Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 984: : My apprentice is a saint (5/5)

A paper crane quietly flew out, and soon arrived at the main office of Tongtian Church.

Xi Tong briefly talked about Chen Xi's situation, hoping to entrust it to the door of the censorship.

Such a trivial matter naturally will not be refused by the Master of Heaven, and soon the two met in Asura.

After seeing Chen Xi's qualifications, the leader of Tongtian was amazed.

"My apprentice Chen Xi has the money of a saint."

Xi Tong was compelled. What the **** is this?

Wait, is this so familiar?

But I heard the leader of Tongtian said: "Xianxian Sword Formation has been passed to you, can you do it?"

Xi Tong shame.

The God of Heaven gave Jixian Jianqi to himself, plus the array of Qixian Sword Formation, it was easy to arrange.

However, the fact is that I want to fart.

The Xianxian Sword Formation cannot be arranged by anyone. It is useless to have a map, but there must be four swords with the same bloodline.

"Xianxian Sword, Slaying Sword, Trapping Sword, Juexian Sword. These four swords are sacrificed with their own spirit and spirit. They are usually kept in the body for warmth, no sharpness and no spirit."

"However, once the Xianxian Sword Formation is performed, the four swords will come out and kill the heavens and gods. Regardless of victory or defeat, the four swords will die with the enemy."

"It is for this reason that we can maximize the lethality."

Xi Tong nodded slowly when he heard the words of the Master of Heaven, and he knew this.

It is precisely because these four swords cannot be cultivated that they cannot be arranged. They can only use swords to chop people. Fortunately, the ancestors of the Minghe River did not cut them, but if they were to be the masters of Heaven, Xitong would simply send food.

But this has nothing to do with Chen Xi.

The Tongtian leader looked at Chen Xi in admiration. Chen Xi was at a loss, at a loss, and was looked at by the Tongtian leader's eyes with horror.

If it wasn't for the other person's sainthood, he would have swung it out.

"I have four swords, so I can support the four swords. This son has five swords, and I can cultivate five swords. Her sword formation must be above me."

With a vein?

Xitong was the first to hear this statement.

The Master of Tongtian Flicked his fingers, and a tiny ray of sword gas overflowed from the pores.

"You can understand it as a kind of spiritual root-an extremely special and extremely rare spiritual root."

"From knowing this constitution to now, I have read countless people, but haven't found one."

After that, Tongtian taught the chief inspector.

"This child's future achievements must be above me. Starting today, she is the deputy bishop of celibate. Dao You's kindness is borne in mind. In the future, apology is the only way to teach the horse.

Xi Tong almost spit out old blood.

I'm afraid she will be chopped. I will show you a backing here ...

Also, you are the deputy leader when you first come in. Are you serious? Where do you leave the Taoist Taoist?

The highest status and most respected in the truncation is undoubtedly the big disciple Duo Taoist. However, even the Duo Taoist is only a big disciple, not an assistant master.

Intercepting has never had the title of Associate Bishop.

But having said that, the Taoist Taoist worshipped the strongest master, eating the best resources and wearing the best equipment, but never managed to break through the saints.

If there is no great merit, I am afraid there is no hope of breakthrough in life.

The Tongtian leader still has limited reliance on Duobao, after all, he cannot inherit the mantle, and it is even more impossible to carry forward the truncation and even further.

And Chen Xi can.

This is enough for the saints.

Not to mention Shoucheng, even a denomination is enough.

There is a qualitative difference between the martial arts of one saint and the martial arts of two saints.

In "The Seal of the Gods", the great advantage of the Master of the Heavens is defeated, not because of the saints who are opposite.

Under the saints are ants, which is the truth.

Xi Tong: (⊙o⊙) ...

Well, it's good to be a saint.

Although the other world is the enemy of life and death, but in this world, there is no bitter hatred on both sides, and Xi Tong does not want to see Chen Xi suffer innocence.

It didn't occur to him that Chen Xi was achieved.

After solving the problem in his heart, Xi Tong turned his attention to the main **** system that Ye Yiruo belonged to before.

System Lord God, Lord God System, this name is born offensive.

God's name is not chaotic because it is related to the cohesion of faith.

It ’s like flying pasta with god, what is this thing? The believer ca n’t understand the specific image of the god, let alone the establishment of faith.

Looking at the God of Light again is simple and straightforward. Let believers see the Light and think of the God. Seeing the darkness even misses the God even more, the difficulty of mission is greatly reduced, and the missionary effect is doubled.

In the world of melee fighting, most of the fuses of the war were caused by **** names and **** names.

Because it is related to the cohesion of beliefs, and to the authority of rules.

Just like the Lord of the Night, its authority must include shadow, moonlight, starlight, fear, lurking, decay ...

Among them, moonlight and starlight can also be the scope of authority of the light master, and decay can be the scope of authority of the death master ...

Therefore, there must be endless conspiracy calculations and brutal wars around these powers.

Look at Tamil's title: Chief of the Fury Tribe, King of the Barbarians, Guardian of the Silverhammer Collar, Caucasian Conqueror ...

Each title contains history and praise, and when it is mentioned, it is awe-inspiring and gives birth to faith.

Imagine that duplicate character names cannot appear in most games. Why?

For the same reason, two gods with the same name cannot appear in a circle. If they appear, one of them must fall.

System Lord God and Lord God System, this is clearly touching porcelain.

Some believers who do not understand may be confused and become the main **** system, and send the power of the faith that should be dedicated to Xitong to the main **** system.

So the **** system is damned.

"According to Ye Yiruo, the Lord God system controls many worlds, and the Lord God system particularly favors the earth-related world."

Xi Tong knows the secrets of the parallel world system. Although others don't know it, he must be able to detect the anomalies in it.

For example, the Lord God system often collects souls as reincarnations in different worlds, allowing them to enter different worlds to perform tasks, in which they fight and fight, struggle to survive, and stimulate their last potential.

In this process, the Lord God system must discover the mysteries of strange implicated creatures in different worlds.

It is even found that after some humans meet together, they will fight for no reason, then the loser loses everything, and the winner gets a breakthrough and promotion of the essence of life ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ incredible.

Therefore, it will become more and more enthusiastic about searching for parallel worlds related to the earth, then hunting humans in nets and gathering them together for slaughter.

When Xi Tong looked at Infinite Flow before, he was very confused.

The Lord God spent countless resources to cultivate a super thug, naturally he should be careful about the liver baby, but why drive these super thugs to one place and fight?

No matter who loses or wins, the Lord God is the biggest loser.

After all, they ate rice from their family, and died from their family.

Now Xi Tong understands.

[Yesterday's fifth change]

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