Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 50: grab base

The Shuiying Express boat reported the news and moved eastward along the Huai River, and its speed was very fast; the messengers sent by the refugee army from Siyang were riding on horseback, and they had to cross the river all the way, but fell behind.

Lin Bie received the news of the defeat of the Duhuai Army at Shukou, and immediately dispersed the only 400 light-armored cavalry in the battalion, killing the scouts scattered on the periphery of the three tribes of Chen and Han, and Zhao Hu led his own guards. The new soldiers of the camp moved with the whole division and advanced to the Zhaiqiao camp.

Chen Hansan didn't think about anything else, he just withdrew the scouts from the periphery, closed the camp, and stood firm until after dark, when the light armored cavalry circled eastward and the infantry retreated southward, and the messenger sent from Siyang took advantage of the loophole to enter the narrow bridge. The camp saw Chen Hansan.

"Crack!" Only then did Chen Hansan know that Siyang had won the victory. He beat the saddle with the handle of his whip angrily, and scolded, "Damn Donghai fox, before crossing Huaihuai, you have to wave your tail coquettishly!" , ordered, "Send the spies out overnight, and be sure to find out the whereabouts of the Jiangdong Zuo Army in Huai'an Water Camp and Cavalry Camp before dawn!"

Chen Hansan still didn't know how many infantry Lin Fu had transferred from Shukou before it was dark. It was certain that the Jiangdong Zuo Army's infantry was more elite, but to gallop in the Huaisi area, it was inseparable from the water battalion and the cavalry battalion. Cooperate.

"No matter how the Jiangdong Left Army moves, be sure to ask the Zuo Hu Army to immediately send cavalry along the east bank of the Yishui River. This way, it will definitely be able to delay the Jiangdong Left Army for two to three days, and Ma Ye and Po Ye will have enough time. Complete annihilation of the Duhuai officers and soldiers in Siyang, a great victory can be expected!" It was Zhang Gou, a general under Sun Zhuang's command, who came from Siyang to deliver the letter. Both Ma Lantou and Sun Zhuang knew that they wanted to persuade Chen Hansan to forcefully drag the Jiangdong Zuo Army. In Shukou, it is useless to send an ordinary character over.

In addition to Chen Hansan's troops, Sun Zhuang still has 3,000 infantry elites in the east camp of Zhaiqiao, but judging from the current situation, Lin Fu has led an unknown number of elites to advance westward in advance, unless Chen Hansan sends cavalry to pursue and intercept them. The infantry couldn't keep up with the trip at all.

Chen Hansan looked at the sky, there were fish-scale shallow clouds covering the sky, the stars and moon were dimly lit, and the surroundings were dim and not very bright, obviously not the good weather for rushing through the night, and said: "The sky is so dark, the East China Sea fox will come again. Cunning, is it still possible to transport troops with ghost tricks? I sent scouts to stare at Shukou, Jiangdong Zuo Army wants to use water to transport troops, I will send troops to press them immediately, and I will not miss the big event in Siyang!"

"Lin Fushan led the night movement. In his first battle in Yannan, he was able to drag down the elites of the Donglu King's tent in the snowy night, and then he won the great victory in Cangnan. The Zuohu army must be guarded!" Zhang Gou advised.

Chen Hansan frowned and said: "The field is full of potholes, and the cavalry drives the night road, I don't know how many horses will be broken! You have never fought with Jiangdong Zuojun, so you don't know their cunning. The big pit, covered with floating grass, is very inconspicuous, but when the horse steps in, there is a sound of 'Kaba', a good horse will break a leg abruptly..."

"The master said, as long as the Zuo Hujun drags the Jiangdong Zuojun, how many people and horses are lost here, they will be doubled for you after the war!" Zhang Gou said reluctantly.

"What are you talking about?" Chen Hansan said impatiently, "Do you think I'm cherishing soldiers and not fighting? If I don't move at the narrow bridge, the Jiangdong Zuo Army will not dare to give up Shukou. If four thousand soldiers advance westward, Ma Shuai and Zhu Shuai will not be able to deal with it? If I act rashly and let the Jiangdong Zuo Army take advantage of it and kill the soldiers and horses, the entire Jiangdong Zuo army will advance westward, then will destroy Ma Shuai and the pole. Shuai's plan to destroy the enemy in Siyang!"

No matter how to persuade, Chen Hansan was playing tricks and refused to hold down his wealth and drag Jiangdong Zuojun in Shukou. Zhang Gou exhausted his words, seeing that Chen Hansan could not be persuaded, he hated in his heart and had nothing to do, so he said: "The Zuo Hu army is determined to do so, then please allow me and Chen Zhuo to lead the army westward..."

"That's the soldiers of you and the commander. If you want to go west, I can't stop it," Chen Hansan said at this time. Don't blame me for not reminding you of the Donghai Fox trick!"

"Thank you Zuo Hujun for reminding me." Zhang Gou clenched his fists and left.

Zhang Gou went to Dongying to meet up with Chen Zhu, the tiger of Dengcheng, and immediately prepared to pull out the camp overnight and chase westward.

Donghai fox Linfu is likely to have led a team of elites to the west in the afternoon, but his water camp has not moved in Shanyang, and he is also rushing on two legs, so he can't go very fast.

To the west, there is Yishui blocking it. Even if the Yishui is not wide or shallow, the water camp of the Jiangdong Zuo Army will come to pick up the ferry. There is no ready-made ferry, and three or four thousand people will board the boat. It is also a matter of tomorrow afternoon.

After that, the Jiangdong Zuo Army had to go up the water to find a place to land on the north bank of the Huaihe River west of Sishui. Under the circumstance that there were soldiers and horses monitoring and intercepting it, they could not enter Siyang in a short time.

Zhang Gou thought that they could take the pontoon bridge erected by the Yishui Fenghe Camp in the northwest direction and quickly rush to the west bank of Sishui.

The Jiangdong Zuo Army wanted to grab the beach of Siyang, but the Jiangdong Zuo Army's water camp could not draw any troops to block the Sishui River, and they could cross Sishui to support the Siyang battle...

Considering that the Jiangdong Left Army would set up ambulances to intercept them, Chen Hansan did not dare to send cavalry, but to ensure a great victory in Siyang, Zhang Gou and Chen Zuo could not control too much, as long as they could ensure that they could completely wipe out the Duhuai that entered Siyang. Officers and soldiers, even if the three thousand soldiers and horses here are all worth it.

Immediately, Zhang Gou, Chen Zui ordered 3,000 soldiers and horses, brought three days' worth of dry food, and dismantled some tents as torches.

Zhang Gou and Chen Zui led their troops into the west bank of Shushui and headed for Yishui. There is also no official road to rectify, and most of the soil in the countryside is washed away by the torrential rains in the summer. In the middle of the night, less than 30 miles away, the team was already loose, and the formation was scattered, and it was five or six miles long.

Ordered the soldiers to stop and rest for a while, and then swallowed the dry biscuits with cold water. At this time, they saw a fire burning in the northwest direction, turning the sky red.

Zhang Gou paled in horror, suddenly stood up, and asked Chen Zhe in disbelief, "Where is the Yishui Camp?"

"It's impossible for Jiangdong Zuojun to fight, right?" Chen Zhu was also very surprised.

Counting the time when the Jiangdong Zuo Army might set off at Shukou, it would only be seven or eight hours at most.

If the fire in the direction of Yishui Camp was really the work of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, it would mean that in such a short period of time, the Jiangdong Zuo Army not only ran non-stop for more than 100 miles to reach the Yishui Camp, but also did not stop. Offensive.

"The Jiangdong Left Army did not go to Siyang to rescue Liu Tingzhou from the water camp, but instead went around the northwest to capture the Yishui camp? Do they want to grab the pontoon bridge of the Yishui camp to cross Yishui, and then rush to the east bank of Sishui to use water again? Will the camp take you to Siyang?" Chen Zhu asked.

"It's possible. They couldn't figure out the situation of Liu Tingzhou's officers and soldiers in Siyang. They were worried that Ma Shuai and Sun Shuai would take the opportunity to force their troops to cross the Huai River. It is not difficult to understand that the water camp did not dare to leave Shanyang. We can't transfer the water camp, and the first batch of reinforcements led by Lin Fu has to go overland to the east bank of Sishui!" Zhang Gou analyzed, thought for a moment, and then said, "We attacked Yunti Pass before, and we took it by storm overnight. Come down. Although the Yishui camp is a bit rudimentary and cannot be compared with the Yunti Pass in Huaikou, the defenders are far more than the officers and soldiers of the Yunti Pass at the beginning, and they will not leave easily - we can have a battle if we rush over!"

"Even if the Jiangdong Zuo Army's Yishui Camp, Chen Hansan can't stand by and watch this time, right?" Chen Zhuo said while blowing his nose.

The camp that blocked Yishui was also the army of Chen Hansan. Chen Hansan did not want to drag the Jiangdong Zuo army to Shukou desperately to ensure the victory of Siyang, but he would not stand by and watch the attack on his army.

Sishui is the main waterway of the Jianghuai River and the river. In order to ensure that Sishui can still have sufficient water level in the autumn and winter dry seasons, Yishui built a dam in the lower reaches of the south of Tancheng County. The water level was raised and the river water was diverted from Xinhe into Surabaya. As a result, the Yishui River downstream of the dam has become a shallow river that is not conducive to the passage of large ships.

The barrage became an obstacle for large and small ships to enter Tancheng County. Therefore, after the capture of Tancheng County, the refugee army was even less worried that Huainan officers and soldiers would enter from Yishui North to assist Xuzhou.

Due to the existence of the barrage, large and small ships cannot pass from north to south, but precisely because of the existence of the barrage, the soldiers and horses on the east bank can find the position of the barrage and can wade to the west bank without boat bridges.

Chen Hansan was cautious. In addition to stationing troops and horses in Tancheng County, he also set up a Yishui camp at the dam with 4,000 troops and horses.

No one thought that the Jiangdong Left Army would rush to help Siyang, instead of rushing to transfer the water camp to pick up the ferry, but bypassing the location of the Yishui barrage, intending to break through the Yishui camp and cross the river.

Zhang Gou and Chen Zui calculated the distance, and the Tancheng County defenders rushed to the Yishui camp to support them, so it might not be faster than them. Stop resting immediately, urging the soldiers to walk all night, thinking that Chen Hansan saw the fire burning in the direction of Yishui Camp, and sent cavalry to help, and should arrive at the same time as them... As long as the Yishui Camp does not stand until tomorrow noon Lost, they rushed over to give Jiangdong Zuojun a wonderful cover-up.


The Yishui Camp is similar to the Zhaiqiao Camp. It is also divided into east and west camps on both sides of the river, but there are no ready-made villages and town forts to use. Much thinner.

This also shows that the human and material resources that the refugee army can organize in a short period of time is far from being on a par with the Jiangdong Zuo Army.

In just one month, the Jiangdong Zuo Army built a new fortress at Shukou on the south bank of the Huaihe River with a scale comparable to that of a prefecture and county, and even wrapped the rammed earth wall with city wall bricks; , and also built a large-scale ferry terminal.

Perhaps Yishui is not the main defense direction of the refugee army. The blockade of the north and south mainly relies on Tancheng in the north, and the number of troops stationed in the Yishui camp is also much smaller.

That's fine, otherwise Lin Fu and the others wouldn't be able to choose Yishui Camp to make a breakthrough.

Lin Fu, Qin Chengzu, Ning Zechen and others set out from Shukou at noon, and led the Fengli Battalion with five battalions of infantry, one battalion of Gongyi battalion auxiliary soldiers, one sentinel heavy cavalry and two sentinel shield auxiliary soldiers. Zhou Pu led four More than a hundred light-armored cavalrymen cooperated with Zhao Hu to advance to the Zhaiqiao camp under Chen Hansan's headquarters, and after dark, they turned westward and came to meet.

Although the troops were mainly infantry when they set out from Shukou Yingzhai, and there were only more than 200 heavy cavalry people, the army was equipped with as many as 1,000 mules, which provided good maneuverability for short-distance rushing through the wilderness.

From Shukou to the northwest direction of the Yishui Camp of the Refugee Army, about 140 miles away, 4,000 elites rushed to the Yishui Camp of the Refugee Army just before dawn.

Approaching the camp of the refugee army in Yishui, the sky was not yet bright, and the brilliance of the stars and the moon in the four fields was still shining in the twilight.

Lin Fu didn't mean to let the army rest for a while before attacking, so he would take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness and surprise, and attack at night.

In the light of twilight, the refugee army scattered outside the camp, the scouts who were chasing and killing were desperately running back, shouting: "Attack, close the door!" On the eastern horizon where the faint morning light is leaking, the shadows are layer upon layer, and it is impossible to know how many soldiers and horses attacked at night.

The soldiers of the refugee army who were sleeping soundly in the camp were awakened by the trumpet, stunned and dazed, and when they heard the general's scolding, they hurriedly got up and put on military uniforms and armor, picked up their weapons, and hurriedly guarded the wall of the fortress; in the darkness, the number of campfires was limited, More people are a mess.

Outside the camp, the light cavalry spread out, the heavy cavalry covered their armor, and the auxiliary soldiers with swords and shields followed, and they charged with chariots.

A rider stopped a little outside, lined up for a while, and from here, he raised his hoofs and rushed to the outside of the fence just to reach the highest speed.

The heavily armored cavalry, with man and horse and armor, weighed more than a thousand catties, and looked like a human-shaped tank in Lin Bing's eyes. When the speed is increased to the highest, the four heavy armored riders keep pace, which can make the earth shake slightly.

The arrows shot from the wall of the wall, "ding ding dang dang", blocked the armor. Few arrows were shot through the gap between the armor pieces, and they did not cause fatal injuries, and they prevented less than four heavy armored soldiers. Riding across the fence that was no more than three feet into the soil, he ran into it.

The fence usually consists of two rows of fences~www.wuxiaspot.com~ high on the outside and low on the inside. The outside fence also needs to leave a crenel for archery. On the two rows of fences, there are horizontal woods, and soldiers can stand on it to guard.

If conditions permit, the middle of the two rows of grid walls should be filled with soil and compacted to strengthen the structural strength of the grid walls.

If there are still conditions, the two rows of grid walls should be erected as high and wide as possible, filled with lime, sand and stone, bamboo bars and wood chips, and rammed into a real version of the city wall. will be as strong as a fortress.

If there are still conditions, take the grid wall as the wall core, increase the height and thickness of the rammed earth, and cover the city bricks, it will become a real solid city wall.

The refugee army set up the Yishui camp, and in a hurry, the two rows of fences were filled with sandy reclaimed soil taken from nearby, and the top was covered with crossbars to stand people, and there was no condition to take waterproof measures.

For more than a month, three to five days out of ten days in the Huaisi area experienced heavy rains, and the cross-boards could not prevent the rainwater from infiltrating into the fence.

The chariot and the catapult that was being assembled behind did not have a chance to be used. Under the combined force of the four heavy armored cavalry, they saw the current hollow fence of more than ten feet leaning inward together, and the refugee soldiers on the fence. It was also thrown out, and there was no chance to shoot the armored cavalry that landed.

The armored warhorse is naturally broken and broken, and the cavalry on the horseback can escape the most violent impact, be thrown off the horse, or be crushed under the horse. The light armored cavalry that followed behind galloped away, dragged them away, and made way for the entire row of armored cavalry behind to charge...

Although armored cavalry has many shortcomings, it has to be admitted that on special battlefields, armored cavalry has an invincible formidable power.

Lin Bie sat on the back of a horse and watched dozens of heavy armored cavalry jump into the enemy camp from the gap in the overturned fence. Since it was so easy to break the gap of the enemy camp, it was natural for the armored soldiers to follow up... My QT The room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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