Lord of the House

Vol 10 Chapter 121: fight bravely

In the past, Huaidong attacked Mingzhou Prefecture, Yongjia Prefecture, Taizhou Prefecture, Kuaiji Prefecture, and East Mindong, mostly for the attack and defense of cities in the mountains. The marching troops also spread their feet and run within a safe range, and they would become quite cautious before encountering the enemy.

In the early years of King Qin of Yannan and the early Huaisi War, the characteristics of the Huaidong Army's rapid movement and combat in the plain area were not well understood by the generals of the Zhejiang and Fujian Army.

Just like Zheng Mingjing, Zhou Puduo has served as the chief guard beside Lin Fu over the years, and outsiders also lack sufficient understanding of his temperament.

Zheng Mingjing was also a brave general. He was able to take the lead before he personally went to Hetang to scout the enemy. Who would have thought that there was almost no warning that a large group of cavalrymen from the Huaidong Army would come over?

Zhou Pu recognized that there was a big fish ahead, and he did not care about his position in Huaidong. It was not a big fish for the Zhejiang and Fujian troops. Follow slowly behind.

In broad daylight, the field of vision is also wide, and Zheng Mingjing can't escape if he wants to change his clothes and armor, so he can only constantly separate out the dead to intercept.

The enemy divided his troops to intercept them, and Zhou Pu also divided his troops, wrapping the enemy soldiers with three to four times the strength.

Zhou Pu just stared at the general of Zhejiang and Fujian who was protecting Beiben from the enemy, and held on to it.

The cavalry that Zheng Ming personally led to Hetang for reconnaissance were all personal guards, and the personal guards were cronies and confidants, but protecting the general's safety was their duty that they had to perform.

Even in the Huaidong Army, there was an iron rule that "the master will die, and the guards will be killed without any military exploits, and those who survive without injury".

The soldiers and horses separated by the Zhejiang and Fujian troops had the will to protect the master and die, but they were at an absolute disadvantage in terms of strength.

The cavalry led by Zhou Pu were originally the elite soldiers of the Su Wei beside Lin Fu, all of whom were good at cavalry, archery, and swordsmanship. This time, although he went south with the army, he never had the opportunity to participate in the battle. Like Zhou Pu, he was bored from top to bottom and wanted to vent out in a hearty battle.

These days, some people are afraid of death, some people are bloodthirsty, and the Huaidong cavalry must belong to the latter.

From Hetang to Fangjiawa, within a dozen or so miles, the enemy and us fought into groups. In the shadow of the knife and blood, people kept their heads separated, their horses fell to the ground, and they landed on the frozen winter land that had not yet melted. sound.

The Huaidong cavalry battalion, relying on its absolute strength and slight casualties, slashed and slaughtered the group of Zhejiang and Fujian cavalry soldiers who were eager to protect the master and took the initiative to cut off the back. Only a few people broke through and fled, and it was too late to chase.

The wounded were wounded, gathered together, and took care of the serious injuries. The rest of the men and horses continued to beat the horses and rushed forward to join Zhou Pu; Zhao Bao and others would lead the main force of the riding battalion and follow them step by step to prevent Zhou Pu from meeting in front. Vol, be prepared to rush to rescue at any time.

Fangjiawa is a shallow lake in the upper reaches of the Shahe River. The water in the upper reaches has been cut off, the white stream and rocks are exposed in the valley, and the water surface is only two or three paces wide, and the water surface is only two or three paces wide, and it flows northward from the pond. shin.

The lake beach exposed after drying up, as well as large swathes of fallen reeds, are embedded in the low mountains, like a brown fleece blanket.

When Zheng Mingjing fled to Fangjiawa, there were more than 20 cavalry guards left. At this time, after sunrise, the two thousand foot soldiers who set off from Yaojiachong camp and went south along the west bank of the Shahe just arrived and were on their way to Fang's house. At the bottom of the pot, from the upstream, along the river bank, more than 2,000 infantrymen were divided into four columns, stretching for several miles.

Zheng Mingjing was surrounded by cavalry and ran wildly all the way. Even when he came to the south of Fangjiawa, he encountered the outpost sent by the two thousand foot soldiers, and he could not escape and return to the two thousand foot soldiers in advance to warn the two thousand foot soldiers. When the **** heard the police whistle blowing while the sentry cavalry was running wildly, Zhou Pu had already led three hundred cavalry to a low ridge at the southern head of Shangjiawa.

Zheng Ming entered the infantry formation by galloping horses, but he did not feel the joy of being saved and reunited.

The enemy generals are so daring to fight, if they rush forward without hesitation at all, they will not even have time to change their formation. The infantry collided with a large group of cavalry during the march, which can only be said to be a disaster.

Zheng Mingjing stabbed the horse with the scabbard with hatred, the horse neighed in pain, his front hooves did not lift up and kicked twice in the air, and his body suddenly fell down—Zheng Mingjing jumped away in time, watching the war horse that had followed him for several years fell to the ground and vomited. Bai Mo, in a bad mood.

In the past few months, Zheng Mingjing has served as a soldier many times, leading his troops to rush into the formation. This famous horse has also been injured many times, leaving behind dark illnesses. He ran wildly all the way, but he couldn't support it and fell to the ground.

Zheng Mingjing had an ominous omen in his heart. He stepped on a warhorse that was given up by the lower congregation. It was a marching formation, and it was difficult to stop the chasing soldiers from passing by from the flank.

There was no time to gather more than 2,000 people into formation, and the left hilltop was separated by a dry valley full of rubble, which was somewhat obstructive to the cavalry chasing after.

When the two thousand infantry marched in the shape of a long snake, they hurriedly encountered the enemy. Only by looking for a point on the flank that was close to both ends could they gather the formation at the fastest speed and at least protect the soft flank on the left. A frontal charge by the enemy.

Zhou Pu straddled the horse, took the reins, and had a panoramic view of Fangjiawa. He looked like he was no more than six or seven hundred paces away from the two thousand soldiers of the Zhejiang and Fujian troops.

Watching the big fish that was chasing after more than ten kilometers into the infantry formation, Zhou Pu's whole body was churning with blood, not a pity, not a pity, but a murderous excitement.

Zhou Pu's eyes were wide open. He knew that he led the cavalry on a rampage, and at least completely disrupted the peripheral deployment of the Zhejiang-Fujian Army's left wing headquarters.

There were about 2,000 soldiers of the Zhejiang-Fujian army in front of them, and even if they were ambush soldiers, they didn't have time to reach the ambush position they should have been.

In addition to favorable terrain, the infantry can face the cavalry attack head-on, but also rely on a tight formation.

There were more than 2,000 scattered infantrymen, and they were at a low place in the terrain. How could Zhou Pu miss this opportunity.

Zhou Pu drew his knife and gestured to the surrounding terrain, and ordered one after another: "Wei Xu, Chen Daozi, you take the people to the top of the mountain on the left first; Ma Pohou, you take the people directly to the east, and I will count two hundred for you. Number, when the time is up, rush down together, if these two thousand people don't take it down, you will cut off your eggs and drink for Lao Tzu!"

The generals of the cavalry battalion are not at all worried that there will be hands and feet such as tripping horse ropes and trapping horses. The enemy soldiers are so chaotic, it is definitely not a disguise. The chaotic formation, as long as there are two hundred cavalry rushing up before they gather, they can be defeated.

In the blink of an eye, more than a hundred cavalry each scattered to the two wings and seized the low mountains around the depression without any delay.

Zhou Pu wouldn't be really stupid to sit on the horse's back and count, and seeing that the two wings were almost in place, he patted the horse and led his troops down first, passing the left side of the pond. The enemy army just sent thirty to fifty people to form a loose array to block the first block. Zhou Pu galloped his horse, and an enemy soldier stood in front of the horse, with a spear in his hand to Zhou Pu's right side. Pu was unhappy and scolded: "I want you to do more things!" He also slashed with a knife, directly breaking his helmet and breaking his forehead. When he closed the knife in a trailing style, blood and white mixed things poured out of the wound - all this went on, the knife edge turned out to be Unbroken and unrolled.

Zhou Pu still wanted to rush forward, and the guards from left and right came over and forced him to pause for a while; two more people dismounted directly, one held a knife to help Zhou Pu hold the reins, and the other held a shield to protect the front. Zhou Pu could only watch helplessly as others rushed into the enemy line ahead of him to fight.

"You are going to be mad at me!" Zhou Pu was so angry that he screamed, holding the reins and wanting to kick the horse and persuaded him, "Master Leopard needs to be short of hair, no matter how many we kill the enemy, we will have no success! This military exploit Let us fetch it!" Someone else kindly handed over a big bow, and Zhou Pu finally relieved his anger and took the bow.

In addition to the three or five hundred people who had already run up the hill, most of the soldiers from Zhejiang and Fujian were in chaos on the hillside and at the foot of the hill. Even if there were archers and shields, they were fighting separately, and they had to be squeezed from left and right. The broken arrows shot, with limited power.

If the infantry had no formation, naturally they could not pose a threat to the Huaidong cavalry wearing light armor.

Huaidong's armored light cavalry and many abandoned bows and crossbows directly charged into the chaos with their swords. Only Zhou Puqi, who was surrounded by left and right, could not penetrate the enemy's line, and took the big bows to find those enemy generals in good armor to shoot them.

In addition to heavy armored cavalry, Huaidong armored light cavalry is equipped with special swords, which are three inches longer than ordinary swords, but lighter. Yuri cuts.

The top of the hill occupied by Zheng Mingjing is not high, but a section of the **** is very steep, and there are a lot of gravel below the slope, which is formed by weathering. The horse rushed over and skidded without being able to stand, and fell down with a dozen people in a row, and shot the Zhejiang and Fujian troops on the hill to kill. Zhou Pu was forced to take back the soldiers and horses on this wing to kill the random soldiers elsewhere.

Zheng Mingjing wanted to cry but had no tears. Except for the three or five hundred people who followed him up the hill, the other generals were beaten to pieces by the Huaidong cavalry. They wanted to escape. How could a two-legged man outrun a four-legged horse?

Zhou Pu didn't want to do too much damage to storm the mountain, and sent a sentry cavalry to stare at the mountain pass, and the other soldiers and horses scattered out to chase and defeat.

When the sun was sloping westward, Zhao Bao also came with a large cavalry battalion, nearly 1,500 cavalry, and surrounded the mountain.

There is a steep **** at the top of the mountain, and it is not easy to rush up on horses, but Wei Xu, Chen Daozi, Ma Pohou and other generals are still eager to fight, even Zhao Bao also took the initiative to ask the organizers to dismount to fight and attack.

"I don't know who the turtle son was trapped by the mountain." Zheng Mingjing's flag has not been lit, and here he just kills happily, there is not a single living prisoner, Zhou Pu squinted his eyes and looked, wearing armor and riding lightly, there is no What advantage is there, the strong attack and lack of combat equipment, the four or five hundred people on the mountain can not collapse under this situation, they have to attack hard, and the casualties will not be few, except for a part of the Huaidong cavalry to stay in Xuzhou, the remaining 2,000 Almost all the rides were here, Zhou Pu thought about taking three to five hundred casualties to storm down the mountain, and there were so many people who wanted to scold him **** head back, touched his chin, and said, "Look at the meeting in Liyang. If there is any reaction, the person in front will take it easy and let Lao Tzu take it back. I will catch two more people and ask them; I also need someone to tell Tang Fuguan that if he can walk faster, there may be a chance to help..." My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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