Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 767: : Then show him to death

In a world without the rules of reincarnation, life is equivalent to a one-time use. After the death of the flesh, it becomes pure energy, enters the origin of the world, and regenerates a soul.

At the same time, many souls will resist reincarnation, stay in other worlds, and become unscrupulous spirits, ghosts, and ghosts.

Therefore, in the world of obscurity, there are many monsters and monsters.

With the establishment of civilization and the world of reincarnation rules, demons and ghosts will quickly disappear and gradually become smooth and orderly.

At this point, the soul, as a complete individual, alternates between materiality and nothingness, reusing it again and again.

Xi Tong initiated the power of the six reincarnation, locked on the planet Terra.

The invisible power quickly radiates, and instantly covers the planet Terra and the surrounding planets with life, encompassing all living beings, including the world tree.

As for Luo Tianyi, its integration with the will of the heavens of the world is a special existence and does not belong to the category of life.

Through the six reincarnations, Xi Tong can sense the birth, growth, decline and demise of every being, and feel that every minute and every second, the soul energy overflows from nothingness, and then passes through the material world of Planet Terra.

Just like two overlapping but not touching things, except that when the soul energy touches those gestated life, it immediately blooms a brilliant brilliance, and then the energy condenses to a point and stays in the material world.

This is the birth of the soul and the birth of life.

The planet Terra revived after a century of dying life, and all souls were born in recent years.

Therefore, in the display of the six reincarnations, all souls are like stubble full of stubble and edges, neither smooth nor round.

According to the six reincarnation, these are all newborn souls. After one reincarnation, it is 1 turn, then 2 turns, 3 turns ...

However, many soul wheels are meaningless when they reincarnate. It can even be said that 99.9999% of the soul is doing nothing.

There are very few souls who can reap every rebirth. There are ten reincarnations that all have the same or similar gains. It is unique.

Another problem is that even to reach the tenth good, the tenth wicked, and the tenth bitch, an opportunity for awakening is needed.

The accumulation of light and no explosion is equivalent to useless work.

Therefore, in order to raise the soul more effectively and give birth to more powerful overruns, all worlds have chosen the same path invariably.

Thus, a simplistic world such as the World of Fire Prison, the World of Xuanbing, the World of Kendo, the World of Machines, and the World of Powers was created.

This world only has the power of flames, or only the power of kendo. No matter what profession you choose and what path you take, you can only go down this direction.

As for "doing good deeds for the next life and doing bad deeds for the next life" is purely nonsense.

That is a manifestation of no reincarnation rules or imperfections.

It is not easy for the world to conceive a soul. It is even more difficult to conceive a powerful soul. How can it be possible to transform this difficultly cultivated soul into plants and ants.

To be a man, to be a man forever, otherwise, all his achievements will be abandoned.

Therefore, the first step in starting the six reincarnations is to label each soul as a race.

For example, the Dragon family, the next generation is still the Dragon family, after a number of reincarnation, an opportunity will eventually awaken different abilities.

Life is short, and most of the time is spent on survival. Very little time is really spent learning and thinking.

However, every life has accumulated a little bit, after all, they will gather in sand to form a tower, dripping through the rocks.

It's like a book. There is no age, and each page is written with four words of righteousness and morality. When you look at it in the middle of the night, you can see the words in the seam. eat human!

When countless pieces of information are put together in a disorderly and disorderly manner, there are always some strange words and paragraphs that happen to pile up-this is the origin of the inspiration.

As a result, Xi Tong began to set six reincarnation.

The first is to screen out souls and worthless dregs.

Needless to say those souls with incomplete souls, even if the reincarnation is successful, the life born will be muddled, not even the beast.

All such defective products must be eliminated, so as not to waste the opportunity of reincarnation.

Even those intact souls depend on their sexuality with each race.

The complete soul has no garbage, only the possibility of being placed in the wrong position, such as the lady ladies and the big eagle loli, are all flaws and errors in the cycle.

Souls who are not very sexual will change races and continue their reincarnation until they find their place.

If all species have revolved around and haven't found their place, it means that the adaptability to it is not strong, or the species it adapts to has not yet been born.

If it is other worlds, you can only let it flow when you encounter this soul.

But Xitong is different.

He has mastered many worlds, especially the matrix world, more than 3,000 planets, more than billions of species, and the birth of more than 3,000 world trees, the species will only become more and more complicated.

Immediately, Xi Tong turned to the world of fairy swords.

The six reincarnations originally controlled the reincarnation in the Six Realms, and the settings in them were all left by Pangu, as many as stars and vast as smoke.

Xi Tong knows that all of these are experiences passed down by the eternal world. Even if many of them are not available now, they will come in handy sooner or later.

Use for reference and plagiarism.

Soon, Xitong set the rules of the reincarnation of Terra's planet. The next step is to put it into use and let time to verify.

Turn to the world of cutting red pupils.

Xi Tong found that the rules of reincarnation have been born in this world.

Although it has conquered the world, it has not yet conquered the artifacts of the world. Therefore, the power of the six reincarnations cannot enter the fair and square ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The same is true of the earth.

Not to mention the Titan Continent.

Although the matrix world also gave birth to its own reincarnation rules, it did not resist the transformation of the six reincarnations. Xi Tong immediately controlled the reincarnation of more than 3,000 planets.

If the tenth lazy man can also be regarded as a kind of practice, there are definitely many masters in the matrix world, and the strong ones are like clouds.

It is a pity that the ultimate result of the tenth lazy people is to destroy themselves and their homes.

Fortunately, the creatures of the matrix world have been indulging in the game world for hundreds of years, and they have been playing various games all the time in life.

Because of their weakness, their average lifespan is not very long, they often hang up in their thirties, and they have more cycles and faster speeds.

For example, Qi Yu chooses the boxer profession every time he plays a game, and when he adds a bit, he chooses pure force without exception.

His favorite way of fighting is to solve the enemy with one punch, epitaph-no enemy can not be solved with one punch, if there is, then die for him.

He is a very savvy person. The accumulation of reincarnation repeatedly broke out and opened the door to gene mutation.

Consciousness determines matter-this may be the origin of genetic mutation.

After the resurgence of the earth's aura, human beings appeared with strange and strange abilities, which Xitong did not understand in the past, but now he finally realized.

Birds and beasts have become taller and stronger, and they can be regarded as developing in a good direction, but human beings are developing in a bad direction.

Investigating its roots, the resurgence of Aura has caused changes in the power of reincarnation, amplifying certain factors in the human soul.

It's like a torrential downpour. When the rain flows, the first thing that rises is always dross and waste-unless it's spotless and clean.

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