Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 950: : Fighting for fear of a hair (Tue / Thu)

Leap forward!

Be invincible!

No one knows how horrible the demon master Xun Peng has accumulated over the years.

Not to know whether this 10,000 years of hard work has taken the last step.


The existence of the top of the food chain, Li Wan [Yuyou reading] without rubbing, staying with the cause and effect, but always with the sky, coexist with the Tao.

Below the saint, all are ants. If they cannot be sanctified, even if they are infinitely close to the saint, they will eventually be ants, and they will not be eternal.

Although the three religions have saints, they are all saints outside the region. Their strength is suppressed, and even 10% of their strength cannot be exerted.

Although the three emperors are saints, they can be sanctified with merit, which is no different from speculation, lacking foundation and background, but high in rank but not strong.

Their sage position is more like honor than combat power.

Others, even with the strength of the twelve ancestors, emperor Jun, and Taiyi, are all infinitely close to the saint, but they have not been able to pass the last step.

If Xun Peng takes the last step, it will be the first indigenous soul in this world to self-cultivate a saint, coupled with a huge to terrifying figure, the profound heritage will be desperate.

As the so-called success is also Xiao He defeated Xiao He, Kun Peng wants to take the last step, and the required information and accumulation are also terrifying to despair.

That's why it got the Hetu Luoshu book in mind, and wanted to use the combination of Zhou Tianxing and Xunyuan Heluo to form a final step.

But I do n’t know if it has obtained the Duten Shensha large array, and also put it into the body. If all three famines are integrated into the body, combined with the talents of Xunpeng, its fighting power may be dreaded and feared by the saints.

In Shu, Xi Tong released his second child and all the demons by waving his sleeves.

This is the place where the fourth child grows spiritual materials. Except that the fourth child is Goblin, the demon family brought by the second child adds a touch of life here.

The comfortable surroundings of Shu and the elixir of the mountains and the mountains also made those demons salivate, and they shouted "Here is joy, not thinking about Shu."

Let the two brothers meet, Xi Tong waved his sleeves to release the cattle and sheep carcass, and then Yu Jian left.

He has too many things to deal with and doesn't have time to soak up here.

The group demons danced wildly and Xun Peng was born.

These two major events can be used as the main task of the God World casually. In the end, the BOSS did not expect both to come out.

Messed up!

Totally messed up!

Fengshen World is no longer the one he is familiar with.

Everything here is full of unknowns, full of variables, and full of crises.

At this moment, Xi Tong was extremely grateful.

Fortunately, I chose the base under the deep sea of ​​tens of thousands of meters.

Regardless of what your surface looks like, even if you really enter the Ice Age, the scene of wandering earth will not hinder a hair in the deep ocean.

It is a pity that Dashang has invested so much in the basic market. Seeing that it has entered the income stage, it has been yellowed by Kun Peng.

But when thinking of Peng Peng's loss, Xi Tong felt relieved.

At the moment of Daluoxian's Heluo Formation, Xunpeng's Heluo Formation was affected.

Hetu Luoshu is the only one, so Heluo is also the only one. It is impossible to have a second one.

However, Xitong ’s layout was successful, and compared with Xun Peng ’s formation in Beiming, Xitong ’s formation is more authentic in Dashang.

Therefore, Qiqi and merit in the underworld all went to Xitong. Xitong's Heluo array became genuine, and Xun Peng's became pirated.

The insignificant change has caused Kun Peng's two formations to fluctuate and the power balance to be unbalanced. After grinding for tens of thousands of years, there is only a little sign of convergence.

The opportunity to become a saint will be destroyed.

However, withdrawing from the world of Fengshen, Xi Tong was unwilling, so no matter how hard he tried.

At the moment, the banner of clarification is set up, and the foundation of Western religion is also established. The cut religion is in a state of cooperation with itself, coupled with a group of devil dances, I do n’t know how many mountain forces were born.

How can we say run and run in this world of great contention.

At least he has to scold him for selling.

Although the Heluo Dazhen is not complete, it can be won in the authentic style, and it is closely connected with the land of Shenzhou, united into one.

Xiahe Shanhai, the stars are released, once the time is ripe, you can arrange Zhou Tianxing array.

At that time, one day at a time, one round at a time, reappearing the stubborn golden soup of the demon heaven, and keeping the impeccable business.

Right now, it takes time.

A blue bird appeared in front of Xi Tong, nodded his head, and the ghost of Tong Tian's leader immediately appeared on the paper.

"I will lead my disciples to stop the demon division at the northern border."

The Master of the Heavens said categorically.

He knows that his cooperation with the departmental teachers is in a state where he can't do anything by himself.

The amulet was taken out by the Department of Education. Kong Fangqian was made by the Department of Education. The sage answer was made by the Department of Education. The military training was made by the Department of Education.

Well, the demon teacher Xun Peng was also recruited by the department.

If it wasn't for the Heluo battle, the demon teacher Peng Peng is probably still living in the Beibing Ice Sea.

The Master of Heaven understands the principle of taking people's money and eliminating disasters for others.

As a collaborator, it is impossible to not give up, and the only thing I can do is this strength.

Fighting, afraid of a hair.

Xi Tong knows that the leader of Tongtian is ready to take out the Xianxian Sword Formation and Wanxian Formation at the bottom of the box.

Although the God of Heaven can not exert the sage's strength, they can use Xianjian array and Wanxian array as the first battlefield in the feudal world. Even if other saints add up for a while, it will be only five or five.

The demon teacher Peng Peng is really powerful. The horrors accumulated through thousands of years can be taught to teach him an unforgettable lesson.

Xi Tong shook his head.

"The demon teacher Xun Peng came fiercely and moved south with the Ice Age. It was unstoppable and unstoppable. Rushing with him hard was tantamount to receiving meteorites with bare hands."

The Master of Tongtian heard the meaning of Xi Tong.

"Well, what good strategy does Daoyou have?"

"Natural disaster is east ... westward."

After speaking, Xi Tong looked up and looked north, his eyes crossed thousands of miles, as if he had seen the vanguard of the Ice Age.

The next second, Xi Tong cursed Juchen Bu Mucao.

He saw a group of unexpected and reasonable people.


You can't be wrong.

Although the appearance is different and the race is different, the breath must be the reincarnation, especially the mark of reincarnation on them.

It's a pity that ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Under the Ice Age, the reincarnation and the ants are undoubtedly vulnerable to the fragile era.

You don't need to use the demon master Xun Peng to shoot, just the pervasive coercion is enough to make the samsaras tremble and collapse.

What's more, the glacier is full of demons subjugated by Xun Peng, and there are countless powerful forces for practicing ice attributes.

The ice cones are like rain, all arrows are coming, the icy frost and the bitter chill are coming, no matter how the reincarnation walks and dodges, they only get endless despair.

Is the Lord God system also watching this world?

Yes, the last time they saw the reincarnation, they said that the main **** system was attacking the **** world.

It was a pity that for a while I did not pay attention. The two nails that Xitong received died unexpectedly and failed to provide further information.

The Lord God system is here, so should the Wandering Earth Squad arrive?

Xitong searched and found it.

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