Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 16: who can know

(8,000 words were coded today, and the second one is sent, asking for a red ticket)

Yangshanzhai is located more than ten miles northwest of Qingzhou City, nearly forty miles away from Shouguang.

Yangshan is not high, only eight or nine feet high. It is said to be a hill in Dali, but in fact it is just a mound standing on the east bank of the Yanghe River. Looking from the west bank, the soil cliff on the riverside side of Yangshan Mountain is as steep as a cut, and it looks very tall and steep. Local talents are used to calling it a mountain.

The Yangshanzhai, which covers an area of ​​only 40 to 50 acres, was built along the halfway of the mountain. After the collapse of the Zhejiang soldiers and occupying the Yangshanzhai, the local villagers were driven to the outside of the village wall and the soil **** about ten feet away from the village wall went down vertically. Dig more than ten feet deep to form a ring-shaped earthen platform for protecting the village. People stand outside the stockade, and the wall built on the earth and stone looks very majestic. This is also the place where Yangshanzhai is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The officers and soldiers were repelled twice in the attack, and the Yanghe River in the western border of Qingzhou was also controlled by this group of bandits.

In Zhou Pu's view, there is no place that is particularly difficult to attack in Yangshanzhai, and the earth and stone protecting the village look steep. He and Wu Qi speculated that Liu Yefei's mind probably still wanted to recruit these village bandits for their own use, and did not intend to spend a lot of effort to suppress the bandits, so that they could survive in the heart of the northwest of Qingzhou City to this day.

Wu Qi went ashore two days in advance and contacted the bitter master, that is, the original resident who was driven out of Yangshanzhai by the collapsed soldiers. Not only did he know the detailed topography of the interior of Yangshanzhai, but he also learned that there was a local merchant in secret collusion with Yangshanzhai. From time to time, they will use the darkness to transport food, grass, ordnance and other materials into Yangshanzhai for trading.

After Wu Qi and Zhou Pu reunited, they directly controlled the merchant that had colluded with Yangshanzhai with the momentum of thunder, and selected elites to pretend to be the merchant's caravan to transport goods into the village. After pretending to be a caravan to control the gate of the village, the main force who had sneaked up near them rushed up, and it only took half a shift to end the battle and capture Yangshan Village.

More than 30 people were killed on the spot, and more than 220 people were taken prisoner. Some people escaped over the wall. Demonstration with officials from Shandong County who gathered in Shouguang County, at this time the moonlight in Qingzhou Prefecture was still bright.


The ten-year-old Shouguang of Chongguan is just an insignificant county town on the coastal plain of Shandong Province. The post house with blue bricks and black tiles is located in the east of the city. Tang Haoxin is getting old, he can't sleep well at night, there is no charcoal in the house, and the weather is still a bit cold.

The yard of the post house is next to the main street that runs through the east and west of Shouguang City. Tang Haoxin dazedly heard someone running on the street in the yard.

In order to guard against the Jiangdong Left Army, the Shandong Commander transferred 5,000 Qingzhou prefectural troops to enter this small town, causing the crowd to turn down.

You must know that all the residents in Shouguang City add up to three or four thousand people. Suddenly, five thousand people poured into the city, and the chaotic scene can be imagined.

Seeing that the sky was getting a little greener outside the window, Tang Haoxin put on his clothes, put on a cotton robe, pushed open the door and walked to the yard. There is also a horse shed in the yard here, but there are no mules and horses in the stable, so the horses sleep with their clothes in the haystack of the horse shed at night. When they hear footsteps in the yard, they wake up and see Tang Haoxin leaving the house. Come on, stand up and greet: "Master got up at this time?"

"At my age, I don't know when I closed my eyes and fell into the ground. I don't even have the mind to sleep. After taking a nap for a while, I'm resting, but you're careful to catch a cold." Tang Haoxin said.

"The small body is sturdy, there is nothing serious." Ma Chao said.

Although when it came to Shouguang, Lin Fu dispatched an extra team of soldiers to **** Tang Haoxin, but Ma Chao still did not dare to rest assured that he was afraid that an assassin would be bad for Tang Haoxin. Afraid of leaks. The imperial court is sinister, and it is only in Jiangning that adults can gain a firm foothold, and they have no deep roots. If there is no boss to rely on in Beijing, the situation will be very difficult.

"There is a lot of noise on the street outside, what happened?" Tang Haoxin asked.

"Jiangdong Zuojun cavalry smashed a stockade thirty kilometers south of Shouguang, and just quickly threw the heads of more than a dozen bandits to the south gate of the county, causing a riot," Ma Chao said, "The specific news It has not been confirmed yet, the Shandong County Secretary was probably frightened and sent troops back to Qingzhou..."

"In the name of the Qing bandits," Tang Haoxin sighed slightly. When he separated from Lin Fu in Daokou Town, he only asked Lin Fu to promise him that he would not move troops rashly, but he would not dictate the specific military affairs of the Jiangdong Zuo Army. His feet were disgusting, he stroked his white beard, thought for a while, and then said, "It's a plausible excuse. The bandits in Qingyi Mountain have threatened the banks of the Jiaolai River, and they really should be ruthless. Qing... With this name, if he can find a suitable foothold in the south of Shouguang, Lin Fu will probably continue to increase his troops in the Qingyi Mountains."

"That's right. The Jiangdong Zuo Army made this move, which probably made the Shandong County Secretary very surprised and passive - after all, the Yangshan Village that the Jiangdong Zuo Army suppressed before dawn was only more than ten miles away from Qingzhou City. If the Jiangdong Zuo Army continued to move towards Yangshanzhai has increased troops to clear out the bandits in the Qingyi Mountains in the south one by one, and they are actually wandering around the gate of Qingzhou City - they did not come to disturb you, Boss." Ma Chao said.

"What should I be disturbed by?" Tang Haoxin said, "It seems that I should go back to my room and sleep well--you go do one thing for me, spread some words in the city, and say that Liu Ye Fei Ruo will give it to me. The Qingzhou government army, which was formed by recruiting surrendered soldiers, will definitely be purged, and those traitors and surrendered generals will also be dragged out to be liquidated and severely punished..."

"Oh!" Ma Chao was slightly startled. If such rumors really played a role, wouldn't it prompt the Qingzhou government's military to support Liu Yefei? He couldn't guess what Tang Hao was thinking in his confidence.

Tang Haoxin saw the look of doubt on Ma Chao's face, sighed lightly, and said, "Liu Yefei still doesn't understand Jinhai's situation at this time, it's really stupid, Jinhai is actually a pin that Lin ties hold in his hand. Lin Fu wanted to use the name of the Qing bandits to continuously use and increase the army in the heart of Qingzhou, so as to deter the Shandong County Secretary stationed in Qingzhou from daring to attack the imprisoned He Gang congregation. If you bite to death and don’t retreat, the matter can only be decided by Beijing. One day the matter drags on, the rope in Jinhai will be tight for a day, and the grain shortage in Gyeonggi will be tight for a day, and the situation will be unfavorable for the Shandong County Division— The official letter exchanges between Beijing and China can’t go back and forth for half a month. If it can’t be solved by one trip, it will be delayed for a month. The Jinhai grain storage issue will kill you for one day, how can it be interrupted for a month?”

"..." Ma Chao remained silent, the grain storage in Jinhai was going to be interrupted for a month, and there would be chaos in Gyeonggi. Don't look at Lin Fu, who is a small step from the fifth rank, with only three or five thousand elite soldiers in his hands. Even if there is chaos in Gyeonggi, he will still have the ability to force the court to bow to him at that time.

"You watched Lin Bie rise in Jiangning step by step," Tang Haoxin said softly, "don't look at him young, let me ask you, how many people do you think he can match - Wu Chen is not as good as me, and neither is I. what!"

"Boss thought that Lin Fu might condone the chaos in Gyeonggi?" Ma Chao dared to ask, he knew that these words should not have been asked by him.

"In the chaos of Gyeonggi, the imperial court will most likely have to give up Yanjing and take refuge in Jiangning - how many people do you think can't imagine such a possibility?" Tang Hao's confidence was depressed, and many things could not be told, all of which were kept in his heart. , took a long sigh, and said, "Yue Lengqiu can imagine this kind of change, and Lin Fu can also imagine this kind of change. For the Lin family, from a powerful clan on the edge of imperial power, to one that can influence the government. The big family, how attractive is it?"

A cold sweat broke out down Ma Chao's back. He didn't expect that there was such a big mystery behind it, and said, "No wonder Lin Tie did not blame him for acting recklessly when he assembled the entire army in Jinhai..."

"Haha," Tang Haoxin said with a wry smile, "Not only did I not blame him, but I also took matters into my own hands without hesitation—you have been in the frontier for so many years, and you are usually more taciturn than Yang Pu, I think You are clear in your heart—you spread rumors in the city for me, and the current situation is likely to become deadlocked. The Qingzhou government army united to support Liu Yefei, and there is another possibility that Liu Yefei is not enough, and the Qingzhou government army will be unable to bear the pressure and collapse first..."

"You want to prompt the Qingzhou government army to mutiny?" Ma Chao asked. If the Qingzhou government forces mutiny, the Shandong Commander will only beg Lin Bing to bring troops into Qingzhou to pacify the chaos, which will help resolve the matter as soon as possible.

"It's not that simple," Tang Haoxin sighed softly, "The Qingzhou government's military discipline in the city is quite bad. You take people to the street today, and when you see a defeated army discipline, take them directly to Admiral Chen Debiao. He severely punished him, and now it depends on whether Chen Debiao understands people..."


After Lin Fu received the news that Zhou Pu led the cavalry battalion to successfully capture Yangshanzhai in Yingkou Town, he sent Zhou Tong to rush back to the mouth of the Mihe River to temporarily lead the second battalion in place of Cao Ziang, and led more than 600 soldiers along the east bank of the Yanghe River. Yang Shanzhai set out. The Yanghe estuary and the Mihe estuary are more than ten miles apart, and the two rivers are roughly parallel in Qingzhou Prefecture.

In the early morning light of Qingli, Lin Tie was wearing a crimson official robe and stood on the deck watching the hazy scenery on the far shore. He knew that it was a taboo thing to support troops to invade Shandong. Perhaps if this matter is resolved, the imperial court will directly transfer the Jiangdong Zuo Army back to Chongzhou, and will not tolerate such a disobedient army staying on the side of the couch in Jinhai and Gyeonggi.

There were light footsteps behind him, and Lin Fu turned around. Sun Wenwan was wearing his clothes, still dressed as a man, came over, and bowed to Lin Fu.

"It's still early, why don't you rest for a while?" Lin Fu asked.

In the morning light of Qingli, Sun Wenwan's face was still pale from blood loss, and her lips were like withered rose petals, without any luster. Her injuries had only been recuperating for three or four days, and they were far from the point of recovery.

"Wenwan can't take the place of daddy's promises to you, but adults will be so dedicated to my daddy and Xihe, Wenwan can decide what promises she makes to adults," Sun Wenwan said, kneeling on the ground, "even if things are properly handled, The solution, my father is also responsible for the mutiny in Changyi, Wen Wan is the daughter of the sinner, a slave and a maid, please don’t dislike it!”

"If you come to talk to me, stand up. I'm not used to talking to people who are kneeling on the ground, and they're both exhausted." Lin Bie put his hands behind him and didn't help Sun Wenwan, asking her to get off the deck by herself He got up and said, "Are you really willing that Xihe will take responsibility for the mutiny in Changyi? You have to be clear, if I take the initiative to let go, the blame for the mutiny in Changyi will ultimately be determined, and it's not all mine. within grasp."

"When your lord is fighting with the Qu family at Hekou, I, Xihe, will seek advantages and avoid harm, which is morally wrong. Wenwan is already grateful if you can ignore the past suspicions. How can you dare to ask for more?" Sun Wenwan stood up, still bowing her head and not Dare to meet Lin Bie.

"These things don't need to be said, just like I will think more about Jiangdong Zuojun now, Xihe will seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and it is not worth criticizing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You will not think that I have no such tolerance. A person's stomach." Lin Fu said.

"Thank you for your understanding," Sun Wenwan said, "My father has only worked hard for Xihehui all his life. Before he was captured, he only told me one thing, that Xihehui's children should not be unjustly killed. You will not have the heart to cut off the Jinhai waterway to blackmail the imperial court."

"Oh," Lin Bie stared at Sun Wenwan in surprise, and asked with a smile, "How can you be so confident that you think you've seen through me?"

"Your Excellency is not a rigid person, but if Gyeonggi is in chaos and falls into despair and misery, it is not the clan, not such an official master, but the millions of unarmed civilians - Your Excellency will not bear to see such a situation appear. "Sun Wenwan didn't avoid Lin Bie's eyes anymore, and said quietly.

"You must know that Tang Shaobao can come forward without hesitation to take care of the whole thing, and go to Shouguang City alone to interrogate the officials of Shandong County, except that we have to hold a group against Zhang and Yue, in fact, he is more I'm worried that I will really cut off the supply of grain in Jinhai - Judging from the bad deeds I did in Jiangning, I am someone who would do such a thing," Lin Fu asked Sun Wenwan with a smile. , "Not to mention that I left Jinhai to make so many arrangements, what makes you see that I don't seem like a person who can do such cruel things?"

"My lord said in Hekou Zhutang that the man's arm stops the car," Sun Wenwan said indifferently, "others don't believe it, I believe it."

"..." Lin Bie pursed his lips, and after half the pay, he said, "You can understand..." Seeing Cao Zian protruding from the stern cabin, he said, "Get ready, you stay and command for me. Jiangdong Zuojun, I will go to Shouguang in the afternoon, things can't be dragged on like this." My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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