Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 951: : No need to protect the saints (3/4)

Li An'an of the Wandering Earth Squad showed his ability to move the team thousands of miles away. Unfortunately, in less than two minutes, the Ice Age was approaching again.

Li An'an's ability takes time.

In addition, only when Xun Peng "flyed in anger" shook a big earthquake, the mountains and rivers shattered, and the space was turbulent and turbulent, making Li An'an's casting more difficult.

Appearing thousands of miles away again, Li An'an had a blood clot in his throat.

At this time, Ye Yiruo pressed her palms behind her and crossed in. Li An'an immediately recovered her condition, and the blood in her throat disappeared.

Timely shot and powerful.

There is no simple generation in the Homeless Squad, after all, they are the last elite in the world.

This kind of elite squad also has to deal with enemies of the same level, and to deal with the incredible existence of Kun Peng, ten stray earth squads are also free.

Kun Peng didn't even have to shoot at them, just the aftermath and crushing of the breath was enough to kill them.

In the past, Li An'an always felt comfortable, even if he couldn't beat, he could run through. The last one of the thirty-six measures was in hand, and he was invincible.

But today, they deeply understand what is called mass rolling, level suppression, and even ...

Dimensionality reduction blow.

In the face of this power, any struggle and resistance is futile, and no way to struggle and a way to resist can be found.

In the face of this situation, the only option is to wait and see.

You can put on a good-looking posture to make yourself die with some dignity, and maybe there will be opportunities to be excavated and exhibited in the museum in the future.

Therefore, the hairstyle cannot be messed up.

Li An'an's group moved a thousand kilometers, and the only option was to go south, race against time, and race against death.

Turn? nonexistent.

From south to north, everything is covered by ice and snow, entering the ice age, and integrating into the north.

Just like an avalanche, pure power is crushed, and any cleverness is useless.

Now, the only thing they can pray for is that Peng Peng lacks strength and stops. There is no other way.

At this time, the refugees spoke.

"I had bad luck, as long as I was separated from you. Without my burden, Li An'an's consumption would be greatly reduced."

But no one took his stubble.

Everyone is running in a dull mood, meaningless nonsense need not be said.

The refugees were uninteresting and had to continue to follow.

But at this time, two breaths appeared in the southwest.

The Wandering Earth Squad looked involuntarily, but saw one of them with three beards and chests, and a blue sword on the waist.

"It is the God of Heaven!"

When the gods posted the mission, they provided pictures and information of the big brother, and the related tasks were also a good impression. They worshipped the teachings, but did not mention killing and fighting.

Obviously, the Lord God understands what can and cannot be done.

As for the other person, it looks like he is standing side by side with the God of Heaven, he should be a person of equal status, but unfortunately the Lord God does not have his detailed information, not even a picture.

"Ding! Congratulations to the Wandering Earth Squad, completing the data collection task, and obtaining the portrait of the system's main **** god leader. Get SSS rewards."

All news.

Many samsaras yelled, just taking a photo from far away, and got SSS-level rewards. Is a photo so expensive?

However, I do n’t know that in a state of hostility, ordinary people have no way to escape the saints ’perception. It is almost impossible to take a close-up photo and then retreat.

Therefore, the Lord God rated this task extremely high, and the risk is extremely high, even if it is just a small photo, it is also SSS-level difficulty.

However, when they saw the photos processed by the Lord God, Ye Yiruo and others were shocked.

Silent mouth, trembling heart, confirmed eyes, he was that person.

It wasn't dazzling.

Li An'an took the lead to say, "My power is better, go to the saint?"

Sages should always be able to stand in their way and give yourself time to escape.

Ye Yiruo rejected Li An'an's proposal.

"Run in the opposite direction and head southeast."

At this time, a shouting roar behind him, and then it expanded ten times in the Ice Age. Originally, it was just a glacier rushing.

Suddenly stabbing all the way, the speed doubled sharply.


The Wandering Earth Squadron was shrouded in silver light and disappeared instantly. At the same time, hundreds of meters of glaciers flew past, appearing several kilometers away.

Seeing this, Xi Tong breathed a sigh of relief.

If they can't avoid it, they will have to save them.

However, if they do this, they will surely make them become nails in the eyes and thorns in the flesh, thinking about removing them day and night and then quickly.

For their sake, it's better not to expose relationships.

"Also ask the demon master to come down for a moment."

Xun Peng roared, carrying the Ice Age straight to Xitong's location, and the era's big wave front that had gone south all the way turned to the southwest.

Kun Peng is too big, and even thousands of miles away, it can still see its turning movement.

The vagrant earth squad everyone breathed a sigh of relief, admiring the captain's wise choice.

It may not be difficult to make that choice calmly, but the problem is between life and death.

It is indeed safer to hide behind a saint, but what if the danger was seduced by the saint, and it was intended to be a voice? Did n’t the sage of Topi throw themselves into the net?

Ye Yiruo didn't think about it, she just looked at the complete information of the Lord God.

Master of the system (faculty) ...

It turned out that he was a saint.

Kong Fangqian was invented by the Department of Education, and unified writing and unified weights and measures were also used by Department of Education ...

Is he also from that place?

Detecting Ye Yiruo's anomaly, Yue Yang Yudie whispered, "Do you want to follow it?"

"No!" Ye Yiruo shook his head. "It's better to see each other."

At this point, the past is purely cumbersome.

What can I do? The opening greetings didn't know what to say.

have you eaten?

The weather is nice today?

I am only a member of the samsara, who is indeed more powerful than ordinary people, but what counts in front of a saint?

Just mention the puppet.

Emotions and anger can not help but control life and death.

Identity is vastly different.

What is most frightening for Ye Yiruo is, what if the other party doesn't know himself?

The Xitong in her heart was dead, and she died shortly after the rejuvenation began.

She can never forget the endless regrets in Xi Tong's eyes, always remember his last whisper, and always follow his last will.

Unfortunately, the earth is gone.

All the plans are empty ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ All efforts are ruined.

The stupid politicians, a group of ants who only know that they are fighting for power, are the ones who stifled the hope of the earth and their own savior.

The Wandering Earth Squad is nothing but the earth's dead soul struggling in the heavens.

Maybe this world is their end, the grave.

The last memory of the earth will also sleep with them, and eventually pass away in time.

Even if lucky to survive, it is just another struggle.

after all……

Heavens, endless.

Reincarnation, endless.

[It's going to be four more tomorrow, a little bit, I have to go to work tomorrow, good night]

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