Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 15: Borrowing the name to clear the bandit

On the post road from the southeast of Bohai County to Shouguang, Zhou Pu led his cavalry generals to the southeast, taking advantage of the moonlight, and the armor exuded a cold light under the moonlight.

In two days and two nights, more than 600 generals of the riding camp ran for more than 400 miles, from Nanchi in Jinhai County to the southeast of Bohai County, only half a day later than the main force of Jiangdong Zuoying entered Qingzhou by sea.

On the night of the 20th, the moon was bright and bright, illuminating the plains in the northeast of Shandong Province. The riding camp in Bohai County took a break in the bright moonlight.

Zhou Pu reined in the reins. He was wearing scale armor. The steel armor like fish scales reflected a faint luster in the moonlight. Holding the saber on his waist, his eyes are piercing, like sharp eagle eyes in the night, looking at the dark valley ahead, as if looking for prey to hide in the night.

Zhou Pu never thought about the airport where he still led a large group of cavalry soldiers to gallop on the battlefield after ten years.

The sound of horses' hooves in the distance like rolling thunder came from the valley. There is no need to say hello here. The outpost has already divided dozens of horses to intercept and respond. After a while, dozens of cavalry outposts rushed back with four or five cavalry. When he got close, Zhou Pu saw the crow Wu Qi's thin face like an old farmer in the field. He was very kind. He got off his horse and greeted him, "Why did you come here in person?"

Wu Qi, the crow, is the chief sentinel of the Jiangdong Zuoying. Under normal circumstances, he marches with Lin Fu and is responsible for the scout and military intelligence collection of the entire army.

Wu Qi got off his horse and said: "Go faster on the sea, I've been ashore from Zhulong Bay for two days, and I'm waiting for you to lead a cavalry battalion over - we have analyzed on the ship that if you bring troops into Shandong, you may not be able to make Shandong. The county secretary has retreated, so it is necessary to fight a fight, but it is very important to know how and who to fight, so I landed ahead of time to choose a target for you..."

"How to fight, who to fight?" Zhou Pu asked.

"Directly attacking the government or officers and soldiers will intensify the conflict. At present, most of the main officials of Shandong Prefecture are dispatched by the imperial court. It can be said that they have not yet formed a close relationship with the local forces in Shandong. We can't just mess with these bastards. You can mess up the relationship with the local forces in Shandong; you can't do it if you disturb the people!" Wu Qi passed on Lin Fu's meaning to the generals of Zhou Pu's riding camp, "Apart from the officials and the people, there is no other way to do it in Qingzhou Prefecture. The one who hit us..."

"Who is there?" Zhou Pu asked.

"After the fall of Jinan City, the Eastern invaders divided their troops eastward. Although they failed to capture Linzi and Yangxin in the end, many counties in the western part of Linzi Prefecture were defeated without a fight. In addition, after the fall of Jinan City, the soldiers and Yangxin were defeated. The rebels outside the city collapsed, and a considerable number of people fled to Yishan in Qingzhou," Wu Qi said. More than 10,000 Qingzhou troops were recruited for the defeat of Yishan and bandits. Although some of them were recruited for Liu Yefei, there were still quite a few soldiers who were defeated. After being liquidated, he remained in Yishan as a bandit. This collapse not only threatened the local security, but also seriously threatened the safety of the Jiaolai River and the post road between Qingzhou and Linzi. Liu Yefei is planning to spend a lot of money to recruit these people, we have to choose one The two hit hard..."

"Okay," Zhou Pu said, with excitement in his pores when he saw that there was a good fight, "You went ashore two days in advance, have you already chosen your target..."

"There is a stockade in Yangshan not far in front," Wu Qi said. "It was originally a village. It was originally occupied by more than 100 Zhejiang soldiers who fled from Yangxin, led by a member of Zhejiang soldiers. The deputy commander of the battalion once served as the commander of the new annexed Han army for the Donglu. He was the one to be liquidated after the war. There were about 270 people gathered in the stockade at this time. Except for the slightly beautiful women who were occupied In addition, most of the residents in the stockade were driven out, and a lot of people were killed. The officers and soldiers attacked twice, but they were all repelled. Now they have changed to appeasement, and the two sides are still negotiating. I have found the bitter master. , they don't want to see this group of strong thieves turn into officers and soldiers. They have gathered more than 60 men and are willing to lead us when they attack the village. This is a detailed map of Yangshan and Yangshan villages. We have drafted a plan for attacking the village, let's discuss it together, and see what else needs attention..."

"Okay, then hit his mother." Zhou Pu clenched his fists and said fiercely.


The Mi River originates from Yishan, flows northward through Qingzhou, Shouguang and other places, and merges into the Bohai Sea. The Mi River is about 200 li in length. At this time, the snow and ice in Yishan are beginning to melt. The Mi River has a large water potential with lush green trees on both sides. The water and soil are well maintained. It is a big river, but the only deep river channel that can be used for the passage of large-scale ships such as the "Jinhai" is only the more than 20 miles downstream near the mouth of the sea.

Tang Haoxin entered Shouguang City and summoned officials from the Shandong Prefecture to Shouguang to question the congestion of the river and the mutiny in Changyi, while Lin Fu took a boat and stopped at Daokou Town, about 60 kilometers north of Shouguang City.

"Jinhai", "Jiyun 1" and "Jiyun 2" directly anchored in the middle of the Mihe River outside Daokou Town, blocking the main river channel from Shouguang to the sea. The other two guards of the first battalion were on standby on the boat; the third and fifth battalions were on standby at the mouth of the Mi River, thirty miles away.

Liu Yefei, Ge Zufang, Chen Debiao and other major officials of Shandong County have entered Shouguang City to meet Tang Haoxin, but they did not mean to bow their heads and surrender. The government army entered Shouguang City. In addition, three thousand Qingzhou government troops were stationed in the southeast of Daokou Town to monitor the "Jinhai" entering the Mihe River.

Lin Bian stood on the deck and looked at the blue-black woods under the moonlight on the far bank. The three thousand Qingzhou troops who were watching them were stationed on the south side of the woods. place.

"In addition to some of the troops guarding Qingzhou, Liu Yefei has already deployed all the troops he can mobilize along the Mi River to the north of Shouguang," Cao Ziang raised his brows and smiled, "He is really afraid that we will march along the Mi River and the troops will come to Shouguang. Under the city!"

"Just relying on him to recruit these defeated soldiers, what kind of climate can it be," Zhou Tong chewed a leaf of grass that he didn't know where to find it, "If I still have the three hundred elites from Yangxin in the south, the woods The three thousand recruits in the back, as long as they have a chance to rush to the camp, they will be sure to crush them and kill a motherfucker!"

At that time, Zhou Tong went south with Lin Fu to guard Yangxin. He had 300 Jinzhong elites in his hands. The two battles between Jinhai and Yangxin could be said to be his most beautiful moment, but when he returned to Jinhai, he complained to Wei Zhonglong. Resign from military service. Wei Zhonglong then left Jinhai, while Zhou Tong stayed in Jinhai all day to eat and wait to die. Lin Fu supported Tang Haoxin to march into Shandong this time, and he came on board with a drooling face. Ma Yigong, Yang Yihang and other Jinzhong veterans, as well as Lin Xuwen, who actually took over the remnants of Jinzhong, also pretended not to see. Zhou Tongtie was determined to follow Jiangdong Zuojun, but it was useless for them to stop him.

Lin Fu wanted to take care of Lin Xuwen's face. When he was in Jinhai, he never assigned a specific position to Zhou Tong. This time, he was asked to follow him to the sea, and he was also allowed to participate in military affairs. Overtly and secretly, everyone regarded Zhou Tong as Jiang Dongzuo. Army people.

"It's really not difficult to defeat these three thousand recruits. It took less than a month for Liu Yefei to recruit the soldiers and the bandits to form the Qingzhou government army," Cao Ziang said with emotion, "but what good is it to defeat them?"

Lin Bie scratched his nose lightly with his fingers, shook his head slightly, and said, "It's no good, and Liu Yefei couldn't be scared to kneel down to save him, but instead gave him an excuse to run back to Beijing to sue us. The court still has to maintain the most basic majesty—this bottom line, we can’t touch it…”

"Then let me go to Yishan to clear the bandits," Zhou Tong said. "Liu Yefei recruits the fallen soldiers and the bandits expand their forces. When we enter Yishan to clear the bandits, we will directly break his good plan. He will never accuse us of helping us. Shandong Qing bandits..."

"This is not in a hurry for the time being," Lin Fu said. "At least after Zhou Pu has found a foothold in the north of Qingzhou, he can increase his troops one after another. Don't be too hasty..."


They had been in Mihe for more than a day, and naturally they understood the twists and turns behind the mutiny in Changyi.

At the beginning of Shandong Admiral Chen Debiao, he had no time or resources to reorganize the defeated town army system, and he had little real power. He rushed back to Qingzhou after the mutiny in Changyi.

Although Ge Zufang, the envoy of Xuanfu in Shandong, also had the title of representing the Ministry of Household and Superintendent Cao, this person was extremely mediocre, and he should not have the courage to designate the four or five thousand He Gang congregation as rebels.

Shandong inspector Liu Yefei joined Zhang Xie in his early years and was highly trusted by Zhang Xie; he had a close relationship with Yue Lengqiu, and was Yue Lengqiu's direct subordinate when he served as the chief of the Ministry of War, as a member of foreign affairs, and as a senior officer.

In early January, Liu Yefei was appointed by the Ministry of War with the title of Censor of Youduqie, and rushed to Zhongzhou, where he joined with Yue Lengqiu and became an important assistant to Yue Lengqiu's commander of Qin Wang's division on the southern line. After Yue Lengqiu recaptured Jinan, Shandong, Liu Yefei served as the inspector of Shandong, mainly responsible for the logistics supply of the Qinwang Division on the southern line and supervising the grain relief for Jinan and Pingyuanfu.

When Yue Lengqiu misunderstood the disaster of the Yellow River burst, Lin Fu suspected that Liu Yefei was in trouble with Yue Lengqiu at that time.

After the Gyeonggi grain shortage crisis broke out, Liu Yefei not only did not take responsibility, but also educated the Qingzhou government and oversaw the Qingzhou government's military preparations, becoming the most powerful figure in the Shandong Prefecture.

Liu Yefei not only had the motive to frame the Xihe Club and other Jiangning River Gangs, but after the mutiny in Changyi, Liu Yefei directly mobilized the Qingzhou government army to Changyi to suppress and round up the Hegang members. Uncompromising tough stance.

Speaking of Liu Yefei, this person is not simple.

At the beginning, the Eastern Captives drove a total of about 16,000 Xinfu Han troops to besiege Yangxin. In the end, the total number of annihilated and captured prisoners was less than 7,000, and almost 9,000 soldiers fled. When the captured soldiers were defeated outside the city of Yangxin, Na Hexiongqi, who was left behind, had only time and conditions to gather the defeated soldiers of his own clan. Only a small part of the defeated troops of the Xinfu Han army were gathered and taken out of the pass. Some of them fled to the mountains in the south, occupying the mountains as kings and disasters, and colluded with the officials and squire forces who fled into the mountains earlier~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is a tendency to form new copycat forces in the mountainous areas of central Shandong. .

Due to the chaotic political system in Shandong County after the war, the political, military and local forces were quite weak, and there was not much military force to suppress these newly formed cottage forces in Yishan, Taishan and other mountainous areas with the collapsed soldiers as the main body.

After Liu Yefei was appointed as the provincial inspector and educated Qingzhou government in Shandong, he adopted the strategy of "focusing on comfort and supplemented by suppression" against the shanzhai forces and collapsed soldiers in Qingzhou. He will protect them so that these traitors and surrendered generals can escape the liquidation and punishment after the war. In just over a month, he just let him expand the Qingzhou army, which had less than 4,000 soldiers, to more than 10,000 people.


Lin Fu supported the troops to advance into Shandong, but Liu Yefei drew other officials of the Shandong County Division to hold them together and refused to give in easily. Lin Fu needed other actions to exert more pressure.

Lin Fu could not directly send troops to attack the Qingzhou government army, which was mainly composed of recruits and defeated soldiers.

In that case, the impact will be particularly bad, and it will also make the Jiangdong Left Army lose its moral superiority. It will be difficult to predict how the court will react, and the situation will be more complicated and difficult to control.

Since the newly formed shanzhai forces in the Qingyi Mountains with collapsed soldiers as the main body are the main targets of Liu Yefei's current appeal and expansion, Lin Fu chose these shanzhai forces as the target of force.

In this way, in addition to demonstrating force to deter, it can also limit Liu Yefei's power in Shandong from continuing to expand, and has the legitimate name of the Qing bandit, which will not arouse the resentment of the local forces in Shandong, and the Qing bandit area is located in the heart of Qingzhou Prefecture. To directly attack Liu Yefei's abacus of deploying troops along the Mi River in the north of Shouguang. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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