Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 1124: : Is this the flood

Unfortunately, the "ding" in the city told them that the outside world is dangerous, and the energy of death is permeated everywhere. Once contaminated, there is no life.


Be able to obtain a professional level evaluation, cultivate superhuman first-class strength, and then wear special equipment to go out.

Occupation, cultivation?

People were immediately excited, and the gods wanted to impart their strength.

Soon, people went to the hall of learning skills according to the guidance, and then chose the occupation they were interested in.

There are many systems such as soldiers, assassins, shooters, and mages, as well as auxiliary occupations, life occupations, special occupations, etc., and then each system is subdivided into different occupations.

There are so many professions, but the skills of each profession are few, and every profession can be counted.

Another question is "need for practitioners to explore and supplement themselves."

Soon, people chose occupations they were interested in.

After choosing a profession, people find that their bodies have undergone drastic changes.

For example, the person who chooses the warrior profession has a slightly higher body, and his body has become stronger and more powerful. No matter his shape or temperament, he is full of masculinity.

The person who chooses the shooter is the opposite. The body is shrinking and slightly thinner, but this thinness is not reminiscent of weakness, but is like a compressed spring, full of rebound.

At the same time, the shooters found that their eyes were clearer and farther, the fingers of their hands were more flexible and quicker, and their thinking and reactions had accelerated a lot.

Not only do they feel the changes in themselves, they can also clearly sense the incentives that make them change.

In other words, the soldiers have found a way to continuously increase their physique, and the shooter has found the key to increasing their speed and accuracy, and can continue to move in this direction.

Familiar with their profession, some people go to the training area to sharpen themselves, while others can't wait to rush to the assessment area and want to be promoted to the professional level.

A few days later, the first group of people who received professional evaluations received special equipment, and then took the ladder to the top of the city and saw the outside world.


After looking at the world, the only thing in everyone's hearts was shock.

The sky is higher, the earth is wider, and everything is bigger.

Just somehow, the blue sky turned green, and it was scary green.

The sky is green, but the earth is not green.

The mountains were gray and black, filled with the breath of death, the river was dirty, the unknown bodies were floating, and the wind blowing onward was stink.

Look around.

One tree, towering tree.

Leafy and green.

However, this green tree is too few and too few, as striking as an oasis in the desert.

Only then did people find themselves on a leaf.

An extremely special world.

There are special lines in the leaves, like veins, but they are too neat.

These lines are rippling like ripples, flowing and echoing like a river. After touching the edge of the leaves, they ripple back again. The ripple of the ripples becomes smaller and smaller, eventually shrinking to a large needle point, and then disappearing completely.

The leaves are still leaves. They are ordinary and ordinary. The neat lines that emit light are like hallucinations.

Someone curiously lay on the edge of the leaf and looked down, but found it empty.

"Enchantment! Secret Realm! Small World! This is God's handwriting, praise the Titan Protoss, praise the Titan God King!"

At this time, the buzzing sound is far and near.

The green flocculent mist floating in the air swelled for a while, and then dozens of beetles were drilled out of it.

No, that's not a beetle.

There cannot be such a large beetle in the world.

They are almost as big as the legendary dragon.

But soon people realized that it was true that the beetle became a dragon, and they already had the power of a dragon warrior.

Praise the Titan Protoss!

The eyes of those who transferred to the mage were already flashing with lightning, crackling electric sparks appeared around their bodies, and invisible power emerged, which caused a clear distortion of the air around them.

Immediately, the mage's figures slowly rose, their toes were raised, and they finally left the blade.


The palm thunder struck, the hard training in the training camp was not wasted, the palm thunder was pretty good, and hit the head of the big beetle accurately.

Unfortunately, the big beetle continued to charge up a bit, and rushed faster than before.

Seems ... irritated.

Brush brush brush brush brush!

The beetles slammed into the leaves, the thin leaves were torn apart and fluttered down instantly.

The people on the blade had already flown, bounced and fled, and immediately turned around to fight back after finding a suitable location.

The soldiers drew their swords, and the shooters pulled out their strong bows. At the moment the beetle could not help but hit the trunk, the assassins had seized the fighter and sent their sharp weapons into their eyes and neck.

A few minutes later, the last beetle was also cut off half of his wings, twisted in a crooked circle, and spiraled into the ground.

On the other side, the new humanity paid the death of twelve partners.

Before, they also felt that the city's requirements for themselves were too strict, not only to have a profession, but also to have a designated occupation rating in order to go out.

Fortunately, now they were in their hearts.

Fortunately, otherwise, not twelve people will be killed today, but the entire army will be destroyed.

This is just the time to go out, not even the range of the leaves.

What kind of crisis is there outside?

So they resolutely chose to return to the city.

However, the leaves of the crowd appeared to have been torn by beetles. How can I return?

"Ding, are you there?"

"Ding, calling Ding."

"Ding! The hunting task is completed, hunting the giant mutant beetle X7, you can choose to submit the task and return to the city, or you can choose to submit the prey and continue exploring. The submitted prey will be counted when submitting the task.

Everyone chose to return to the city.

They are desperate for silence.

Immediately, a ray of light emerged in situ, and even the large beetle was wrapped, and then the light flashed in front of it, and then returned to the square in the center of the city.

Looking up, it is still a towering towering building with a small sky like a shaft.

The sky is blue.

But people who have been out know that the sky outside is green.

In other words, the sky in front of you is not real.

The believers quickly found the answer to the abnormality of the sky: this is the sky of the **** world, yes, it must be!

The returnees were treated as heroes, and countless people who were not qualified outsiders gathered around them and asked them about the outside world.

Exclaim, admire, cry ...

The world outside is so terrible and terrible ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Is n’t it impossible to live a life of death?

It was only very soon that they controlled the collapse.

Because they understand that they are under the protection of the gods, in a small world shrouded in divine power.

Even if the sky is raging and flooding outside, there is no energy bar relationship with myself.

Soon, people were amazed.

Giant mountains, towering ancient trees, gate-sized beetles ...

Ants are taller than humans, and dew falling from grass stems can give people a bath.

This world is terrible.

Everything is ten times and hundred times bigger, only human beings are thousands of times smaller.

Is this the legendary floodland?

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