Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 1125: : Bigger and rounder

"Flooded World?"

Xitong didn't know how the new humans knew the word, but the word was very appropriate.

Although there has been no change in the outside world, only humans have become smaller, but from a human perspective, it is true that everything has become huge.

Huge monster, this is a sign of flood.

Floods mean endless crises, but they also mean endless resources.

The original barren grassland could not even feed the flock of sheep, but after the "flood" turned into a towering tree and a lush jungle.

Weeds are like towering giant trees, not to mention those exotic flowers and exotic fruits.

As for the giant beasts flying all over the sky ...

Even if you can't kill, you can at least touch the body.

Whether it is killed by other beasts, or it is naturally aging or dying, it is an endless resource.

Even if flesh and blood has been eaten clean, the remaining minions and bones are valuable resources.

There are many collection tasks in cities, which can be roughly classified into three categories: plant materials, mineral materials, and animal remains.

Take grass and wood materials as an example. If a bunch of weeds are collected, the rewards are very limited. If it is some special plants, especially fruits, the rewards will be very generous.

Not only accumulate points for promotion, but also additional rewards.

Such as special food, special weapons, armor and so on.

Most of these extra rewards are related to the materials submitted, and they urge people to collect special, rare and powerful materials in disguise instead of cutting the grass all day.

At the same time, more and more people have obtained professional grades, and they go out for adventures. Some return with a full load, and some have not yet returned.

The biggest gain is the disclosure of the mystery of practice.

Taking soldiers as an example, the improvement of strength is nothing more than making strong muscles and strong bones, but the strength of muscles and bones is ultimately limited, especially if the new human body is placed there. .

Except for this method, the city has not told them other roads, everything needs to be explored by itself.

Some new humans are of warrior origin, and have previously studied fighting spirit, or priestly sacrificed origin, and learned the cultivation method of the Olympus God.

However, once their bodies have undergone a qualitative change, and secondly their faith has collapsed, and all their old experiences are useless.

The change of the body is the loss of gender characteristics, all of them are plain but not often.

Not only that, the body also became a coelenteric structure, without the organs of grain reincarnation, only the passage from the mouth to the abdomen.

The energy rod is taken into the mouth, and the energy rod is converted into energy for the whole body in the abdomen.

There are a few residues in the energy bar, about 1% to 2%, but these residues have a special effect.

They are mixed with body fluids, and then become special substances under the action of various enzymes in the body, which are discharged through the mouth or flow out through the pores on the body surface.

The functions of these special substances vary depending on the synthetic material.

Common are invisible and colorless substances with special odors, which can condense for a long time, and can be used as markers to connect with each other, which facilitates exploration in floods.

This ability originates from ants. This kind of insects secrete a special breath to mark the route to prevent getting lost. At the same time, they distinguish themselves from each other by the smell of their bodies.

In addition to marking, it can also synthesize substances such as paralysis and poison, which can cause heavy damage or special effects to the enemy in battle.

This comes from ants, not just from ants. Most insects have the ability to secrete special toxins. Xi Tong just applied this to new humans.

Similar to the venom glands of snake worms, but it does not make venom completely.

It can also secrete substances similar to medicaments, heal its wounds, or put itself into a special state like a stimulant.

What kind of substance is produced depends on the raw materials in its own reserves and the method of synthesis of the substance.

This is a complicated process, but it is also a simple process.

Even snakes, rodents and ants, who have no wisdom at all, can master it, but how can new humans not?

Protein, fat, fiber, vitamins, acids, salts, alkalis ...

Various raw materials, coupled with the control of temperature, humidity, and energy, produce strange materials.

These are all learned by Xitong from the ant system.

Although ants are insignificant small insects, their use of microorganisms and research on chemical substances does not say how many times higher than humans, at least hundreds of centuries before humans.

Microbes, enzymes ...

This is the system of power and civilization that Xitong sees in the ant system.

If you think about it, everything in heaven and earth is inseparable from the process of life, death and death.

When humans are still in the mother's body, they obtain various life-sustaining microorganisms and antibodies from the mother.

After growing up, digesting food three times a day also depends on pepsinogen, trypsinogen, carboxypeptidase, and so on.

Diseases are basically inseparable from microorganisms, in vitro, or in vivo.

After death, the breakdown of corpses is also their contribution, both external and internal.

From this perspective, microorganisms are the masters of life, and humans are just containers and tools that carry them.

Unbelievable, but after Xi Tong's real research, he found that this is very likely.

So, he created new humans to level the world, and passed on the life forms and power systems of insects to them.

Enzymes can not only produce special substances, but also change body organs, strengthen them with special properties, or give them special states, textures, and abilities.

For example, new humans have explored the strengthening of muscle strength, the strengthening of the nervous system, and the strengthening of eyes and fingers.

The strengthening method can be various physical exercises handed down by the Olympus Protoss, or it can be all kinds of special substances produced by enzymes.

The former has a limit ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Without the blessing of gods and beliefs, it will easily reach the upper limit.

The latter made them feel endless.

For example, make special modifications to the body, inject special enzymes and substances into the skin of the arm, and control them to deeply integrate with the skin.

Soon, the skin of the right arm changed, from soft and elastic to hard and strong, exoskeleton like shrimp and crab.

Another example is to inject enzymes and special substances into weak muscle tissues to make them into muscle tissues like insects, increase the number of muscle masses, and increase the number of striated muscles. Hundreds of heights.

That's right, transform your body.

The body has limits and bottlenecks, and it must be repaired to a certain degree to break the bottlenecks and achieve breakthroughs.

So why not simply make the bottle bigger and rounder?

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