Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 49: panic

(asking for a red ticket)

The Huai River was rushing eastward, and a shallow cloud of fish scales floated above the blue sky.

After the pouring rain, the calm blue of the sky and the news of the great defeat of the Huaihuai Army made it hard to breathe.

Shanyang County and Feixiaji face each other across the Huaihuai, less than 12 or 13 miles apart. Looking at the past under the clear sky, you can see the situation where Feixiaji was killed by foot and cavalry, and the foot soldiers were killed by cavalry. .

Some people fled back by boat, but the news they brought back was too fragmentary. What can be confirmed is that the entire rear wing of the Duhuai Army was destroyed, Ma Fu and Ma Rulong were killed, and the lives of Liu Tingzhou, Xiao Kuian, Teng Xingyuan and Tao Chun were unknown, but they were also fierce. More auspicious less, nine deaths and one life.

Shanyang and Huai'an were forty miles apart. Shanyang blew up the pot, and Huai'an city also blew up the pot afterwards. Du Huai'an, with more than 14,000 troops and elite soldiers from Shanyang County, was likely to be wiped out. For no one, it is not a news that can be easily accepted.

Zhang Yubo and Liang Wenzhan were in charge of Huai'an City. At this time, Liu Tao, the county magistrate, was in charge of Shanyang County.

Liu Tingzhou not only integrated the elite soldiers from the six battalions of Shanyang County into the Huai Du Huai Army, but also transferred more than 2,000 prefectural troops from Huai'an City. Now Huai'an and Shanyang are separated from the bandits by Huai'an, but the total strength is less than 4,000 people. .

Huai'an city government yaxi yamen, Huaian magistrate Liang Wenzhan, Huaian government soldiers and horses, Hu Cao, Gong Cao, Fu Xue and Huaian county magistrates, county magistrates, Jiao Yu and other officials gathered together, surrounded by Zhang Yubo's side, etc. He made up his mind.

Lin Fu and Liu Tingzhou both crossed Huai and led the troops, and Huai'an City was led by Zhang Yubo.

"Master Zhang, please report to the envoy as soon as possible, hoping that the envoy can lead troops into Siyang in time to rescue Mr. Liu..."

"The rear wings are all rounded up. Master Liu is really a life-threatening situation. The troops and horses are not enough, and they have to guard the mouth. If they move rashly, there are three strengths and two weaknesses. Who will guard Huai'an?"

Before Zhang Yubo and Liang Wen could speak, the officials below quarreled into two factions. One was that they hoped that Lin Fu would lead his troops to save Liu Tingzhou.

It is said that the defeat is like a mountain, but I never thought that Liu Tingzhou's Huaihuai Army would be defeated so quickly, with more than 10,000 soldiers and horses, almost collapsed at once. Zhang Yubo still quite appreciates Liu Tingzhou's spirit of giving up his life for the imperial court. If there are still remnants of the Huaihuai army that are not destroyed in Siyang, he supports Lin Futi's troops to enter Siyang to rescue Liu Tingzhou, and it is better to hurry up than not. Late.

Zhang Yubo put his hand on the table to stop the quarrel among the people, and said, "I will send a quick ride to report to the governor, but the governor must have his own opinion on what to do, so let's not worry about it. …”

"Wait for a reply from the envoy from Shukou, almost after dark, should we invite Mr. Sun to come over to discuss it together?" Liang Wenzhan said.

Zhang Yubo did not doubt that Liang Wenzhai suddenly invited Sun Jingtang over. Sun Jingtang was still being sentenced to exile, but he was Lin Tie’s right-hand man in Huaian City. Zhang Yubo naturally did not shy away from looking for Sun Jingtang, but he was just in a hurry. I didn't expect it for a while, and when Liang Wenzhan mentioned it, he nodded and said, "Alright!"

Knowing that the Duhuai Army was defeated at Feixiaji, Sun Jingtang went into the city to meet Liang Wencheng first. come over.

At this time, the people of Huai'an were out of control. Perhaps the commander and commander of the Xiongbing were on the side, so they pinned all their hopes on Jiangdong Zuojun, but they were slow and could not think of self-help.

Sun Jingtang came over and saluted with Zhang Yubo, Liang Wenzhan and others. Zhang Yubo respected his identity and asked him to sit opposite Liang Wenzhan, saying: "The North Bank has been defeated, and people in Huai'an are panicking. They have sent flying horses to cross Huai to report to the envoy, but when the envoy has a reply, I am afraid that After dark, ask Mr. Sun to come over and discuss ideas first..."

Sun Jingtang said: "Feixiaji was defeated, Shuiying should send a letter to Shukou as soon as possible to ensure that the letter will not be later than here, regardless of the decision made by the envoy in Shukou, Huai'an and Shanyang have some differences. Things can be done first..."

"Please speak with Mr. Sun." Zhang Yubo said.

"From each of the three southern counties, one battalion of government troops was dispatched to strengthen the defense of Huai'an City. Regardless of whether to return to Huainan to defend Huainan, or to cross Huaihuai to assist Liu Zhifu, the water camp must be used. We can't expect the water camp to be available all the time. Help protect Huai," Sun Jingtang said, "Feixiaji fell, not only a large amount of food and grass supplies were taken away by the bandits, but also a considerable number of civilian ships fell into the enemy's hands, the bandits can organize tens of thousands of people to cross Huai in a short period of time. We cannot fail to guard against the scale of the operation. The Jiangdong Left Army has 2,000 workers and battalions at Pubei Beach, Qingjiang Province, which were originally used for building embankments and reclaiming wasteland. They organized war training in their spare time. Yang County helps guard…”

Liang Wenzhan said: "Mr. Sun is not familiar with the situation in Shanyang County. I will follow him to Shanyang, and the safety of Huai'an City will be handed over to Master Zhang?"

Huai'an County is the capital of Huai'an Prefecture, and Liang Wenzhan's rank is one step higher than that of Pudong County.

Today, the life and death of Teng Xingyuan, the magistrate of Shanyang, is unknown on the north bank, and only the county magistrate Liu Tao presides over Shanyang. Zhang Yubo was not familiar with Liu Tao either, so he wondered if he had the ability to preside over the overall situation. If the refugee army crossed Huaihuai, Shanyang would bear the brunt. He thought it would be best if Liang Wenzhan could go to Shanyang. The Jiangdong Zuo Army is the hero in the world. Although the Gongyi Battalion is an auxiliary soldier, if organized, 2,000 people should be able to reach the Sanyingfu army.

Liang Wenbo signed the order letter immediately, and Sun Jingtang got up and returned to Qingjiangpu in the south of the city to prepare.

In the afternoon, when the labor camp would leave from the south of the city, Lin Fu sent a letter from Shukou back to Huai'an.

Lin Fu's order was almost the same as Sun Jingtang's suggestion. The biggest difference was that Lin Fu directly ordered Liang Wenzhan to temporarily take over the post of Shanyang magistrate to take charge of Shanyang's military and political affairs.

Lin Fu's Jingkou system is a temporary dispatch, without the authority to appoint personnel, not to mention that the officials at the county level are elected officials in Beijing. However, when the matter happened, the Huaian government was in a panic, and no one jumped out at this time to question the legitimacy and rationality of Lin Fu's letter. As for whether it will be recognized by the court afterwards, that's another matter. Let's get over the immediate difficulties first.

Besides, Huai'an County is the first county, and Shanyang County is just an ordinary county. Liang Wenzhan will not do Huai'an County's honor, and then grab the seat of Shanyang County.

In fact, as far as the entire Huaisi terrain is concerned, the location of Shanyang County is more important than that of Huaian City. In addition, Ma Fu and Ma Rulong died in battle, and most of the Ma family's foundation was in Shanyang County.


Lin Fu didn't expect that the Changhuai Army would be defeated so quickly. He received a letter from Shuiying directly from Shanyang, and it was noon.

The terrain of Siyang has been completely controlled by the refugee army. Except for some piecemeal information from the soldiers who have escaped, it is too late to send secret agents to infiltrate Siyang to confirm whether the main force of the Duhuai army has been completely wiped out.

Further information will not be available until noon tomorrow at the earliest.

Lin Fu didn't have so much time to wait. Chen Hansan, who was more than 20 miles to the north, would get the exact news ahead of time. Chen Hansan and Sun Zhuang's general Chen Zhuo had a total of more than 15,000 soldiers at the narrow bridge. Horses, their movements have a direct impact on this side.

In the command shed, the terrain of Huaisi was spread on the large wooden table table, Lin Bie held the table with his hands, Qin Chengzu, Zhou Pu, Ning Zechen, Zhao Hu and others were around to study the current situation.

From the fragmented news, Lin Fu and the others have already speculated that before the entire rear wing of the Duhuai Army was destroyed, the development of the enemy and our side in Siyang could also speculate some things.

"The refugee army in Suyu and Siyang has no cavalry, and the cavalry that annihilated the rear wing is the commander of Sun Zhuang, the pioneer of the refugee army," Qin Chengzu pointed to Feixiaji and analyzed, "Sun Zhuang's cavalry is It took at least half an hour to kill the rear wing and seize Xiaji, and there was no chance to trample the rear of the Huai Army headquarters. This can be said to be quite lucky. Tao Chun sneaked into Siyang a few days earlier, and would not have If they didn't do anything, if Liu Tingzhou and Xiao Kuian were smart, there should be some elites who could survive and deal with the refugee army in Siyang. But if they thought of escaping, they had to wait for us to go to help..."

"Ma Fu and Ma Rulong really deserve to die. If they don't die and escape, I won't let them go!" Lin Bie said angrily.

Lin Fudao didn't say anything about them because Ma Fu and Ma Rulong died. The Duhuai Army attacked the camp of the refugee army and formed a fish-scale formation. The back of the tail was a weakness, but leaving the elite Majia private soldiers in the back formation actually made up for the lack of the fish-scale formation to a considerable extent. This is probably also the point of the refugee army. Ma Lantou, the commander in Siyang, was also unexpected. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

It is true that the refugee army's main business in the north of Feixiaji is a trap, but whether the trap can be trapped and kill people depends on its strength.

If Ma Fu and Ma Rulong were a little daring and led more than a thousand elites to get stuck in front of the north ridge of Feixiaji, since they could protect Feixiaji from being captured by the refugee army, they could also protect the rear wing of the Duhuai army's main formation. As for being so sinister.

Who would have thought that they would be foolish enough to turn around and flee to Feixiaji, turning their backs to the cavalry of the refugee army to cover up?

It is true that more people die of stupidity all the time.

Lin Fu stared at the map for a while before making a resolute decision and said to Zhao Hu: "I'll leave it to you here. In addition to defending the Shukou camp, I want you to lead the way to Chen Hansan's narrow bridge. Camp, cover the whereabouts of my main force. When you enter the Daizhai Bridge Camp, you must hold on until it is dark before you can withdraw to the camp to stand firm! Are you sure you can do it?"

"Yes!" Zhao Hu said decisively.

"Okay," Lin Fu said, then turned to look at Zhou Pu, "you first lead the light armored cavalry and the new soldiers of the personal guard camp to drive all the scouts outside the Zhaiqiao camp back to the nest, and Mr. Qin and I lead Fengli. The battalion and the heavy cavalry go first, and you will meet at the designated place after dark!"

"Any water camp?" Zhou Pu asked.

"The development of the situation is a little different from what we predicted before. The Changshan Camp will arrive in Huai'an a day or two later. The water camp must move, and it must also exercise with the Changshan Camp!" Lin Fu said.

Qin Chengzu said: "The water camp is active on the Huai River and can confuse the refugee army. I also thought that the water camp would not be transferred for the time being! Four thousand elite soldiers, enough to destroy the enemy camp! We will kill Chen Hansan this time. , Nan'an can also take the opportunity to make some arrangements."

Lin Bie nodded and said, "Indeed!" My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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