Lord of the House

Vol 10 Chapter 122: stagnant enemy

Zhou Pu wanted to encircle the point for reinforcements, but the enemy reinforcements came very quickly. It was almost not long after the Fangjiawa battle, and the camp came from Yaojiachong.

All the way along the shallow water of the Shahe River, all the way to the west foot of Longya Mountain on the east bank of the Shahe River, all the way from the east foot of the Hengziling Mountain on the west bank of the Shahe River—the three-way crowd of nearly ten thousand people went straight to Fangjiawa. When the sun was still hanging on the top of Hengziling Mountain in the east, the front part reached the periphery of Fangjiawa.

At this time, Zhou Pu also knew that the important person trapped in Fangjiawa was Zheng Mingjing, the left-wing commander of the Zhejiang-Fujian Army, but there was nothing he could do, and it was too late to fight.

After Zhao Bao and the others came up, Zhou Pu only had a total of more than 1,500 horses available, and there were still more than 100 wounded who had to be protected and retreated. The battle continued in a hurry overnight, and the horses were at a loss. Tang Fuguan's troops were still more than 80 miles away from here, and they would not be able to catch up for a while.

The enemy supported three routes, each of which was twice as strong as the cavalry battalion. One route marched forward in a conical formation. They also learned from Huaidong that they equipped dozens of flying contradictory vehicles before the formation. Pointing, but to protect the two wings of the middle road.

"You bastard, it's not slow to learn from Huaidong," Zhou Pu spat, wishing he could smash a hole in the frozen ground, and said to the left and right, "There is no way to fight for now, Zhao Bao, you are leading someone here. This hill is guarded. I have nothing to send some people to practice running the slope. Don't tell him to settle down. When they settle down, we will not have peace. I will take someone to retreat to the south first, hit a sharp point, and raise our spirits. …”

"Is it still going to fight?" Chen Daozi asked. He was originally Sun Zhuang's subordinate, but he just asked Zhou Pu to come over and asked. I only fought one battle, but it was not enough. I was afraid that as soon as they retreated to the south, the enemy army would flee to Liyang City. Next, they had to fight Liyang City, which was also a matter of walking camps. How could he be willing?

Zhou Pu rubbed his hands together and said, "If you want to fight, you have to wait until Tang Fuguan comes over!" If he had twice as many troops in his hand, he would dare to try to cut through the enemy's aid and attack. The formation could not penetrate, and the casualties were controlled.

No matter how itchy his heart was, he had to endure it. Zhou Pu angrily drove away the other generals who demanded the war, ordered the cavalry battalion to shrink back, and let the enemy reinforcements enter Fangjiawa. Zheng Mingjing was able to catch the big fish again.

Zhou Pu led his troops to retreat to the south temporarily, and found a place where Taniguchi could shelter from the wind to rest temporarily, and Zhao Bao led two sentry cavalry to pin it on the south side of Fangjiawa.


Zheng Mingjing chewed the frozen rice balls, and before he had time to mourn for the generals who died in battle today, he stood under the canopy of pines and cypresses on the top of the hill, frowning and looking south:

Although he escaped unscathed, the current situation is not optimistic.

Just after the battle, the Huaidong Cavalry Battalion devoured 14,500 people, and most of them were the elites of Bamin. The main force of the left flank was forced to move forward to Fangjiawa, where there was no danger.

It's easy to get in, but it's difficult to get out. If you don't care about it, it's very likely that the main force of the Huaidong Army will stick here to fight.

At that time, don't say that it will take three or five days for the middle and right wing to delay, I am afraid that the main force of the left wing will be the first to be carried into the hands of the Huaidong Army.

Although the Huaidong Cavalry Camp was shrinking to the south, it was not far away. On a low ridge on the south side of Fangjiawa, it was only 600 or 700 paces away from here, and there were more than 200 cavalry stuck there like nails. Follow every move here.

How can Zheng Mingjing not worry about the situation in front of him?

Whoever owns the cavalry controls the battlefield.

The only cavalry on the left flank of the Zhejiang-Fujian Army was also exhausted in the early afternoon encounter. Zheng Mingjing could only watch the Huaidong Cavalry Sentinel easily cover the entire battlefield. They wanted to know the situation from the south to Guangde. If you can send someone to go to the depths of Xiling, and then go through the mountains in the middle of Xiling to the north of Guangde County for infiltration and reconnaissance, the delay is not a little bit.

Right now, the scouts were unable to send out the far post, and their vision was blocked by Lingtou in the south. It was unknown whether the main Huaidong cavalry was resting after retreating to the south, or was preparing for the next attack, so they did not dare to relax at all. Even if the generals stay in place, those with swords and shields are always alert to the enemy’s attack. If they can’t stop and rest, they will be very tired. Not to mention the cavalry who are nailed in the Nantouling field from time to time. Poe, it is even more difficult to find peace here.

Zheng Mingjing knew that this side was severely disturbed by the Huaidong cavalry, but there was no way to stop it.

The characteristics of cavalry are that they move as fast as the wind, and they do not pay much attention to the formation and formation. As long as the terrain is open and there is no obstacle between mountains and rivers, they can advance and retreat at any time when they are on horseback.

Surrounded by the unfavorable movement, the cavalry trotted forward and back, shot the flanks with bows and crossbows, and could launch a violent offensive at any time.

If the infantry wants to push the cavalry, it must have a strict and dense formation. If the formation is a little chaotic, the flanks will become weak points for the cavalry to launch a stormy onslaught.

Right now, as long as he defends his position and doesn't attack him during the march, Zheng Mingjing is not afraid that the less than 2,000 Huaidong cavalry battalions in front of him will be able to gnaw at them. What worries him is that the total number of Huaidong troops that will come later is nearly six. Wan's main foot soldiers.

Because Zhou Pu's cavalry came too quickly and suddenly, he asked Zheng Mingjing to suspect that the main force of the Huaidong Army's infantry battalion was approaching, but the south of Fangjiawa was blocked by the Huaidong Rangers. Lu's march was in the dark.

How is this fight going?

It was too late to withdraw from Fangjiawa today, and it would get dark early after winter, and it would be completely dark in an hour or so from the sun. Later, there were enemy cavalry peeping, and it was too late to withdraw to Yaojiachong's camp in such a short time.

Zheng Mingjing knew that the Huaidong Army was good at fighting at night.

Zheng Mingjing frowned and fell into deep thought.


At the southern foot of the Xiling Mountains, the post cavalry of the Huaidong messenger is galloping.

Zhou Pu's troops advanced lightly, passed Guangde, and engaged with the Zhejiang-Fujian left-wing peripheral army at Hetang and Fangjiawa, wiping out more than a thousand enemies and forcing the main force of more than ten thousand to move forward to Fangjiawa. The news came shortly after nightfall. Return to Meixikou.

The main force of the Chongcheng army led by Zhou Tong, Chen Zu and other generals had just pulled out of the camp from Haixidu and had not left the territory of Anji County. The army kept marching, Lin Fu gathered the generals, temporarily built a large tent beside a pond on the south side of the post road, and set up a few horse lanterns to illuminate the map. The map was spread on a simple long table. With a charcoal pen in one hand and an oil lamp in the other, he pointed at the map.

In addition to the generals, Chen Huawen, Chen Huazhang, and Su Pinxiao, who temporarily appointed Lin Fu as the deputy commander of the Third Water Battalion, were also invited to attend the military meeting.

It was the first time that Su Pinxiao had seen such a detailed map, which clearly and unmistakably depicted the counties in the south of Jiangning and the important terrains such as Xiling, Maoshan, Shahe, and Rouge River.

Yaojiachong is nearly 20 miles south of Liyang City, and Fangjiawa is a small 20 miles south of Yaojiachong. The surrounding area is dominated by flat land, and the mountains are also low mountains and low ridges ranging from a dozen to several dozen feet. It is called the Xiling of Taihu Lake. 's remnants. This terrain is conducive to the Huaidong Army to launch a battle with superior troops and horses, and it can be quickly resolved.

If the main force of the Zhejiang and Fujian troops can be dragged in the battle of Fangjiawa, it is undoubtedly the most ideal result.

"According to what Zhou Leopard said, Fangjiawa's enemy should not have time to withdraw tonight, so Tang Fuguan only needs to rush to meet Zhou Baozi before sunrise tomorrow, and he can drag the enemy to Fangjiawa. Wait for the main force on our side to calmly rush to the battle!" Zhou Tong said, "Even if the enemy forces break their arms to survive, at the expense of some of their troops, to cover the main force's withdrawal towards Yaojiachong and Liyang City, it will not affect our previous plan to advance. After consuming part of the enemy's left flank, the situation will only be more favorable for us!"

The left flank of the Zhejiang and Fujian Army is not so easy to gnaw down. It will take a lot of time to fight against it. Then Gao Zongting and the others may not be able to hold on for that long in the imperial city... If it is not for the left flank of the Zhejiang and Fujian Army, more than half of the troops are in front. Moving to Fangjiawa, Lin Fu would not consider fighting outside Liyang.

Zhou Tong's opinion is also in line with the previous plan. If there is a chance to make a quick battle, then fight a battle; if there is no chance to make a quick battle, you can't delay the opportunity in Liyang, and the first goal must be the fastest march to the periphery of Jiangning.

Recapturing Jiangning City before it devastated the She family, this involves the hearts and minds of Jiangning's hundred mouths, and its significance to Huaidong is far more important than the annihilation of the 20,000 elites of the She family's left wing.

"What does Song Gong think?" Lin Fu asked Song Fu.

"I'm thinking," Song Fu said, "Is it possible that the enemy's left wing will not retreat to Liyang, but instead focus on retreating west before my main force arrives..."

"Will the She family easily let Jiangning go?" Lin Fu was slightly startled. The latest letter from Jiangning was also sent from Jiangning at noon on the 26th. At least on the 26th, the She family still treated Jiangning very well. It was inevitable to win, and people in Huaidong also judged that the She family and the generals of the Zhejiang and Fujian troops could not refuse the temptation of Jiangning.

"Indeed, if Shewenzhuang can resolutely resist the temptation, it should quickly shrink south after Liyang is defeated," Song Fu said, "but the situation cannot help him, if he can know that Emperor Yongxing abandoned Jiangning and fled one day in advance , give him one more day to think about it, he may be able to make this decision, but the Zhejiang-Fujian army and the right-wing troops are on their way to Jiangning, so the situation cannot be decided by him. In the middle and the right-wing march to Jiangning In the situation in front of the city, it is too late for Shewenzhuang to shrink to the south, but whether he will go all out to defend Jiangning City, it is still out of 50. Zong Ting did not explicitly say in the letter, but he wants us to pay attention. The movement of the enemy's left wing is also worried about the possibility that Shewenzhuang will not enter the Internet and jump out!"

"Let me go, as long as Zhou Baozi and Captain Tang can entangle the enemy until noon tomorrow, the time is enough!" Chen Zhi said, licking his dry lips in the winter.

As long as the more than 10,000 left-wing soldiers and horses of the Zhejiang-Fujian Army that had moved forward to Fangjiawa were wiped out, the Huaidong Army would still be able to firmly grasp the initiative in the entire battlefield.

Even if the right flank of the Zhejiang-Fujian army and the soldiers and horses in the middle route all escape, the Huaidong army will spend a lot of time and effort, and they will have to recover some interest from the soldiers and horses on its left flank.

The unfavorable situation at the moment is that if the enemy's left wing really wants to retreat westward, the troops gathered in Fangjiawa will exceed that of Tang Fuguan and Zhou Pu by a large margin, and the main force of the Chongcheng army, nearly 20,000 troops, will rush to Fangjiawa to participate in the battle. , how can it be after nightfall tomorrow.

Tang Fuguan was able to travel 140 miles in a row on the eve of the eve, because he was sure that he would not engage with a large group of enemy soldiers on the eve of the eve, so he could run with his feet open.

The first night of marching was urgent, and the distance to be traveled on the second night was limited to 80 miles to ensure that after entering the outskirts of Liyang, the generals would still have the physical strength to fight against the enemy's left flank at any time.

Theoretically, Chen Zhuo's troops could arrive at Fangjiawa by noon tomorrow, but when they arrived at Fangjiawa by noon tomorrow, the soldiers were weak and tired, and without a certain period of time to rest, how could they have any strength to participate in the war?

Lin Fu thought for a moment and made a decision: "I will send the order to Zhou Pu immediately. First, to scout the defense situation of Gucheng and Xuanzhou, the main force of the cavalry should also be moved to the west of Fangjiawa to prepare for the enemy; Tang Fuguan's advance should also be doubled. Be careful, be careful that the enemy's left-wing troops and horses are all assembled in Fangjiawa..."

Tang Fuguan led his troops to go too hastily, and they would become exhausted when they arrived at Fangjiawa. If the enemy's left-wing troops and horses are all assembled in Fangjiawa, they will have a great advantage in military strength in a short period of time, then Zhou Pu's cavalry battalion will no longer be able to provide enough shelter for Tang Fuguan's troops, and the enemy's left-wing is likely to appear. The evil situation of defeating the vanguard of the Huaidong Army first and then withdrawing to the west.

At this time, Lin Fu not only would not be in a hurry to let Chen Zhuo lead his troops on a forced march, but asked Zhou Pu and Tang Fuguan to slow down. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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