Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 983: : Tenderness in your palm (four / five)

Ye Yiruo will never forget that day.

A female assassin killed one person with one sword to the side of Xi Tong.


She rode a motorcycle and flew across from the volley outside the courtyard. When she reached the air, people and cars separated, and Liang Jian crashed.

At that time, Xi Tong had just begun, and he was gathering the world's heroic heroes to prepare for a major event. The work of connecting the shafts every day was just as lethargic.

Others either went out to pick up people or collected materials to prepare for the future. Except for Ye Yiruo, there was no one at all.

The silver light is like a waterfall, falling and falling.

A splendid sword flower struck, and Xi Tong rolled away on the spot, avoiding Jianguang's attack range.

But at this time, the female assassin stepped on the ground with her toes a few times quickly, and the ground under her feet was like a spring, giving off a strong thrust.

Later, Ye Yiruo knew that it was shrinking into an inch, a very clever technique.

Inherited from the ancient pre-Qin dynasties, the ancients could use them to span hundreds of meters or even hundreds of miles in an instant. However, in the last age of the aura of exhaustion, taking three steps in an instant is already the best, and taking five steps is the limit.

Within five steps, all the enemy nations.

The female assassin stabbed in Xitong's chest, but was blocked by Xitong's special anti-stabbing clothing hidden under his clothes.

Xi Tong counterattacked, but at this moment, she popped a short sword out of her sleeve, ignored the stab-resistant clothing, and went straight to Xi Tongxin.

Nothing to enter, blood coming out.

Later, Ye Yiruo learned that the short sword was named fish intestine, a famous sword for the assassination in the pre-Qin era of ancient times. It has been passed down for thousands of years and has special strength.

The female assassin did not fall off, and Xi Tong cut it around her neck with one palm, losing her fighting power on the spot.

After hearing Ye Yiruo's remarks, Xi Tong was silent.

The protagonist starts, the end of the dragon sets, and the box lunch is taken as soon as it stands.

"Is this dead? Not even a single line?"

Ye Yiruo shook his head. "His last words are ..."

I! Not reconciled ...

The tone was full of remorse, resentment, and regret, and all emotions were imitated by Ye Yiruo as if they were from Xitong.

At this time, Ye Yiruo stretched out his right hand, opened his sleeves, and stroked the creeping scar of the wormlike earthworm on his arm.

"He asked me to cut off his right hand and put it on a trustworthy person."

"I think the only person in the world who can reassure him is me."

As soon as Xi Tong felt in his heart, his pupils narrowed instantly.

He naturally knew what was special about his hand, but he never wondered if he would still have this ability after his arm was cut.

But did not expect Ye Yiruo ...

Xi Tong raised his right hand.

Looking closely, his arms are thicker and his palms are wider. Ye Yiruo's right hand is thinner and fairer.

However, the palm prints and fingerprints of the two were exactly the same, exactly the same, without any difference.

"You suffer!"

Words and words, only a thank you.

In such an era when the couple were originally birds of the same forest, and the disaster was about to fly, only those who are crazy about love can achieve Ye Yiruo to such an extent.

After all, no one is willing to damage their body without knowing the secret of the right hand.

"I live not only for myself, but also for you. It is never the earth that wanders with me, but the tenderness in your palm."

Xi Tong acknowledged that his heart was beating.

Rao is a strong spiritual idea that surpasses the strength of 9 stars based on sage cultivation, and continues to ripple.

"Who is she? Who sent it?"

Xi Tong of the other world learns the history of the future, and has many treasures of masters' strength, native place, and moral character.

In the case that Reiki has not recovered, except for those seed players contacted by Xitong of the other world, everyone should be from scratch. Reiki has recovered for less than a month. Where does the strong one emerge?

The most important thing is a strong man without a name.

If not, how could Xitong in the other world be negligent.

"Chen Xi, with a background in government, her father is the head of the local security department, and she was born as a government dog."

is her?

She does have this talent, and most importantly, she has a tradition

"After that, I captured Chen Xi, imprisoned her, and slowly tortured. In 30 years, I took out all the secrets on her and combined with other sources to hear the news ..."

When Ye Yiruo said these words, the feeling of holes was faintly revealed in the dull voice, and there seemed to be the sound of wind, and the cold chill made people feel the sadness from the bones.

Exhausted thirty years, just to torture a person.

Just to keep her dead, she became the first healer in the world.

Therefore, hatred is the most powerful motivation.

Only paranoia can truly succeed.

Fortunately, the world has returned to dust and soil, and all living beings have been understood.

Ye Yiruo lowered his head and stroked his sleeves, covering his arms.

"I will kill the dawn of your world with my own hands!"

"I know that you are strong and are not afraid of the threat of ants, but I can't sit idly by any hidden danger."

"I can't put you in danger again, and I don't want to tear heartbreaking despair again."

Xi Tong didn't know how to answer.

Although I don't know how Ye Yiruo and Xi Tong fell in love with each other, but she could see that she had a deep, persistent and crazy love for Xi Tong.

If she is not allowed to take revenge, even if she doesn't say anything, her heart will surely be painful.

She can ignore the views of people all over the world, but she can't ignore Xi Tong, even Xi Tong from a different world.

However, if he did, Chen Xi was killed.

Chen Xi has been repaid for 30 years.

There is no cause and effect in the parallel world, but in the present world, Chen Xiping is carrying his own black pot.

Although she taught for many years at Super Theological Seminary, she sharpened in 100 copies of the small world and eventually became a god.

But in the face of Ye Yiruo and even the Homeless Squad, she did not have any chance at all.

After all, Ye Yiruo knew her too well, far beyond herself.

Xi Tong shifted the topic, "What is her motivation?"

Ye Yiruo was indeed biased by Xi Tong.

"Her division has a Ghost Valley heritage and calls herself a Hidden Gate. Although not as prominent in the world as Confucianism and Taoism, each generation of disciples has the ability to control the world and change history."

Pang Juan, Sun Yan, Su Qin, Zhang Yi, Gai Nie, Wei Zhuang ...

Although the reputation of each dynasty was not obvious, it did not mean that they no longer existed.

Chen Xi may be the best disciple of hermits, but she is the same disciple of hermits of previous generations.

Obviously, she regards Xi Tong as a world threat and the source of unrest.

Her success is the biggest failure in the world.

Ye Yiruo fell to her knees on one knee, her head dangled, and her long hair covered her facial expression.

However, resentment and hatred could still be felt in the cold voice.

If the actual negative emotions are like creeping grass, more like a spider web, climbing all the way along the tip of the toes, and covering the whole body in the blink of an eye, the shackles of people are breathless and suffocating.

Xi Tong suddenly had a big head.

What is it called?

At this moment, he had an idea.

"Unfortunately, Chen Xi has already worshiped under the Jedi ’s door, and is now a personal disciple of the Master of Heaven."

"You know ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The interception is very short."

"Do not seek her revenge until you have the ability to fight against the saint."

Finally, Xi Gong calmed Ye Yiruo in the gentlest tone ever.

"I know you're good for me, but I don't want you to get hurt in the slightest."

"You have endured too much suffering. After you meet me, you don't have to carry this much."

"The rest of your life will be full of happiness."

Seeing Ye Yiruo's tears and pain, Xi Tong could not help but slap himself.

The man's mouth, a deceitful ghost ...

(2300 words, the remaining one will be filled tomorrow. There may be an emergency at home tomorrow, I hope I have thought about it myself.)

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