Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 1052: : Planting melon and bean growing

Lao Zhang plucked the guitar, closed his eyes for a few seconds, and finally started singing.

I didn't have the effect of kneeling at the opening, but his low, husky voice was very flavorful and unprecedented.

There are not many real fans of Lao Zhang, but everyone who has eaten it has watched Lao Zhang's video yesterday and knows how junk his singing is.

Grace, garbage!

Listening to it, I can't wait to sing all the songs.

With the contrast of previous works, the effect appeared immediately.

"I rely on the exact same song, but only a few words have been modified to have this magical effect of decaying?"

"While watching the video and watching the comments, the new version is completely modified based on the comments made by‘ Dream I want to be systematic '. ”

"Up's main ability is limited, not even half of the effect is sung."

"If the master's future works have the current level, red is only a matter of time."

Comments came out like Quan Chung, and the barrage continued.

In fairness, Lao Zhang now sings this song well. The important thing is that there is a comparison of yesterday's works.

转变 This transformation happened overnight, with such a great improvement, what exactly happened that night?

帖子 Posts watched by countless people in the comment area detail the commentary on the old video, word by word, sentence by sentence, and frame by frame.

Youdao is a layman watching the lively, and an insider watching the doorway, but this time even the layman can see the doorway.

If it is an ordinary spray, can this effect be sprayed?

大 才!

The reviews are amazing!

By the way, Zhang, the old man, was also very angry, and he did his own song to cover the song.

After half an hour, a certain host of the website made a video.

左边 On the left side of the screen is Lao Zhang's work yesterday, and on the right side is today's work. Both sides sing at the same time, and in the middle is the content of the "Dream I want a system" post.

The video of singing keeps pause.

Because the song is only 3 and a half minutes, the review has more than 40,000 words, nearly 10,000 words per minute, and nearly 200 words per second.

The singing on the left is horrible. At least no one will hear how nice it is, and then the middle comment section, from the lyrics and music to the singing, the length of each word, the timing of ventilation, and the timing of ventilation. .

At this time, people discovered that the video on the right was improved based on reviews.

听 Before listening to the new work, I just felt that it was not the same as before, but many people could n’t tell the specifics.

I now see the connection between the three, and suddenly there is a feeling of awakening.

In particular, some young people who are interested in writing and singing but who are weak or inadequate have a treasure when they see this video.

Because the content of the review is easy to understand, most people with shallow or even basic content can understand it.

Occasionally, I am a little confused. When I comment on talents since ancient times, naturally, there is a great **** to help popularize everything.

In other words, if you combine the videos on both sides and eat the middle review, it is equivalent to "you can chant without poetry".

Just like newcomers writing novels, they always want to “learn from” the works of the Great God, and feel that they all come from the Great God. Some of them have their own, and they are more and more complete than the Great God. Is it?

看 I read writing cheats, writing strategies, great **** lectures and other things all day, but the more I read, the more confused, the more stateless I am, and I dare not write at the end.

The reason is simple.

Take medicine to cure the disease, this is true, but if there is any disease, what medicine to take, not only have to prescribe the right medicine, but also have to take medicine according to the doctor's advice.

There is no panacea in the ordinary world, and cures all diseases are deceiving.

Therefore, in the field of creation, no matter what you do, you can't move things hard. You must improve your ego after progressing and succeeding.

Lao Zhang's work was crushed and pulverized, and then made a thousand knives, and then commented on the merits and defects of each piece of meat, and then went to Wucunjing to achieve the overall sublimation.

There is nothing to boast about creating a red song or a hot song. After all, many excellent new songs emerge every year.

But the ability to change a junk song into a red song, a hot song, is trembling.


This is definitely talent!

However, not everyone is aware of this.

Jubo, a department that is out of sight.

According to melons, melons, beans, this department is divided into two parts.

The Doudou Department dangles on the Internet every day to discover hot topics on the little people. If not, it is forced to make it, and then it is rhythmic. Occasionally, it also picks up some sailors' activities. It specializes in comments and black washing.

The melon breeding department extends from online to offline. There are many paparazzi and eyeliners, staring at the stars and the people around the stars. If you do n’t move, you will be the whole melon.

At this time, the bean planting department is paying close attention to "dreaming about having a system" and controlling the latest progress in real time.

When Lao Zhang fled to the street to show them goodness yesterday, they immediately launched a manual hype to bring traffic and attention to Lao Zhang, wanting to make this bean shoots sprout, and long leaves bloom.

I didn't expect that the incident would just ignite overnight.

In their plan, it takes at least a week of gestation and fermentation to attract the attention of many netizens, and then arrange for the staff to continue to break the news, continue to pace, and continue to attract people's attention.

Alas, this is only one day.

No, not exactly one day.

The bean planting department is keenly aware that this matter has the potential for fire, and can even rise from "beans" to "melons."

They underestimated the combat power of "I want to have a system in my dreams". This is not a big spray, but a big spray with real materials.

Rogues are not terrible, they are afraid that hooligans have culture.

"I want to have a system in my dreams" is a cultural hooligan. Instead of opening his mouth and closing his mouth, as in other sprays, CNM shuts down WQNMLGB, but he is deadly with arrows.

Is this accidental or ...

The person in charge of the bean planting department couldn't help wondering.

They are responsible for small people, especially ordinary people in the market.

In the past, they also did good things to promote good people ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ praised the unknown heroes in daily life, reposted likes, etc., thereby enhancing the image and influence of Jubo.

It is also the hard work of their predecessors that allowed Jubo to be the only one in the Internet media industry.

But this kind of thing is hard to please.

90% of the model and heroes are fake and bragging. The bean planting department has no ability to identify one by one. This kind of thing is advocated by the public and it is not accepted.

So, they shift their targets and discover the good seed and bad seed of ordinary people themselves.

大部分 Most of the small citizens who have become topic figures are their pushes, otherwise there are so many resources and traffic.

But more often it is "punishing evil and promoting good", accepting the news from users, and then shaking out the news.

If it is true, then mobilize people to track, collect, and operate. If nothing happens, anyway, online rumors are flying all over the world, whoever believes and who is stupid will not have any consequences.

I do n’t blame the public for consequences.

大 The big spout, "I want to have a system in my dreams," is the beans they dug out. There are hundreds and thousands of the same beans.

The news has been received from above, and we will immediately tidy up the network and purify the network. In this case, we must follow the wind above and set a few typical examples.

"We are walking for the sky, whoever blocks me!"

No matter how capable I am, I'm dead at the point that you are a spray.

[Parallel overhead science, insane magic, different worlds that run rampant, don't let the reality fall, the system **** is above, the 404 evils retreat]

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