Lord of the House

Vol 10 Chapter 102: when it's not raining

Huang Jinnian was quite excited to learn that Huaidong's troops and horses in East Mindong had begun to retreat. Before he and Lin Xuwen were in Jiangning, they were worried that the main force of Huaidong's troops and horses in East Mindong would not be able to withdraw in time or catch up. Eastern soldiers and horses will move so fast.

This is also a huge benefit of Huaidong's control of the East China Sea and the development of shipping. In the past, after an elite team experienced a series of difficult battles in which nearly one-third of casualties were reduced, they had to travel thousands of miles to fight in other places, and the possibility of the entire army collapsing higher...

After the Zhejiang-Fujian rebels captured Huizhou, Jiangning officials also expected that Huaidong, Huaixi and Jiangzhou would return to help in time, but they all believed that Jiangning had to get through the initial difficult period before waiting for outside reinforcements to come.

Of course, even if Huaidong troops and horses arrive in eastern Zhejiang, they will not be able to go north immediately; not to mention the Huaidong troops and horses who have gone through continuous and difficult battles. The defense arrangement is well arranged, and troops and horses are dispatched to help, and the trip will not be possible in just three to five days.

Huang Jinnian remembered something and asked Sun Wenbing: "Huidong still has nearly 10,000 soldiers and horses in Hailing. Are you ready to go to Jiangning?"

"The soldiers and horses in Hailing, I don't think you need to rush over here," Lin Xuwen said, "Jiangning's edict to Huaidong was sent directly to Mingzhou, and on the surface, it was hoped that it would be directly transferred to the old seventeen through Mingzhou. , but in fact the emperor and Chen Xiang did not want Huaidong troops to enter Jiangning first..."

Sun Wenbing didn't say anything. It's not hard to guess what Emperor Yongxing and Chen Xiyan were thinking.

Huaidong had troops stationed in Hailing, but Jiangning was not aware of it. The imperial edicts to Huaidong and Hanghu Army were sent to the southeast at the same time. How could Hanghu Army be one step ahead of Huaidong.

"It's burning their ass, they are still on guard against Huaidong, waiting for Meng Yishan to lead the Hanghu army to the south to make a big defeat, waiting for the rebels to come under the city, and tell them to continue to be on guard!" Huang Jinnian sneered, but he didn't elaborate. Come to think of it, he can still understand the mentality of Emperor Yongxing and Chen Xiyan.

Huizhou collapsed, and the imperial court blamed Xie Chaozhong for only talking on paper, incompetent and exhausting thousands of troops.

Even though the Zhejiang-Fujian rebels had already opened the gateway to Jiangning, they had not made any further moves in Ningguo for several days, not to mention that there was still a bit of luck in the heart of the panic-stricken Manchu civil and military officials who were still separated by more than 300 miles.

If Huaidong troops and horses entered Jiangning first, and then the rebels rushed over, there would inevitably be a situation in which Huaidong troops and horses entered the city to assist in the defense, while other reinforcements were blocked from outside. Emperor Yongxing and Chen Xiyan inevitably thought "it's easy to ask God to send him away". worries...

"From Hailing to Jiangning, you have to travel 400 miles against the current, and it doesn't take a day or two to come here. In addition, the adults may be able to arrive in Mingzhou today, and the news will not arrive in Jiangning until the day after tomorrow at the earliest. But Master Fu As well as the meaning of Qin, they are worried that Meng Yishan will be greedy for merit and will bury the Hanghu Army under the blade of the luxury family. If the Hanghu Army rashly collapses, Jiangning's heart will be completely shaken, and Jiangning will be in jeopardy... ..." Sun Wenbing said.

Huang Jinnian sighed, "Meng Yishan has already entered Jiangning City."

Sun Wenbing was startled, but he didn't expect to worry about what to do, he continued: "If Meng Yishan can lead the Hanghu Army into Jiangning City, Jiangning can still defend it; if Meng Yishan... Master Fu means that I hope that Lin Xiang and Lord Huang will be able to do so when the time comes. In the name of the supervisor's urging war, I went to the Hailing Army..."

With Huaidong's edict, Zhao Hu could march west along the Jiangxi from Hailing, but whether the troops and horses gather together and then go fast or slow is all within Huaidong's control. Going against the current and catching up with the headwind in winter, it is Huaidong's ability to go fast, and it is natural to go slow.

At this time, Emperor Yongxing, Chen Xiyan and others were still lucky, so they didn't want Huaidong troops to come to Jiangning first. The Hailing Army led by Zhao Hu became the only life-saving straw that Jiangning could seize at that time. It was also right to send ministers to comfort the army to supervise the war—and it was also the best excuse for Lin Xuwen and Huang Jinnian to leave the dangerous land of Jiangning.

Huang Jinnian was afraid that he would treat Huaidong as an abandoned son. Hearing that Huaidong made this arrangement, he felt a little at ease.

Lin Xuwen only said: "I'll talk about it at that point," and asked, "How is the situation over the river mouth?"

"The evacuation of Hekou has been completed, but a considerable number of people prefer to believe that the Jiangning city wall is indestructible, and they cannot be forced to go to the north bank or Shangyu Island," Sun Wenbing said. Trust me, the armored bows and crossbows have also been distributed, and more than a thousand townships have also been compiled to defend the island. The Imperial Camp Division told the Ministry of War that they would send supervisors, and I have to ask Lin Xiang for instructions..."

"This is also a rule, then let them send someone over there..." Lin Xuwen said.

"Okay," Sun Wenbing replied, the Yuying Division sent a personal decoration in the past, and there would be no hindrance, and added, "I have also contacted all the factions of the River Gang, and ships from Donghuamen and Xicheng are continuing. Moving to the north bank, but some river gang forces in Longzangpu in the south of the city are still quite optimistic, and it is suspected that the luxury family has already infiltrated forces, and there is no action for the time being..."

Before She Feihu, Du Rong had been operating in Jiangning and other places for several years, and it was difficult to remove the She family's hidden power in Jiangning. Lin Bie met Du Rong in Mingzhou and invited him to join Huaidong before he set off on the expedition to Mindong. However, Du Rong refused, and Huaidong lost the opportunity to completely remove all the secret stakes of the luxury family in Jiangning.

Lin Xuwen frowned and said, "The factions in Jiangning are too complicated, and the imperial court has not issued a clear decree, and it is impossible to evacuate all the nearby ships. The twenty-four towns and four major rice cities outside Jiangning city only occupy the estuary of the river. First, many workshops including Longjiang Shipyard, Ministry of Industry, and many granaries of the Ministry of Household and Military Leaders are all located in the outer city. Right now, we can only say which step can be achieved. Even if Jiangning City is defended, The imperial court will also suffer greatly..."

The she family's navy once numbered tens of thousands, and although Huaidong's vitality was greatly damaged, he still had some foundations. If the She family navy abandoned their ships and landed, and obtained enough ships in Jiangning City, they could temporarily make up another navy, which would be a major threat to Huaidong's important consideration. However, even if Huaidong can withdraw all the civilian ships near Jiangning, it is difficult to guarantee that the Jiangning navy will not capture warships for the She family. At present, the only way is to reduce the possibility of the She family obtaining warships from Jiangning as much as possible. impossible.

Sun Wenbing and Lin Xulu had a secret discussion at Lin Xuwen's mansion in the middle of the night, and only went to the guest room to rest in the early morning, planning to go out of the city for the next deployment after dawn.

At this time, the cold moon hanging above the night sky was covered by a corner of the dark clouds, and the faint moonlight fell on the eaves of the house of Wang Xueshan, the minister of households...

Wang Xueshan was sleepless in the study.

Who would have thought that supporting Xie Chaozhong to lead his troops to the west of Zhejiang would be the most stinky move since he entered office. Now, for the Wang family, the rebel soldiers are next to Jiangning. Wang Xueshan has been in the officialdom for decades, and he knows the dangers of political struggle better than anyone else. will fall into utter danger.

"Da Da Da" someone knocked on the door outside. It was so late at night, and I didn't know who else came to disturb the family at this time. The servant boy who was in the outer room was also sleeping deeply. He didn't hear the knock on the door. Wang Xueshan put on his clothes and stood there. He got up and listened to his son Wang Chao calling from outside: "My child sees the light on my father's side..."

"It's so late, what's the matter?" Wang Xueshan opened the door and saw that in the corridor, in addition to his son Wang Chao, there were his son Xinna's concubine and a man in blue.

Leng Yue was covered by the dark clouds, and there was only a wind lantern in the atrium. The light was very dim. Wang Xueshan looked at this person's face, which was vaguely familiar. People came to the door in the middle of the night.

Wang Xueshan was very concerned about the door, and he was quite unhappy in his heart, thinking that it would be a mistake for such a woman to let her enter the door, and sooner or later she would cause a joke for the Wang family, blocking the door and not letting the three of them in, only said with a cold face: "It's all like this. It's too late, I'll talk about it tomorrow, it's a mess, and everyone comes into the house in the middle of the night~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What kind of promotion, do you want to make a joke for the Wang family?"

"Master Wang, I haven't seen each other for many years, and I don't know the old friend today?" She Feihu said with a smile.

Hearing the familiar voice, Wang Xueshan's heart trembled, and he took a step back subconsciously. The light in the room leaked out and shone on She Feihu's face. In addition to being shocked, Wang Xueshan shouted sharply, "Second Young Master is so bold. , you are a rebel, dare to break into my mansion alone, come here!"

There were servants in the left and right compartments. After listening to the second son's voice, some got up to serve. At this moment, Wang Xueshan shouted sharply and angered, and they all rushed out without knowing what was going on. Wang Xueshan's personal **** picked up the sword and rushed into the courtyard. Seeing She Feihu, he could not help but grab him and put the sword on his neck.

Besides him, who else could be a rebel?

"Lord Wang handed people over to the imperial court, which can be a great achievement. How can Lord Wang explain to the imperial court that I was in the palace in the middle of the night?" She Feihu laughed, as if he was not afraid of the knife on his neck.

The people who broke into the yard were all the cronies who had followed Wang Xuesan for many years. Some people had seen She Feihu with Wang Xueshan, and they were stunned when they saw She Feihu's face through the light. The She family had assembled soldiers in Ningguo and was about to attack in a big way. As for Jiang Ning, how could such an important person in the luxury family appear here?

"Father!" Wang Chao said in a low voice.

Wang Xueshan's face was gloomy and uncertain, he swept across Chen Ruyi's demonic brow and caused harm to all beings, he could understand many things in a second, and said in a calm voice: "Tie him up, no news is allowed to leak, who dares to leak it. Just a few words, who do I want to look good!" He motioned his squire to tie She Feihu to his study, and then said in a deep voice to his sons Wang Chao and Chen Ruyi, "Come in with me!" My QT room is open ! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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