Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 768: : Refueling Gun and Fuel Pipe

[Thanks for the rift rain shadow cloud rewards, has been owed no change, it is time to start repayment, recalculate it, 1/12]

Although the power of the six reincarnations cannot enter the earth and cut the red pupil world, Xi Tong waved to open the space channel and summoned all the people under his control to the planet Terra, where he marked the six reincarnation.

In this way, these people are equivalent to having the ability to immortalize their souls. Even if they are irresistible, they can reshape their bodies and regenerate on the planet Terra.

So Xi Tong gave Luo Tianyi a new instruction.

When the labeled creature dies, the water polo immediately takes a genetic sample of the creature, and at the same time, the water polo regularly stores a genetic sample of the creature.

In this way, it is equivalent to a node with two read files.

However, very few people can enjoy this kind of VIP treatment, and each one is able to mix the role names in this book.

Xi Tong flipped through these people's reincarnation information with curiosity.


In the last life, the savages of the far north, males of the same sex, the greatest memory of this life was digging ice into the sea and hunting sharks by hand.

The last generation was an alien from the northern empire, a male of gender. The deepest memory of this life is the technique of hunting bears in the snowy forest.

The last and last generations are also aliens of the northern Empire, males of gender, the largest memory of this world on icefield fox hunters.

Throughout the tenth and twentieth centuries, they all survived alone and grew up arrogantly in the snow and ice, and their lives were full of hunting skills and conquering instincts.

It can be seen that every strength of Esdes is the accumulation of her previous life, which is the credit for her previous life full of scars.

She is typical of growing up from small to large, and transforming from weak to strong. Compared to her affinity for the ability to freeze, her most precious thing is her fortitude and forge ahead imprinted on her soul.

Longyang-the last life of the flying canopy, the biggest memory of this life is fighting.

Then, it's gone.

Nezha did not have a previous life directly, he was a newborn soul.

When he was born, he was so strong, his affinity for the flames was so high, and his understanding of the battle was so fast. Even if he exhausted all the power of the world, he needed a long wait and nourishment.

At least, the six reincarnations cannot create a soul of this level. They can only wait for the rabbit to try their luck and wait for the power of the soul to come from nothing.

Talent is talent, growth is growth.

Without Xitong's investment without cost, without the unreserved grinding of heavy buildings, and without the support of Jinwu's soul without cost, no matter how genius it is, it would not be possible to grow to today's height.

The biggest function of the six reincarnations is discrimination.

Sorting out pearls and sands allows Xitong to bet limited resources on valuable seeds, take the elite route, and cultivate the superpowers as fast as possible.

At this time, Luo Tianyi said:

"His Excellency, can you bless the power of the six reincarnation into the space of the Lord God?"

Xi Tong shook his head, "The NPC intelligent programs in the main **** space are not the real souls. The six reincarnations have no effect on them."

With that said, Xi Tong's fingertips trembled.

They are not real souls, so let them, ah, why such a simple question, never thought of it.

Xi Tong would not have been able to do this kind of thing in the past, but now he feels he can give it a try.

Nuwa's creation of people is not an ability, but an artifact of creation, but this artifact of creation is not an entity, but the existence of similar skills.

The son-in-law's passing on the creation experience to Xitong before his end of life is actually the inheritance of skills and the transfer of artifacts.

The heart of Pangu unlocked the limitation of this artifact, allowing Xitong to use it freely.


Animate non-living objects.

Not only can life be born, it can also make it span a long evolution and become a complete life.

For example, the clay figurine makes its birth life just to have a soul and become a monster, which is essentially a mud.

To become a complete life is to have the ability to survive, such as ingesting energy, growing up, repairing wounds, and breeding offspring ...

So that the creation can survive, rather than being starved to death or suffocated by urine.

At the heart of Pangu, Xi Tong received a seemingly irrelevant message with extraordinary significance.

In the world of the eternal level, there is a special world in which all life is cold steel, all of them are given life by a creation artifact called Tinder.

Pan Gu's heart only heard about it, but Xi Tong was deeply in his heart, because he knew that if nothing happened, it was the world of Cybertron, the world of Transformers.

I didn't expect it to be a timeless world.

Not to mention, the ability to point and Tinder is the same category, but it is far worse than Tinder.

But even that is enough.

Because Xi Tong does not want to turn Tie Yanyan into a precise machine, but to make intelligent programs in the virtual world a complete life.

The blue light illuminates, and the Terrac energy chip projects a delicate light screen. The screen shows exactly the world of heaven and music that Luo Tianyi just created.

Xitong explored his hand, and Yan Lingji immediately saw a huge palm lowered in the sky ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then, the program was wrong, and Alice fell into a down state ...

Xi Tong pinched Yan Lingji, who had very few clothes, like a chess piece. When he returned, there was already a villain of seven or eight centimeters on his palm.

Based on past experience with pinch fairies, such villains will quickly weather without leaving any traces.

But today is different.


Point your finger on Yan Lingji's head.

Through the power of the six reincarnations, Xi Tong saw that the power of the soul traveling through the void was like finding a fulcrum, striking a brilliant spark against the real world.

Soon, a complete soul was condensed under the fingertips, and Yan Lingji also got rid of the intelligent program and became a real life.

As soon as the palm was sent, the villain immediately hit the screen fluttering, as if little stones were thrown in the pond, ripples on the water surface, and ripples.

On the screen, Yan Lingji opened his eyes in confusion, starting the third consecutive philosophy.

She vaguely remembered that she had just seen a big hand falling from the sky. For some reason, Yan Lingji felt that hand was bigger than the sky.

Seems to cover the sky with one hand.

So Yan Lingji gave it a name in his heart—the hand that covered the sky.

Luo Tianyi cheered and jumped, and then curiously studied Yan Lingji, wanting to know what had changed on her, and how it was different from before.

Xi Tong is in deep shock.

"Does this work?"

"Is it fair to fight with fairies is the only way to create life?"

This idea just came up, and Xi Tong thought of Tinder, and thought of Cybertron.

Is there a goblin fight in the world of Transformers?

They didn't have a refueling gun, an oil pipeline, or an exhaust pipe. Didn't they all create life?

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