Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 763: : Its owner is Pangu

Zhonglou hands mastered several times, and eventually carried him behind.

"It's up to you to decide what to do."

No matter who decides, Fuxi can't escape. Since it is so, there is no difference.

Xi Tong did not decline.

Killing more goods and doing more things, there is no burden in my heart, let alone killing Boss equipment.

The magic sword fluttered in the air, and Fu Xi's head flew into the air.

Unfortunately, there was no drop of blood.

There was no horrified expression on Fuxi's face, but he was full of mockery.

"I am out of the Three Realms and not in the Five Elements. Who can kill me?"

However, seeing the faint expression on Xi Tong's face, Fuxi's heart twitched.

Because it was his familiar expression, the smile on the winning ticket, and all the contentment in his grasp.

And all this originally belonged to him.

"Three Realms? Are you referring to the spirit spirit?"

Xi Tong holds the river map and Luo Shu in hand, and a series of words and maps are derived from the book. As if weaving a net, a ten-meter-diameter map is drawn around Fuxi.

The map is complicated and dense, as if the dojo is in the shell of a snail, and a space the size of a fingernail outlines thousands of threads.

However, three vacancies were weird in the map.

Three talents, heaven and earth people, three light people, sun moon star.

Zhong Lou and Zi Xuan felt something, and at the same time flew into a vacancy to form a matrix with Xi Tong.

Fu Xi is still fearless.

"What about Pangu's essence and Pangu's spirit, you don't have ..."

However, a water polo emerged from Xi Tong's palm.

"I don't, but you do! They do!"


The zombies all screamed, because they found that the pure power that had not had time to digest was disappearing quickly, and disappeared within a few blinks.

At the same time, Fu Xi opened his mouth wide with horror and eyes widened, because he found that Xi Tong had a familiar power on him, which was originally his own power.

Divine thought!

Moreover, that power is more precise and larger than itself.

The accumulation of soil into mountains and the gathering of sand and towers, the accumulation of hundreds of millions of zombies, when gathered together, it was a thousand times and ten thousand times as much as Fuxi.

Moreover, Xi Tong has the method of "refining the gods", and can easily control the power of Fuxi, just like he cultivated without any jerky.

What's more, Xi Tong found that under the pouring of a lot of divine thoughts, he was promoted from Yuri's talented ability and mind control.

Think about it too, although mind control is overbearing, there is a premise-mental power is stronger than the other party.

At this moment, Xi Tong ’s mental power was expanding rapidly as if the atomic bomb had exploded. In a blink of an eye, Fu Xi ’s 10,000-year-old ascetic practice was released. This mental force was released and passed through Qingming to Huangquan, even without the aid of water polo. Can also be global.

Before, Xi Tong was afraid of the dangers of Fuxi's body, and he did not dare to plunder, but now, Fuxi's everything looks like a palm-view pattern, without any concealment.

In this way, Xi Tong is naturally not polite. When his mind moves, Fu Xi's strongest reliance is deprived, and Xi Tong also becomes a pure Pangu god.

Xi Tong turned to Chonglou and Zixuan, and found that there was a little mixed atmosphere in the two of them, and they looked cracked and numb, not round.

These are all blood lines from the orcs and humans. Although most of them are fused by the essence of Pangu and the spirit of Pangu, there are still a few remnants.


It was just a thought, and the two felt light all over, as if they had unloaded the chains, and their strength skyrocketed.

At this point, Fu Xi didn't even have the strength to sit upright, but he still smiled fearlessly.

"The five spiritual beads are incomplete, and a few of them will be born at least a thousand years later. You cannot succeed."

Xi Tong chuckled, and whispered, "Three flowers gather together! Five Qi Chaoyuan!"

The space channel was opened, and the golden monkey Xiao Liu appeared immediately, and was then supported by the matrix method outlined by He Tu and Luo Shu.

Then there was Esdes. As soon as she appeared, the chill of the forest swept away instantly, and the scorching sun was a scene of winter.

Zhuge Shufu also branched out a verdant branch as his own representative, standing in a wooden position.

Nezha sensed a strong call and immediately pedaled the fire wheel to the fire position.

The last one, Xitong detective, grabbed Doudou Tamil and 12 mountain giants.

Yes, they are pure soil properties.

Pangu opened up the world. When he evolved everything, his pure energy was transformed into Shennong, Nuwa and Fuxi, and the rest of the power was transformed into the power of the Five Elements and scattered into the Six Realms.

Now, what Xitong has to do is to reunite the power of these five elements.

As for the wind spirit bead and thunder spirit bead, it is just the variation energy of wood and gold.

The formation law came into effect, the power of the Five Elements tumbling and surging, derived from the void, converging from all directions, and even transpiring from the mountains and rivers.

Fuxi's location immediately became the center of the whirlpool, but Fuxi knew that he was just lying here, and everything happened in front of him had nothing to do with him.

The power of the five elements is surging and surging, as if the water of the heavens and rivers, converges into an aura of tens of thousands of miles.

The Reiki mass collapsed while spinning, and quickly shrank into a singularity and disappeared completely.

Only Fuxi knew that they had gone to the heart of Pangu, the place where Pangu was buried, where they were born.

At this time, a dark shadow was blocked above Fuxi ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and then the second, the third ...

Ugly faces, twisted expressions, stiff movements, and strong stench.

And screaming loudly.

Tight space, depressed atmosphere, and slow but firm heartbeat.

Xi Tong looked up and immediately saw a beating heart.

Feelings that share the same root spontaneously emerge, and Xi Tong immediately understood that it was Pangu's heart.

However, the idea in Xi Tong's mind is: It's like a copy of Andersen's heart.

If it wasn't for a voice ringing in his mind, Xi Tong would have to pull his sword.

"Young man, you are here."

"You gave me a very big surprise."


How do you feel it is the bridge of the dog blood game.

"Pangu Great God? Are you waiting for me? Impossible!"

The voice said, "Where did you get that hilt?"


Xi Tong paused for a second, immediately thinking that Pangu was referring to the magic sword, and then thought that the magic sword had once fused with a fragment of a forged artifact.

And the fragment was a hilt.

With the help of Hetu and Luoshu, coupled with powerful divine thoughts, Xi Tong immediately understood the cause and effect.

"Pangu Great God, is it the person who broke the Xinxian Realm?"

The atmosphere condensed beneath the heart of Pangu, then a simple axe appeared.

It's like an ordinary coward's tool for eating.

Its axe handles are of different thicknesses, not just standard straight, but also covered with wooden clogs.

Its axe is not standard and symmetrical, and the axe blade is still covered with potholes.

It is an axe full of slots.

But its owner is Pangu.

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