will specifically target the Xihe Society?"

"It's not necessarily the case, but we must treat the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain," Lin Fu said with a serious look, "not to mention that these beasts are not gentlemen at all! All of them died in the line of duty. The newly appointed officials and the officials sent to Shandong to supervise grain this time by the Ministry of Housing were almost all from the family of Zhang Xie and Yue Lengqiu. It is difficult to say whether Zhang Xie and Yue Lengqiu were behind the scenes. ."

Just like Lin Fu's recovery of Hejian Mansion and the newly appointed officials of Hejian Mansion are inextricably linked with Lin Fu, Jinan and Pingyuan were recovered by Yue Lengqiu's army. Many local officials were directly inserted by Yue Lengqiu.

Cao Zi'ang nodded and said, "Perhaps the mutiny in Changyi is something that everyone does not want to see, but the mutiny has already happened, and thousands of children of the Xihe Society and Zhuhe Gang have been brought to justice as rebels. At this time, it is really necessary to prevent Yue Leng. People from the Qiu Yi clan are playing tricks behind their backs... No matter what, you have to be prepared for the whole army to go."

"Will it be too risky?" Lin Mengde was still a little worried. Cao Zi'ang was a Ma Kou, and he said he would turn his back on the court. He didn't have much scruples. Lin Mengde had more concerns than Cao Zi'ang, and hesitated for a while. , then said, "Then follow this preparation first. Tang Shaobao and the eldest son must communicate first, especially Ma Yigong and Yang Yihang, and they must communicate well..."

"The harbour is blocked here, and the entire army is assembled and ready to go. Not only Tang Shaobao and the eldest son, but also Hao Zongcheng will not be able to sit still," Lin Fu said coldly, "Ma Yigong, Yang Yihang, Zi Ang, you can communicate in person. I have no additional request for them. If they still remember the love of fighting in Jinhai and Yangxin, before the Jiangdong Zuoying leaves Jinhai, the Jinzhong army can stay in the camp and hide its face, which is a great gift for me. face."

Cao Zi'ang nodded, this is also a good opportunity to test which side of the Jinzhong army will stand at a critical moment.

Lin Fu, Lin Mengde, and Cao Ziang made up their minds, and immediately summoned Zhou Pu, Ge Cunxin, Zhao Qingshan, Ning Zechen, Ao Canghai, Sun Shangwang, Wu Qi, and all the generals above the deputy to the tent. Secretly discuss and arrange for the assembly of the army.


The stop of the unloading of the sea ships and the raising of half sails to replenish fresh water, ordnance and other materials have not attracted the attention of the people on the north bank of the Eddy River, but at dusk, Zhou Pu and Ning Zechen led two battalions of soldiers to enter the north bank of the Eddy River, blocking the After the passage between Jinhaicang and the Jibei army camp and the blockade of Jinhaiport, all the people on the north bank of the vortex river woke up together, looking at the Jiangdong Zuoying, which was frequently mobilized, and didn't know what was going on. What happened, sent someone to ask, and the answers were all emergency drills.

When the army was ruled, there was only one thing to say about drills, but people in Jinhai came to know some new terms such as "actual combat drills" from Jiangdong Zuoying. Jiangdong Zuoying conducted military exercises in Jinhai, not once or twice, but this time, without notifying other yamen, they directly blocked the passage between Jibei Army and Jinhaicang, and blocked Jinhai Port. Anyone with a little vision knows that Things will not be as simple as they appear.

When Jiangdong Zuoying blocked the channel between Jinhai Cang and Jibei Army, Liu Zhi and others were still in the yamen of Jinhai Metropolitan Caoyun Division.

Liu Zhi panicked for a while. He didn't know what happened, and he didn't dare to go to Lin Xuwen and Lin Bing to ask what happened, for fear that he would not even have a chance to escape if he was detained.

Liu Zhi holds the title of deputy envoy of Jinhai Guanjun Junrong. He is the deputy commander-in-chief of the garrison of various ministries in Jinhai. In name, he can coordinate and mobilize the garrison of various ministries. Send someone to **** him to find Hao Zongcheng at the Jibei Army garrison in the north.

Cao Zi'ang had communicated with Ma Yigong and Yang Yihang long ago~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ma Yigong directly rejected Liu Zhi's request to transfer troops, and told the messenger sent by Liu Zhi that the bandits, peace and thieves in Jinhai were five or six miles away. There is no reason to send troops to **** the journey.

Liu Zhi took a dozen guards to the north tremblingly. Zhou Pu, who blocked the passage, didn't mean to let Liu Zhi go.

Seeing Hao Zongcheng, Liu Zhi's heart finally fell. In the cold spring season, he wiped the fine sweat oozing out of his forehead and asked Hao Zongcheng, "I saw Hao Changshi here, I can eat it. A reassurance. Mr. Hao, you said that Lin Fu took the wrong medicine, and suddenly sent troops to block the passage, block the port of Jinhai, block the warehouse of Jinhai..."

Hao Zongcheng asked Liu Zhi with a calm face: "You came back from the south, what are the movements of Ma Yigong and Yang Yihang?"

"These beasts, the adults disregarded the past with them, and allowed them to stay in Jinhai. I asked Ma Yigong to send me to the north, and he pushed three and four. I think they have already worn the same pair of pants as Lin Bie. The wild wolf at home," Liu Zhi suddenly thought of a possibility, and asked in a frightened voice, "Master Hao, do you think Lin Fu is trying to rebel?"

"What nonsense!" Hao Zongcheng shouted, although he was a little worried about this, but he couldn't say it out. Although he had 20,000 Jibei troops in his hands, there were 6,000 elite soldiers in the Jiangdong Zuoying and Jin Zhongjun forces. If Lin Fu and Jinzhong soldiers really wanted to change, Hao Zongcheng didn't know whether he would lead 20,000 Ji Beijun to quell the rebellion, or pack up and immediately escape from the right and wrong place in Jinhai.

Hao Zongcheng was hesitant. In his heart, he never wanted Lin Fuyi to change. He also felt that this possibility was extremely unlikely. Lin Fu, Lin Xuwen and others were very favored. What good would it be for him to change? My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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