Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 1053: : Teacher 2 maternity leave

According to internal information, this ‘I want to have a dream system’ is an ordinary person in an 18th-tier small city.

And he used to focus on videos such as singing and dancing. His age is relatively low and he should be a minor.


In short, the judgment of the bean planting department is that this person is not threatened, can be stomped at will, and one step will never turn over.

In addition to the upcoming net net rectification, Jubo launched some typical problem characters and thorns at this time, and will definitely get a lot of attention and continue to attract social focus.

There is no such thing as a competitor. But they still control the network and public opinion firmly, leaving no room for the door and killing all the space and soil that breed competitors.

For this reason, they do everything they can.

小 The little star who came out of a certain village originally had great potential, but Jubo needed continuous melon to attract the public, so he unfortunately became a victim.

Shock! A well-known singer stole the widow's house ...

The shitless material successfully attracted the attention of the public, but no one expected that this kind of **** essay does have a thing. The country singer did steal something, but it was not a widow, but a sweet potato in his land.

Originally this was a bear child's age ignorance, but was constantly hyped by the planting melon department to rhythm, "stealing sweet potatoes" became the black spot and label of the singer, ruining the singer's future.

Insignificant little person.

This small star giant blog can create hundreds or thousands of them a year.

Stars who are disobedient and do not cooperate with companies under Jubo are basically crushed to ruin.

After all, no one is perfect, who hasn't done some stupid things and wrong things, even if they haven't done it before, they may not do it in the future.

Well, people, emotional animals, always do things beyond reason.

For entertainment stars, Jubo is the King Yan Luo who controls their life and death.

Jibo doesn't have to do it in person, just the big and small departments can do everything properly.

Yang Dingye is not the first or the last of these.

加 "I send people to follow‘ I want to have a system in my dreams ’, not only to hack him, but also to hold him, hold him to the highest point, apply for it, and give the search and headlines next week a place.”

"The damage that cyber violence has done to creators, these articles can be prepared."

"The creators sprayed by him can contact and let them understand that this is a breaking point, and the rest of them will understand."

After the instructions were arranged, the bean planting was fully fired, and the naval forces raised outside also began to operate, familiarize themselves with the battlefield, and look for fighters.

As for Lao Zhang.

I no longer care.

The next day, Yang Dingye brushed his teeth while brushing his teeth.

Open the private mailbox and quickly filter out the CNM body junk letters, then the letters of worship, advice, comments, and more than twenty Aite with V.

He is a war book again?

Suddenly Yang Dingye was excited, and he wiped his face and ran out.

吃 While eating soy milk fritters and grabbing cakes, watching the videos and songs involved in the war books.

Yang Dingye has long forgotten who they are and who has to look at their work to add an impression, otherwise they will not know how to spray them later.

While filling his stomach, Yang Dingye also made a draft.

I go home and do her!

不 An unnamed female anchor from the 38th line, but also what dance school graduated, at this level, even the princess of KTV is not as good as a bull, clearly a meat seller, when the anchor speaks for itself!

I fully output the work of this female anchor for five minutes. Yang Dingye took a sigh of relief and finally finished typing.

The quaint 4D long post was entered, and as usual, Jubo and Barbara Website both bloomed, and then continued to the next one.

There is a moonlight bonus, Yang Dingye does not start work during the day, is worried about nothing to do, these guys come to their own door, not spraying them unreasonable.

I was busy for more than two hours, and finally sprayed all Aite's own V users, Yang Dingye felt his stomach.

"Before eleven, why are you hungry?"

"Spraying people is also a high-intensity exercise, and it's strange not to be hungry."

I went out to eat and wanted to eat noodles.

As for what the Internet is and how the sprayed people react, Yang Dingye is too lazy to care.

When did Xunzi care about this?

I love you, I do n’t want to continue to fight, who is afraid my grandson.

The fat man simmering in the noodles outside the community ate two large bowls and simmered 10 chicken heads. Yang Dingye was full of energy. He turned on the computer, began to comb through the materials, and began to cut.

It was another night of toil.

But this time I changed outside.

Dark street lights, dark alleys, bicycles need to be pushed down to go uphill ...

Occasionally a barking dog, a trash can buried deep in the trash ...

A teenager in school uniform dances and plays ball without anyone here.

Don't belong to him during the day, only night is his home.

He is not him during the day, because during the day he wants to live as his parents want, and only at night can he let himself free and free.

It's just that many people have no night and can only bury it all in their dreams.

I jumped to exhaustion again. Yang Dingye inspected the work and added a few more shots.

一 In the early morning of the next day, Yang Dingye opened his eyes stupidly, took a look at his mobile phone, and found that the classmates became 99+

Do you have a red envelope?

Since there is a class teacher in the classmate group, very few people talk, even if there is a learning matter.

Li Du graduated from high school, who still has the brains to discuss and study in the class group.

Let ’s take a look ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and find that the discussions among students are enthusiastic.

He rolled forward and Yang Dingye suddenly fell into a trance.

It turned out that at more than seven in the morning, the head teacher transferred an article to the group, which was about the harm of cyber violence to creators and the adverse effects on minors. In the article, Yang Dingye and the battle with V users paste.

The old class often transfers this kind of thing, even if no one returns, they still don't tire. If the group has the function of a leader, the old class absolutely drinks water every day.

But this time, the students surprisingly joined the discussion.

The battles on the websites of Jujubo and Barabara have expanded. Especially Yang Dingye exported more than a dozen people a day, and each time they also output ideas. Those who sprayed with V users were speechless and died out.

叫 What's this model?

When I was a teenager, it was just hateful. Who did n’t spray anyone on the Internet when I saw nothing?

But I can do it to the extreme, with culture and connotation, real talents, and really few.

"I want to be systematic in my dreams" has caught fire, and this concern has quickly spread to the class group.

Then, the old class also joined the discussion and shared his research experience on the post of "I want to be systematic in my dreams".

Alas, I forgot to say that the old class also likes singing very much. Although the level is only the level of the school art evening, it can't stop the enthusiasm of others.

Otherwise, how often do you take up the music teacher's lessons, and they have a good reason-the family is a home for two workers, so that the music teacher can take two maternity leave.

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