Lord of the House

Vol 10 Chapter 103: who does the oriole

(Unknowingly, Xiaochen actually passed three million words)

After sending all the servants out, Wang Xueshan stared at She Feihu, who was tied to Wuhuada and sitting on the cold paved stone ground, and said coldly: "The dog is not late, and the demon girl is bewitched to welcome the thief in the middle of the night. When the son is handed over, it is a lot for this old man to be slapped in front of the emperor, but if you want to hand over the second son, there is always some credit!"

She Feihuji sat on the ground, looked at Wang Xueshan's thin face under the light, the corners of his eyes were wrinkled, and said with a smile, "Can Xie Chaozhong be responsible for the defeat in Huizhou, Mr. Wang?"

Wang Xueshan's face twitched. It was his son Wang Chao who heard from Chen Ruyi that Chen Xiyan was going to investigate the case of the Ministry of Housing and Banking, which finally prompted him and Wang Tian to defect and insist that Xie Chaozhong send troops.

He has already offended Chen Xiyan, as long as he gives Chen Xiyan an excuse, his family will be doomed - even if he is bewitched or deceived, he can't bear the responsibility of Xie Chaozhong's defeat. The emperor also needed a fig leaf to turn all his anger on him.

Will Yu Xinyuan and Wang Tian still stand with him?

Wang Xueshan shook his head silently in his heart.

This is probably the reason why She Feihu dares to break in alone, right? Wang Xueshan sneered in his heart, stared into She Feihu's eyes, and said, "Second Young Master is really a no-brainer, but if Second Young Master never shows up in Jiangning City, no one will know that Second Young Master has entered Jiangning City and wants to come to my Wang family. Wouldn't it do any harm?"

Chen Ruyi's complexion changed greatly as she listened to it, but Wang Xueshan was so vicious that he wanted to silence them.

She Feihu laughed and said, "There are very few people in Jiangning city that I can admire, Lord Wang is one of them, but before Lord Wang kills me, I want to ask Lord Wang: Do you really think that the 40,000 wine bags and rice bags in Jiangning City can really stop my army of extravagant families from taking Jiangning?" Seeing Wang Xueshan's blushing face, She Feihu continued, "If Meng Yishan leads the Hanghu army into Jiangning City, my army of extravagant families will still be there. Can temporarily avoid the edge; or Yue Lengqiu, Dong Yuan or Lin Fu come to Jiangning in time, or can solve the danger of hanging, in these four cases, in addition to Dong Yuan assisting Jiangning, Hanghu Army, Jiangzhou Army, Huaidong Army enter Jiangning City, which one is Lord Wang willing to see?"

Wang Xueshan's heart twitched for a while, She Feihu came prepared, and every word hit his vital points.

The Hanghu Army was almost supported by Chen Xiyan, and Meng Yishan led the Hanghu Army into Jiangning, which Wang Xueshan naturally did not want to see.

As early as the beginning of the year, Jiang Ning proposed a two-line military plan for the Shejia. Jiangzhou Army and Huaidong Army were the main directions for military use after the autumn. It became idle chess—to say that Yue Lengqiu had no resentment towards this result, Wang Xueshan would not believe it if he was beaten to death. Yue Lengqiu led Jiangzhou soldiers to come to Jiangning in time, which was not a good thing for Wang Xueshan.

If Huaidong were to gain power, Wang Xueshan could figure out what the consequences would be with his toes?

Dong Yuan had the weakest foundation in Chao Zhong, and after the break of the Wu Party, Dong Yuan remained silent. Only when Dong Yuan gained power could he most likely hope to maintain a balance between the DPRK and China, and would not over-strike which faction.

But the reality in front of him was that Dong Yuan wanted to defend against the Yan prisoners in Huaixi. If Huaixi troops are empty, the Yanlu army will be able to pour in from Huaixi. Chen Xiyan and others are strongly opposed to the deployment of reinforcements from Huaixi. The Dongyang Army belongs to Huaidong Temperance in name, but in fact it belongs to the Huaidong and Jiangzhou military departments...

Wang Xueshan grabbed a chair in silence and sat down, his face ashen, looked at She Feihu, and said, "I am a minister of the household who is sitting on a bench, and the second son probably won't expect me to help when the army of the She family attacks the city. Are you going to open the city gate?"

Hearing Wang Xueshan's change of tone, She Feihu smiled, struggled to stand up from the cold paved ground, and said, "No—I might as well tell Mr. Wang about the deployment of my luxury army, and next, I will meet you. Dividing troops to attack Danyang will not be surprising to the Hanghu Army in Danyang. Jiangning will transfer Hanghu Army to defend Liyang or Liyang, and it will not be surprising if they stand in front of Jiangning. My army has been defeated, and I hope that Lord Wang can persuade Yu Yushi and Wang Xiangye to persuade the emperor to take refuge in Huaixi..."

"To persuade the emperor to leave Jiangning!" Wang Xueshan asked sternly.

"Yes, if Lord Wang can persuade the emperor to go to Huaixi, Dong Yuan will naturally be grateful to Lord Wang. Besides, after the emperor leaves Jiangning, he will naturally leave Chen Xiyan and Cheng Yuqian to guard Jiangning. Why would Lord Wang not do it? Of course, if Wang You don't have to be afraid that the She family will treat you badly when you stay in Jiangning," She Feihu said with a smile, "Lord Wang, look at how thoughtful I am for Sir Wang!"

"The She family is not afraid of the Huaidong army's oriole being behind and entering Jiangning City first?" Wang Xueshan asked in return, "Isn't the Zhejiang and Fujian army not advancing in Ningguo, after all, afraid of the Huaidong fisherman's profit?"

The corner of She Feihu's mouth twitched, but he quickly regained his composure, and said, "Lord Wang's words are absurd. If there is a chair for me to sit on, I'd be willing to have a heart-to-heart talk with Lord Wang..."

Wang Xueshan motioned his son to bring the chair for She Feihu to sit down. She Feihu's mouth twitched just now, letting him know that he had taken the initiative. Among the people in Jiangning, Wang Xueshan and Lin Fu had been entangled the longest and had deep grievances. The understanding is also the deepest. The She family has no disadvantage elsewhere, but when they compete with Huaidong, which time can they take advantage of it? To say that the She family's troops and horses stopped in Ningguo, it is not because they are worried that Huaidong's troops and horses will be behind the oriole. Others will believe it, but Wang Xueshan does not.

It's a pity that on the eve of the Ning-Lu battle, Wang Xueshan was on the front line with Gu Wuchen on the surface. Although Gu Wuchen was quickly thrown away, Lin Fu had already chosen Lin Xuwen and Huang Jinnian as Huaidong's spokespersons in Jiangning. At that time, I could only stand with Chen Xiyan and Yu Xinyuan.

In the three years since the new emperor ascended the throne, Wang Xueshan was also careful not to get involved in political disputes and deeper conflicts, but he was deceived and stumbled when Xie Chaozhong led the army, and was forced to choose to stand against Huaidong and Chen Xiyan again.

"..." She Feihu wanted to convince Wang Xueshan to be used by the She family, so naturally he couldn't show his timidity, and said, "Huaidong would like my She family troops and horses to invade Jiangning earlier. The Jiangzhou army can watch the show in the periphery of Jiangning. Even if Jiangning falls and Emperor Yongxing dies, Huaidong can still negotiate with the Hanghu Army, Jiangzhou Army, and Huaixi Army to establish King Lu, but Huaidong will never care. Will Lord Wang be the prisoner of my extravagant family..."

"The Huaidong Army, Hanghu Army, and Jiangzhou Army are all on the periphery of Jiangning. Even if the She family wins Jiangning, I'm afraid they won't be able to stand firm!" Wang Xueshan said.

"Master Wang is really a smart person, and he can see clearly the concerns of my luxury family," She Feihu said with a smile, "My luxury family is indeed the same, so I deliberately slowed down in Ningguo for half a beat, and let the Hanghu army approach first. Jiangning. If Lord Wang, Prime Minister Wang, and Yushi Yu, regardless of personal gains and losses, persuade Emperor Yongxing to let the Hanghu Army enter Jiangning City to defend the city, my family can only divide troops to fight Danyang. The emperor sent to the south to block the blade of my she family, and my she family will naturally rudely eat the hanghu army first..."

Speaking of which, She Feihu's eyes flashed with murderous intent, making Wang Xueshan and others feel cold, and then they remembered that She Feihu was an invincible general on the battlefield, and couldn't help but wonder if those ropes could tie She Feihu firmly. .

"Master Wang, if the Hanghu Army eats even the belt bones, do you think which of the Huaixi Army, Jiangzhou Army, or Huaidong Army will enter Jiangning first?" She Feihu asked.

Wang Xueshan's face was gloomy and uncertain, it was not something he could accurately judge when it came to this level of strategy, but how could he admit defeat and said, "Second Young Master is honest, I'm not afraid of revealing your family's secrets. ?"

"Haha," She Feihu laughed again, "In addition to handing me over, who would believe what Lord Wang said? Or is it that Lord Wang can now point fingers at Jiangning's defense!"

A look of anger flashed across Wang Xueshan's face, but he had to admit that Xie Chaozhong's defeat made him, Yu Xinyuan and Wang Tian lose the right to speak in many matters.

"Speaking of which, I really want to thank you, Mr. Wang. The army of Western Zhejiang has prepared a lot of grain and grass in Huizhou without any damage. Therefore, my army can occupy Huizhou and watch the development of the situation, even if it drags on for more than half a year. Don't be anxious. The Huaidong Army may have this patience, the Jiangzhou Army and the Huaixi soldiers and horses definitely don't have this patience, and Jiang Ning probably won't be able to last for half a year..." She Feihu said with a smile.

Wang Xueshan felt that the luxury flying tiger was not right, but he could not think of the problem for a while.

Indeed, Jiangzhou and Yuzhang were at war, and Yue Lengqiu couldn't raise enough food and grass from Jiangzhou, so he could only rely on Jiangning's supply. In fact, in order for Xie Chaozhong to send troops from the middle route to attack western Zhejiang, Jiangning has reduced the supply to Jiangzhou from the beginning of autumn.

The Shejia forces did not advance, but they used Jiangning as a bait to defeat all reinforcements one by one. Wang Xueshan thought that the Shejia was really ruthless and savage, but said in his mouth: "The Shejia's thoughts are wonderful. , but unfortunately Huaidong may not let the luxury family get their wish?"

"Huaidong may not let the She family get their wish, but it will definitely not let Lord Wang get your wish," She Feihu said, "I don't think it is necessary to have a verbal dispute. As long as the Hanghu Army is defeated, Lord Wang can persuade you to do so. When Emperor Yongxing leaves Jiangning, the luxury family will remember the great favor of Lord Wang! Apart from that, there is nothing else to ask for."

Of course, Wang Xueshan could understand the benefits of persuading the emperor to take refuge in Huaixi for the luxury family: first, the emperor would take part of the imperial army to **** the emperor when he left Jiangning. When the emperor goes to Huaixi, he will definitely rely on Dong Yuan completely, and the contradiction between Huaidong and Huaixi will become more profound and antagonistic.

In order to suppress Huaidong at that time, Dong Yuan might even allow the She family to take a breather.

If the emperor died in Jiangning City, Huaixi, Jiangzhou, Jinghu, Xiangzhou and other places would be far inferior to Huaidong in terms of strength, and the kings of the clan would not be as good as the empress dowagers that Huaidong currently controls in terms of bloodline and justifiable name. King Lu; unless everyone slaps their butts away and lets Yanlu come in, basically it is now certain that after Emperor Yongxing, Huaidong will support King Lu and all the vassals will be attached to each other.

At that time, Huaidong will dominate, and the situation of the luxury family will only be more difficult than it is now.

Laying down Jiangning City and capturing Emperor Yongxing alive would not be of much benefit to the luxury family. Instead, it would urge Emperor Yongxing to flee to Huaixi for refuge, leaving Jiangning as an empty city for the luxury family to fetch. The more muddy the water is, the more beneficial the She family is. If Huaidong, Huaixi and Jiangzhou fight against each other, the She family's chess will all be alive. Wang Xueshan thought to himself: Is this the real plan of the old fox of the She family? As expected, he is a character who has been fighting with Li Zhuo for ten years.

"It's getting dark. If Lord Wang has not made up his mind to kill me or hand me over, please let me retire." She Feihu said, seeing Wang Xueshan's expression stuck there, he would forcefully snap the rope tied to his body. , said to Wang Chao, "I also bother Wang Shaojun to send each other off, so as not to cause misunderstanding when I go out..."

Wang Chao looked at She Feihu, but he didn't expect the hemp rope with thick fingers to be so useless, doesn't it mean that She Feihu wanted to kill his father and son easily in this room, his face turned pale with horror, he looked at his father again, no Know what to do?

"You can send the second son out!" Wang Xueshan said sullenly. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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