Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 779: : Mutu leader worry

[Thanks for the rift rain shadow cloud reward, plus 4/12]

After the Caucasians went south, their lives were covered with charcoal, and they were filled with grief.

The southern civilized world united against the Caucasus, just as the wills of the gods came, even if the Caucasus had the strength of the beast god, they would no longer have the sharp offensive of the mercury diarrhea.

However, it is still very advantageous. The poor, the white, and the highly mobile Caucasus have unique advantages when they fight against the farming-oriented countries and city-states in the civilized world.

However, the expansion was frustrated, and the Caucasians could only spend their time carefully. In order to obtain more resources, many tribes were too noisy.

The territory is too big, and the ambitions of the major tribes that have expanded their power have begun to expand, and they have the idea of ​​independence.

Anyway, the Caucasians are not a whole, you are your king, I am my chief, and no one interferes.

As a result, the originally large Caucasian was divided into four branches, each of which elected his own leader and established his own country.

Mutu of the White Wolf Tribe is one of them.

Relying on the prestige brought by the white wolf of the beast, Mutu attracted many small and medium tribes, taking the advantages of the size, speed and strength of the descendants of the blood of the beast as bait, tightly binding these small and small tribes to their chariots.

Who dares to have two hearts? In the coming year, the beasts will not ride your bitches, and you will wait for the horses in the tribe to degenerate and decline in strength.

Besides, Mutu has long secretly trusted in the main **** of the system. It is Tamil's **** puppet. He wants money for money and equipment for the equipment. The Death Warsong Mercenary Regiment made a direct makeover and became a killer group, helping Mutu to eliminate aliens. .

It is also because of the accumulation of many resources that Mutu can stand out from the many Caucasian tribal leaders and become one of the four major forces.

However, Mutu also has his own troubles.

After gaining the favor of God in the civilized world, the strength has also skyrocketed. The Cavaliers of the lords can not help but double their combat strength. In the past, those adventurers and mercenaries who had scattered soldiers have also improved qualitatively.

The dog cavalry who went out to fight the autumn wind was damaged almost every day, and one team would be destroyed every three minutes.

Although they are all piecemeal, but the accumulation of less is more, how can a Caucasian with a sparse population tolerate such a bloodletting tactic.

Dogs have a strong breeding ability. They can produce eight, nine, or a dozen in a litter, but people cannot. No matter how good the land is, they can't find a powerful stallion like a beast.

In particular, many countries in the civilized world have issued announcements. Any mercenary group or adventure group can carry it on their own, attack the Caucasians, and use human heads and dog heads in exchange for bounty.

At the same time, the teams and individuals who defeated the Caucasians had legal rights to the lost land that was recovered, and this right was recognized and protected by the gods.

A notice that instantly pulls millions of soldiers, and it is still the kind of money.

Although no one knows that capturing the city from the Caucasus is not realistic, one must have a dream.

Owning a city as a resident is the dream of all mercenary regiments.

There are several empires in the civilized world that started from the mercenary regiment and gradually grew stronger.

Being an emperor was not the only way to rebel.

So Mutu's nightmare came.

An extremely well-equipped and very powerful mercenary group followed him, hovering on his ground like a hyena.

At the beginning, they only dared to attack the teams that went out to fight the autumn wind, and they gradually became bold and attacked some villages with weak defenses.

Recently, they gathered many colleagues, gathered 5,000 men and horses, and prepared to attack the city.

With constant contact, Mutu also learned a lot about them.

For example, they are all infantry soldiers, but they are more mobile than the Caucasus cavalry, and they can easily get rid of the pursuit and hide into the mountains and forests every time.

Moreover, they have a strange power that can hide the breath, making the Caucasian dog unable to track the breath.

In the end, there were not many of them. There were only three or fifty in total. However, the quality of the individual soldiers was very strong. The traces on the battlefield showed that one of them used a hammer to bring the Caucasian cavalry with a dog from head to spine. A smash into a smash.

Just like stepping on a can and transforming it from a three-dimensional item into a two-dimensional item, the power is comparable to two-way foil.

"Dididi ..."

Upon hearing this familiar voice, Mutu immediately went into a daze.

After reading the information displayed in the Terra Stone chip, Mutu was not good.

Your Majesty the King, come to my territory to catch people. Although you are catching my confidant, but you are so swayed, what should I do to you?

Is it possible to watch you come and watch you go again? Can't I pass it later?

I'm undercover. Even if I become a big leader or chief, it's still undercover and I can't reveal my identity!

Although the gods joined forces to hang the thunder god, there is one force that is not in the union of gods, that is, the Caucasians and the beast gods they believe in.

Therefore, the Caucasians and the Titan Kingdom remain hostile.

"What nonsense, order Qi Bingma and kill me."

"You don't have to hide your identity anymore. From now on, you can illuminate the banner and believe in the **** of the system ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Mutu has the urge to cry instantly.

It ’s still the **** of the system. Do n’t give believers a stitch and a line, and often give them benefits.

Look at Her Majesty's ship, then look at his mount ... Well, it seems that his mount was also given by His Majesty the King.

Anyway, done!

So, he took out a bone-white horn with a spiral pattern, drew up his cheeks and blew up at his mouth.

Watching the coordinate positioning sent by His Majesty the King, Mutu waved his sword, rushed ... rushed ... to rush up to surround the castle.

Just like hunting, the soldiers drove out the wilds in the mountains and forests, so that they gathered in a small area for the kings and nobles to shoot.

Mutu did much the same today.

He knew that his strength was not fart compared with his master. He was reassured that he rushed forward, not only could it not help him, it might also become a burden.

At this time, the northern clouds rolled.

Mutu knew immediately that his master had arrived.

Looking at the rolling range of the clouds, there are definitely a lot of teams coming this time.


The smoke disappeared, and the mist created by the Dragon Eagle Knight dissipated instantly, revealing the true content of the air flying formation.

Seeing this luxurious lineup, Mutu was startled.

Such a powerful firepower is more than enough to destroy a country. Is it worth it to deal with a mercenary regiment without a station?

However, Tamil feels worth it!

Because this is the kind of thunder believer who has inherited, there must be something good on him.

Everyone likes good things, even if they do n’t need them, it ’s not bad to sacrifice to the system god.

So, Tamil looked at the dilapidated castle below, then raised his palm high and chopped it down.

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