Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 778: : Take a look at Thor


Frost Fortress?

QR code?

Tamil paused for a second, then immediately opened the system mall and looked for three new products.

Bloodline of the Ice: E-level bloodline, change to the body of the ice after use, greatly increase the resistance of the ice attribute, strengthen the ice attribute slightly, and have the ability to survive freely in the snow.

[Systematic review: exclusive for cold-blooded animals]

It is a familiar taste, although not very pleasing, but it hits the spot.

Beneath the bloodline of ice, Tamil saw the word [evolvable]-this is a bloodline that can be continuously improved and broken.

After living in the ice and snow for a long time and absorbing the cold power of the outside world, after reaching a certain level, you can use special medicine to make the blood veins evolve.

After evolution, you will lose the bloodline of ice and gain a new ability-Bingmo.

This is the seed of energy separated by the demons, similar to the kind of fire and the heart.

Once you have the Apparition, you can make ice and control it as much as Esdes.

With the continuous improvement of the level of ice spirits, the power of making ice will be less and less, the speed will be faster, the strength of ice cubes will be greater, and many special abilities will be unlocked.

You can even master Esdes's big trick at the bottom of the box-Capricorn Temo.


Tamil drooled.

He thought back carefully, wasn't this Esdes the blue-haired woman who was in the position with him?

She turned out to be so powerful, and used the ability to make goods to sell in her own mall.

Tamil sighed in disgrace.

I don't know when my ability can be made into a commodity and sold to others.

Alas, what special ability do you have?


Not to mention, all the personnel who are going northward will be issued with a bloodline of ice, which can not only solve the problem of survival, but also slightly improve their strength.

If you're lucky, the bloodline of ice is also transformed into an apparition, with a ticket to the peak.

Ice Citadel: Made of special materials, blessed with magical powers to form enchantments, and the internal temperature is constant like spring. The deluxe version is available, equipped with sun and moon light X1, hot spring X2, garden X4, and vegetable garden X8. Can accommodate 100 people.

Looking at the description of the ice fortress and looking back at the Iron Castle (stainless steel basin), Tamil felt that the latter could be torn.

The price of 100,000 is not expensive, it is too cheap, so cheap that Tamil thought the system found it.

Is preparing to send the people northward to open up the territory to expand the soil, the ice fortress is too coincident.

A fortress is equal to a nail. Thousands of fortresses are scattered to the extreme north, which can form a line of defense similar to the Great Wall.

Buy it, buy it even if you sell it.

As for the QR code feature, Tamil has long been eager.

He often uses Fantong takeaway to order food, and naturally knows that this function is powerful, and a light shines down, forming a special pattern, and transporting items through the pattern.

This means that in the future Tamil will be able to transport supplies across thousands of miles.

For example, the food, medicaments, and weapons required by the expedition in the extreme north, and the military supplies of many ice fortresses in northern Xinjiang.

In addition, the city can be built on the periphery of the ice fortress to absorb the local indigenous life, forming a small town or even a city.

At that time, the ice fortress will become the city's main house, the city hall, and as the center of power, govern everything around it.

Tamil believes that no indigenous people can refuse the temptation to live around the ice fortress.

Just like on the plateau when winter comes, the barbarians who can't live will find small and medium-sized tribes and volunteer to become their coolies or even slaves.

More often, rich tribes have limited rations and can't feed too many people. They can only watch as the savage savages leave and never return.

Just because they can't live, and they can't survive the harsh winter, barbarians will go south in droves to plunder food and supplies in the civilized world.

In the extreme north, the property is even scarcer, the winters are longer and colder, and the indigenous people there must have been harder and harder than the barbarians.

Just giving a bite of hot rice and a pot of hot water can inspire many native students to Ended.

If you can give them a winter coat and a bedding, they will worship you.

After gathering the population, give them masonry and timber, and let them build their own cottages around the ice fortress. They will surely guard this place and dedicate all their loyalty.

If they preach to them at this time, they will surely become fanatical believers.

Well, the premise is that the barbarian's knife is good enough and the soldiers are enough. Otherwise, these poor and crazy people will definitely choose to plunder.

No way, savages like to do it like this, they wo n’t talk to you when they can beat you, let alone listen to you.

Seeing Tamil learn to think and try to make overall plans, Xi Tong was relieved.

But less than three seconds handsome, Tamil opened the chip and threw everything to Eve.

At this point, Xi Tong has already designed an upgraded version of the Ice Fortress-Ice Fortress.

More space, more facilities such as sunshine, hot springs, gardens, vegetable fields, etc. Chicken cages and animal pens have also been added.

The main material of the fortress is the high-tech of the Atlantis world, which can withstand the heavy pressure, severe cold, and corrosion of the 10,000 meters deep sea. The environment in the extreme north and even the night is simply pediatrics.

In addition, the main body of the fortress has a vibrating gold interlayer, which can block the invasion and infiltration of the external cold, prevent the internal heat loss and dissipation, and have many magic charms to enhance many attributes of the fortress.

Although it is just a gadget, the technology content is really not low, and the tricks in river charts and Luoshu are also added.

Follow the five elements of yin and yang to regulate the environment of the small world inside the fortress. The five elements are inextricably linked and endless, which not only makes the vegetation flourish and the animals are fattened ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but also has the effects of strengthening the body and curing diseases.

However, after seeing Tamil's uncarved appearance, Xi Tong was angry.

Keep it temporarily, and don't give it to him for throwing ashes in the warehouse.

At this time, the system said weakly: "Master, Tamil waved his army south, preparing to besiege a Thor's stronghold."

Xi Tong secretly said in his heart: It turned out that he was going to strike thunder god.

If he can win the stronghold and capture a Thor's Hammer, he will be given this fort as a reward.

Idle is idle, just take a look.

So, Xi Tong lay down on the rattan chair, leaning Erlang's legs, holding a straw to **** the juice, watching the drama from God's perspective.

In vision, Tamil led a 10,000-team rapid march, with the Dragonhawk Cavaliers ahead, both a scout and a guide to observe the direction of the wind.

After all, the air flow in the sky is turbulent and the directions are intricate. The first minute was still following the wind, and the next second became a strong wind.

At this time, if you raise or lower it a little, and you can travel fast with the wind, you will reduce your physical exertion and speed up your march.

This is the skill that the dragon and eagle knights gradually explored in the battle.

Behind, Tamil stood proudly in the air fortress, looking at the rolling mist in front of him, wondering what he was thinking.

Behind him are barbarians, human magicians and so on.

Around the air fortress is a circle of Kirov airboats, and then outwards are the dragon knights and griffin knights serving as guards.

When he was about to reach his destination, the dragon and eagle knight began to release the talents of the mount, wrapped the army with clouds and mist, and appeared on a noble's territory unconsciously.

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