Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 762: : Fairy Sword with Dogtail and Sable

Fuxi is lying?

Even if he had already stood on Fuxi, Xi Tong was still a little unbelievable.

You know, Fuxi is one of the three Xeonsheng creatures born on the remains of the great **** Pangu, representing the god's thoughts of Pangu.

Born to be 9 stars, even beyond 9 stars. With the addition of votive organs, river maps, Luoshus, and **** trees, you can even control the heavenly path and approach the level of saints infinitely.

However, I just thought that the big brother, at this time the dead dog was lying on the ground, surrounded by dense and boundless zombies.

If the heavy building stomped up the momentum, the zombie without suppression would immediately jump up and smash the corpse of Fuxi, leaving no residue.

Oh, Zhonglou.

Xi Tong then remembered the people around him and turned around.

"Brother, what to do?"

After all, Xianjian World is the home of Chonglou. He and Fuxi have a deep hatred. Moreover, he also bears almost all the pressure and provides Xitong with a chance to steal chickens.

It is reasonable to respect the opinions of Zhonglou.

Most importantly, Xitong can't beat the building.

While talking, Xi Tong opened the space channel and called Zi Xuan.

She was the descendant of son-in-law. Son-in-law and Fu Xi fought all their lives. Most of the son-in-law's death was also attributed to Fu Xi. At this time, Zi Xuan was considered a revenge.

Fuxi looked indifferent, sitting quietly with her knees crossed, pressing her knees with her left hand, and making a flower-like flower pattern with her right hand. As for Dan Tian, ​​although she was a prisoner, she still looked high.

"Fu Xi, you killed my father and grandfather and died in my hands today, can there be any grievances?"

Hearing accountability, Fuxi smiled indifferently.

There is no fear!

At the beginning, Chi You was defeated. With the blood of Pan Gu, Xuan Yuan's exhaustion of nine cattle and two tigers did not hurt him. Fu Xi is the **** of Pan Gu, which must be more difficult than Chi You.

Sure enough, when Fuxi ’s divine thoughts weakened to a certain extent, no matter how the zombies sucked and absorbed, nothing was leaked.

In this duel of fasting small gold locks and rapid vacuum suction, Fuxi was one enemy billion and remained motionless.

"The world is in the right direction, and the time will be divided, and the time will be divided. The same is true of the spirit of Pangu. What I have done is only to honor the destiny of the heavens and meet the hearts of the people."

Zhonglou is speechless.

Zi Xuan couldn't get in touch at all.

The grievances of the previous generation were too far and too far away. They did not know what to do, and they did not know where to argue.

However, Xitong is different.

"The world is chaotic, Pangu opens, the world is empty, and Pangu is transformed. Pangu remains were born not only of Fuxi, Nuwa, Shennong, but also all living things, even the stars and the moon."

"You speak in harmony with God's will, and you are in favor of others. May I ask, which is God's will and which is it?"

"Fu Xi, if you go up to heaven, why did He Tu and Luo Shu leave you? Why do you agree with people, why did Xuanyuan, the ancestor of humanity, take away from you?"

"You confess God's will, and God's will must be your will, and this human heart must also be your own heart. Everything you do is for your own selfishness."


Fuxi's breath faded instantly.

Lies are said to be a thousand times and ten thousand times, and they become facts. However, facts are always facts. You can discredit and distort them, but you can never eliminate them.

Justice may be late, but it will never be absent.

With these words, Xi Tong cursed in his heart. The villain died of too many words, and the protagonist also died of too many words. Why should he be forced to kill him with one shot?

But when I was really there, I realized that things were not taken for granted.

Especially the existence of Fuxi, if it cannot be cut and rooted, I do not know when it will resurrect.

Destroying the flesh is just the least technical method, just like Xuanyuan killed Chiyou at the beginning, and buried the scourge of heavy buildings.

Murder, be careful!

At this time, two Qingguangs descended from the sky, hovering left and right on the side of Xi Tong.

Qing Guang converged, and two things appeared—Hetu and Luoshu.

Xi Tong subconsciously supported both, and immediately, thoughts flowed in from them.

Seeing this scene, Fu Xi's face suddenly became extremely embarrassed.

Alas, crazy.

For a long time, Xi Tong slowly opened his eyes and looked at Fuxi with a playful expression on his face.

"So it is!"

The fairy sword world is relatively special. In addition to the Six Realms, there is also the seventh realm, the cemetery of Pangu, and also the birthplace of Fuxi, Nuwa and Shennong.

The singularity of the birth of the fairy sword world is Pangu, and Pangu is also a world wonder of this world.

Pangu's ending is also in line with the fate of the world's wonders-after the world was opened up, it died out and was merged by the world.

The birth of the three Fuxis was only to better protect this world and lead the souls of this world.

Perhaps because of the **** of Pangu, Fuxi was contaminated with a little obsession and anger, and went astray from the beginning.

He was not willing to die of Pangu, and wanted to reproduce Pangu's true body.

"The essence of Pangu, the spirit of Pangu, and the **** of Pangu, gathered in the heart of Pangu, and the power of the five elements with Wu Lingzhu can reshape Pangu's body and achieve the body of chaos!"

On the road to spiritual practice, the three flowers gather together and the five spirits reign, and the remodeling of Pangu's body merely reverses this process.

"The heart of Pangu hangs between heaven and earth, and becomes a link between heaven and earth. It is also connected with the land of the heavenly clear air. The‘ sacred tree ’is born from the confluence of turbidity, and becomes the source of life in heaven.”

The heart of Pangu and the tree of God are all in Shushan.

Thousands of years later, Zi Xuan sacrificed herself in order to repair the lock demon tower.

Thinking carefully, in the process of the seal of the demon tower, Wu Lingzhu is complete. Zi Xuan is the son-in-law of the son-in-law, which contains the spirit of Pangu ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The seal of the demon tower is equivalent to giving everything To Fu Xi.

After all, the Lock Demon Tower was given to Shushan by Fuxi.

Holding the river map and Luoshu, combined with the background story of the fairy sword, Xi Tong immediately sorted out the context of the fairy sword world for five thousand years, and all the plans and arrangements of Fuxi.

Even as an enemy, Xi Tong still couldn't help but admire.

Layout for millennia, planning the Six Realms, Fuxi's ability to design is amazing.

Although the descendants of the son-in-law have repeatedly disturbed Fuxi's plan, these are the gains and losses of one city and one place, and Fuxi finally achieved his goal.

This is also the real story of the fairy sword world being completely interrupted here in Sedum. After that, everything is the root of the tail tail mink.

Fuxi has gathered everything needed, everything in the fairy sword world has been squeezed clean, fell from the original Gaowu world to the Zhongwu world, and continues to decline.

Fighting and killing can no longer be moved, only love.

Unfortunately, Xi Tong appeared and became the biggest variable in the fairy sword world.

Fuxi's wishful thinking abacus crackled, but it couldn't hold Xitong's influence as the fortress cannon.


Fu Xi vomited blood again for three liters, and his momentum plummeted.

The majesty of his face was also completely drained, originally drifting with the wind, and the messy hair of the fairy family was also stuck on the face like a weed, like a slimy aquatic weed.

He pressed his hands to his chest and coughed violently.

For a long time, he raised his head in anger, glaring at Xitong.

"Tell me why I will lose!"

Xi Tong shook his head, "Because-don't forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission. The significance of your existence is to protect this world, not to replace it. If skin doesn't exist, will Mao attach?

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